Development Of Beauty Salon Services

What is a beauty salon? A beauty salon is an establishment providing men and women with services to improve their beauty, such as hairdressing, manicuring, facial treatment and massage. They are also known as beauty parlor and beauty shop. You might assume that beauty salon is barber salon are the same, but that’s not true. Barber salon mostly deals with hairdressing and cutting, while a beauty salon deals with body and face treatments.

The concept of beauty salons started back in the days of ancient civilization, where people mostly of upper class loved to set up fashion trends for thousands of years. Although through the ages, hairstyles, cuts and trends have changed a thousand times but some things like women wearing wigs, coloring hair are not new, and are still practiced. Back then, beauty salons were the places where wigs were being made and ordered. Rich and noble people had their beauty salons in their palaces.

Ever since then, the concept of beauty salon is constantly evolving and people have become accustomed to having hair styled to them throughout the years. Though, today beauty salon does not only offer different hair styling, but a number of other services such as perms, massage, waxing, tanning, facial treatments, pedicure, manicure and many more.


Beauty industry is now a multinational and million dollar business. The services within the beauty industry have widely changed, as now beauty salons are not places where simply you have your hair cut and get your nails done, but also emphasize to refine and polish the inner beauty through physical and spiritual therapy.

It is not just the beauty salons and beauty shops that come under the heading of beauty industry but sales of cosmetics, perfumes and products for hair and skin care synthesize it. While beauty shops and salons are mere the service sector of this industry. In addition, some economists include cosmetic surgery and health club in this market.

Beauty matters most, to most of the people in this world and so from ages the beauty industry is providing and innovating its services in order to satisfy the needs of its customers. According to the business analyst, the best selling beauty products are that clean and beautify hair. But today beauticians believed that beauty and health are interlinked, and so that is how the idea of spas and health care centers came under this heading.

Queen Elizabeth was the main female icon and set the trends in the 16th century. Beauty was limited to the appearance only, where a little of face powder, glowing cheeks and red glossy lips had done it all. People used to bleach their hair using either saffron or onion skins. It used to take immense of hard work and contrary styling techniques to make a person look beautiful and presentable to attend some event. But with the ace of time and development of

technology, beauty industry has also been able to advance itself by inventing artistry equipments and researching in the biological and chemical sciences which offer more sophisticated, high-performance skin care products, all in the quest for beauty.

Women used to risk their life with many of their homemade cosmetics. They used burnt matches to darken their eyes, berries to stain their lips, and even used young boy’s urine to get rid of their freckles. They even used lead, mercury and even leeches to give them pale appearance. Thankfully, beauty industry has come a long way from using toxic and hazardous mixtures, and has advanced scientifically for providing a vast range to enhance our looks.

Previously, people had limited hair dressing and hair treatment techniques, but more and more are developed in the market. These do not only require temporary techniques but also a permanent makeover of a person. From wigs and temporary hair styling; permanent waving, perms, tinting and coloring gave women a wide range of choices to satisfy their demands. Beauty salons promoted its facilities and equipments. Hair irons were introduced which helped to change the arrangement of the hair with the help of the heat, it is an easy an effective way of styling your hair and does not require the traditional wash, set and dry procedure. Hair lotions and chemicals were also used to straighten hair, but hair iron proved to be an easier and sound method, causing less damage and dryness. Apart from that, hair

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extensions and hair transplants revived the idea of hair loss problem. The discovery of hair transplantation blew away the fear of getting bald from many people; men and women equally. This technology later promoted to laser hair transplants which is a “high-tech” way of restoring hair fall.

The desire to be beautiful intensifies with time and so the passion of expanding the industry familiarized us with the words such as tummy tuck, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, breast lift, and breast reduction. These surgeries became common to the rich and famous people who wished to change their beauty. At first cosmetic surgery was rare, and was developed in response to the birth disfigurement and deformities caused by wars but now cosmetic surgery is a huge part of beauty industry, and is available with wide variety of procedures.

However, for many years, people have always associated bronze tan look with health and beauty. In ancient times people used lead paints and chalk to whiten their skin, which proved to be disastrous and had long term effects. The craze of tan continued and so tanning crèmes, and dyes came in the market. By the seventies, eighties and nineties, the industry was able to build and maintain a proper tan. Tanning beds and booths have shortened tanning session times, and sunless have provided quick and easy alternative to ultraviolet lights.

Everyone is now aware of the word “spa”. Well spa actually means a mineral spring or a locality where springs exist, and that is the core aim and concept of the beauty spas present around the world. It redefines the definition of beauty in the present world. In the past years, the idea that inner beauty lies within has gained its attention and so people are more attracted in seeking the cure for tiredness and disease to attain impeccable beauty. It blends with the ancient traditions of natural healing through herbal baths, massage, meditation, respect for nature and the desire to achieve physical and mental well being, the key to maintaining health and beauty.


Beauty industry has become a billion dollar global industry, encompassing skin and hair care, cosmetic surgery, health clubs and diet pills. Americans are found to spend more on beauty than on education every year. In the modern world, the perception of beauty has changed to many people. It is observed that a woman’s attractiveness ranks her to be the on the top in a man’s list. It wouldn’t be wrong if we say that this is the era of the “survival of the prettiest”. Beauty therapy is in fact perceived as a necessity. People are judged on the basis of their attractiveness and are expected to be better in different fields of their lives. “Restore and renew” is the policy of beauty industry, where it not only helps to restore and renew the appearance of a person, but builds up equidistant confidence and ravishing personality.

Beauty industry has been a rapid development, as it is accounted for improving the living standards of the people. In this fast-paced lifestyle, people have realized the need of spending their money and time on themselves, and to improve their appearance. People like to look and feel their best. Beauty salon, spas and beauty industries have become an antidote of all the frustrations, tensions and controversies. The spa industry is the fourth largest leisure industry in the United States as there are about 3.32 million active spa-goers in the U.S.

Anti-aging services are also being in demand. The population of the world is growing, and so people wish to live a longer life, with a healthier and younger look. .Some of the devices that are invented to solve the problem of aging is microdermabrasion machines. This is used by many beauty salons to get rid of facial line and wrinkles. The percentage of anti-aging consumers is increasing, thereby anti-aging products and services rises. Although people now prefer to look younger for a certain period of time, rather than a permanent anti-aging treatment; as they find them to be a safer choice. Difficult reconstructive procedures happen to be more risky and dangerous. Statistics show that in 1900, about 25% of the United States population lived past the age of 60year who availed the service of anti-aging. People also suffered various skin diseases and the problem of obesity. While due to the amplifying demand of anti-aging, anti-aging industry has become a multibillion dollar industry.

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On the other hand, the development of tanning industry has become imperative. The first tanning bed was introduced by a German company, Heraeus; to help patients with the deficiency of vitamin D. Later, these tanning beds were modified to help athletes with the possible effects and potential benefits of sunlight. His subjects were having a tan as a side-effect, resulted the idea of tan which was a million dollar achievement to the beauty industry. Tanning beds continued to evolve in order to maximize its advantages and minimize its harmful effects. Automated timers, safety goggles and other safety precautions have helped the tanning industry to avail the facility of tanning beds. There are several other ways to get a quick and safer tan. Bronzer is basically a lotion, cream or powder which gives a temporary tan look and easily washes away with the help of water. Tanning accelerators, tanning salons and tanning lamps gives a comparatively better and appeasing tan.

The craze of tan look among the youth compelled the tanning industry to innovate safer and productive alternatives. Airbrush spray tanning systems and solutions seemed more promising. Airbrush spray tanning is regarded as healthier and safer alternative to UV tanning as it doesn’t damage the skin as the long term exposure to UV rays does.

The beauty industry is expanding extensively, generating 5 billion dollars in the year 2007. Worldwide it is considered as most influential industry as it does not only captures a certain

number of people, but aggregates the whole economy of the world. The awareness of fashion and the need of following it have lead to the advancement of beauty industry. Media plays a vital role in broadening the minds of people and persuading them to concentrate on themselves as well. Previously, media was the ultimate source of information and entertainment, but now the extend of its utilization have annexed. Having time for oneself for relaxation and enhancement of personality have been prioritized as a basic and essential need of every person. The desire of spiritual and physical therapy does not limit to rich and elite class of a nation, as it was labeled in the ancient ages; but now accessible and affordable to every common person.

Film industry, fashion industry and beauty industry go hand in hand. Technology has benefitted the world with many choices. The film industry consists of the technological and commercial institutions of filmmaking: i.e. film production companies, film studios, cinematography, film production, screenwriting, pre-production, post production, film festivals, distribution; and actors, film directors and other film personnel. Every one of us wishes to live the lives of celebrities and not only do we talk like them but most of us also dress like them, walk like them, perhaps maybe even eat like them but we have also begun to behave like them.

Fake-tan is the fastest growing area of cosmetics, which is largely promoted by celebrities; while others have followed them. Internationally known and popular celebrities such as Peter

Andre, Donatella Versace, Jordan and Bechkam; are celebrities who are idealized and admired by millions of their fans. And so, people tend to follow their steps without even considering the side effects of fake tan. Youth have become obsessed with fake tan. Teens say the trend was spawned by their favorite celebs: Britney Spears, J-Lo, Jennifer Aniston, Aguilera and model Gisele Bundchen, all as brown as roasted coffee beans. They have this assumption that all pretty and popular people are tan, and so in order to clinch their dreams, they go fan a tan. A national survey of 10,000 teenagers last year found 89 percent of girls and 78 percent of boys actively pursue a tan. Among 17-year-old girls, 35 percent reported using tanning beds in the past year.

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Today in the ace of global recession, the question arises whether this industry is still relevant? Or whether brands are as necessary as they used to be? Well the beauty industry is extremely dynamic and diverse. The market is entering a bizarre period of prosperity, market competition is extremely fierce and cosmetics industry knows how to promote to its next level. Pure cosmetics products have a great room for development as most of the women now understand the side effects of dangerous and life threatening procedures.

Over the past ten years, tanning industry is providing its guests with the most advanced technology. Continuously updating and presenting fake-tan equipment and products, this industry have maintained the same level of enthusiasm among its fans. Future guidelines will ensure cleanliness in the industry, labor standards and quality controls. These regulations will ensure that indoor tanners receive only the best in indoor tanning services, as well as the proper education to allow them to make informed decisions on indoor tanning.

Peacock tanning systems audits the future of tanning industry as it provides a superior alternative to traditional indoor tanning beds. They are perfect for commercial use and ideal for the home, exhibiting better results in less time and space. Peacock tanning systems cooperates with the medical companies and guarantees high level of safety and healthy tans. They are in fact the future of tanning industry, pushing the technology envelope in the development of the industry’s foremost ultraviolet lighting systems, constantly striving to harness the power of the sun more powerfully, more safely, and more efficiently.

Some analysts also assume that tanning spas are the future of tanning industry. It features the Mystic tanning sunless system for people who suffer from UV intolerance or sensitive skin. With the help of new Magne tan technology, your body can get a perfect tan in couple of seconds which lasts for days. Aloe Vera helps to deepen DHA into the skin which not only softens and smoothens the skin but also helps to remove wrinkles. Even celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, and Christina Aguilera have been spotted using the Mystic for that fabulous mystic glow!

Despite of the harmful effects of fake tan, tanning industry is heating up and is anticipated to have more developments in the future. Rick Maffezzoli, owner of The Tan Co. on York Road in Towson said: “The industry now is sort of where gyms and health clubs were about 10 years ago,” “In many ways, the industry is still in the mom-and-pop stage.” According to Washington-based tanning association, there are about 30 million people who avails indoor tanning facilities each year and the industry as a whole creates 5 billion dollars annually.

The indoor tanning association, founded in 1999; has been controlling and managing the tanning industry for years. It represents thousands of distributers, faculty owners, manufacturers and members to support this industry. It has protected the industry from any kind of criticism, and has played a major role in protecting and appreciating the inventions to contribute to this industry. The professional indoor tanning industry employs more than 140,000 people while promoting a responsible message about moderate tanning and sunburn prevention. Whether it is the crisis of skin diseases, skin cancer, aging problem, and other long term harms; indoor tanning association has been authoritative to take a stand and come up with its best outcome. And so, if the association continues to support and advance the tanning industry with its utter dedication and commitment, then the industry will accomplish to improve its services and deliver paramount products to its customers.

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