Differences Between Groups And Teams

It is often remarked that groups are everywhere, whether in our social lives, our work lives, or even our families. In each of these situations, sets of individuals decide to work collectively to achieve particular goals. However, every time a group are everywhere and we participate in them constantly, we try to understand them very well.

Differences between groups and teams:

Groups: when we want productive and profitable groups working in together, and then concentrate on the following.

Managing the task ensuring that everybody knows what the mining of the groups is and what they supposed to be contributing to it.

Managing the people that we have effective productive and positive working relationship between everyone evolved, their profession, occupation, or expertise.

Managing communication between everyone involved managing communication between work groups, discipline and occupation.

Teams: A teams offer and easy way to tap into the knowledge and resources of all employees’ not just supervisors and manager to do the work of the organisation and deliver its goal. And we all have reasons (or excuses) that explain such failures. A team is two or more people who work together to achieve a common goal (P. Richard et.al 2011).

For example if we see this table:

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1.2 The practical implications of differences between groups and teams for the manager:

People don’t leave jobs, they leave managers. The person in charge of you is the most important part of anyone’s job or work and now is not the time to put our head down.

What managers need to do is take the initiative and open up lines of communication- rebuilding the relationship with staff. we needs to talk about what is happening in the businesses, what opportunities there are and how we aspect things to change in future. Remember a lot of people who think about leaving don’t necessarily go by (City AM 30-12-2010).

A manager finally do make sure that the style of management leadership is itself participative positive and supportive. No point lies in creating works groups and expecting them to succeed if the organisation is constantly restraining and restricting the capability of those groups to operate to their full potential. Managing individuals to ensure that everyone gets the best possible opportunity to make the contribution required.

1.3 Situation when the formation of a group and team would be necessary:

A groups or teams Purposes are additions to the curriculum such as group-work really necessary. For example when a big organisations, or company, provide meeting, conference, and seminars? A brief look at recent research findings indicates that additional opportunities for working in groups and teams are indeed very necessary.

What is a team or groups?

Here are some terms that are often used to describe a team which ones do we think define what a team or groups.

A group of people


Having one aim

Whole > Sum



Working together

Reporting to one boss

Serving one customer

When we are setting a groups or teams, the first point we need to consider is what kind of groups/teams is appropriate for the situation then we chooses. Three main kinds of teams exist.



Self Managed

Each type of them offers advantages and disadvantage depending on the specific situation, timing and the organisation needs. We need people with creative bursts of energy people who will question everything and people who will do the painstaking bits, the attention to detail progress chasing and checking and making sure that the groups or teams dose everything on time (Management for Dummies, 2011).

2. The concept of formal and informal group norms:

Norms from the basis of collective common that members of a communises have from each other. For example when we doing job or business like shaking hand after meeting or conference that is called social norms.


2.1 The definition of formal and informal norms:

Groups are as a consequence of the main point of organisation structure and arrangement for the division of work, for example the grouping together of common activates into sections. For example the bringing together of a number of people to carry out a sequence of operation on the assemble line.

Formal group norms: it just focuses to achieve specific organisation main objective and introduce with the co-ordination of work activities. The human nature of the tasks to be undertaken is a bright future of the formal group. Organisation goals are finding management and common rules relationships and norms of behaviour established.

Informal group norms: the informal structure of the organisation there will always be an informal structure. Are based more on personal relationships rules and some procedures will be agreement of group member then on defined role relationship? Group may devise are lacking in the work position, basically in industrial organisation By (Laurie j. m. (2002).

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2.2 The evolution of formal and informal group norms:

Evolution is the unifying force in modern biology, but it mains a source of misunderstanding and opposition. Start finding out why it is so important with our beginner’s guide groups in organisation. And we discover how to Groups develop their own internal structure: norms, value, statuses, and roles. They can be rigid and formal or loose and flexible. There is a The Evolution of Bureaucratization: McDonaldization, Human informal groups, human needs, Hawthorne Plant; Piece-rate vs. informal rules. By (Chiseler rate buster).

For example fallow the picture this is the evolution of human nature.


Evolution: 24 myths and misconceptions by Michael Le page 18:00 (16 April 2008)

2.3 The process of changing formal and informal norms:

A group is often reluctant to change its norms, so for change to take place, management’s their own is something not sufficiently strong to have enough influence to change norms.

Formal change: Formal tend to be closely permanent, even there may be changes in actual membership. Whatever, temporary or normally formal groups may also be created management, formal work groups it can be differentiated in a number of way, for example on the basis of membership, the task to be performed, the nature of technology, or position within the organisation structure.

Informal change: the informal leader may be chosen as the person who reflects the attitudes and a value of the member help to resolve confect, lead the groups in satisfying its goals, or liaises with management or other people outside the group. The informal group may be change according to the main particular situation facing the group get group consensuses to change, a individual change are rarely, if ever effective in changing the norms of a group.

Generate support for change.

Address as many factors as possible which will help the change.

Process for implementing norms change (Lewin’s change model)

There are 3 stages of norms.




2.4 The value of the formal and informal norms:

Norms are the written or unwritten rules of conduct on how to behave in a particular situation. And how to manage this type of situation it’s officially call norms. Value is the main opinions on what is right or wrong proper or improper important or unimportant etc.

Formal norms are norms contained in laws regulation or agreement informal norms mean the rules of conduct that everyone in a particular environment keeps to even though they have not been imposed officially By (N. H. Groenman, 1992).

The value of norms:

Counteracts anonymity

Supports small group identity

Are legitimate to group members

May not support organisation’s formal goals

Provides order

Provides standards, often implicit and enables the group to evaluate and control group behaviour.

Influences behaviour, language, dress, openness/secrecy, competitiveness, and productivity.

group development and maturity:

The cohesiveness is affected also by the process in which groups progress through the other stage of development and maturity. There are four stages,

Mutual acceptance and membership;

Communication and decision making;

Motivation and productivity;

Control and organisation.

If we see this model also identifies four or more main successive stages of group development and relationship: model by (Tuckman. 1977).






3.1 The stages of group development and maturity:

In this model we can see if we any attention is focused on the organic properties of groups these criteria can be established by which phenomena of development, learning, or movement toward maturity it can be identified. we should know the main point of view maturity for the group manes something more practise to maturity for the person.

We can say a group has reached a state of valid communication when its member are very close with armed relatively few data information of the phenomena of group development have been undertaken By (W. Warner Burke, 1956).

Stage of maturity:

Forming: forming stage if see to many consideration is given to hierarchical structure of the group, example of leadership, individual rules and responsibility, and codes of conduct. And main point is feelings are avoided, and people try to focus on being busy with routines such as team organisation. And how to exchange some personal information, make new friends, it’s also very positive.

Storming: as a group get know everyone or each other better they will put forward their more closely, openly and forcefully. The storming stage is very important because if successful, they will be discussions on reforming arrange to working and operation the group. And put more agreement on meaningful structures and procedures.

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Norming: is important to establishing the main need for member to co-operate in order to plan, and try to standard of performances and fulfil the main purpose of the group. For example that in the bank wiring room experiment of the Hawthorne studies, group norms imposed a restriction on the level of output of the worker.

Performing: at this stage the group can concentrate on the attainment of its purpose and performance of the common task is mainly to be most effective. For example a change in leadership may cause the team to revert to storming as the new people challenging the existing and dynamics of the team. by (Laurie, J Mullins, 2002).

Adjourning: a team that lasts may transcend to a transforming phase of main achievement. This stage can produce major changes in a big performance put together and is to be considered to be more far-reaching then transitional management (Tuckman, 1977).

Factor which could influence the cohesiveness of work group:

Group cohesiveness its mains a group to work well together and try to be successful in competition its goal must be some level of group cohesiveness. if we say another way like group cohesiveness is, group cohesiveness is the ‘stick togetherness’ of the group, its peanut butter. Group cohesiveness provides the bonds that hold a group together.”(Festinger-source at bottom of website)

Group cohesiveness is there is little stage I have to explain that is the most impotent.

Members’ similarity: is most common and very important which influence as if there is no similarity then it is conform group member will not hard or stick together to do work or some time they will not happy to work each and other. So similarity it doesn’t matter organisation they need to at the end of time for a good or best cohesiveness in a group work.

Group size: in group size problems arise with communication and co-ordination. Some time a large group are more difficult to control and require a higher level of supervision. If a group become too large it may split into smaller unit and friction may improve between the sub groups. Also group size is too small then group member can be problem with work overload (Laurie J Mullins (2002).

Entry difficulty: some time we got group entry difficulty problems. let say if we are 5 people in a group we working together, work so hard, so many time spend, all most work is done but at the moment someone new coming to the group then we will face to this problems. Because they don’t understand about work and if we explain again our time is west and go backward, explain everything, and also de-motivation.

Group success: if we have any success group member can be very happy and they each other to confident or finish a work with very hard. And also develop the coordination around the work platform. And group success every time can get good output and well time.

External competition and threats: member of co-operating with one another when we faced with main external threat, such as a change in their method of work or the appointment of a new manager. group cohesiveness can normally develop the time also forfeit the group or organisation (Mullen, et al 1994).

In short to summarise there are many factors which after group cohesiveness and performance this can be short summarise.

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The advantage and disadvantage of cohesiveness work group:

The group cohesiveness there is so many advantages to group cohesiveness. Here just four general benefits of having a group that ‘sticks together. If we see this model,

Advantage: The communication within the group is much more extensive. In other words, people who like each other communicate better and more frequently with each other.

Groups that are more cohesive have positive interactions with one another. People are friendlier and there is an increased feeling of the group as a whole.

A group that has a high level of group cohesiveness is much more successful in achieving their goal By (Schultz, Beatrice G 1989).

Disadvantages: a strong and cohesive group also present potential disadvantage for management the main think cohesive do not necessarily produce a higher level of output. For example as green points out When as a group fully developed and established its own culture it is more difficult to change the attitudes and behaviour of its member.

Understand management or remote:

Technology is changing our world and our workplace. Now we can immediate access to all kinds of information and quick communication by email, fax, mobile phones, and video conferencing, chatting with people make it possible for employees to seamlessly work away from the office setting.

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4.1 The advantage of a remote, displaced or virtual team:

A few managers understand how technology can become a competitive advantage for their business or organisation. Information technology can create real and dramatic completive advantage over other business in our market.

Advantage of a remote:

Saves time and travel expenses

Eliminates moving expenses

Provides access to experts

Greater flexibility in team membership

Using the internet as a marketing tool, as a part of our corporate and institutional presentation and image building.

Relation everyone in the company with each other, and with key suppliers, and distributors, outlets, customers and clients.

And providing up to date information on pricing, products and services.

Displaced or virtual team:

Without the interdependence, it is simply a workgroup, with the output the collective element that obviously differentiates a virtual team from a traditional team is the Lack of face-to-face engagements. Those that are most frequently cited in the literature include all technology, economics, diversity, human capital, and market positions.

Disadvantage of a remote displaced or virtual team:

Remote disadvantage it’s mains when if we have a bad or negatives effect. Like if I use a mobile phone with any network that is some time I need more information about my services if I call help line its take too time even they not receiving in my call. For example if I send an email in my bank they got my email but some time they don’t send any feedback so how I know they got my email or doing something for me. There is lots of disadvantage in a virtual team which I find following the under context By (W. Cascio, 2000).

High setup and maintenance costs

Loss of cost efficiencies

Loss of learning and organizational knowledge

Cultural problems and conflicts

Feelings of isolation

Lack of trust

Not suitable for many tasks

the communication and leadership skills required to manage a remote, displaced team:

Communication skills with a leadership this is one of the most important an organisation nobody can get good leadership skills without communication this skills so we have to know who have a good communication skills if we see some of leader they have good communication skills.

Essential roles in managing changing, cultural integration, retention, and direction of staff attitudes both changing the leadership structures .if they frequently assume expended roles and responsibility without adequate education, resources, or support.

If I am a manager in a modern organisation, I can find myself in a common Predicament having to manage people who do not work in the same location as we. Here are five top tips what I can immediately apply to become a more effective remote manager By (Anisha Kaul, 2006)

Change my mindset

Be there

Walk the talk

Leverage technology

Deliver value through my people

Displaced team it mains to move or shift from the usual place or position, if it’s not especially to force to leave a homeland, for example millions of refugees who were displaced by the war. And take the place of supplant. And discharge from an office or position. And move from the usual or correct location, and also Business / Industrial Relations & HR Terms to remove from office or employment, and occupy the place of replace supplant By (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 2000).


At the end we can say the managing team dynamics it is very important and to improve, learning, and practice the one managing stage and this qualification also help to our working platforms and get good result on this subject. Nowadays it is very helpful to achieve organisation goals and objective. And also managing team dynamics.

Reference /Bibliography:


1. Laurie J. M. (2002) Management and organization behaviour, sixth edition, pearson Education limited.

2. P. Richard at all (2011)(Management for Dummies,2nd Edition ,Copyright by John Wiley & sons Ltd.

3. N. H. Groenman,(1992) Social and behavioural sciences for nurses

4. W. Warner Burke, at all (1956) Organisation Change.

5. Source: Schultz, Beatrice G.; Communicating in the Small Group, Harper and Row Publishers, NY, 1989

6. Michael R. Ryan ([email protected]) Leadership and the Virtual Team

(The Encyclopaedia of E-Collaboration, 2007).

7. Cascio, Wayne F. (2000, August). Managing a Virtual Workplace. Academy of Management Executive. pp. 81-90

8. http://www.en.winbooks.org accessed at 02-10-2011 8pm

9. http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk accessed at 02-10-2011 11pm

10. http://www.umsl.edu accessed at 03-10-2011 11.30pm

11. Anisha Kaul (May 30 – 31, 2006) Furama City Centre, Singapor


12. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,(2000) Fourth Edition copyright by Houghton Mifflin Company.

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