Different Management Styles Business Essay

Introduction of study:


All professional and organizational activities in the management of people getting together to provide the desired goals and objectives to effectively use resources efficiently and to complete action. Management plan, including organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and one or for the purpose of completing the goal attempts (one or more people or a group of entities) control the organization. Resourcing deployment and human resources, financial resources, technical resources, manipulation, and natural resources are involved. 

As can be seen in the organizations systems, management of human action, including the design of a system to facilitate the production of useful results can be defined as. The scene for yourself ‘management’ opportunity opens up, a pre-requisite for the others try to manage


And according to some policies in the achievement of objectives defined by the activities of an enterprise organization coordination  

Management often machines, materials, and with the money is included as a factor of production. The management guru Peter (1909-2005) Drucker, the management of the basic work is twofold: marketing and innovation. Low efficiency of modern management practice and failures of some enterprises, the English statesman Sir Thomas More by the (1478-1535) to examine the 16th century owes its origin. As a discipline, corporate management, policy and organizing, planning, control, direction and organization of resources to achieve policy objectives are interlocking functions. 


 Directors and managers the power and responsibility to make decisions to manage an enterprise. 

Manage the size of a small organization or a person hundreds to thousands of managers in multinational companies can range. In large organizations, the Board policy which is implemented by determining the Chief Executive Officer. Some business analysts and financiers and managers of the highest quality settlement organizations to evaluate current and future value the importance of experience.


Management styles and subordinates make decisions related to the characteristic ways. Robert Tannenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt forward the idea (1958, 1973), which argues that leadership style was developed by the current situation is up, so leaders of a range of management styles, exercise and deploy them as be appropriate.




Laissez Faire

These are all the management style which has been very important for leader as well as entrepreneur. We will discuss one by one.

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Since management process is to plan, organize, lead and control, it is crucial to perform all these components within the process. In a complex business environment today, the work environment varies accordance to the situation and people behaviors. As such, you need to understand this and apply the most appropriate management style.

Autocratic style:

An autocratic style means that the manager makes decisions unilaterally, and without regard than for subordinates. As a result, the decision will reflect the opinions and the manager’s personality, this in turn is a confident, well-managed business can project an image. On the other hand, generation of leaders and subordinates may need more supervision up to be. 

There are two types of autocratic leaders:  Director dictator makes decisions unilaterally and closely supervise subordinates liberal dictator makes decisions unilaterally, but subordinates attitude in carrying out their work gives.

Paternalistic style:

Also essentially form a more paternalistic dictatorship, but the best interests of employees as well as business decisions take into account. Communication usually is down again, but to respond to management is encouraged to maintain morale. This style is most beneficial when the employee loyalty engenders, may be leading to lower labor turnover, thanks to the emphasis on social needs. An autocratic management style, lack of motivation for workers by the other hand, if a typical loyal connection between managers and those who may have managed to set up. With an autocratic style leader, becoming dependent losses such as staff, stocks. 

This would be a good example of David Brent or Michael Scott’s running business on fictional T.V show.

Democratic style:

In a Democratic style, the manager allows employees to participate in decision-making is: why everything is agreed by the majority. Communication is widespread in both directions (from subordinates to leaders and vice-versa). This style can be particularly useful when complex decisions need to be made that require a range of specialist skills can: for example, when a new ICT system should be put in place, and business for the upper management is computer illiterate. To see the work of job satisfaction and quality will improve overall business standpoint. However, the decision making process is severely slowed, and the need for a consensus “best” business can avoid making the decision. This action may be against a better choice. 

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Autocratic leaders as independent and Democratic leaders of the two types, namely directed 

Laissez-faire leadership style:

A laissez-faire style of leadership, the role of leader is the tools and staff to manage their areas of business, leadership and management tasks so that to avoid uncoordinated delegation occurs. The style is the horizontal communication, meaning the same in both directions, but communication is very small compared to other styles. Style staff was very professional and creative ideas in many cases, but it brings out the best in the group and only the result of bad management. Staff does not have the focus and sense of direction, which in turn cause more hatred and lead to poor business image.

Participative management style:

Sound a little like this style of democracy to a job or to get feedback from the employee’s participation is the way to a decision. What do you normally take your employee information and revise their decision. An interactive management style and need more time, but when a decision to which others affective, emotional aspects of getting feedback during implementation may cushion some negative effects is necessary. This management style is an element of democracy, but more intensive input from others involved. The main difference is that decisions and logical assessment of different options rather than based on the majority .


“Leadership is the process of social influence in which a person and the accomplishment of a common action in support of others can gain support” as described. More inclusive definition of followers has also emerged. Genentech that Keith Allen states “Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to create something extraordinary.” Ken “SKC” Ogbonnia According to the “effective leadership to successfully integrate and maximize available resources, organizational or social goals to achieve internal and external environment within the capability.”

The following sections a description of what is leadership and leadership styles of many popular theories and a detailed discussion of many important aspects of leadership. This article is part of the emotion and vision, as well as leadership effectiveness and performance, discussing such topics as leadership in different contexts, how it related (ie, management) concepts, and leadership as some critiques may differ from common idea which are take.


Some sit and pontificate about whether leaders are made orborn. Such arguments ignore the true leaders and leadershipqualities necessary for success in turn focuses on the development. In this article, we have five leadership traits orleadership qualities that people look for in a leader are going to discuss. If you displaying these five quality characteristics areable to increase your skills, you make it easier for people to want to follow you will. You are getting less for others to follow you to spend more time exactly where you go and how sophisticated youwant to get there will have to spend.

Five leadership traits / qualities of leadership:






These five leadership qualities demonstrated their skills strongly correlated with people’s desire to follow your lead. These elements will demonstrate confidence in his leadership. Not display these symptoms or in front of these elements with those around you to reduce the impact leadership performance.

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To do this performance, models and display these elements is important. Just keep each attribute is not enough, you can display it in a way that made people notice. People see that you actively demonstrate these leadership qualities and will not assume that you just want them. It’s enough to just not being neutral. For example, just because you will not cause people to recognize that you are honest, not dishonest. Simply reflects the inability to demonstrate competence in fact will not be the same as avoiding confidence.

Each of these five elements to focus on what people see you, they just do not see things you need to. , Not lying this extra effort is sincere performance isn’t matter of being honest.

We take an example of eagle which show the main traits of leadership.

Vision :

 All leaders must have vision. Eagle eyes can see great distances. They also directly in the sun without going blind. You, your network marketing team leader is going to be sight. You have a vision that guides the organization’s goals isto be your team. Vision and great attention should be focused. A large, vision care will produce big results.

Never eat dead meat

you see an eagle eating meat that it will never kill. An eagle is a scavenger. It hunts and kills its own food. It hunts for prey when it is warm and alive. As a leader you must go to where the action is. You hunt down where to go and live to grow the business people you know. 

Looks To & Flies Into storm: 

As a storm approaches, lesser birds head for cover, but maybe an eagle spreading its wings and with great shouts mounted on powerful updrafts, soaring to the top of glory. Eagles use the storm to lift it into place very high. Leaders use the storms (challenges), we did not run away from them. For leaders, the storm is a tool used for their development.

Very soft & caring for their young :

 Eagle known malignancy, there were no family members are more delicate birds and attention to youth. At the appropriate time, the mother eagle eaglets began teaching him how to fly. He collects the eaglet back, and spread their wings, fly high. Suddenly he swept out from under the eaglet and as it falls, gradually learning what wings are for the mother caught it once again on its wings. This process is repeated. If the young are slow to learn or a coward, he returned to the nest, and began to tear it apart, until there is nothing left to cling eaglet. Then she push him off a cliff. In short, TEACH AND TRAIN your organization! Network marketing is about duplication!

By studying eagles, you can be born with and develop leadership characteristics. Develop and use their network marketing business you will grow and become very profitable.


An entrepreneur is someone who already have a business, new business or idea and are responsible for the inherent risks and the outcome .The term. initially use Frenchand was first defined by the Irish economist RichardCantillon-French. Entrepreneur in English is a term applied to someone who is willing to start a new business or company and is fully responsible for the results. Jean-Baptiste Say, a French economist, believed to have invented the word “entrepreneur” in the 19th century – it defines an entrepreneur as “people who make company, especially contractors, acting as intermediately between capital and labor.


Entrepreneurs lead the company or organization and also show leadership qualities by selecting managerial staff. Management skills and strong team building skills of leadership are important attributes for a successful entrepreneur. Scholar Robert. B.Reichconsiders leadership, management skills, andteam-building as essential qualities of an entrepreneur. This concept has its origins in the work of Richard Cantillon in the Essay sur la Nature du Commerce en his (1755) and Jean-Baptiste Say (1803 or 1834) [note 3] in his Treatise Political Economy.

Entrepreneurs emerge from the population on demand, and become leaders because they see the opportunities that are available and well positioned to take advantage of them. An employer may feel that they are one of the few to recognize or be able to solve the problem. Joseph Schumpeter saw the entrepreneur as innovators and popularized the use of creative destruction phrase to explain his views about the role of entrepreneurs in changing business norms. Creative destruction covers the activities of entrepreneurship changes made each time the product process, or new companies entering the market.

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