Drawback And Suggestion Of Education In Punjab Education Essay

Education is the only weapon by which a person could fight and overcome the battle of life. In historical perspective, Education has been still a very important part of every society of the world. The same problem that we are facing in Pakistan; we are facing much difficulty providing best and quality education to the nation. My research’s objective is to collect some of the main problems and drawbacks of Punjab’s education system.


A famous saying here:

“If you want to destroy the future of any nation, no need to wage war with them; defunct their education, they will remain no more live on the map of the world.”

We are facing a quite different problem in our educational system that it has embodied irrelevancy in initiating its staff; to be very honest, it came in my own observation that if a person has been specialized in some particular subject but it seems, he is teaching something else in classroom. More elaborately, if someone has done his/her masters in computer science, he is to be teaching mathematics to students. The fact that students cannot learn their true to point relevant information regarding their subjects and teacher cannot convey proper knowledge to his/her students.

Nepotism can be a reason of this problem while choosing or hiring teachers in institutions, ministers choose their relatives for hiring in institutions without thinking that whether they are eligible for teaching or not? Without making any evaluations of their knowledge and expertise that could create complications for students. There is also a terrible fact that young generation of now a days have changed their thoughts be appropriating to getting education, actually, the purpose of education must be to getting education. As there is a wisely saying but unfortunately we have changed the slogan that “education should be for the purpose of job”. If we keep this theory in our mind then we will be going off the point from our way and we will go far away from education. By getting education a man can learn how to spend a life in a good and possible way.

Education develops the roots of any nation.


Education must be a higher priority of the government. Teachers must be qualified at least in their subject. It is more important to the well-being of a nation for human and its development must not be negligent.

It must be mandatory for government at any level to do stretch that every institute must be in a relation with others for their national requirements rather than thinking as a businessman.

It must be mandatory requirement for various degree programs for students, after completing their exams, they shall spend some period of time in teaching some institutions assigned to them, it must be included in their course work or degree requirement. 

Some of the volunteers with expertise and qualifications must contribute their services areas of works under organized disciple that can be form and purposed by government.

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Ask the people to make a payment for this purpose. Marketing techniques can be adopted also.

Many of the government schools are in bad condition; buildings can be reconstructed or repaired as well according to their condition. Government can shift these schools to the public and well reputed sectors, government can make any criteria that on specific percentage of bright students can hold on scholarships from lower and middle level classes.

Government must offer some incentives to the students that are not in developed areas; they should give them some facilities like transportation or uniforms.

Introduce standardization of curricula and licensing and certification of teachers to improve standards (as is done in the USA).

Introduce high quality selection procedure for higher level teachers and offer the candidates better incentives. 

Use electronic media more extensively for educational purposes. A channel could be devoted to just education. In this regard,

Teachers of high caliber can take classes for different subjects at various levels.

These lecturers can be telecast as well as recorded.

The lectures can be delivered by telecasting them or by playing recorded. cassettes even in schools in far flung areas where quality education is usually not available.

Later on computers can also be used with sufficient data banks and with internet and e-mail facilities for more interactive education.

If an appropriate system is designed, more students can be taught in one school using cassettes, discs, etc. with relatively less teachers. 

In rural areas, provide each school with at least one army man to ensure that people face no resistance from the feudal in educating their children. 

Provide people with incentives to educate their children. This can be done in various ways. For instance,

Even lower level government jobs as for clerks, peons, and constables can be linked to a minimal level of education and entrance tests. 

Various loans (e.g. agricultural loans) can be linked to whether an applicant has educated or is educating his children. 

Link agricultural loans/tax benefits to feudal landlords with a specified number of people they have helped in obtaining a required level of education.

Similarly, link industrial loans to education. 

Similar linkages can be made in relation to adult education programmers.

Aims/Objectives of education

All the educational, certified, political, nonpolitical and religious organizations and groups at a variety of levels in their communication, letters and brochures recognize the objective of education. Many of the researches proved that education without clear-cut aims is like a helmless ship.

The aim of education is to grow the mind so that everyone can realize all his/her aspirations in life. Education should enable the individual to use the full potential of the body; mind and spirit. He/She should build up the talent to make the best use of his personality, surroundings and circumstances in order to accomplish the maximum in life. The purpose of education would be met if the schools provided educational methods of self-development by which the individual can gain complete possession of all his powers. Education has two goals that are dependent to each other:

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Cultivation and development of the individual

The improvement of society

Individuals build the society and the society develops with the progress of the individuals who make it. The individual is the main part of society. The aims of education are to promote the individual’s inner sovereignty and development towards the following:

Self-initiated achievement and approval of responsibility for one’s own actions.


Significant learning and assessment of others.

Intelligent adaptation to new situations.

Creative use of experiential learning in adaptation to new situations.

Achievement of knowledge for resolution of troubles.

Effective cooperation with others.

Self-direction and quick decision-making.

In Pakistan purpose of education is producing trained manpower, educated citizen and competent leaders. 

It should fulfill the combined and the individual needs and objectives of the people. It should grant for the improvement of all the professional abilities needed for the construction of progressive and self-governing society. Our education should also endeavors to protect the ideals that led to the concept with a feeling of harmony and oneness. This Islamic state should be based upon Islamic ideology of integrity, impartiality and brotherhood. It should be a welfare state, motivated to elevate the standard of living of its whole citizen.

The educational institutions should generate a volume of scientific recruits a large number of technicians and skilled workers essential for the agricultural and technological development. Our manpower will remain a drag upon our economy except it obtains professional and vocational efficiency. Our education should also result in inculcating positive attitudes towards manual work and should create a willingness among the people to work in the capacity of skilled workers. Briefly stated the aims of education in Pakistan by the educational policy (1972-1980) are the following.

Ensuring the protection, encouragement and practice of the basic ideology of Pakistan and making it a code of individual and national life.

Building up national unity by encouraging social and cultural agreement. Well-suited with our basic ideology through the mindful use of educational procedure.

Structuring up and nurturing the total character the total character of the individual, dynamic, creative and competent of facing the truth as it appears from the objective study of reality; as individual talented to understand fully the nature of technical and social change and having deep apprehension for the perfection of society.

Organizing the youth for leadership responsibility through involvement in programs of social service and environmental.

Eliminating illiteracy within shortest feasible time through universalization of elementary education and a huge adult education program.

Leveling access to education via provision of special services for women, under advantaged groups and mentally hindered and physically handicapped children and adults in all area in universal and the backward regions in particular.

Scheming curricula appropriate to the nation’s changing social and economic requirements well suited with our basic ideology and providing a huge shift from broad education to more purposeful agro-technical education.

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Providing an inclusive program of studies through the combination of general and technical education and by keeping option open to shift from one course to another.

Providing academic liberty and due self-rule to educational institutions within the agenda of national goals and necessities.

Ensuring energetic contribution of teachers, students and representatives of parents and the society at large in educational dealings.

Generally supporting the welfare, self-respect and sense of duty of teachers and students.

Percentage Of education

54% of Pakistani’s are illiterate. Reason of this huge percentage of illiteracy is un issuance of the funds to the education sectors of Pakistan. Regardless repeatedly of this un issuance of funds to education section of Pakistan, might be dictatorship or democratically elected ness. But there are some improvements in these sectors. This must be clear fact that sub-Saharan states regions when we talk about education. There is an announcement by current government that 80% of literacy would be eliminated at the end of 2015. Though how government will attain this target, whether it would remain un explained. But still not of any government has attained this target yet, still since then the government is unable to spare meagerly 2% of GPD for the education sectors of Pakistan.

The Minister pointed about Pakistan’s literacy position in the world that there is no universal definition of literacy. The definition varies from country to country; therefore, it is not easy to rank Pakistan on the scale of literacy rank in the world.

Literacy Rate of Punjab

Giving the province-wise detail, it is estimated that 60.8% population is literate in Punjab province. The literacy rate for male and female are 70% and 51% respectively. Since independence the literacy rate has increased. Punjab has the highest Human Development Index out of all of Pakistan’s provinces.

Literacy Rate of Sindh

Literacy Rate of Balochistan

The population of Balochistan is 34% literate and the literacy rate of male and female is about 45% and 23% respectively.

According to the recently issued National Economic Survey (NES), Balochistan have the largest number of school buildings that are falling apart. It also has the smallest amount of educational institutions, the lowest literacy rate among both males and females, the lowest ranking in the Gender Parity Index (GPI) and the smallest attendance of private educational institutes in the country.

Literacy Rate of Kheber Pakhtun Khwa

In KPK, literate population of the province is 47.4%, out of which 63% are male and 30.8% female.

Table below shows the literacy rate of Pakistan by province:


Literacy Rate

























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