Dynamics Of Loudspeakers English Language Essay

The loudspeaker speakers are mostly designed for commercial purposes and the manufacturers care less about the quality of the sound production. Countless designs are available in the market and the customers counter a great difficulty to choose the right type of loudspeakers. Usually, the loudspeaker speakers are picked up due to their style, size, amount of bass and the variety of frequencies they produce. The speakers have wide range of designs and their corresponding prices.

The competitors are working hard to introduce newer designs and better technology with innovative inventions and affordable prices. Nevertheless, the box loudspeaker speakers are the standard devices upon which minor modifications are based upon every new model. These devices also help in tackling box radiation and non uniform power response.

Basic purpose of the loudspeaker speakers is to create the auditory signals and the sound waves. This function is performed by the microphones to the hi-tech loudspeaker speakers.

Nevertheless, it is very important to establish a balance between on axis frequency response and the waveform fidelity. And they can be attained for a sole listening point. Otherwise, the distortion can easily destroy the sound quality. Moreover, the off axis frequency response should also be the design goal, although, it is often neglected. All these measures help in the creation of natural timbre and any imbalance may cause the distortion due to the disharmonious effect of high and low frequencies.

Similarly, there are line source speakers to avoid nonlinear distortions meaning the distortions or the sounds not originally present in the frequencies. The constant directivity speakers and the non directivity speakers and omni-directional speakers are other options that interact with the surrounding and may solve the issues involved in box sound radiation. Here the dipole radiator may also help to handle the lowest frequency sounds. However, all these factors are highly influenced by the range and the placement of the sound emitting systems.

The cross over speakers include the tweeter and the woofer in almost countless combinations. Likewise, the wireless speaker is another variation. All these need power sources and batteries and amplifiers as the airwaves help transfer the incoming signals.

Multiple speakers of various ranges of sounds also have numerous advantages. Since, they have the capacity to reproduce voices, music and sounds.

The transducers or the drivers may be used in more numbers to manage sound pressure or attain maximum accuracy and to produce a variety of frequency ranges. There are also subwoofers, woofers, mid range speakers, and tweeters which are especially designed and optimized for very high sound frequencies. It is to be kept in mind that all these devices are manufactured in numerous designs according to specific applications. Henceforth, there are various types and combinations of speakers and numerous ways to tackle distortions. To conclude, these models and the sound systems are available in the market under different banners and brands.

Developmental phases of loudspeakers

The journey of the development of the loudspeaker speakers begin with landmark invention of Graham Bell, when he installed the very first electric loudspeaker in his telephone in 1876. This was followed by J. P. Reis who did likewise in 1861 that could produce pure tones and speech sound also. In this regard, Ernst Siemens and Nikola Tesla also contributed with their valuable services. In the early phase, compressed air and metal horns were used to amplify sounds. Since then the models have undergone innumerable modifications in sizes, shapes and applications.

Oliver Lodge was the one who introduced moving coil or the dynamic driver loudspeaker speakers. However, Peter Jensen and Edwin Pridham applied moving coil loudspeaker in practice. Nevertheless, their product could not be sold to the commercial companies and they assumed the public name for their product called Magnavox.

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In 1924, the moving coil as found in direct radiators was patented. They adjusted the mechanical parameters to the resonance and low frequency. The early loudspeaker speakers utilized the electromagnets as the larger magnets were quite expensive. The current passage used to energize the electromagnets’ coil when the pair of connections was attached to the driver. Thus, they served the dual purpose of filtering the power supply and improving the functioning of loudspeaker speakers.

In 1930’s, the focus was shifted to improve the frequency response and the pressure of sound. The Shearer Horn system was introduced in the theaters which had a single multi cellular horn having 15 low frequency drivers.

Nonetheless, there have been several improvements in the mechanism and the functions of loudspeaker speakers. Efforts have been made to improve the loudspeakers’ efficiency. It can be explained as the output of the sound power as compared to the input of the electrical input. Typically, one percent of the electrical energy is transformed into the acoustic energy and it also happens that this percentage is not very high. The rest of the energy is converted to heat energy. And this is the hurdle for which speakers closure designs are used. This system helps to attain a normal balance between acoustic impedance and the heat radiation. The efficiency is also related to the loudspeaker’s frequency management. If we take the example of the frequency input, if it decreases the output of the woofer driver will also decrease.

However, the sensitivity and the efficiency of the loudspeaker are highly dependent upon the environment. There are complex factors which are at times beyond the manufacturers’ control. If the environment is reflective, then all the factors meaning the size, shape, volume and furnishings have their effects upon the speakers and their performance. It is also inferred that the sounds reaching the ears of the listeners are a combination of the actual sounds and the reflected sounds also. Thus the mechanism and the complexities of the speaker system always have a vast horizon to be explored.

The fruitfulness of loudspeaker speakers

In recent years, there has been a vigorous research that is conducted on the radiation of the sound sources. The point source is the typical radiation source for the loudspeaker speakers. It is usually a small point that may increase or decrease in size while emitting sound waves.

Almost all of the objects, including the loudspeaker speakers, have such combinations of simple point sources. Nevertheless, the radiation pattern of the single point source and the combination of point sources is different. The distance and the orientation between the sources largely influence these patterns.

Similarly, a planer source radiates sounds for low frequencies at uniform level. Also, the smaller the diver, the higher would be the frequency output. Mostly, the electrostatic and the planar magnetic designs of the loudspeaker speakers are based on these patterns of behavior.

In this regard, the directivity is a significant matter that establishes a balance between the sound that is heard and the interacting sounds in the surroundings. The loudspeaker speakers which are perpendicular to their face cause the reverberation lacking in higher frequency which appears to be deficient in treble although, measuring sounder on the axis level. The extremely directive speakers at higher frequency appear to be giving too much of the treble.

These are some of the intricacies of the loudspeaker speakers. Coming to the uses of the loudspeakers, it can be safely said that they are used almost in every setting nowadays. Foremost utility is with the computers where innumerable tasks accomplished need be acoustically heard and verified. In business and education fields, the loudspeakers play a vital role where lessons, lectures, seminars and conferences can be heard with the help of loudspeakers.

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There is another advantage that lies in the convenient use of the loudspeakers. They are easy to handle and deal with. There can be easily attached to the devices like computer, television and the CD players etc. They support the listening without even looking at the screen of the computer and there is absolutely no need to read the written content. But two things should be kept in mind. There should be a proper place to keep the speakers. As compared to the microphones or the headphones, these loudspeakers take much space to be placed. Secondly, they offer greater facilitation in listening when there is nobody around or where there is complete privacy. The loudness of sound can be noisome for people and they may feel distracted in the course of their busy routine. However, the volume of the sound is adjustable which can be increased or decreased according to the need, settings and the environment.

One of the other benefits is the availability of the sound system at the nearest doorstep. The prices may vary from low to high range so the customers have ample of options to choose from. They are available in a variety of sizes that can be selected from, according to the physical settings of the location. Thus, the great invention of the loudspeaker speakers has become a part of our everyday life and routine without which the daily activities remain incomplete.


Among the multifarious kinds and aspects related to the loudspeaker speakers, the electrostatics loudspeakers maintain a special position. They are the type where sounds are produced by the pressure exerted on the membrane present in the electrostatic field.

The loudspeakers use a thin plastic sheet coated by the conductive material usually known as diaphragm. There has to be a stable and constant charge on the surface of the diaphragm instead of the continuous voltage. This is achieved by carefully placing a large value resistor and the selection of the conductive material.

Mostly, two grids drive the diaphragm placed at both the sides in electrostatic loudspeaker speakers. The use of one grid results in the harmonic distortions and therefore, the two grids reduce the voltage dependent part of non linearity and enhances the efficiency of the charge dependent parts. In this way the problem of harmonic distortion is resolved. The significant role is played by the grids to induce the field strength. And in the same course it has to smoothen the flow of sound. For this purpose, the high voltage of the audio or sound signal is required. This is the type of loudspeaker speakers are high impedance instruments. In sharp contrast to the above mentioned device, the electro dynamic cone loudspeakers are low impedance forms.

The merits of the speakers and particularly electrostatic speakers are numerous. They control the level of distortion and reduce it to the minimum magnitude and also they utilize the diaphragm of the lightest weight. They have the sophisticated frequency response and the better generation of the sounds. These types of loudspeaker speakers store less heat energy to be released later and improve the musical transparency. Such speakers have a range of designs to offer. They do not have the typical cross over filters. So they have a lesser tendency to transform the quality of the sounds and even distort the sound.

There may arise the problem of low loud bass, that can be tackled through the hybrid or the dynamic speakers. The subwoofer is a solution to remedy low frequency issues, however, the electrostatic diaphragm can easily handle the higher frequencies.

As a matter of fact, these loudspeakers have to be protected from the dust, moisture, insects, water, heat and other particles. These must be handled carefully as the current or any short circuit issue can be fatal. So the human beings and animals must avoid any physical contact to the high voltage parts of the sound system. Any excess of the harmful elements may also impair the functioning of the loud speakers. The current excess is also critical for the device. In case of such unpleasant events, repairs and the services have to be availed in order to restore the normal or qualitative functioning of the device.

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Loudspeaker and the placement issues

The loudspeaker speakers refer to the drivers individually or the combination or many transducers. These are the devices that help to generate the sounds by converting the audio signals or the sound waves thus presenting in the form that the human ear can detect those frequencies in an audible form. These are the tools by which human beings can receive the message enclosed in the audio tapes or the softwares. These devices sufficiently reproduce the sounds so that the purpose of the communication is fulfilled and the meaning is conveyed. For instance, if someone listens to the music, the sound quality must be such that it pleases the ears and the human brain and ear can easily comprehend the notes of the music being played and understand the lyrics therein.

These loudspeaker speakers range from the ordinary woofers and subwoofers to the most exotic forms of tweeters and super tweeters. There are speakers available having different applications and features. There are devices that have different inner mechanisms and outward structures. There are many systems that offer mid range or high range drivers. In case of the multiple drivers, there is a filter network usually termed as the cross over that segregates the input signals into various categories and then directs them into the relevant driver or the transducer. Hence, there are n-ways speakers which have n different frequency bands. It should be kept in mind that the two way loudspeaker speakers comprise of a woofer and the tweeter and the three way sound system involve the tweeter, a woofer and the mid-range.

A good sound system has the maximum efficiency that is the minimum reliance upon the input or the electrical power and the greater generation of the output in terms of sounds.

A good sound system also maintains equilibrium between the acoustic signals and output. The sound system should have the capacity to absorb, diffuse and adjust to the other sounds present in the environmental setting or react as the case may be.

For instance, there may be settings with the empty or hollow surroundings or there may be venues full of draperies, ceilings or reflectors. In such a situation ideal loudspeaker speakers need to efficiently absorb or diffuse the distracting factors. Similarly, the management of resonance and the distortion determine the quality of the speakers. The lower the level of the distortion, the higher would be the quality of the speakers. In a similar vein, the small and medium sized areas have a strong impact upon the placement and the performance of the sound system and vice versa. Due to the distance among the physical objects and the speakers resonance is excited or subdued.

The location of the listener and his distance with the loudspeaker speakers also determine the reception of the acoustic signals and the balance of the frequencies that are being perceived.

Thus, these are some of the several factors that explain the co-relation of the location, placement and the functioning of the sound system. An ideal system does the effective management of these factors, and provide the best sound output at the same time while maintaining and displaying higher levels of efficiency.

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