Educational Technology Has Positive Effects On Students Attitudes Education Essay

The Classroom has changed dramatically in the past 20-40 years. But some of the key factors is how has technology changed the classroom, and how has it is integrated into the classrooms? Then we must consider how much does technology influences students learning ability and teacher’s ability to include technology in the academic curriculum? In today’s world technology is a very important part of our lives. Technology and education both has a relationship with teaching. In recent years technology in the schools has change. Computers and internet are becoming more common in schools and classroom. . Studies show test scores have showed little improvement overall since increased use in technology in education. However there are increases in aptitude and educational experiences are due to technology in the classroom. Many influences and usages of technology in classroom situations have created arguments within the education yet most experts can agree on technologies greatest contributions. Technology has changed the classroom dramatically and if integrated correctly it can be very beneficial and greatly impact the students learning ability.

We are forced to use computers in today’s world. Everything we use is computerized, so why not learn more and teach our children everything about computers and technology. When technology is used as a tool in the classroom it enhances students learning ability. Technology should assist out teachers with helping out students. Teachers and educators use to teach our students how to use technology and now we are using technology to improve academic achievement.

Technology plays a very important role in part of the change in our schools as it relates to student achievement. As students are introduced to technology it will widen the range of students selections as they learn. Implementing technology in the classroom will really make a difference in our children lives for the future. Technology tools and resources has become an essential part of the learning process which is a part of the outcome of successful academic achievement. Our children are our future and what we teach them today will reflect how this world will run tomorrow. So we should give our children all the tools they need to succeed and be great citizens in the world today, tomorrow and centuries from now.

` Implementation of technology in the classroom impacts how well the students progress and improve academically. Technology has been used in the classroom for over 20 years. Researchers have proven that technology motivates our students and they are more positive toward school activities. Lumley (1991) stated, “…that students in traditional classrooms become bored if tasks are too easy and frustrated when they are too difficult”. When technology is used as a tool to strengthen our students and connected with activities to build on their strengths it motivates our students to learn and succeed. Evidence indicates that when used effectively, “technology applications can support higher-order thinking by engaging students in authentic, complex tasks within collaborative learning contexts” (Means, Blando, Olson, Middleton, Morocco, Remz, & Zorfass, 1993).

Technology is something that our children are interested in mastering. A report by the US Dept. of Education (1995) related that students felt that the use of technology made them fell smarter and empowered them with knowledge that others didn’t have. When given instructions through computers it allows the students to be in control of the learning process. Technology enhances students learning ability. Technology is not transformative on its own. Instead of focusing on isolated, skills-based uses of technology, schools should promote the use of various technologies for sophisticated problem-solving and information-retrieving purposes (Means & Olson, 1995). Computers and the internet are technological tools that are utilized in the classroom and enhance the students learning ability. Technology in the classroom help students develops skills that will help them be more effective in today’s world. Research indicates that students that utilize technological tools in the classroom are more motivated and shows better organizational skills.

When you use technology in the classroom this helps the student to learn new skills that will help them both in the classroom and in the workplace. Studies from research also show when the correct usage of learning standards and the correct technology usage together can increase test scores significantly. A West Virginia study shows an increase in test scores resulting from integrating curriculum objectives for basic skills development in reading and mathematics with instructional software (Mann, Shakeshaft, Becker & Kottkamp, 1999). A study conducted at Stephens Institute of Technology found that high-school students retained math skills longer after using commercially available mathematics software than did students in a control group receiving traditional classroom instruction (Technology and Learning, September 1997).

According to the Software Publisher’s Association (1994) study, research found that:

* Educational technology has a significant positive impact on achievement in all subject areas, across all levels of school, and in regular classrooms as well as those for special-needs students.

* Educational technology has positive effects on student’s attitudes.

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* The degree of effectiveness is influenced by the student population, the instructional design, the teacher’s role, how students are grouped, and the levels of student access to technology.

* Technology makes instruction more student-centered, encourages cooperative learning, and stimulated increased teacher/student interaction.

* Positive changes in the learning environment evolve over time and do not occur quickly.

Studies show that schools that have technology based curriculums are successful in producing effective results for students; this includes higher test scores, improvement in student’s attitude, motivation, and engagement.

Technology in the classroom stimulates learning and motivates students. Students today are using technology as an instructional and communication tool to communicate and receive information or instructions from a teacher or textbook. This is allowing the student to make choices about how to produce and receive information. This helps the students to think about information and academic assignments that are usually led by the teacher curriculum. When technology is used as a tool to support students to perform a certain task it helps the students with their goals and decision making. It also allows them to evaluate their own progress.

Teachers are utilizing and incorporating technology into the academic curriculum which will also contribute to motivation in the classroom. Teachers should also develop clear goals and expectation for improvement in student learning. Integrating technology into the academic curriculum requires designing new and creative learning environments. The most important thing to remember when integrating technology in the classroom is it is a tool to assist in the classroom and students or teachers should not totally depend on it. Technology should not create social isolation and prevent students from learning critical basic skills. When students are given the opportunity to learn and use the computer effectively along with achieving their goals it gives the student freedom and makes them feel like they are in control. As a result, self esteem has increase and the students enjoy school more. This puts the student in a positive and creative learning environment which makes the students learning ability change and encourages and motivates the students to learn. There are fewer interruptions in the classroom and this gives the teacher more instructional time.

The instructional technological tools capture the attention of the students and the students find that the academic subjects are more interesting. The new technology programs and software that are designed today help student’s motivation and develop their skills and knowledge. Using technological tools such as audio and video brings satisfaction and stimulates learning. Boster et al. (2002) stated that “cites studies of teacher beliefs that multimedia presentations help increase interest, attention and curiosity”. Teachers are convinced that when the students attention is increased that it will increase motivation and the ability to recognize. This will eventually led to improvement in the students grades. There are so many ways that students and teachers in the classroom could utilize technology to be beneficial to the teachers and the students. A greater reliance on technology changes the relationship between the student-teacher. When teachers and students utilize the computer, internet, and academic software activities they have the opportunity to explore problem solving, creative thinking and higher level writing and speaking skills.

Technology training should be a requirement for teachers. In order for teachers to be successful in implementing technology into the curriculum and in the classroom they will need training. Teachers should professional development on how to utilize technology effectively. In the article titled “Teachers: Gives Us Better Tech Training Support” (2008), “Teachers and students should have the same level of technology in schools that is being used outside of schools. How can we expect our teachers to provide kids with the education they need to join today’s high-tech workforce without the necessary equipment and training?” asked NEA President Reg Weaver. Technology integration brings changes to teachers’ instructional roles in the classroom. The teacher’s roles in a technology-infused classroom often shift to that of a facilitator or coach rather than a lecturer (Henriquez & Riconscente, 1998). Technology use also tends to foster collaboration among students (Tinzmann, 1998). Scheffler and Logan (1999) document these and other changes in the dynamics of the classroom. If teachers are unable to use the technological tools properly, how are they expected to effectively integrate technology in the classroom? Timing is everything, particularly when it comes to technology. “Real learning takes place (or stops) when actually trying the new skills.” “The best way to win widespread use of new technologies is to provide just-in-time support, assistance, and encouragement when needed.” (McKenzie, 1998).

Using Technology to introduce historical data and scientific material to students that otherwise would have needed to go to a museum or Science center are not only opening up new worlds of thought for students it is making knowledge more readily available for all students with access to computers that would not be able to afford field trips or books that are outdated. Soon it will be possible to activate all of the resources in school, at home, and in our communities to ensure that no child is left behind no matter how old. By familiarizing early learning with technology students are learning faster and in a broader sense with software geared at their age and learning levels. Well before school families with computers are obtaining software and hardware products to improve school readiness and gain a good foundation for education.

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Technology has assisted with standardized test scores within school districts. By monitoring scores on standardized tests you can monitor the teaching material and the comprehension of the students. With this organized data many districts can re think the approaches or textbooks used for increased learning potential. Many state funding is also granted on FCAT scores and other standardized tests. By simulating these tests this will increase the positive outcomes for the students.

Traditional Teachers have been very vocal with their concerns on how technology has affected the “reading, writing and arithmetic” within the class room setting. Because of calculators, spell check and grammar check students are relying more on technology than their pencils and papers. More students complete tasks on computer than ever before and paper and pencil math is becoming infrequent

An opposed view of technology and education was found on an article titled Educational software may not increase learning, written by Ed. Roman Espejo /2009 in regards to the U.S. Department of Education, “Effectiveness of Reading and Mathematics Software Products: Findings from the First Student Cohort: Executive Summary,” March 2007, pp. xii-xvi, xviii, xviv. “Questions about the effectiveness of educational technology and how effectiveness is related to conditions and practices.

The study identified reading and mathematics software products based on prior evidence of effectiveness and other criteria and recruited districts, schools, and teachers to implement the products. On average, after one year, products did not increase or decrease test scores by amounts that were statistically different from zero.” This in my opinion neither substantiates the fact that software improves or decreases knowledge rather than it is one facet of technology with education. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages if any are cited.

Patrick Welsh. “Technology May Not Increase Learning.” At Issue: Has Technology Increased Learning? Patrick Welsh seems to sum up his opinion with “Technology is just a tool, not an end in itself. It will never replace good teaching.” Many teachers remark about technology taking the place of Teachers and learning new computer systems that schools purchase because their school system feels it may benefit learning. Mr. Walsh appears to take the traditional teaching standpoint.

Andrew T. LeFevre summarizes his article by stating “We would do well to remember that the ultimate goal of our educational system is to teach our children how to think for themselves. Technology can be a wonderful tool, but a high-speed modem will never replace a quick mind.” He supports using technology but not replacing “old style” teaching but enhancing it with technology and parental support increases grades.

Joanne K. Olson and Michael P. Clough feel that too much technology can actually harm the education experience of children. One of their arguments is “In the final analysis, what teachers do in the classroom and what students experience defines the educational process.” These Authors gave very valid points in regards to calculators and not having the child understand how the answer was derived. But in no research I have completed did it say that traditional methods can replace in most readings it reinforced it enhances the educational experience.

Email is vital today for correspondence with a busy lifestyle. You can see you or your child’s test scores, homework assignments or email your teacher with a question. It is now faster to correspond with parents or teachers allowing better communication. No longer do you have to wait until parent teacher conferences to get updates on your child’s progress.

With on-line courses you can see homework, posts and discuss class topics with your teachers and peers. It is truly a virtual classroom and in some classes you have video and audio same time access. Classes are being videotaped, or held virtually so you can link in and participate with your teacher or be replayed at a more convenient time. This helps those of us that may be more auditory or visual in our learning styles while still allowing the flexibility of location.

Laptops, cables, flash drives, and computer software has now become a common place with the back to school crowd. Many school supply lists include new items to be budgeted into costs children will be required to have to keep up with the ongoing technological advances. Most children have a computer at home so they can compete assignments at home using standardized applications and tools. These items are more expensive than notebooks and pens but can also do more.

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After reading these papers and using my own experiences and observations I would not be able to take college course and still be able to hold down a full time job if not for the advancement in computers and technology. Using the system to formulate a virtual classroom and to post this assignment to my instructor without traditional paper and pen. Technology has opened a learn world for me and my knowledgebase. Grandkids, children, parents and grandparents are benefiting from the new technology used by the educational community.

As students are given the opportunity to explore more complex technologies it is important that our teachers and educators are also equipped to answers questions and provide feedback in the classroom. Overall success also depends on the teacher’s access to software that improves their curriculum, technical support, and training. When teachers are put in the position to be a part of the motivation of students they will enjoy their work and feel good about the success of their students. They will become more involved by mentoring their students. Teachers should make technology a separate subject; it should be a part of the integration. Professional development plays a very important role in making sure the teachers have the right training to be able to choose the appropriate technological software and instructional strategies. Most studies show that the number one reason teachers do not use technology in the classroom is a lack of experience in technology. Teachers need the support to increase their knowledge in technology. When teachers are properly trained they can be more effectively when delivering instructions to the students.

If and when technology is completely integrated into education, a big change in academics will occur. Back in the mid 1990s, standards written for academic subjects did not include using the Internet or any type of digitized media. For instance in history, the old standards included searching through old newspapers and copies of letters and diaries as well as going to the actual historical sites. These sources could only be found at a local library and historical museums. However, in the standards that are slowly being created and accepted today, the Internet is a major influence on the development. The proposed standards include locating sources about related data from e-mail, online libraries from around the world, computer networks from schools, and digitized media (Mageau, Kenney 1994).

With the Internet and computer network communities, the children of the future will have the world at their fingertips. Children can browse the Internet and find out more than they could ever find in a library. Not only will children benefit from these changes, but teachers, as well as parents, will too. If connections are put in place, parents will be able to communicate with the teachers on a daily basis. Parents can check for homework, grades, and even lesson plans. In addition, teachers can review other teacher’s lesson plans and gain knowledge from teachers all over the world as well as discuss different ways to introduce a new subject (Gates 1996).

The benefits of technology in the classroom for students, teachers, and parents far outweigh the cost for equipment and extra training needed for the educators and administrators of the technology. When children are able to take their imaginations and bring them to life not only at home, but also at school, it does wonders for their minds (Lankutis, Kennedy 2002). Technology is the only way which can further intellectual capacity of today’s students. With technology, new ideas are imagined and created. If technology is not integrated into educational standards, the world is telling the children their dreams cannot come true.

Technology is growing rapidly and is a very important component of teaching and learning in our schools. Technology is very important in this world and it is very important that we allow our students the opportunity to learn something that will affect their lives in the future. Our goal is to implement technology in the classrooms by using technological tools that will make learning more efficient and enhance our students learning ability. Research studies show that technology is a very powerful learning tool. Research has provided more information about the use of technology effectively in our schools to help strengthen and improve the academic performance and achievement of today’s students. The key components in implementing technology in the schools are activities that work together with both the academic curriculum and technological tools. Different approaches must be used and tested in the classroom before we can really determine exactly how to keep out children motivated and learning through technology. Integrating technology will require time, training, planning and administrative support. When a teacher is utilizing the technological tools to motivate students it is more productive than lectures and textbooks. I recommend that we as parents, teachers, students and educational leaders be a part of the planning and implementation of technology in the classroom

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