Effect Of Team Building On Productivity

The area of research is effect of team building on Employee productivity. The researchers would specifically concentrate on the effect of Team building on a particular employee performance. For this we have selected Lahore carpet manufacturing company, Lahore. The researchers would conduct research at Lahore Carpet manufacturing company. The Productive level is calculated through the time each employee takes in washing carpet in teams and individually. The researchers dealt with employee at organizational level. The research in this respect would enable organization to see effect of Team building on their productivity level in organizations. It will also serve to confirm previous research findings in similar area.

Team building enhances the performance level and this increased productivity level in organizations, will definitely aid to achieve higher productivity. An employee performance in his/her field is the most essential part in organizations, and by measuring the effect, the researches learn the benefits of enhanced productivity and eventually good results. Over the past a couple of studies have been carried out to explain as to what effect Team building has on the productivity level on individual employee. Throughout the experiment, results were shown positive.

By conducting this research it has found out that presence of Team building in the organization definitely has an impact on a employee productivity level in organizations. As far as without team building (control) group was concerned, most of them were not focused and most ended up scoring low productivity.


Many studies have been completed that highlight the effects of team building upon the long-term productivity, of team and the types of team they make on adults, children, and even on organizations . These studies have provided for a -general consensus that team, the right team at the right place, with the right number of people, can help employee work hard, focus more intently upon their tasks, increase productivity and work at a higher rate, and be, in general, more productive.


In spite of this popularity of the concept of team building, however,

several reviewers (e.g., Buller, 1986; Woodman & Sherwood,

1980) have observed that there is no conclusive evidence that team

building renders an increase in team productivity.

Druckman and Bjork (1994) noted that the enthusiasm for these approaches among practitioners “is not matched by strong empirical support for their effect on team productivity” (p. 125). Similar to this, Smither, Houston, and McIntire (1996) concluded that “Research findings on the effectiveness of team building provide a complex mix of results that make drawing firm conclusions difficult” (p. 324). : More than 20 years after Beer (1976) attempted to formalize the: notion of team building, some of the most fundamental questions : about the effects of team building remain: Does team building enhance productivity? Why? Under what conditions? This article reports the results of a meta-analytic integration of previous research examining the effects of team building on productivity.

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Robinson & Robinson (1994) and also Thamhain (1988) define a team as a group of people, but all groups do not qualify as teams. At times, a group may be formed just for administrative purposes or for achieving personal goals or for social affiliation. At other times, committees can stifle creativity and hinder decision-making. However, occasionally, a group of people combine high morale, effective task productivity and a clear relevance to the organization. A team is a group of people who work interdependently, who are committed to common goals, and who produce high quality results.

Katzenbach and Smith (1994) defined a team as “A small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, productivity goals, and common approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.”

Teamwork is a symbiotic process which leads to a much better result that is greater than the integration of individual productivitys. Thamhain (1988) describes effective teams as the ones that produce high quality results and succeed in spite of many difficulties and cultural or philosophical differences. Effective teams have several task-oriented and people-oriented characteristics. Thamain (2004) debates that the working environment within the project team has a significant impact on project success, and therefore suggests that the project manager has a significant leadership role in blending the team.

Teams can be depicted in terms of many philosophers and theoretical frame works and team based philosophy with in organization is becoming increasingly popular and common place ( Sheard and Kakabadse 2001). Recently in the uk as many as 82% of the company with 100 or more employees reported using team structures (Gordon 2002). Banker et al. (1996) argued that the use of teams has led the tremendous organization improvements in variety of industries. In south Africa the scenario is the same team instead of jobs , have become the critical building block of future org (robins et al 2004:99).

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Employee Productivity


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Our independent variable would be team work and the dependent variable would be employee’s productivity. Intervening variable would be


Past research has shown that Team building does have a great impact on a employee productivity level in organizations. Considering this, researchers came to the hypothesis that Team building does have an impact on the employee productivity at organization level.

Units of analysis

It was a group based study. There was a control group and an experimental group.

Time horizon

It was a cross-sectional one time study in which the effect of Team building on the productivity level of employee in organizational at Lahore Carpet Mfg co. was studied.


Sample Size

90 employees will be randomly chosen from Lahore carpets Mfg Co, from which 45 employees will be chosen randomly as a control group. Therefore our research will include an experimental group and a control group. Team of 45 employees will be made for the experimental group while we judge their productivity where as in control group the employees will work as individual and they will be judge on bases of productivity.

Method of Data Collection

We will randomly choose a control group and an experimental group from the 90 employees chosen randomly from Lahore Carpets Mfg Co. The experimental group will be required to wash as many sq foot carpets in given time (that is 9am till 5pm) and they have to work as a team. On the other hand control group will be required to wash carpets individually. Results of Team and individual employees will be gathered. Productivity will be checked and given a separate percentage each. Percentages will be added and eventually taking out the average.


To establish the reliability of the measuring instrument, the researchers conducted test-retest reliability approach. This involved a group of 30 employees from Lahore carpet Mfg co. All of the worker used were experienced and have doing this work for 5 years. Next day same research was administered to other 30 employees. The scores of each individual were calculated on bases of per foot sq. they wash in 1 day . The change was very less. Then next day we did the same experiment. This shows that the measuring instrument is highly reliable.


The observation has high degree of face validity because the assessment sheet has high degree of content validity because it completely covers all the dimensions and elements of basic productivity. All the questions that can help measure the productivity level were present in the measuring instrument. The task given were at Ordinary level. They required focus and concentration to be done on time.

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For finding out result we use probability sampling and in probability sampling we used simple random sampling. We conducted our research at Lahore carpets Mfg, we to a sample of 90 employees which we further divided in into 9 teams with each team consisting 5 employees. The remaining 45 employees were treated as individuals. We conducted the research for 3 days. The result of our research came out to be that team building does enhance the productivity level of employees. The productivity increased by 10% to 15%.as we found through our results that in team average productivity of each employee was 124.86 sq foot and average productivity of employees working individually was 94.4 sq foot that shows that in Team their productivity increased as compare to working individually.

“Performance according to days”

Day 1

Team Performance

Average team performance: 622sq foot that means each employee wash 124.46 sq foot

Individual Performance

Average individual performance:93.73 sq foot

Day 2

Team performance

Average team performance: 624.66 sq foot that means each employee wash 124.93

Individual performance

Average individual performance: 93.13 sq foot

Day 3

Team performance

Average team performance: 626 sq foot that means each employee wash 125.2 sq foot

Individual performance

Average individual performance: 95.66 sq foot


Through the research it has been observed that Team building has a positive impact on employee productivity level. Hence the alternative hypothesis discussed earlier has been accepted since the results showed positive results. In conclusion we can say in order to increase the productivity level of employee in organization, team building does play an important role and effects organization’s productivity.


The researchers would like to cordially thank all the respondents who took some time off from their busy schedules to participate in this study. We are also thankful to Mr. Humair Hashmi without whose valuable support, this research would not have been possible. Other employees who helped us in conducting the research at Lahore carpet Mfg co, and showed interest throughout the experiment being carried out.

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