Emotional Intelligence Is More Important Than Cognitive Intelligence

The topic of our assignment is “Emotional intelligence is more important than cognitive intelligence in influencing an individual’s success”. We totally agree with emotional intelligence is more important compare with cognitive intelligence influencing an individual’s to success. After, we review twenty journal and research paper which related to our topic. The results that we come out are majority researcher and journalists are agreeing with our point of view, which is emotional intelligence is playing the main role in term of distribution of an individual’s successfulness. As we know, there are just a small proportion of our work performance is explains by the cognitive intelligence while the rest is base on emotional intelligence of a worker. All paper shows us a significant result between emotional intelligence and effectiveness in workplaces.

In reality society, many people wish to have emotional and cognitive intelligence in own self, even though for a company also wish to get this type of perfect employee, but it is hard to find and get. As we know that, cognitive intelligence also important in our life, especially in workplace. But it just a small proportion of our work performance is explains by the cognitive intelligence, while the rest is base on emotional intelligence of a worker. According to the journal and research paper that our group review, majority result and conclusion of emotional intelligence is significant to the individual’s success. For instance, emotional intelligence will influence one’s person ability to success in environment demand as it is important as a behavior to harm under stressful work conditions (Goleman, 2001) and high levels of emotional intelligence experience bring greater career success, build stronger personal relationship and lead more effectively (Zeidner et al, 2004).

In our real workplace, people have to learn how to work in a group but the first thing that the individual should learn is how to control their emotional. Emotion is an influential factor in teamwork, cooperation and in the process of helping people. As workers perform their work within a good cooperation, they can build up the reputation of a corporate beside the ethical behavior of themselves. Normally individuals contribute necessary energy for organizational emotional intelligence. Sometimes, there will be a conflict among team member and this may slow down the process of work. If all individuals in the group can each control their emotion, this situation will not happen. That is why emotional intelligence is very important than cognitive intelligence. Individual that can manage their emotion well are categories as a high emotional intelligence’s people.

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Individuals with high emotional intelligence level are more likely to attend the daily work without any quarrel. They are capable to control themselves in any conditions of work. It is beneficial in terms of distribution of social effectiveness of corporate. Workers who are low in their emotional intelligence management are more unethical which is having counterproductive behavior. Higher emotional intelligence worker can creates a competitive among the rest of workers. Besides, high level of emotional intelligence also can establish the interpersonal relationship of an individual and it can help to avoid the happened of conflict and social altercations.

Emotional intelligence has pervasive implication for a person’s performance in intellectual and social domains in the work setting as well as life in general. It prepares the individuals to deal with uncertainty, leaps of faith and unknowable. Individuals with high emotional intelligence are suitable to be leaders because it has a good ability to monitor other’s feeling and guide one’s thinking and action. Therefore, meaning of high level of emotional intelligence normally distributed on leadership level. Research on emotional intelligence has indicated that leader exhibiting transformational leadership behaviors possess higher levels of emotional intelligence (Gardner and Stough, 2002; Palmer et al, 2001). Emotion can bring up leadership traits which are aware and understanding their own and other’s emotions can use that understanding to effectively motivate, inspire, and connect with other. Besides, understanding of the contrasting emotional competencies of the management group and the employees may start to tell us more about the effect of relationships.

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On the other hand, emotional intelligence is very important for an executive level leader’s performance as individuals advance within their organizational hierarchies. For example, as leaders, individuals must have a high degree of emotional intelligence to found out or recognize emotion, maintain the positive affect and can predict transformational leadership behavior. Besides, for those have high level of emotional intelligence, they have the ability to control or handle stressful situation without losing control and able to maintain calm composure. This is very important when relating to others ability to control something and they will be more focus on doing or finish their task. Emotional intelligence is necessary for a best manager to make every decision which based on self-management, relationship skills and an awareness of how their behavior affects others in the organization.

Using emotional intelligence in workplace, can improve worker perception, expand insight into complex challenges could help to motivate workers effectiveness (Maier, 1999; Sosik and Megerian, 1999; Reed-Woodard and Clarke, 2000). Leaders with high levels of emotional intelligence have been shown to exhibit transformational behaviors (Cooper, 1997; Goleman, 1995; Megerian and Sosik, 1996). Therefore, emotional intelligence are useful and powerful tools that once harnessed, compare to cognitive intelligence that it can make a critical difference to an organizational functioning compare to cognitive intelligence (Salovey and Mayer, 1990; Goleman, 1998a, Sosik and Megerian, 1999).

Apart from these, emotional intelligence is more important than cognitive intelligence is because an individual’s success in an organization is affected by emotional intelligence. It can also help to increase performance and productivity. Other than that, emotional intelligence might affect work behaviors such as teamwork, development of talent and innovation. Individual with more emotionally might success in goals and intentions in interesting. Emotional intelligence will influence one’s person ability to success in environment demand as it is important as a behavior to harm under stressful work conditions (Goleman, 2001). High levels of emotional intelligence experience bring greater career success, build stronger personal relationships and lead more effectively (Zeidner et al, 2004)

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Emotional intelligence is the most important determinant to decide the success of an individuals and organizational. For an individual’s, well-manage in emotional can let the individual manage their stress, feeling and innovation on work and also applied it on their life. Those who are able to understand their self feelings and their subordinates needs will achieve business outcome and tend to be an effective leaders. Based on the research paper of “Developing and measuring the emotional intelligence of leaders”, we know that emotional intelligence can be trained according to the emotional intelligence training. For leaders, they have to understanding emotions in the workplace is important for them to motivate their workers, make decisions and handling multicultural team. Emotional intelligence is necessary for a best manager to make every decision which based on self-management, relationship skills and an awareness of how their behavior affects others in the organizations. Besides, it is also necessary for the superior to manage the emotion in the organization in order to accomplish the goal. Therefore, to understanding of self emotion for everyone in organization is important to the organizational life.

Emotional intelligence takes a big portion to influence in our life through many ways. Although cognitive intelligence is important for us, but compare with the emotional intelligence, it just a small proportion of our work performance. Therefore, to be success in our future life, we should learn how to control, manage and release our emotional in right way.

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