Employee participation in strategy planning

In the present world all persons wants self respect in the society, home, group, office, or in organization. So for this sake they do anything for getting name fame in the society. People increase their name and fame through various activities like do social activities, make so intellectual, donation to charity, and do other activities. And also a person has rights in citizen.

So when we get self respect we have lot motivational power.

In the organization we motivate the employees in the organization through:

Workers participation

Monetary incentives

Non monetary incentives

These are the tools of the motivation in the organization.

So now special focus on workers participation. In workers participation can be defined as those arrangements that allow employees to have a say and or a share in the management and /or profits of an organization or allow employee influence in the management of the enterprise. This participation helps to motivate and also influence the hidden talent in the organization.

Strategic planning implementation is at the heart of how to make change of any kind happen in your organization.start by answering why your organization might wants to embark on a strategic planning process and implementation. Finally we can say that it is long term planning or it plays vital role in organization success.

In this project we conclude workers participation in strategic planning this helps to:-

Motivate employees

Harmonious relation b/w employees and workers in work.

Friendly relation reduces biasness in the organization.

Reduce wastage optimum utilization of resources.

Reduce absenteeism

Reduce cost of recruitment of employees.

Finally we can say that if we give chances to employees for planning. We get lot of benefits of participation like job satisfaction.

Before work on this project we find:

How many workers want to do challenging job?

How many workers do their task efficiently?

How many workers are self motivated?

How many workers are having ability to their task?

After all about now we plan who are participative or not participative and give the chance according to them. Those who are not participative we have motivated for doing challenging job in the organization.

Some Mechanisms

Suggestion schemes

Team working

Attitude surveys

Collective bargaining

Quality circles

Worker Directors

Works councils

These are helpful tools to come out the hidden talent in the organization.


Employees Participation is generally defined as a process in which we influence employees’ for decision making this is to reduce biasness or maintain harmonious relation between all the levels of management.  Participatory management practice balances the involvement of managers and their subordinates in information processing, decision making and problem solving endeavors.

Sharing the decision making power with the lower ranks of the organization in an appropriate manner. Participation has a unique motivational power and a great psychology value it promotes harmony and peace between workers and management. When workers participate in organizational decision, they are able to see the big picture clearly, i.e., how their actions would contribute to over all of the company. They can offer feedback immediately based on their experiences and improve the quality of decision significantly. Since they are involved in the decision from the beginning, they tend to view the “decision “as their own, and try to translate the rhetoric into concrete action plans with zeal and enthusiasm participation makes them more responisible.They are willing to take initiative and contribute cost saving suggestion and growth oriented ideas. The feeling of being treated as equal force is them to response confidence in management and accepts plans of rationalization expansion etc., without raising serious objections.

Since they treated with respect. Now, they being to view the job and the organization as their own and commit themselves to organizational activities wholeheartedly bilateral decision help in bringing out radical change in organizational systems ,plans and producer more easily employees don’t feel threaten by such moves, as they understand and appreciate the reason behind such strategic shifts.

Strategic planning:-

Strategy refers to long term plans or planning refers to future course of action plan in advance.

Strategy planning:-

It refers to an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction and making decision, and making decision on allocating it’s to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. various business analysis techniques can be used in strategic planning ,including

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(Strength, weakness, oppourtinities, threat)

Pest analysis

(Political, economical, social, technogy)

Steer analysis

(Sociocultural, technological, economic, ecological, and regulatory factors) and

Epistle analysis

(Environmental, political, informatic, social, technological, economic and legal))

Strategic planning is the formal consideration of an organizations’ future course. All strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions;-

“What do we do?”

“For whom do we do it?”

“How do we excel?”

Strategy planning model:-

Strategy planning




Continue Strategic planning

Down to specifics


Feed back

Keys to Strategic Planning Implementation Success

These are the keys to effective strategic planning implementation for your business.

Full and active executive support,

Effective communication,

Employee involvement,

Thorough organizational planning and competitive analysis, and

Widespread perceived need for the strategic planning.

Types of employees’ participation:-

Informative participation:-

It refer to sharing of information with worker regarding economic position of the farm state of the market production and sales programmed work method balance sheet, expansion plans ,etc.here the workers have no right scrutinize the information provided by management.

Consultative participation:-

The involves a higher degree of sharing of views of the workers and giving them a chance to express their views on various issues concerning work, working conditions, market standing, financial status,etc  here joint council of workers and management on advisers body only management. May not accept the suggestions.

Associative participation :-

Here the council is not purely advisory the management. Is under moral obligation to accept and implement the unanimous decisions of the council  

Administrative participation

Here  these is greater degree of sharing authority and responsibility of managerial work ,allowing workers a little more autonomy is excising administrative and supervisory powers  in respect of welfare , safety benefits and rewards etc.

Decisive participation

This is the highest form of participation where decision is taken jointly and matters relating to production and welfare safety etc.

Literature Review

Managers who hold Human relation theory of participation belief simply in involvement for the sake of involvement, arguing that as long as subordinates feel that they are participating and are consulted, their ego needs will be satisfied and they will be more cooperative (Richie and Miles, 1970).

Job satisfaction and employee commitment receive considerable attention from industrial and organizational psychologists, management scientists, and sociologists. Three thousand studies had been done on job satisfaction alone by the time Locke prepared his study nearly 20 years ago (Locke, 1976).


The implementations of workers, participation in management have been summarized by the international level organization thus:

Workers have ideas which can be useful.

Upward communication facilities sound decision making. Workers may accept decisions better if the participate in them.

Workers may work more intelligently if they are informed about the reason for and the intention of decisions that are taken participative atmosphere.

Workers may work harder if they share in decision that affects them.

Workers participation my foster  more cooperative attitude amongst workers and management thus raising efficiency by improving team spirit and reducing the loss of efficiency arising from industrial disputes.

Workers participation may at as a spur to managerial efficiency.  

In the words of Gosep, workers’ participation may view as:-

An instrument for increasing the efficiency of enterprises and establish harmonious relation;

A device for developing social education for promoting solidarity among workers and for tapping human talent.

A means for achieving industrial peace and harmony which leads to higher productivity and increased production.

 A humanitarian elevating to status of a worker in the society.

These parties help to influence the employees’ participation:-

ƒ˜ Govt. policy and participation.

Mill committee.

Royal commission and labour and workers participation in management.

Workers committee

Joint management council.


IT TAKES willingness of the employees for participation are spot in the organization. A tone deaf will never be able to appreciate the music of maestros. Only a seasoned jeweler would know that all that glitters is not real! And, only those who can recognize the worth of a diamond can value it, for others it’s just a stone! Talent is doing easily what others find difficult.

In an organization, there is nothing more crucial than fitting the right employee in the right position. Or else you would be trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. When people do jobs that just don’t suit their liking, inclination or temperament, the results, or rather the lack of them will be disastrously obvious. Low productivity, dissatisfaction, low morale, absenteeism and other negative behavior will become typical till the employee is shown the door. Or perhaps, there is another option – Talent Management

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“A conscious, deliberate approach undertaken to attract, develop and retain people with the aptitude and abilities to meet current and future organizational need”

Organization need to have a vision and a well defined strategy on hiring for the future.

India has become the outsourcing capital of the world and this has created its own set of HR challenges. India’s biggest problem is that qualified graduates are becoming scarce. Despite the large population, the supply of engineers cannot keep up with the sharply increased demand. So, do we have the right employee’s willingness within to attract for challenging task?

Significance of Study

This study is an attempt to explore the impact of a human resource practice (Employee Participation) on strategy planning, and helps to motivate and influence the employees towards works and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees in the organization.

To improve the quality of working life by allowing the worker

greater influence and involvement in work and

The get satisfaction obtained from work.

To secure the mutual cooperation of the employees and employers in achieving industrial peace;

Greater efficiency and productivity in the interest of the enterprise the workers the consumers and the nation.

Objectives of the study:-

To gain on commitment of employees.

To increase the morale of employees.

To improve efficiency and effectiveness of the employees.

To improve the self respect of the employees.

To reduce biasness at all level of the management.

To make harmonious relationship between employers and employees.

To make employees innovative and more creative in decision making.

It helps to introduce the hidden talent in organization.

This helps to reduce personnel interest and be more responsible and honest towards its works in the organization.

Model of employee’s participation in the organization:-

Employees participation




Skills & Competencies


Role & structure




Encouragement & Recognition


Training & Development




Action Plan & Goals







Employee’s appreciation

Most of the organization focused on assessing the way individuals learn, think, relate to others, and act. Various policies is used to evaluate the capacities, competencies and values of individuals for assessment of potential for career development and succession planning.

This is intricately linked to helping organizations map their capacity and competency requirements and then assessing talent to draw up individual development plans. The talent profiling thus done for organizations helps them identify critical competencies to be developed and capacities to be enhanced in order to meet future business requirements and achieve plans.

Acquisition of employee’s competency for participation

Helping organizations define roles for specific leadership positions based on ‘preferred futures’ and strategy

Identifying the competencies required for each of these jobs

Determining the levels of fundamental capacities of learning, thinking, relating and acting needed to acquire these competencies

Defining the values which are needed to display the desired behaviors

Identifying individuals who would fit into these positions

Enable organizations and individuals to establish mutually acceptable contracts for employment and lay the foundation of win-win relationships.

Research Methodology

Research can be defined as systematized

Effort to gain knowledge. A research is carried out by different methodologies, which have their own pros and cons.

ƒ˜ Research methodology is a way to solve research problem along with the logic behind them. Thus when we talk of the research methodology we not only talk of the research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods we use in context of our research study and explain why we are using a particular method or technique and why we are not using others so that research results are capable of being evaluated either by the researcher himself or by others.

ƒ˜ Research methodology means the method carried out to study the problem. It shows the type of the sample design used, its size and the procedure used to draw sample. The extent of precision achieved and the method used for handling any special problem during the course of the study.

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For the purpose of collection of primary data two web administered questionnaire were prepared. One questionnaire was made for HR professionals or the people involve with in the organization and other one was for the employees of the organizations and other source of data collection through:-

Surveys in the organization


Exit interview


Journals and Research Paper


HR websites



ABOVE GRAPH SHOWS 50%EMPLOYEES are not participative.

30%participative employees.

20% are average

Chart showing motivation level of the employees’

60% employees are motivated through incentives.

20%self motivated.

20% average

Research objectives:-

ƒ˜To understand and analyze employee participation, in strategy planning or, job satisfaction, employee commitment and employee productivity.


To expose the scope of association sandwiched between employee participation, job satisfaction, and employee commitment and employee productivity at work place.

Our research study is a relational for exploring association among employee participation, and influence employees in decision making, job satisfaction, and employee commitment and employee productivity. The data included name of organization, life of organization in years, no of employees, employee participation, job satisfaction, and employee commitment and employee productivity


¶ Generally a research methodology comprises of the followings:-


To decide the objective of the study.

To find the prospective financial consultant for the company..


To decide the research design

Descriptive research is applicable to the project


To determine the source of data

Primary data is applicable to the project.


To design data collection form

Survey method is applicable.


To determine sampling design and sample size.

Non-probability stratified sampling is applicable.


To organize and conduct the fieldwork.

Personal interview through structured questionnaire is used to collect the primary data.


To process and analyze the collected data.

To study the perception and plans of the people.


To prepare the research report

Finding and analysis of the collected information.


Hr managers:- Managers plays a most important role in all the activities in the organization so they have lot of responsibility in the organization like

Decision making


Policies formulation and implementation.

Making reports.

And various other tasks they can perform in the organization. So they have lot of burden or workload pressure.

Through this employee’s participation:-

It helps to reduce workload pressure.

Delegation of authority helps to do a particular task.

So finally they get lot of benefits in the organization through participation.


Employees are also play vital role in operational level. Through participation employees are also get benefits like:-

Reduces favoritism.

Self respect in the organization.

Earn Wages according to their performance.

Job satisfaction.

They increase the commitment in the job.

They get these benefits and reduce absenteeism and works properly in the organization and also forget the individual interest and consider general interest and do work in a efficient and effective way.

Suggestion and recommendation:-

More Employees participation is helpful in effective decision making or strategic planning.

It maintains harmonious relation b/w top level and lower level.

It also provides new ideas methods for performing a challenging task.

It also helps to come out the hidden talent in the organization.

It reduces employees’ absenteeism and reduces cost of recruitment and training cost.

It is so easy handling of grievances of the employees when they participate in management planning.

It also reduce work load of top level of management in the organization.


Workers play a vital role in the organization success. Top level, middle level and lower level of management are interdependent on each other. So increase





We have to give chances to employees’ participate in all the functions of management in the organization, and it come out chance for hidden talent and increase innovation in the organization. This helps to maintain harmonious relation in the organization maintain friendly relation in the organization.

Finally we can say that employee’s participation necessary in the organizational objective and achieve long term survival in the market.

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