Employee Relations within TESCO plc

Table of Contents

This project is all about the employees relations with the organization TESCO, Plc. It is the responsibility of the company to assess the skills and the knowledge of their employees and helps them in achieving their goals. The company arranges the various training programs for their employees. TESCO is the multinational grocery merchandise company in the United Kingdom. It founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen and known as the third largest company as a retailer from its profits.

Honey & Mumford defines the three main learning styles of the Human Resource Development related to the company TESCO Plc, UK.

1. Activist: In this learning style, various discussions held in the employees group, abilities handling the problems and qualities of learning tasks are use for performing the various functions held in the TESCO. The team members follow the above styles at the time of facing new environment and the challenge like introduction of the new grocery product by the company or initiate any new offer to the consumers.

2. Reflectors: This style reflects the jobs of operations of the employees of the company TESCO. One can use this for evaluating their own operations by considering the feedback through colleagues and the consumers. Feedback can review to make the performance better (Argyris and Schon,1997).

3. Theorists: Employees those are following the particular learning style first goes through the task completely and does the proper analysis. After analyzing all the pros and cons then reach to the conclusion and take some relevant decision.

4. Pragmatists: A proper planning requires solving any of the problems occur inside the company TESCO Plc. The employees accepts new challenges and adapts new surroundings with proper adjustments but does the perfect planning before performing for the operations to get them complete.

A learning curve is the representation in the graphs that shows the development by following the continuous techniques by the TESCO, Plc. Through this curve, the company can achieve its goal in the new surroundings of the job. Experience can enhance the knowledge and the skills but the new techniques use by the company only for facing the new challenges and meet new targets. Continuous assessment can improve the skills of the employees. The importance of transferring the learning to the TESCO, Plc is all about the expectations of the company, innovation and the planning of the career made by all employees. It is the essential tool for the workforce to enhance the wide scope of the opportunities within the company (Doorewaard and Benschop, 2003). Various training events organized by the TESCO for improving the skills of the staff members. It increases the employee’s ability. It gives the chance to the management to evaluate the knowledge of the employees and remove any flaws if there.

The theories of learning help in understanding the factors of the company TESCO, plc and about the workforces. Learning event is organizes by the company for the employees to meet their company goals. Acquisition of theories state about the structures, types of the learning and its implementations that how knowledge is relevant directly. The company faces the new challenges because of the new structure and the values of the TESCO, Plc. They select the particular learning theory and the style after consider the changes, improvements and the scope of the accountability. An appropriate event designs by the employer for the better results by showing the great impact on the employee’s performance.

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The company should give the family atmosphere to the employees for motivating them. Requirement varies at the different level of the staff members. Needs of training at the different levels in the TESCO, Plc are.

  • Management Level– Leadership quality, taking decisions, Developing skills
  • Consumer Level– Manages all queries and complaints by giving solutions. Workshops for the qualitative consumer service.
  • Operation Level– Advice for improving the performance and review them of the managers to improve their efficiency and gives them motivation.

In the company TESCO, Plc Managerial staff acts as the trainers and counsel their team members in increasing their skills. Employees at the various levels grow as per their accountability of job activities and circumstances (Budhwar, 2000).

TESCO conducts various training events for their employees for bringing the changes in their working areas. Managers give proper coaching to their team for making their career. The on job and the off job training methods are-

Training methods



1.Role Playing

Practical experience helps in recognizing the changes in the job accountability of the employees

Taking the new job with new responsibility creates the confusion among employees

2. Induction

Company introduces their employees with the opportunities of the job, its specifications and challenges defining proper goals.

Variation of information makes employees dies-satisfied and de-motivate.

3. Performance Appraisal

Give recognition and motivation to employees after comparing their performance with their standard level.

Employees those unable to meet the company standards then they feel disappointed.

4. Discussion

Exchange of knowledge among employees for meeting goals and setting up their own standards

Lack of information does not clear the picture in front of employees. Firm also face hurdles in motivating employees

5. Workshops

Opportunity of the practical test by the employer enhance the level of the performance and the efficiency of employees

If an employee does not attain the proper message from the employee then the cost spent on all these will treat as the company loss.

A training system organizes by the company where management plays a participative role along with their employees. They recognize the employee’s problems and provide them the various solutions. The solution is first assess and then implemented.

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Training Method:

The top management will collect own conclusions. All employees called for participating in the problem solving session. Time allotted and discussion held among the employees. All employees provide the different solutions to the particular problem as per their own thinking skills (Farquharson and Baum , 2002). The management will evaluate their solutions and make judgment. Both managers and employees participate equally in bringing the change in the environment of the TESCO and for making the best corrections.

(Source: Own)

The people at managerial level and the management arranges the training events foe their employees for evaluating their skills and their working effectiveness.

Skills, working behavior of the employees evaluate by the management and then the management gets aware about their needs for the training.

Evaluation of the employees done by the management should takes place at regular interval in various forms. It is done by judging the job operational activities performs by the employees and helps them in concluding their behavior and knowledge that shows that whether they require any training or not (Walker & James, 2001).

It shows the responsibility of the employees those are taking the training and assess their skills and the knowledge that reflects their improvement area.

The various models use for evaluation that helps in reviewing the success of the evaluation method are- Kirk Patric model, CITO model, ROI model. These models evaluates the impact of the training so that it may improve in the future if requires. The four levels involves in the Kirk Patric model are Reaction, Learning, Behavior and Results. At the time of training operation, managers give the problems to the employees and observe the activities involves in such circumstances. Reaction shows by the trainees (Redman and Wilkinson, 2001). It clears that how well they have attain the training and useful for them. Learning measures reveals what employees as trainees have learnt from the training events and that impact on their behavior. Various outcomes of the business operations show the results of the training. It shows that whether the training events are beneficial for the trainees or not.

The United Kingdom’s government plays an important role in providing the training to the human resources of both the public and the private sectors. As the biggest retail grocery stores, TESCO contributes to the economy of the UK at its maximum. The development of the skills and the efficiency of the employees devote more in the economy of the country (Moon, 1999). The government arranges the various programs for the employees for their self-lifelong learning process.

The competency movement leaves the impact on both the public and the private sectors of the country. It compels the other company and considers their job operations of their own. Both the sectors involves equally in increasing the economy of the country. Nobody wants the environment of the competition that slows down their pace towards the success (Liao, 2005). It evaluates the company TESCO and suggest it various measures in the form of training programs to improve the performance. Audit of the company plays the major role here in assessing the business operations of the company. The competent movement maintains the friendly environment to encourage workers for their highest sincerity. Competitive circumstances give more opportunities to the companies to learn more from their personal experiences.

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Training programs arranges by the organization TESCO itself for its employees brings the new change for the company and devotes the major portion in enhancing the economy of the country. It improves the working surroundings of the TESCO Plc that moves towards the development. The company can easily face the competitive environment. An acceptance of the contemporary initiatives of training are relate with the decision making as per the structure of the company (Montagu ,1999).

The success of the training programs does not depend on the levy of the employees but it arranges for analyzing their abilities employed in the company. TESCO is the retail distributor/ merchandiser in the UK performing all its operations in the wide market of the country. Their main strength is the personnel soul presumes the goals of the company at the high rate than never before. They helps in analyzing the environment provide to the consumers by the employees. Various styles are opt by the employees in handling different problems arouse in an organization and the skills of the employees are improve by these training events only. It makes the employees capable enough to face every type of problem and solve them effectively on the base of their improved skills. As a result, the company enhances their business, earns more revenues and helps in enhancing the economy of the United Kingdom.

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Liao. Y, 2005. “Business strategy and performance: the role of human resource management control”, Personnel Review, Vol. 34 Issue 3. pp.294-309.

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Moon. J, 1999. “Reflection in Learning and Professional Development”: theory and practice. London. Kogan Page 0-7494-2864-3.

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Walker, James. W, 2001. “Perspectives; Emerging Trends and issues in Human Resource Development and Implementation”. Human Resource Planning. March 13. IGNOU, School of Management.

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