Employees Satisfaction At Habib Bank Limited Management Essay

The term organization refers to an entity that comprises of people or employees have some type of structure and have a specific purpose. The purpose is expressed as a goal, objectives and towards Organizational targets for accomplish. The organizations of today are changing all around the world, them has changed and continues to do so. Technological changes have created an environment whereby successful and leading organizations adopt new ways of getting work done. The proposed research study will look into the Performance Appraisal and its effects on Employees Satisfactions a Study for Habib Bank Limited, Lahore. The study will be carried out in the public and service oriented set up. No much work has been done on the research topic in our country in a public sector organization. It will be enterprising to see the effects of Performance Appraisal on the Satisfaction of employees in our organization.

The researcher will use Likert Scale to record the data from the respondents numbering about 125. Selection of respondents will be based on Non-Probability Sampling Method (convenient Sampling). The data analysis will be done by using Microsoft Excel or SPSS software. The results drawn from the study will create awareness in the present-day organizations in understanding the relationship of Performance Appraisal, Working Environment, Employees Behavior, Employees Satisfactions, Employees Working Performance, Quality of Work, and Organizational Output.

1.1 Introduction

Organizations are changing continuously all around the world, and facing immense pressure on the organizations due to changing technology, effects of globalization, increased competition, increased threats to security due to low efficiency of employees, Employees Satisfactions, Research, Training & Developments. These factors have generated pressures on the organizations and lead to the restructuring of organization.

Intense pressure is appearing in the shape of globalization in the World, due to technological changes, centralization have been created in the organizations, this thing effects the Performance Appraisal of the employees, which ultimate results, dissatisfaction of the employees. These changes have also affected the personal life of the employees. Much research is being done since the middle of the 20th century especially with regard to the Performance Appraisal and its effects on the employees satisfaction and organizational output and the resultant effects that on the personal life of the individuals and that ultimately affect the efficiency and health of the employees.

In 1985, it was realized, that the performance appraisal affect on employees satisfaction which ultimately link to the employees performance and organizational output. Performance Appraisal also link with the work/place life of the employees, their physical and mental health, their social lives and their personal lives outside the organization. This could be possible to attain by making the workplace more family-friendly, allowing the employees to meet their both, work and personal responsibilities. The progressive organizations of today are being modified to get the global needs of a diverse work- force.

This factor in Pakistan relevant to the research topic is not understood that this never been an important issue for the higher management of the organization. This has given a direction to the researcher to launch a research study in understanding the factors which affect the employee’s satisfaction, their efficiency and ultimately their organizational output. The researcher is in a position of middle management in the organization and face daily employees related matters in his office. It is expected that the findings of this research will help in, production and service oriented organizations, both, in the public and private sectors for understanding the different variables related, in the core issues to the Performance Appraisal and its effects on employees satisfaction. The results of the research study will go a long way in performance appraisal and its effects on the employee’s satisfaction, efficiency, quality of work, organizational effectiveness and output.

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Construct Definition

Human Resource Management is the function within an organization that focuses on Recruitment, management, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line management. It is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people, such as concentration, hiring, performance management, Performance Appraisal, organization development, safety, wellness, benefit, employee motivation, communication, administration and training.

The key function in them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, insuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues and ensuring personnel and management practices conform to various regulations, which leads employees satisfaction after applying good Performance Appraisal.

1.2 Background Information

The researcher is working as a Middle Management in Habib Bank Limited, consisting of 1400 branches, it was established in 1947 in Pakistan. Its First International Branch was established in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 1951 and Habib Bank Plaza was built in 1972 to commemorate the bank’s 25th Anniversary. Habib Bank Limited, have a domestic market share of over 40%, Habib Bank Limited was nationalized in 1974 and it continued to dominate the commercial banking sector with a major market share in inward foreign remittances (55%) and loans to small Industries, traders and farmers. International Operations were expanded to include the USA, Singapore, Oman, Belgium, Seychelles, Maldives and Netherlands. On December 29, 2003 Pakistan’s Privatization Commission announced that the Government of Pakistan had formally granted the Agha Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED) rights to 51% of the shareholding in HBL, against an investment of PKR22.409 billion (USD389 million). On February 26, 2004, management control was handed over to AKFED. The Board of Directors was reconstituted to have four AKFED nominees, including the Chairman and the President/CEO and three Government of Pakistan nominees.

Selecting the topic for research study is not only to probe the effects of dissatisfaction of employees due to poor performance appraisal system being adopted by Habib Bank Limited in early 2003, but with the induction of new management Habib Bank Limited, has now changed its direction to make their employees satisfied by improving performance appraisal system. The research is directed at the employees of the various sections of the Habib Bank Limited, Lahore.

1.3 Research Questions

How does performance appraisal affect on employees satisfaction?

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1.4 Research Objectives

To identify those performance appraisal factors, who effect on employee’s satisfaction

To conduct quantitative research on different variables of Performance Appraisal who effects employee’s satisfaction and efficiency.

To develop a transparent performance appraisal method and to minimize employees dissatisfaction.

1.5 Scope & Limitations of Research

The scope is limited to the employees of the Habib Bank Limited, Lahore working in as Middle Management. The research study is to be completed by February, 2010

The researcher may not be able to cover all the variables of this study.

Important independent and dependent variables may not be included in the research study.

The respondent who are in higher management may have their specific limitations

Time limitation may be a factor as the research study has to be conducted as an added activity to the job responsibilities.

The researcher may not get proper feed back from the respondents due to their official responsibilities.

There may be lack of understanding on part of the respondents about the research study.

Moderation may be necessary for the researcher.

The respondent may provide bias information due to the personal likes and dislikes.

The respondents who are working in HRD may have incorrect response.

Due to sensitive topic the respondents may provide incorrect information.

Diversity of age and experience groups may have different in opinion.

The scale of research may become a significant factor

The research study may be late due to shortage of resources

1.6 Significance of Study

The study will deeply look into the issue of performance appraisal and its effects on employee’s satisfaction. A link will be established between the independent variables of organizational and government policies and the dependable variables related to the satisfaction, working environment, performance and efficiency of the employees. Further the researcher will highlight the link between performance appraisals, employees working performance and organizational output.

Due to globalization, the organization of the day, are facing different types of challenges in their working schedules. Those organizations, who want to survive in the challenging environment and want to get a leading roll in the industry, can get advantages from the research study. This study will highlight that how a successful organization would enhance the skills of the employees through proper training and orientation.


3 Research Methodology

The researcher would adopt the following methodology for out linked performance appraisal with employee’s satisfaction

3.1 Research Design

The research study would be done according to the following research design in order to explore the issue performance appraisal and its effects on employee’s satisfactions in Habib Bank Limited.

1. The environment of research study would not be changed.

2. Sample size would consist by other segmentation of the population.

3. Convenience sampling would be used for data collection.

3.2 Population

This research study would consist on the population taken from the HBL branches based in Lahore region.

3.3 Sampling Technique

Convenience sampling technique would be used in order to select the sample from the target population.

3.4 Sample size

Data would be collected from 9 branches of Habib Bank Limited, Lahore region comprising of around 125 respondents.

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3.5 Research Instrument/Tools

The research study would comprise by applying questionnaire to reach the desire information. Questionnaire is attached.

3.6 Data Collection

Research study would be based on collection of data by applying questionnaire method. The questionnaire would have five responses per question based on Likert Scale. Distribution of the questionnaire made by researcher himself


4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

SPSS would be used for analyzing the data. Then specific formulae would be used to find out the Mean, Standard Deviation and Variance etc.


5 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

After data collection, analysis and interpretations, findings and conclusions would be given and based on recommendations would be made on the study.


Respected Sir/Madam,

The researcher is collecting data in a research study on performance appraisal and its affects on employee’s satisfaction on Habib Bank Limited Lahore. For this the researcher need your cooperation. Kindly fill up the questionnaire. Assuring that all the information collected from the respondents will be used for research purposes only.

Note: Please √ the appropriate answer

Age a) 20-30 b) 31-40 c) 41-50 d) 51-60

Gender a) Male b) Female

Qualification a) Under-Graduate b) Graduate c) Post Graduate

Professional Experience a) 0-10 b) 11-20 c) 21-30 d) 30+

Designation a) Junior Management b) Middle Management c) Senior Management

Please give your opinion regarding each statement at the five-point Likert Scale:

1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4 Disagree 5. Strongly disagree

Sr. No.







Effect of Organizational Policies on Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal is affected due to impact of higher management

Performance Appraisal is affected due to influence of union bodies

Performance Appraisal is affected due to favoritism.

Performance Appraisal is affected due to personal choice

Effect of Government Policies on Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal is affected due to new policies

Performance Appraisal is affected due to quota policy

Performance Appraisal is affected due to interference of Government Bodies

An Ideal Performance Appraisal method and its Outcomes

Right method create good environment

Ideal Performance Appraisal method beneficial for the organization

Due to Ideal Performance Appraisal Method, employee’s committed to his organization

Effect of Performance Appraisal on the Working Environment

Decrease of control over the disposal of work

Lack of challenge in working environment

No reward for excellent work

Personality conflicts increase which effect smooth working environment

Lack of regard for organizational rules and regulations

Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employees Attitude

Employees feel de-motivate due to lack of fairness

Employees feel irritated due to long working hours

Employees feel disappointed due to lack of fair evaluation

Employees feel depress due to discrimination in organization

Employees feel exhausted as they have to perform in addition their work.

Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employees Performance

Performance based opportunities for promotion to employees are denied

Employees output is decreased due to poor health

Decrease in efficiency of the employees

Decrease in overall performance of the employees

Effect of Performance Appraisal on Organizational Performance

Low productivity of the organization

Decrease in efficiency of the organization

Decrease in the quality of organizational goodwill and output

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