Employees Valuing An Organization Management Essay

An Organization is an entity composed of people. Employees work in an organization for a common goal by joining hands with each other. If we compare the employees those who were hired thirty five years ago with today’s employees, the vast difference can be found out in terms of their value system and the ethical conduct. Previously Traditional Organizational structure was followed many years ago where they had divided it into functional basis. The communication flowed from the top level to the bottom level. Employees had to follow the strict rules and regulations. Employees during those days were more ambitious, conscientious, hard working and honest. They thought the organization as their home where they were responsible and accountable for all of their activities. Managers wanted their employees to follow an ethical value system to build their goodwill in the market. Modern organization is based on team concept and they have a matrix structure. Employees need to perform multiple task and organizations have been empowering them to assist in decision making process. The managers have stated that lots of conflict arises between the employees in today’s time because more of the employees are engaged in social Loafing (Hearst Communications, Inc 2012). If we compare as per the work ethics and work value system of an organization between the old and the new employees certain facts can be drawn. The generation gap arises between the old and the new employees. The age factor also brings about changes in attitude and the value system of the employees. The old employees have stability and commitment for their organization as compared to the young new employees. The shortfall of knowledge and experience is there among the new employees. Young new employees have more demanding nature as compared to their old employee’s. They want to get maximum benefits and comfort in their job from their organization. The new employees want to have a win-win situation for them as well for their employers. The managers have an opinion that the older employees have low turnover rates because their future benefits are being linked with it. It has been found that higher level of motivation is there within the older age group. In organizations the largest skill set is present within the older employees (Love to know Corp 2006).

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The seven comparing points between the employees who were hired 35 years ago and the young employees who have been hired recently by the managers are explained in this paragraph. The ethical factors like honesty, integrity, hard work are reflected differently by the age group of employees. As per(Ravlin 2006) the commitment of the employees in an organization is linked with its fit theory. The generational difference in linked with variations in the employee’s ideas, behaviors and the values. Long term experiences of the employee’s always add value to an Organization and contribute in its growth. According to Max Weber, working concept can be related with the value systems of employees. The seven factors will be explained in a sequential format. The first point is known as self Reliance which means employees want to have autonomy at their workplace. It is said that young employees understand the working environment less as compared to the older employees. Self reliance ensures more responsibility at the workplace. The second point is explained with morality and the ethical factor, which is related with the behavior of the employees in an organization. The older workers have better approach of behavior as compared to the younger employees (State University of New York 2010). This is because the older employees are matured enough to handle to different critical situations at the workplace. As per the managers opinion the older employees takes the responsibility of the young employees and decide what is wrong and right. The younger employees want more and more in shorter period of time. They are responsible to pass the judgment after hearing the facts. The third point is related to the leisure time. Young employees do multitasking but they want to enjoy the flexible working systems as compared to the older employees who are more hard working. Leisure time is a time where no work is being done and is less enjoyed by the older employees because they are responsible to the management. The young employees who seek more leisure time will give low preference to his work. The fourth point is related to the hard work. The old employees who were hired have been performing work with high dedication and sincerity as compared to the older employees. They are ambitious as compared to the young employees who have been recently hired by an organization. The older employees have an ability to link the organizational success with their effective performance at their workplace. The fifth point is related to centralization at workplace. The older employees give first preference to their work and face the challenges that arise at workplace.

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They are able to do manual work without using the new technology. Whereas, the new employees rely more on technological aspects because they are tech savvy and they have a showoff nature. The older employers followed a formal structure to communicate their message. The communication was passed from a top level to lower level. Today the young employees enjoy the decentralization process where they want to be empowered and enjoy their work. Managers have been observing that too much of liberty at work for the young employees also creates problem for an organization. They are reluctant in their working style and enjoy the flexibility. The sixth point is related to proper time management. The young employees are unable to manage the time because they do not plan out their working activities at their workplace. Managers have observed that the wasted time hampers their productivity of an organization. It creates anxiety and frustration at the job of the employees. Whereas the older employee’s know the benefits of effective time management because they plan their working schedule properly (Zogbhi Manrique-de-Lara 2010). The last point is related to the Gratification which means employees should be rewarded. The older employees have patience to wait for the fruitful result related with their rewards and recognition where as the young employees want immediate output and if their gratification is delayed, in such case they leave the current organization and join the other organization. Managers state that older employees are mentally, physically active and productive at the workplace. The older employees can well inculcate their performance with the morality and cultural aspects of an organization.

Today’s young employees lack stability in an organization because they want to struggle less and achieve more. Employers value the older employees because they know well that when they depart from any organization it incurs both time and cost to fill the gap. They are reliable and the company is being supported by the older employees since a longer period of time. It has been surveyed by AARP and Society for Human Resource that loss of the older employees will adversely affect the Organizations (Stansbury,Jason M 2009). It has been observed that the employees who have been hired 35 years ago have lower absent rate, they do not change job easily, are punctual and disciplined, they have better communication skills, they work with positive attitude, reliable & committed and contribute in producing the quality output at their workplace.

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Therefore, the older employees have been developing friendly atmosphere by their value system. They believe in using their skills and helping their coworkers by doing something that can contribute in the growth of an organization (Convergence Media, Inc. 2009). Young workers have to hold their work values and the ethical aspects with them. The young workers are used to new technology and rely more on it. They come from different diversity at the workplace and they have a nature of job hopping. Young employees are facing more problems in managing their work along with their personal life because they focus on fulfilling their dreams more than the contributing towards an organizational success. The young employees like to have more fun and luxuries in life as compared to the older employees. They lack in knowledge and maturity to handle the decisions related at workplace (Gloria Gonzalez 2004). The older employees will always guide the new and young employees to have better stability in an organization. Even organizations feel that the older employees are valuable human assets of an organization. The older employees need not require more training and developmental programs to enhance their skill because they hold multiple years of experience. Thus managers of maximum companies have concluded that the employees who were hired thirty five years are more ambitious, conscientious, hardworking and honest as compared to today’s young workers who do not have similar values.

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