Essay MLA Applying for Scholarship

Austin M. Terrell
Tutor name
Literature and Language: Please state your reason for applying for this scholarship
17th March 2014
Dear Sir/Madam
I am a 17 and half year old boy at the Vicksburg High School and will graduate in May
2014. I am hardworking and above average with a career goal of becoming a distinguished
Computer technologist at the Alcorn State University. To achieve this goal, I have applied for
several scholarships. I require assistance from you in the form of a book scholarship to cater for
my book expenses.
I have been living with my grandparents who have been catering for my educational
expenses to present. However, this has been draining their lifetime savings at a devastating rate.
College expenses and living costs have also tremendously increased. This will mean a further
withdrawal from my grandparents’ retirement savings that will push them to bankruptcy, a
burden that I would like to ease for them.
Due to the recent economic slump, state support for college students tremendously
decreased. Therefore, the cost of college tuition has increased a situation that bears negatively on
my dreams for getting a college education. In addition, the job market was also affected by the
economic slump making it impossible for me to secure a job that would help me cater for my
college and book expenses.

I am a hard worker and even with my current background, I have managed to remain
focused and maintained good grades throughout my studies. Therefore, this scholarship will help
me to acquire the relevant books for my studies and reduce the financial burden for grandparents.
I assure you that if granted this scholarship, I will take full advantage of it to turn my dreams and
dreams of my grandparents into a reality.
Your consideration will be highly appreciated.
Austin M. Terrell
Vicksburg High School

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