Eticket Project For Tanzania Football Federation Project Plan Information Technology Essay

Of late we have noticed a lot of movement from the traditional ways of selling tickets and services in various institutions around the world. This movement has been made even easier with the advent of the Internet, Secure online payment systems and mobile payment systems. Locally we do not have any online payment system especially in areas that have large number of clientele. We mainly see traditional sales of tickets, with agents being chosen to sell these tickets and remit the monies to the provider of these services and events. This has resulted in a lot of loss of revenue for the providers due to theft of tickets, forgery of tickets. The availability of a secure online ticket purchasing system will reduce the loss of revenue to the service providers.

1. Introduction

In this article we will address the usability of database facilities implemented throughout our development of the Football e-ticket Project , for sales of football match tickets that are run by the Tanzania Football Federation ( herein after called The Football Federation).

In our project, a mission given to us first was how to well administer multiple kinds of tickets. The option of the platform could be taken from a simple record-based card, a program loadable one, like Java Card etc. However several difficulties had appeared; a simple record file is less meaningful for the properties of ticket applications, while an application program for implementing each ticket is too costly. This conclusion led to a simple data management system that supports a query language, access control, and transaction management.

The database we designed, on the other hand, differs from conventional databases in several ways. To present a small volume of various tickets, a ticket is formed in a self-described object. To control access from different application contexts, a role-based authenticator is attached to each object. To reduce classification on the card, rollback operation in a transaction is externalized on a trusted host.

2. Goals and objective

The main reason of our online ticket booking system is to provide another way for the customer to buy football ticket. It is an automatic system. After inserting the data to Database, the Football Federation staff need not to do anything with the ticket sales through the system.

The goals of our system are:-

To provide a anytime anyplace service for customer

To provide refund which is not available in the existing system

To reduce the number of staff at the ticket counter

To promote advertisement on internet

To increase the profitability of football matches by reducing or completely doing away with fake tickets.

To obtain statistic information from the booking record

3. Interface

Staff: One of the main purposes of our system is to reduce the number of staff in the ticket counter. So, most of job done by the system automatically. Staff only needs to insert new data and due with the refund part.

Customer: To make the system more user-friendly. Customer need not to enter lots of data. An order will be via a committed step by step with guideline.

4. System Context

Our online E-Ticket System is a web – based system. The customer can buy ticket online and cancel the seat at appropriate time.

Staff can use the system to insert and delete data which will update the web page. Also staff can check the statistic information from the system.

5. Compatibility

The new system need to be compatible with the existing ticket selling system ( Original ) in the ticket counter, because the web-base system and the original system will run on the same time and use the same database.

6. Benefits

Cost Savings – Reduce the costs associated with printing and mailing tickets to your ticket buyers. Eliminate or reduce the need for ticket stock, envelopes and postage.

Safe and Secure – E-Tickets are safe and secure. Barcode validation eliminates the possibility of counterfeit and duplicate tickets.

Actual Attendance Reporting – Find out how many of your e-ticket patrons attended your event and when they arrived.

Instant Delivery – Ticket buyers love being able to print their tickets immediately. There’s no need to wait for the mail or wait in line at the event. Customers can print their electronic tickets immediately after they purchase them. This makes e-tickets ideal for the last minute gift or the last minute decision.

Extra Information – E-Tickets provide space for extra useful information such as street maps, driving directions, and other information your customers may need to know.

Advertising – E-Tickets provide unique advertising capabilities. We can boost the Football Federation’s revenues by adding advertisements both to the e-tickets themselves as well as the ticket purchasing portal.

Project plan

Time Line








































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E-Ticket Flow Chart

These two flowcharts set for the existing trunk ticket creation and modification reason.

Left, the New Ticket Flowchart and right, the Modify Ticket Flowchart.

PID – Project Initiation Document

Document Purpose for Online ticket system for Tanzania Football Federation (TFF)

This document is a brief description of the way the project will be realized and existing problems will be solved. It also contains information about constraints associated with project realization. The document is divided into four parts.

Section 1 brings up general information about the project, its motivation, and context of its realization, products to be provided and constraints. It also includes information about people involved in the project and their roles in project realization.

Section 2 is about quality. It describes the way quality will be measured and controlled. Some procedures performed to ensure high quality of the product are mentioned in this section.

Section 3 contains general information about Project Plan. It describes conditions of successful project realization and provides introduction to specific products. Project calendar associated with task schedule is placed here to present project development process clearly. All information is supported by description of the way project will be managed according to its progress in time.

Section 4 is a supplement to other three parts of the document. It describes how data about processes associated with project development will be gathered. It includes reports templates and presents way of analysis of these, which is key issue in project management. It also provides information about communication and situations, about which Project Board must be informed.

Section 5 contains definitions of some terms mentioned, but not described in previous sections.

Project Context

Stages to be followed during development of Online ticket system:

Software Development Studio involves VB.NET and ASP.NET Application which has potential industrial standard lifecycle. The project has a Supervisor, who is usually a person having expertise in Software Engineering. Project is designed and implemented using Project management processes according to XPRINCE and RUP methodologies(which are Designing Techniques). The people involved in the project recognize and plan performance of necessary activities.

First phase is Inception. At this stage customer’s vision of the project is shared with developers. Analysis of what should be done to satisfy customer is performed.

In second, Elaboration phase, students work on project architecture according to risk factors. Everything is done due to business approach; every important decision is taken by customer. Main task is to propose architecture that can be managed easily. This phase is canceled if there is no risk.

Third phase, Coding, means development and release of next version of software.

Last phase, Transition, means providing system to customer who starts working with it. Each RUP phase might consist of several iterations.

Coding during Software Development Studio proceeds according to some practices chosen from eXtreme Programming methodology(for coding standards). This requires gathering data about laborious tasks, which will be used to plan next releases of project realization. Besides in this methodology developers are obliged to perform unit tests created according to customer’s hints and used to measure development progress later on.

Business Case

Functional and Non-functional requirements of the online ticket system.

Project will be successful, if all functional and non-functional requirements will be fulfilled and the system will be accredited as useful from customer’s point of view. Usefulness here means that web based configuration panel will be user-friendly and intuitive. In such case the client will be able to offer Communication Suite to the customers instead of other expensive solutions.

Project Board and Developers

The people involved in the development of online ticket system

The structure of team realizing the project is shown on Figure .1. In comparison with the original XPrince methodology the team is enlarged with the function of Project Supervisor. Analyst and Software Architect have functions which are oriented on software production and are understood similarly as in RUP – Rational Unified Process. The Project Supervisor inspects the developers. The Project Manager, the Analyst, Project Assurance main concerning people responsible for every function are shown below.


WBS – Work Breakdown Structure

Online ticket system will involve 4 major activities






A 100% deposit is necessary to confirm all bookings and will be calculated on the full cost of the football match based on pre-booked tickets . Payment of the deposit will be required within 4 weeks from the date of issue of the Booking Confirmation to the client. Failure to pay a deposit on this basis could result in the cancellation of the booking.

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Charges and Payment Terms

The E-Ticketing Project accepts payment via credit cards , mobile banking facilities provided by Tanzanian Mobile Providers i.e M-Pesa ( By Vodacom ) , ZAP ( By Zain ) , Z-Pesa ( By Zantel ). Credit facilities may be available and an application form is available upon request.

Full pre-payment of all charges including VAT must be made or credit terms agreed with 4 weeks prior to the event.

All prices are VAT exclusive at the prevailing rate. Every prices are subject to review at any time.

All invoices are due for payment on the 30th day following the invoice date. Any invoice outstanding beyond this period will be referred to Collection Center, in this case, National Bank of Commerce (NBC) Limited whereby a surcharge of 15% plus VAT will be imposed to compensate the collection costs incurred. The surcharge and other charges like legal fees incurred will be the responsibility of the customer and will be enforceable legally.


Provisional bookings will be held for 14 days. All bookings must be confirmed in writing or online. The system will then confirm a booking has been made and issue a Booking Confirmation. Every booking will be deemed as provisional, pending the Booking Confirmation, is signed by the client – in the case of clients with credit facilities, and a deposit is received. Once the Booking Confirmation is signed all facilities and services kept by the client will be subject to these terms and conditions.

Numbers have to be advised to The Football Federation during the time of verbal confirmation and be identified on the Booking Confirmation. Any special requests have to be confirmed to The Football Federation at least 4 weeks prior to the football match.

Amendments by the Client

Any changes to the arrangements listed in the Booking Confirmation must be notified verbally to an application at the earliest chance and quickly confirmed in writing. The number of guests attending the football match should be less than the minimum contracted numbers or time. The Football Federation has the right to levy a charge to balance for any costs incurred based on the projected price in respect of the original number or time in the Booking Confirmation. A decrease in numbers of more than 10% may at The Football Federation’s discretion be taken as a cancellation by the Client.

In case the client desire to add the number of guests attending the football match in excess of the contracted numbers, it will use all reasonable endeavors to conform with such requests subject to availability of function suites, facilities and services but will not be liable should it fail to do so. The Football Federation may raise its charges in accordance with the increased number of guests attending. Any additional charges will be invoiced instantly after the match and payment will be due within 30 days.


In the unfortunate situation that the client decided to cancel or postpone the confirmed booking at any time prior to the football match, The Football Federation will make every effort to re-sell the facilities on your behalf. Application’s cancellation policy is: –

Cancellation on 3 months notice in writing – no charge

Cancellation on 2 to 3 months notice – Forfeit of minimum deposit

Cancellation on 1 to 2 months notice- 50% of the total charge for the service

Cancellation of less than 1 months notice- 100% of the total charge for the service

It should be noted that any cancellations, partial cancelations should be advised to The Football Federation by accessing the online system. Client will be advised at this stage as to the cancellation charge. As far as any cancellation is concerned, it should be done online and failure to do so may result in continued liability for full payment for services and facilities.

Agenda & Minutes of Meetings




15Th Feb

Agenda: First meeting called on Which

( a) Project to Use or if to Prepare a new project and why ?

(b) When to Have meetings

(c) Meeting to last 15mins

(d) And what project process to follow

All Four students confirmed to the meeting

1) Roy Ledama ( Chairing the meeting)

2) Mussa J Issa

3) Wenceslaus Sobayi

4) Ian De Almeida.

Agenda Was passed on by sms (cell phone) with a meeting set for after class on the 19th Feb

19th Feb

Meeting Started at 1850hrs with all in attendance:

1) Roy Ledama ( Chaired the meeting)

2) Mussa J Issa


Wenceslaus sobayi

4) Ian De Almeida.

There was a choice of Four Projects that could be used for the Group Project:

1) E-ticket for Tanzania Football Federation

2) Upgrade of Holiday Out Reservations System

3) Upgrade of Dawasco Billing system

4) E-Payment System for GAPCO Tanzania

It was decided that we Use The Project: E-TICKET FOR TANZANIA FOOTBALL FEDERATION

The Project was agreeable amongst all as all could relate to it.

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Once the Group Project was chosen the workload was split as follows:

1) Issa – Will work on coming up with the Project Plan and Flow charts

2) Ian – Will work on task 3 – the execution write up phase of the project

3) Sobayi – Will work on the PID and WBS

4) Roy- Will work on the presentation

There was also agreed on the project process to follow.

The next meeting has been set for 05th March 2010, after the class.

The Agenda for that meeting would be communicated during the course of the 2 weeks as well as the time set aside for that meeting.

Face to Face meeting which lasted 20mins

21st Feb

The Coordinating Student ( Roy Ledama) , made a call to all other students to find out the progress of their various aspects of the assignment. It was decided that the group meet on the 5th of March with the agenda to be send out later.

Phone call

22nd Feb

Agenda For meeting to be held on the 5th March at 1900hrs after class:

To access progress on the Project and if any problems were seen and how to resolve


27th Feb

Contact made as to how to & what to include in the Work Breakdown structure

Discussion was successful and a good needful information obtained

Conference call made lasted 8 minutes


Meeting Chaired By Roy Ledama.

Items review were:

The Progress of each part of the project ( PID,WBS,Project plan), it was seen that a very limited amount of work was done, hence a call was called that we work on each assigned part over the next 2 weeks and plan to meet after that.

Project was progressing well

Next meeting to be 19th March 2010, the agenda for the next meeting would be the progress on each part of the project. The meeting took 35mins in total and was closed with all set to meet again on the 19th mar 2010

Face to Face meeting

15th Mar

Contact was made on some elements in the PID and its presentation

Call lasting 10 minuess on the

16th Mar

Contact made on the Agenda, and if any additional was required: thus far there was no new element and meeting was still set as planned after class at 1845hrs on the 19th March

19th March

Meeting was adjourned due to Issa Not being well, new date was to be communicated

Face to face and one call made.

25th March

Contact was made and agreed that we would now meet after the holidays on the 9th April after class at 1845hrs, Agenda was the same to assess the progress made on the joint Project.

Face to Face meeting, meeting last 12 mintues

9th April

Meet Started at 1830hrs Just after Class to check on the progress made on the Joint Project, its was noted that there were a few doubts on the following:

The Format the Minutes were to Be Presented in: As in Date wise, along with the details and form of communication. Was there a need for a results column as well? this was discussed and agreed upon

Another doubt was in the font and the font sizes to be used for the subheadings etc

After review on the entire work done on the Project, the meeting was closed. A reminder was made that all the work had to be in by the next meeting so it could be complied and prepared for the Presentation. The meeting lasted 18mins.

The Next meeting is set for 23rd April after class; the agenda is to Review the total work done and its compilation.

Face to Face Meeting, meeting lasted 18mins,

13th April

E-mail Sent with Attachment to Team for the Completed PID and WBS

e-mail sent to the team

20th April

E-mail Sent with Attachment to Team for the Completed Project Plan and Flow charts

e-mail sent to them team

23rd April

Meeting started right after class at 1835hrs.

The 3 parts of the Project were turned in the compilation was to be done.

After the compilation is was agreed that the Presentation was to be prepared.

All work is to be finalized by the 30th May and handed in to the Lecturer by the 2nd May.

Agenda for the next meeting on the 30th April after class was to review the final Project.

Face to Face meeting, meeting lasted 16mintues

30th April

Meeting started at 1815hrss, Final Project reviewed,

Meeting lasted 23mins.

It was Agreed that we are on schedule to hand over the project on the 7th May.

Face to Face meeting, meeting lasted 23 mintues

7th May

Meet started at 1820hrs, and all are happy with the final work, the Finished Projected handed in to the Lecturer.

Meeting lasted 10mins.

Face to face meeting, meeting lasted 10mins.

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