Evaluating Human Resource Management within Coca Cola

In the acreage of animal ability management, Human Resource Management is the acreage anxious with authoritative action aimed at accessible the achievement of individuals and groups in authoritative settings. It has been accepted by several names, including agent management, animal ability management, and acquirements and management.

The addition of human resource management to bread-and-butter achievement has continued been recognized. In particular, HRM contributes to workers’ adeptness to acclimate to new technology and to the alteration alignment of assignment and promotes their abiding employability.

Beverage is one industry where a huge amount is being invested in human resource management activities. Companies in Beverages industry have to perform different tasks and activities and for this purpose they need highly trained workforce.


Core essentials would be:

To investigate how human resource management contributes towards achievements of organizational goals.

HR planning and development methods.

Ways to enhance human resource management.

Why is series planning imperative in Human Resource Management?

Before we start heading into investigate that how human resource management contributes to the achievement of organizational objects, first what we need to know is that, what is succession planning and what position it has in an organization? Sequence preparation is zero more than having a methodical procedure where managers make out, where staff is evaluated that how they will be key players in the organization. This process plays a major key role in the organization reason behind this is that the person recognized in the sketch over time is accountable that the company has enough strength to face future challenges. Such individual must be observed very carefully by the organization not only this but also give them enough skills to bring the best for the organization.

And the most important thing is that someday these developed and skilled employees will come up as great leaders for the organization trained by the human resource development.

That is the reason these development planning having a vast range of become skilled at, in the organization. The individual must expose as much as he or she can better understand what company is needed to stay up to the mark and successful in the industry.

Key HRM activities of Coke

HR Practices in organization

Coke is committed towards a mode of management that aims at building a workforce that is motivated and aligned to organizational objectives.


Job description




Model 1. Motivational Impacts of Human Resource Management:

Sense of equality comes among the employees by having similar uniform

Company offers financial security to reduce the burden over its employees

Smart activities and training is arranged by the company to develop interpersonal skills of the employees.

Reward brings the new breath among employees.

Snaps of family and kids keep employees motivating and they work hard.

Annual projects intentions:

Evaluation of financial practices of human resource

Evaluation of non financial practices of human resource

How motivation get affected by human resource practices.

Advantages of HR practices at COKE

Human resource practices are strongly interlinked with motivational output of employees, they not only improves the living standards of employees but also nurture the relationship exist between employee and employer not only this but image of the company also effect by this.

Enhances internal capabilities of an organization to deal with current or future change.

It influences financial and other performance indicators.

Energizes and encourage employees to work.

Increase loyalty of employees towards the organization.

pull towards Man supremacy

diminish malingering

Reduce Turnover

Its helps to decrease the turnover rate

A reason of enhanced capabilities

Fuel of motivation brings best out of them

Enhanced loyalty of employees toward organization

Human resource department of Coke is doing pleasant attempt to stimulate their employees. And the practices are made in the form, which can be effective for the labor force and as well as ready to lend a hand in achieving the predefine goals of the corporation.

Learning from Others

• Working with a counselor

• Teaming with an proficient

• 360 response

• Focused Interviews


Core sections:

Appraisal of training

Training distribute

Defining the purpose

Establishment of set of courses

Competitive environment

Need and expertise


A good training program after a series of steps for the development and delivery of training, since training is designed to create individual library staff member or a large library system with many staff or training if it is one-on-one, a class or series of classes.

The diagram above illustrates the main components to consider in developing a training program. For more information about each of these components to develop its own training program plan

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Description of the Model

Defining the purpose:

One goal of, human resource management, training is a general statement that describes what your annals hopes to achieve. Goals are an important component of any training program.

Outline of new knowledge or skills to be gained through training.

Make clear or additional expand your library’s assignment or hallucination.

Promote better communication and more freedom to operate.

Clearly define the responsibilities of staff and greater job satisfaction.

Offer a structure for evaluating programs and services.


To train staff and customers to use citations technology and information resources

Competitive environment:

Once the objectives of the have training has been established, the next step is to write the competences for the positions of various members of staff and public users in your collection. Competencies are descriptions of skills or competencies required for outstanding performance of a particular role or function. Technology skills training to provide a common set of standards and expectations for each position within the organization, the reinforcement of the mission. The skills can empower employee with a measure of what should strive to attain.

Needs and expertise evaluation:

Once Human Resource Department has established training goals and describes the powers that users must take the next step is to determine what skills they already possess, and identify what needs are not met. The assessment of needs and abilities of the audience is an important step in the process of developing effective training. The interests of employees in measurement, the identification of the tasks they need to implement and test their skills will help design curriculum that meets the needs and captures of the interest of the organization.

Assessment of needs and capacities is often easier to staff than the public, as they have more opportunity to interact with staff and solicit feedback from them as a group. It can be difficult to assess the needs and abilities of the population, since it cannot interact with them or at least with the same group of them before a training class. However, the methods department can use to help get an idea of the interests and abilities of their employees before the training will help their target for training. The additional benefit of the evaluation is to increase “acquire” from the staff or public users, giving them the opportunity to reflect on their needs and abilities, and to suggest what to watch covers are made for a more responsive public education.

There are two basic types of evaluation

Need evaluation:

The focus of a needs assessment is to gather information about what employees are interested in learning, or the department need to know to perform the activities required of them. For staff, their needs are likely linked to its function in the training, what they need to know about technology in publicly accessible latest systems to help the public? For the audience, their needs will be linked to the way we usually use the technology, their needs often include how to use the offering catalog, where to find certain offering resources, or how to log on computers database.

The needs can be measured by asking the employees to identify themselves, but the department should be aware what they are looking for training needs in line with the skills set, and their employees may not have the same perception of the needs employees do.

With a general example the above discussion can be understood.

For example, you may have determined that public users need to know how to print from library computers without staff assistance, but when asked to identify their training needs, public users can suggest training in page design Web. You can have a place in your training program for both, but focusing on their skills will help you prioritize training needs.

Skills evaluation:

The focus of a skills assessment is to provide information about the skills employees already possess. If you’ve done the work of established powers, have all the ingredients of a skills assessment, measurement capabilities of the employees “against the powers to paint a picture of your set of skills and highlight areas where training is needed. As the needs assessments, skills assessments have been carried out through self-evaluation, but it is important to note that self-evaluation is not always accurate, people tend to rank their skills lower than is true. The observation can be a powerful tool for assessing the skills of personnel or the public. What tasks do users get help? What skills do staff members seem to struggle?

Looking for your competition in action will help you identify skills that need improvement.

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Establishing set of courses:

When developing curriculum, consider the needs and skills of your audience and adapt curriculum to meet them. Another thing to consider is who will develop and update the curriculum. Will it be developed by a committee or by an individual? Who will be responsible for organizing and storing lessons plans, handouts, etc, and how will they be made available to all trainers? How often will the curriculum be updated?

Training distribute:

Delivery of training is more than the selection of trainers and training them, but includes the scheduling of classes, the sale and handling of the program and individual classes, and general logistics of classroom space.

Appraisal of training:

Training is an ongoing process that evolves and improves over time. The evaluation process allows a constant check and balance to monitor progress of the training program and measure whether the objectives have been achieved. It may consist of evaluations by employees at the end of the training and development class and formative assessments completed by

coach or training committee. HRM should ask questions that are linked to the objectives and tasks set at the beginning of the process and possible concepts that add to the training in the future. The information they collect may inform improvements or changes in the training program to meet the changing needs of staff and the public and respond to the ever changing technology world.



Recruitment is commonly done on the appropriate positions and not on the standby basis. Recruitment starts whenever a administrator or sales administrator needs a agent and it is aboriginal accustomed by the accepted administrator afore sending it to the animal assets department.

All the vacancies are aboriginal internally advertised so that all the advisers who accomplish the requirements can account this opportunity. If there aren’t any acceptable bodies for a accurate job again animal ability administration look its abstracts coffer and if there is no acceptable being again at aftermost it is advertised in the bi-weekly but it is rarely the case at coca Cola for the sales man.

Selection is based on altered archetype for altered positions. Education requirements are the aboriginal and the best important and are the aboriginal allotment of the screening of the personnel.


On Job Training

At Coca cola on the job training is accustomed the absolute importance. At aboriginal a sales man is accustomed advice about the product, sales ambiance and aggregation behavior and procedures. Ethical behavior is emphasized best so as not to actualize any array of bad habits which can account abundant problems for the company. Normally a new sales man is declared to assignment beneath addition salesman to apprentice the basics of affairs techniques and the all-embracing ambiance in which he will be working.

A salesman is again accustomed to assignment beneath the salesman but he is asked to accomplish all the operations by his own. These accommodate bushing out the avenue card, ambidextrous with the customers, communicating with to loader, banknote management, ambience the visi acknowledgment and the abutting canicule adjustment to be loaded. After accomplishing all this if has any problems in acquirements again he is guided by salesman, bazaar developer, and sales administrator if required.

In-House Training Facilities

Apart from this on the job training, the aggregation additionally has some centralized training facilities. The aggregation has a sales anteroom in which all the sales cadre are accustomed some tips apropos the changes in the affairs ambiance and how to advance ability and efficacy. These tips are commonly accustomed by the accepted manager.

Organizing Seminars

Coca Cola additionally arranges some blazon of seminars, assignment shops and modules accompanying to the sales management, Forecasting of the circadian sales, merchandising, affairs skills, authoritative techniques and added areas accompanying to the sales.

Critical evaluation of Coke’s Human Resource Management

Promotions Are Based On Performance

Coca Cola additionally arranges some acquaint of seminars, appointment shops and modules accompanying to the sales management, Forecasting of the circadian sales, merchandising, diplomacy skills, accurate techniques and added areas accompanying to the sales.

Controlling the Performance

Control is done through the evaluation, which is based on the very objective basis. Certain criteria are fixed in advance and if these criteria are not met then the employees are asked and evaluated for the reasons and corrective actions are taken by the respective managers. Different departments have different criteria and different reporting and controlling systems. The reporting, evaluation and control system of sales departments is follows:

Sales Person’s Reporting System:

Every sales being anon letters to bazaar developer of his area. A sales being is declared to accord him a circadian address of his activities and he is chargeless to ask for any affectionate of abetment from the bazaar developer.

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Every agent is accustomed an appearance bite card, which annal his accession and abandonment time. He is additionally accustomed a avenue alarm card, which he is declared to ample out. This agenda includes all the capacity about the visits of the outlets, time spent on these outlets, sales fabricated on these outlets, time spent on these outlets, sales fabricated on these outlets, time during travelling, names of the loaders and salesperson’s time in and time out of the vehicle.

Apart from this a sales being is additionally accustomed a anatomy to ample up for the abutting canticle adjustment to be loaded in the truck. This basically tells about the absolute sales of the salesman according to the cast and the ad measurement of the product. This basically is acclimated by the animal assets administration to appraise the achievement and artful the absolute bacon of the salesman.

Sales Person’s Evaluation System:

Every salesperson’s evaluation is done on quarterly basis. Evaluation helps the company to promote the people to the higher levels of the organization. This evaluation also motivates salespeople to work hard and get the promotion or at least the monetary rewards, which are given not only to the best salesman but the best market developer and the best sales manager of the year.

Performance is evaluated on the basis of performance development plan. Performance is measured on the basis of achievement of the targets, which are set and communicated at the very beginning of the year to each sales manager, each quarter to every market developer and every month to each salesperson. This performance development plan evaluates the sales people on the basis of call slips, Route call, Call completion, Effective and productive call, attendance, growth in sales, market development and the punctuality of the salesman.

Delegation and Accountability:

There is a aerial amount of appointment and appointment is done with able ascendancy and responsibility. Each administrator is additionally fabricated answerable for the accomplishments of his subordinates. Able instructions and advice is accustomed at time to time to accomplish the objectives by the corresponding managers.

Apart from the delegating every administrator is amenable for affective his juniors so as to access the capability and ability of the employees. Human Capital administration additionally helps advisers apprehend their abeyant and actuate them through altered methods. They accomplish abiding that they accord the best in acknowledgment to their managers. This increases their performance, the affection of their work, and chump satisfaction.


First and foremost step regarding HRM is, benefit to the sales employees should be taken into the consideration so that system becomes fair. However reward system is an excellent technique to support the culture regarding change culture of the company in positive manners.

Only equality in the system can bring all this get together and management must utilize this system to increase effectiveness as well as productivity on the other hand rewards should be design financial and non financial to provide lower and upper management equal and fair importance.

Coca cola reward system must be highly functional to make employees more loyal to organizational goals, values and standards. On the other hand it also motivates the employees. And reward management system should be in a group task because the organizations are more tend toward in group task rather than individual performance. One of the important and appealing reasons is that it require interaction between groups and sharing of ideas which brings more effectiveness and efficiency results in better outcome for the company.


By finishing to this prestigious assignment work, in which the work is very enthusiastically cover all reward Human Resource Management areas as well as practical work followed by productive and innovative recommendations with respect to above described models and recommendations. In this assignment work it is analyzed how to relate Human resource models to enhance the productivity of employees and how they contribute toward achieving the organizational goals in more effective way, this comparison helps to understand trends of both sides and make me able to think over them in a way to generate those strategic points which would best overcome our corresponding company’s reward management limitations. This in depth company’s human resource management flow gives a fair picture, which guided towards acknowledged recommendations that is the reason of being experienced to immense analytical skills, to give recommendations to the whole scenario.

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