Evaluating Leadership and Management in Papa Johns

The assignment below will elucidate the link between leadership skills and management in my organization. I have opted Papa john for this task which is a leading pizza making company throughout the globe. In the second part I have explained the impact of the management and leadership styles in the organization and how the leadership styles been adapted in different situations. Finally by analyzing the entire task the essay has been concluded effectively.

1.2 Relationship between Leadership and Management

According to me Leadership is very important for any organization it helps to influence people to motivate, communicate and to improve the organization. Leaders are the decision makers in all the organization, And the leaders need to be self motivated, good observer & listener and to build a good team; if the leadership is so strong then it is easy to achieve the organization goals easily. Same like that management is the heart for an organization.

Management is to keep the resources and people in a constructive way. Accomplishing a company’s goal is not only the leaderships work, it is managements duties as well. Management is like to make a good growth in business and employee as well. Managing an organization is not such an easy work, managing an organizing is a difficult part, there are so many problem in all organization for example I can say as solving problem and handling grievances. Tackling these kind of situations in a good way is really so complicated. Management is responsible for the employee, culture, organization structure and the environment.

In my own aspect I feel leadership and management is quite similar and I found 1 major difference which leadership is to motivate the people and see the achievements and manager’s duty is to see the results. When both the leadership and management is so effective the organization will be so productive. I have taken my organization Papa John’s (pizza store) for example. In my organization leadership and management is so constructive and the key people are achieving their task very easily. In this case I can say my own experience which I seen in last few years in my organization and the impacts of the strategic decisions in papa john’s.


Papa john’s is an American based company, due to their good leadership and management strategy it has been implemented throughout the world. In United Kingdom the organization has 60 and more branches. I am working as shift supervisor in one of the branch which is located in Croydon. In our branch we have one manager, 3 shift supervisor, 3 people for answering phone, 5 people for making pizza and 8 drivers. The branch is been operated very nicely so that the store earns more than 10000 pounds a week. When the management and leadership is good in an organization ultimately the total growth of the company will be massive. The key person for this organization is john Schnatter (United States of America), who has a good leadership strategy and he is managing all the stores from one place, in other I can tell this as e-leadership as well.

Impact Of Management And Leadership Styles On Strategic Decisions

The leadership and management of Papa Johns has a positive impact in the present situation of the company. Due to some excellent marketing strategies that the company is performing, the organization continues to perform well and remained liquid. In today’s world, competition is very rampant that organization needs to exert more effort in making the operation productive. In this manner, Papa John continually give some good benefits to the employees as well as providing exceptional services to the customer. In other words, because of good management and leadership, good working environment and high performance as an organizational culture serve as an essential effect.



As stated by Lippitt & White, (1939), democratic leadership style favors decision-making by the group as shown, such as leader gives instruction after consulting the group, moreover, they can win the co-operation of their group and can motivate them effectively and positively.

Papa John’s management is practicing democratic leadership because of the fact that they encourage all employees to participate in the activities and somehow being ask for some opinions regarding the operation. The management is very hands-on that they also participate physically in doing the chores in the shop.


Giving the organization precise thoughts to overcome present problems and foresee the future is what strategic management does. The objective of strategic management is not only to be profitable but it includes the whole sector which needs extraordinary attention.

The manager must forecast the reactions before implementing the new strategy otherwise a serious problem may arise in the organization that would definitely affect the relationship between the manager and subordinates.


Lippitt, R.; White, R.K. (1939). “Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created social climates”. Journal of Social Psychology 10: 271-301.

2. Leadership Strategy

2.1 Introduction

The purpose of this assignment is for the learner to evaluate the different leadership theories and models and their effect on organizational strategy and come up with a particular strategy that reinforce organizational direction.

2.2 Leadership Strategy

According to the Center for Creative Leadership studies, “the ability of an organization to accomplish its goals does not depend solely on the force of will of a single great leader, or even upon the effectiveness of the organization’s chain of command.”

It plays an essential part of the organization to attain its goal. Leaders would not be effective without using or having proper strategy to make the organization productive and be able to compete to the outside world.

2.3 Leadership Theories

2.3.1 Charismatic Leadership

As said by Bertocci, (2009), charismatic leaders are those who have charismatic effects on their followers to an unusually high degree, hence, followers want to follow them, followers want to be near them and followers want to be recognized by them.”

2.3.2 Transformational Leadership

According to Bertocci, (2009), this kind of leadership has the ability to inspire and motivate followers to achieve results that exceed expectations which is generally based on three personality characteristics – charisma; individual attention; and intellectual stimulation.

2.3.3 Transactional Leadership

“It is the kind of leadership where leader helps followers to identify what must be done to accomplish the desired results, taking into account the person’s self-concept and esteem needs”, and sometimes referred to as “management by exception” (Bertocci, 2009).

2.4 Impact of Leadership Theories in Papa John’s

Papa John’s management is practicing Transactional leadership. They are more keen into the objective. They always point out the things that need to be done and encourage employees to reach that goal. In terms of rewards, management used to outlined for the expected accomplishment and openly announce certain guidelines to get the rewards. Hence, after the objective is being cleared, this is the time when the manager pass on the responsibilities to the employees and try not to get involve apart from when the goal is not being achieved.

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2.5 Leadership Strategy That Supports Organizational Directions

PAPA JOHN’S is in the expansion path. It spreads its franchises in many places and now the organization has a vision of becoming a well rounded multi- national company and greater value creation among the employees and customers.

To achieve greater value creation among the employee, the organization has to develop the people oriented leadership that favors the employees to take part in the success of the organization. When the employees feel that they work for a organization which concerns a lot for them.

Apparently, the company is trying their very best to provide better working conditions, appreciates and provides support to each and every employee, as well as developing synergy in the work. Furthermore, the organization creates employee orientations for making the awareness of change in the organization. The strategies that the organization is implementing helps the company to progress more and more everyday.

2.6 Conclusion

Having an effective leadership strategy promotes success in the company. All the time good leadership is imperative. It is being debated by Pierce and Newstrom, (2000) that leaders influence others through their ability to motivate, inform, inspire, exhibit, exhibit technical competence, communicate effectively, and convey a vision. Encouraging subordinates to fulfill the objective is where leadership is being used fully.

2.6.1 References



Pierce, JL. & Newstrom, JW. (2000). Manager’s Bookshelf 8th Edition. Harper Collin College Publishers.

Bertocci, D. (2009). Leadership In Organizations. University Press of America, Inc.

Center for Creative Leadership. (2009). Global Organizational Leadership Development. [online]. Available from:


3. Planning for Leadership

3.1 Introduction

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate personal leadership requirements to achieve the personal and organization’s strategic goals. Based on this hypothesis, it is my desire to be in the top management of Papa John’s Pizza Company.

The method of evaluating my own personal desire in the future specifically five years from now is the basis of creating my leadership plans. Half a decade from now, I would like to see myself being the one who is handling the operation of Papa John’s Pizza.

3.2 Leadership Requirements

3.2.1 Globalization

Economic affiliation throughout the world has played an essential part in our success of years already. Thus, almost all transactions leads people into interaction with organizations that deals with importation and exportation of goods or services, trade throughout national boundaries or recruitment of staff from other nations.

Nowadays, as it affects the business positively or in a negative way, I, as a leader need to develop my skills in interacting with the people worldwide because of the fact that every company must learn to expand their business to survive. If expanding to other countries is necessary, there is a need for me to grab that opportunity for the benefit and success of the organization.

3.2.2 Cultural Diversity

As stated in Diversity article in Catherwood Library, workplace diversity is a people issue, focused on the differences and similarities that people bring to an organization, thus, it is usually defined broadly to include dimensions beyond those specified legally in equal opportunity and affirmative action non-discrimination statutes. It is regularly illuminated to include dimensions which persuade the individuality and the view point that people bring, such as occupation, education, parental status and geographic location.

As a leader, being on the top management, I need to treat people equally, regardless of their orientation because it is my belief that everybody has a potential to be productive.

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3.2.3 New Technology

The evolution of technologies in the present world brings great impact in every business. Aside from spending much time in doing certain job, technology makes it easier for human to accomplish the work accordingly and on time.

As a leader, in order for to be successful in all my endeavors, there is a need for me to be updated and be well informed about the use of the technologies around me. In the case of Papa John’s, I need to learn the use and the purpose of the machines and other equipments for me to be effective as a leader, henceforth, for me to be able to compete in today’s status quo.

4. Development of Leadership Skills

4.1 Leadership Development through Experience

In this aspect, one is going to enhance his skills through acquiring some experiences. It is my own understanding that doing things continually, will make someone proficient and effective.

My own experience being a Supervisor in Papa John’s will surely help me to achieve my long time goal of being a Manager in one of the outlets of the organization. I believe that I am experienced enough to handle the operation and make the store profitable

4.2 Leadership Development through Trainings

Trainings should be acquired by everybody for the enhancement of the skills needed to be productive. Leaders must be updated with all the newly launched products and the services needed in the operation. Skills development must be attended because in that way, one will gain and learn how to handle situations pertaining to management and leadership

4.3 Leadership Development through Mentoring Program

It is necessary for each individual to know the skills they possess and the skills that they need to develop. In this case, having a mentor will aid the leader to be assessed properly concerning their strengths and weaknesses. It is often from the senior management who conducts mentoring activity. In connection with this, being a leader, I need to examine myself through the help of my mentor the skills that I need to further develop and the skills that I need to learn and acquire.

4.4 Importance Of Leadership And Development

As learning is considered to be a continues process, one should never stop acquiring and discovering qualities necessary to be an effective leader. For the goals to be attained, determination with actions is required because of the mere fact that one will not become expert by sitting down doing nothing.

In Papa John’s management, leadership development is continually being provided for the leaders to be able to perform well for the progress of the company. Hence, having the desire to be on the top management, I need to start developing my skills to be prepared in whatever challenges I may encounter as I pursue my dreams.

5. Conclusion

To be effective, a need for planning is essential as it serves as guidelines for every individual to achieve certain goals. Being a leader entails a lot of responsibilities to meet organization’s expectations. In order to be skilled enough to handle various situations concerning leadership, one needs to be open to all the possibilities that might be encountered in the business world. Organization hires an exceptional individual to lead the team so in that way, leader must be capable enough to return the trust being given to them by the organization.

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