Evaluation Of Aspects Of Inclusive Learning Education Essay

Evaluation of aspects of inclusive learning.

Knowing the different aspects of inclusive learning is very helpful in teaching in general. It is essential to evaluate my learners to know their learning styles and learning profiles to enable me teach effectively and also promote inclusive e learning. To achieve this I need to perform initial or formative assessment through group work, mini quiz, observation, questions and answers sessions. Through evaluation, I will be able to establish among learners their learning styles such as

Visual learners: like looking at wall displays, books and often recognise word by sight.

Auditory learners: like verbal instructions, dialogues, discussions and plays.

Kinaesthetic learners: learn best when they are involved or active

Tactile learners: use writing and drawing as memory aids, like projects and demonstrations. [] 

After I have performed my assessment, I can plan my teaching to include resources that will benefit the above mentioned learning styles.

Analysis of inclusive approaches in learning and teaching

As a teacher, adopting Inclusive learning is crucial because learners have different ways or level of assimilation. By assessing my learners, I can plan my teaching to include the different profiles of my learners. Knowing or establishing the profiles of my learners allows me to accept them and also prepare my teaching and learning methods to include the different profiles of my learners such as

Activists: open minded, enthusiastic, flexible, enjoy here and now.

Reflectors: cautious, slow to reach conclusion, stand back and observe.

Theorists: disciplined, aiming to fit things into rational order, keen on basic assumptions.

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Pragmatists: keen to put ideas, theories and techniques into practice, impatience with endless discussions. [] 

Explanation of how to motivate and engage learners in inclusive learning environment

I believe it is my responsibility to encourage and motivate my learners. I can achieve this through my teaching plan and also involving learners in my teaching plan for example:

Give learners more responsibilities in learning activities.

Focus more on learners’ strength and work on their weaknesses.

Encourage teamwork through group discussions, group course work to improve interaction among learners.

Acknowledge dedication and hard work.

Adopting means of addressing the less motivated.

Inclusive learning is crucial to the academic development of the learner. By adopting the above listed, my learners will feel confident and accepted.

Explanation of how to establish ground rules and learners to promote respect for others

Within the learning environment, setting ground rules is necessary. Ground rules sets expectation and also bring order to the classroom. Ground rules could be set around class management, punctuality, the use of mobile phones in class, talking while lessons are going on, respecting other people’s opinions and properties in class and confidentiality in class. Method of setting ground rules could be done by

discussing and agreeing with learners in class,

using posters at vantage points in class,

using eye catching power-point presentations.

When the ground rules are observed, it promotes discipline and learners feel safe in their learning environment.

Review of how to give constructive feedback to motivate learners

Constructive feedback can be used as a measuring resource to help in the development of the learner and also improve performance. It is therefore important to have set procedures in assessing learners and giving feedback such as:

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Giving clear feedback on assessment

Having structured evaluation or assessment

Highlighting on strengths,

Areas of development

Action required to improve on weakness

Follow-up plan to ensure development/improvement has been achieved.

When the set procedures are followed, it brings order and also create a safe environment for the learners, knowing that the feedback process is fair and constructive for their development. The process also helps the teacher improve their teaching skills to meet the need of the learners.

Review of how to provide opportunities for learners to practice their literacy and numeracy and ICT skills

The Functional Skills which consist of literacy, numeracy and information and communications technology (ICT) was introduced in 2008. “The essential features of the functional skills is that learners can use and apply them independently in range of contexts and so are equipped for life, future learning and the world of work” [] . The above quote is crucial to the development of the learner, it is therefore important that I plan my teaching sessions so that at least there are functional skills to give my learners the opportunity to practice their literacy, numeracy and ICT skill.

In order to provide opportunities for my learners to practice their functional skills, I will include the following in my teaching plan –

Literacy: I will give exercises on essay writings, provide hand outs during teaching sessions, encourage learners to learn to listen to others through group discussion and assessments.

Numeracy: I will give exercises to learner to develop the skill of problem solving.

ICT: I will plan my teaching to include giving assignments on researches, teach with power-point presentations, encourage on-line learning.

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