Everyday Life Lessons In Robert Frosts Poems English Literature Essay

The poems of Robert Frost convey important messages about life lessons. In his poem “Nothing gold can stay” He conveys the message that all good things in life eventually come to an end, for example, when close friend of mine in the past had slowly faded away from my life. “The Road Not Taken” Another poem by Robert frost, explains to the reader the concept of making decisions, in the sense that you should make decisions in the way that it’ll help you learn some lesson, no matter how hard it may be, such as in my life, I had to make a hard decision where I had to choose to fight to keep a close friend or not fight at all. In the poem, “Into my own” He talks about how you should try to live life without committing actions that you might regret doing, since if you do, you have to learn to live with those regrets. Through the poems of Robert frost, it gives the reader an insight to important life lessons and how people, such as myself, can use them in everyday life.

“The Road Not Taken” another poem by Robert Frost, tells about a person at a fork in a road, he needs to choose which path he needs to take so that he can go on with his journey. The poem relates to my life because of a situation in my life that happened a few months ago. Myself and a friend of mine whom I have known since I was a child, got into an argument where she got frustrated with me because I was assuming things about her. The argument got to a point where she made me make a decision, either to fight to still be her friend, or just stop trying and not be friends at all. The poem relates to this experience of mine because it talks about making decisions. “Two roads diverged in a yellow road” the two roads signify the choices the person has and the significance of yellow could mean that he should take caution with what decision he makes. “Then took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim” These lines in the poem relate to my situation because it tells of how the person took the more positive of the two roads, as such as when I took the decision to fight to stay friends, since it had the “better claim”. The line, “I shall be telling this with a sigh”, shows that the person giving a sigh of relief, that the road he chose was the one with the greater, positive outcome. This in part, relates to my situation as well, since after the whole situation was over, I gave a sigh of relief as well. Since that I my friend and I were on good terms now, and that we promised that we would try not to fight with each other anymore.

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Robert Frost’s poem, “Into My Own” is a poem that’s full of longing, in the sense that the person longs to get away from the feelings of regret in his life, he needs to find an escape from them, because it overwhelms him and his ability to lead a normal life. He needs to escape from this world of his by any means, even if it means for him to die. The poem reflects upon my life because in the past, I have committed actions that I regret doing, whether it ranged from stealing, or hurting a friend of mine, it inhibited my way of leading a normal life, since the feeling of regret can get so intense at times that one becomes desperate at finding an “escape” even if it meant death. Though, in my life, I have never experienced a feeling of regret that intense, nor do I wish to. “One of my wishes is that those dark trees…But stretched away unto the edge of doom” Robert Frost tells the reader of “dark trees”, which can symbolize the feeling of regret he has, where “the edge of doom” he is referring that the regrets he has surround his life entirely. This relates to my life because of the fact that my regrets are always there, surrounding me with no escape from it. But that does not mean that I have tried to escape it, in some situations, I have escaped the feeling of regret, while with others, seemed difficult. Hence the line in the poem “Into their vastness I should steal away” The person in the poem wants to escape the amount of regret he has by finding a means of escape, no matter what it may be. This leads to the next line “Fearless of ever finding open land” The “open land” can symbolize for the sense of peace and harmony he wants to find once he escapes his regrets. It relates to my life situation since escaping my regrets may be difficult in some cases, but in others I have found my “open land” that I needed in order to get away from it. Nevertheless, these regrets made an impact of my life, since I regret ever doing these, and no matter what I do, this feeling of regret will be a part of my life, it is what will make me who I am today.

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Robert Frost’s poems can be interpreted in many ways to reflect on one’s lifestyle. But they all have one main concept, they all can be examples of life lessons that we as humans have learned, or have yet to learn in our lives. These poems teach life lessons such as, dealing with regret, making decisions, and dealing with the fact that all good things in life eventually come to an end. These poems reflect upon my life greatly, since the fact that I have had experiences that relate to these poems effectively, they teach me how to deal with my situations, and taught me how to move on from them. I as a human have learned more from these poems about life than what others can teach me. Poems are a way of expressing different themes and concepts about the everyday, though it takes one time to dig through the poem to get to the true message it is trying to get across.

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