Evita: The Real Life of Eva Peron

Evita: The Real Life of Eva Peron  by   Nicholas Fraser and  Marysa Navarro is a biographical account of Eva Peron’s life The authors do not take definite position and stay neutral throughout the narration. The do not judge their characters and only describe facts and information about events and people. In the preface to the book the author promise to describe Eva Peron as normal human being and they do their best to keep this promise. They make a perfect job collecting trustworthy information from big amount of myths which surround the life of this legendary figure.

Despite Eva Peron lived and died inArgentina, her name is known all over the world. As state Fraser and Navarro: “In the rest of the world, she has attained the condition of apotheosis” (Fraser & Navarro, 12).  Evita, who was an actress in the beginning of her career, later turned to powerful political figure and was loved and greatly appreciated in her own country and abroad.

When Eva became the wife of the president of the country she took active part in different charity organizations. Thanks to her effort the country gave essential help to those who needed it. Eva was remembered as a giver of goodwill. She dedicated a lot of time and effort on charity work. At the same time Eva took active political position and did much to support position of her husband.  Such great achievements prove outstanding personal characteristics of this women. After she finished the 8th grade she moved toBuenos Aires without money help and protection. She had a dream to become and actress and she spent years trying to fulfill this dream.  Eva passes a long way to her high social position. Ability to changer herself and learn throughout the entire life became those main qualities which helped her to reach such great success.

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Evita is a pseudonym of Eva Maria Ibarguren, who was born and raised in poor district of ruralArgentina. Soon after Eva was born her father left her mother and her mother was left alone with five children.

Eva came toBuenos Airesin 1935 and she spent several years making multiple efforts to achieve her goal. She reached her goal in 1942 when she became a popular actress, and also worked on radio and TV. Nickname Evita appeared as a nickname for radio broadcasting. By that time she earned enough money and could effort herself and luxurious apartment in exclusive distinct ofBuenos Aires. She became acquainted with Juan Peron when he was organizing charity help to the victims of the earthquake. Juan Peron was the Secretary of Labor when they met. They started dating and not long time after their meeting they started living together. During the time described Peron’s relations with an actresses cause loud scandal and dissatisfaction in the society. Peron, who came to politics from military forces paid little attention to social opinion. He gladly introduced Eva to his friends. Eva, who always felt compassion to those, who were in need really appreciated Peron’s dedication to charity work and help to the poor people. Eva never forgot her poor childhood and youth and during her entire life she did everything possible to help people who were in same poor situation as she was in her childhood. Peron showed much dedication to the ideal of social justice and help to poor classes of the society and this was a very important characteristic for Eva, who also dedicated much time and effort to this spheres of social life. Eva and Juan got married when Juan decided to take parting presidential elections in 1946. He was afraid that their not  official signed relations might have damaged his future career.  Eva used all her personal charisma and her connections to help her husband. She used her popularity as a radio broadcaster and agitated for Peron. Their united effort resulted in success and Peron wan the elections with the considerable advantage. Eva used all her orator skills and her personal attractiveness during the electoral company. She spoke about her background and hardships. Despite her high position and wealth, people believed her and authority made great contribution to Peron’s victory.

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When Eva went to tour through the Europe she was lavishly met by Franco inSpain. This lavish meeting became the reason of talks about fascist sympathies of Juan Peron.  The author of the book underline that Eva’s meeting with Franco had manly economical reasons. The heads of the states had to make a deal about the export of wheat fromArgentina. Franco invited Peron but Peron became afraid to appear inSpainpersonally because he did not want to spoil relations with theU.S.So, he decided to send his wife instead of him. The European tour of “goodwill” was invented as a pretext for Eva to visitSpain. Other countries, such asFrance,ItalyandSwitzerlandwere included in the tour only to distress the attention of publicity. Eva denied to visit theUnited Kingdomwhen she found out that the Royal Family will not got oBuckinghamPalaceto greet her. Eva perceive this as an offence and cancelled her trip to this country.

Eva spent time not only in trips and entertainments. She founded the Foundation under her name which was deigned to help poor. The main goal of this  Foundation of Eva Peron was redistributing the funds from private business to poor people. This foundation got good financing and Eva got vast opportunities to help people. Organization built hospitals, schools and children’s homes. In many cases Eva gave big amounts of money for personal needs of those who address her with the demand for help. Poor people adored Eva and her popularity in the country grew with every day. In 1951 Eva was diagnosed a cancer. Despite the diagnosis Eva continued her charity work and  made long trips all over the country working for Foundation. She died one year after it became a tragedy for many people of her country. The mourning lasted for many days. Her body was embalmed so that people could pay her their last respect.

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Eva is legendary figure of Argentinean political scene. Some people love and worship her, others hate, but nobody stays indifferent. As noted one of the reporters after he death: “They were genuine and deep and demonstrated that Eva, who had contributed so strongly to the totalitarianism and bankruptcy of her country, had also won its love.” (Fraser & Navarro, 45). Eva is a controversial figure of Argentinean political stage. Her great popularity and her great influence were combined with her naivety and infantilism.

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