Explanation Of Verbal And Non Verbal Communication English Language Essay

In this assignment I will be started by elucidating ” The importance of communication”, and then I explained about verbal and non-verbal communication in sharing information and experiences, build vision, create learning environment and collaborative work culture. Typically, I brought the explanation of both verbal and nonverbal communication. Besides, it flowed the critical discussion on the functions of both communication skills. Finally, the article then seeks some of the suggestions on the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of verbal and nonverbal communications.

1. The importance of Communication

It is fundamental that everyone is skilled of reading, writing, and communicating. Obviously, many people lack the important skills needed for effective communication. There are lots of educated people in this current age but many of them have poor communication skills. Clear and planned manner of smooth language is also a most imperative and functional utility, it is the medium to express information. Besides, well organized and effective communication is always found as a success of a person such as personal relationships, between members of different ideas and cultures, and in one’s personal and professional life. Hence, effective communication is the most important key that we use to transmit information.

Communication takes place all the times, and unexpectedly. Moreover, it happens either verbally or non-verbally. This can be seen in various activities. For example; listening, talking, watching movies, thinking, watching television programs, discussions, or mediating. Even though, a very silent person who may be communicating within himself as he is thinking of something. According to Hamzah, M. & Yusof, A. (2011), stated that the communication can be seen in several characteristics such as our personal lives, carrier advancement, Ethics in communication, adapting in a multi-culture society, and changes in technology and relationships.

2. Explanation of Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

2.1 Communication in Personal Life

Additionally, communication is the foundation of interaction between two or more people in personal life. Similarly, according to Murphy, P. (2007), when dealing with the arising issues in one’s personal life, good and effective communication is vital. Likewise, if we have any relationship with someone, communication is what sustain the affiliation jovial. In essence, instead of agreeing on everything, showing respect and talking with reality are more crucial. Since, the relationship becomes deeper and develops, appears a good example.

2.2 Communication in Career improvement

According to Malhotra, V. ( 2012) , stated that the effective communication plays a centre role of the usage of the words such as words, modulation, pronounciation, voice variation, pitch, and body language. He added that the correct tool to communicate the right messages at the most appropriate time can pick up a crises and encourage people to work toward success. As truly said by Dr.Zimmerman, (2009), communication works for those who work at it. This means communication takes place in all the times but it is imperfect.

In the globalization world, the first criteria of the job selection is not to be a first class degree but the effective communication skills. For example, as illustrated in the form of Maldives Civil Cervice Commision, the highest weightage is given to the interview section, which represents a set of communication skills. This is because the effective communication is a very essential component to make the organization and one’s career success, which can be intra or external group. Therefore, taking responsibility and accountability help to encourage and sustain the career, and also support the functions of the organization runs smoothly.

2.3 Ethics in Communication

Apparently, an effective communicator has a high morality and humanity when dealing others. Meantime, the communicator prove that the words he/she articulates is attained positively or negatively. Hence, positive language is a powerful weapon and it can help to win hearts of others. In short, ethical matters in communication are associated to the integrity and reliability of responsibilities and respect of the persons communication.

2.4 Adaptation in Multi-cultural Society

According to Hamzah, M. & Yusof, A. (2011), assured that the effective communication ability is to be adabted in to various cultures and contexts, which bring harmonious and sustainable environment in the work place.

2.5 Effects of Changes on Technology and relationship

Moreover, technology revolution is the most whirlwind effect in the globalization world. Technology helps the delivery, sharing and receiving messages quickly. As it is a virtual communication, it has a broad impact to personal relationships and societies. Therefore, effective communication helps to change one’s attitude and also to mould as an valuable person.

3 Types of Verbal and non-verbal Communication

Generally, verbal and nonverbal communication border the meaning of conversations and both are used during face-to-face negotiations. As Lee, B. (2011), explained that the nonverbal signals are uniformly significant as the words and the voice modulation. Wherefore, verbal and nonverbal signals equally send a message and describe the relationship with others.

3.1 Organizational Communication

Obviously, organizational communication is observed in establishing an ideal organization. Besides, the communication focuses on formal and informal information that arises in the context of the organization. Besides, both formal and informal communication are found as downward, upward, horizontal, cross-channel, and grapevine communication. Apparently, each of these types has different roles with considered to suitability of the organization. According to Hamzah, M. & Yusof, A. (2011), also explicated that there are eight types of Communication found in the working environment. These are included as interpersonal, intrapersonal, group, organizational, public, mass, intercultural, and online communication. In this assgnment, i will be elucidating organizational, interpersonal, and group communication.

3.2 Interpersonal Communication

Comparatively, interpersonal communication is highly interacted with each other. Most often, it involves emotions. For example, humanity and empathy are vital in realizing the feeling of others. Interpersonal communication is also known as very unique because it is direct, personal, informal, and spontaneous information.

3.3 Group Communication

Moreover, Hamzah, M. & Yusof, A. (2011), also clarified that group communication is gradually arises the interactions between people until it shapes an entity. Group communication normally happens to solve problems, to form new ideas, and to get new experience. In general, it can define exchanging and recieving information between group members.

4. Types of verbal communication.

According to Saylor, S. (n.d), mentioned that there are two main types of human verbal communication, speech and writing. In view of that, having more practice of speaking and writing makes one,s own effective communication skills excellent. Ever since, verbal skills go beyond in a wide variety of situations and styles, which consists both essential and advernced forms of personal interaction. Additionally, there are diverse types of communication. According to Hamzah, M. & Yusof, A. (2011), approved that these various types of communication have different charactoristics and functions. Besides, communication process does not happen by chance, but it comprises a choice of situation and has exact reasons.

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4.1 Written Communication

Evidently, written communication happens technically nonverbal, commonly uses ideas to convey words. For example, books, letters, email, texts, memos, magazines, newspapers and personal journals are used to express messages as written communication.

Another form of verbal communication requires no speech. Written communication, while technically nonverbal, commonly falls under the umbrella of verbal communication for the use of words to convey ideas.

4.2 Electronic Communication

In a fast developing world, electronic communication influences in a wide range. It is a speedy type of verbal communication. It is one way service, but it is not limited. For example, voice telephony, voice mail, email, fax services, teleconferencing, video conferencing, bulletin boards, internet service, web pages and etc. The purpose this is very clear now a days; nevertheless, like books in library, or classroom space, there are limitations that insure sensible use of facilities to enable them right to control usage through denying or controlling access to these facilities. It can use to teach easily by using the wide range of information through worldwide. Besides, it helps to develop the ethics of the whirlwind information by the help of teachers. Moreover, it can help to comply with the public law and reasonable standards of professional and personal politeness and conduct.

4.3 Spoken communication

According to Mosel, S. (2010), confirmed that both speech and oral communication are spreading information, ideas, attitudes, from one person to another. Affirming to this, an effective communication needs to have a clear voice, good pronounciation, and the most sufficient meaning to convey the messages. Besides, an effective spoken communicator can also show some of the non-verbal communication skills in teaching as well. Likewise, posture and body language play a very important role in spoken communication.

5 Types of Non-verbal Communication

Generally, non-verbal communication is known as body language and facial expressions. It is also used to support verbal communication. For example, a teacher asking to put the book on the table in verbal communication by pointing to the table. In many cases, we communicate information in nonverbal ways using groups of behaviors. For example, we might combine a frown with crossed arms and unblinking eye gaze to indicate disapproval. The following are some types of non-verbal communication.

5. 1 Facial Expression

Markedly, facial expressions are accountable for a huge part of nonverbal communication. Consider how much information can be conveyed with a smile or a frown. While nonverbal communication and behavior can vary dramatically between cultures, the facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger and fear are similar throughout the world.

5. 2 Gestures

Noticeably, deliberate movements and signals are an imperative way to communicate meaning without words. Hence, common gestures contain waving, pointing, and using fingers to indicate numeric amounts. Other gestures are arbitrary and related to culture.

5. 3 Eye Gaze

Furthermore, looking, staring and blinking can also be important nonverbal behaviors. Think of how many relationships start with a man and woman making eye contact across a crowded area. Clearly, a playful wink tends to be more effective. whilst people come upon people or things that they like, the rate of blinking increases and pupils open. Looking at another person can indicate a range of emotions, including hostility, interest and attraction. adding to this, just as a bright smile when we say congratulations reinforces the sincerity of our words.

6. Discussion on Functions of verbal and Non-verbal Communication

 As mentioned before, communication is sharing thoughts, ideas and opinions through combined symbols and phrases. Definitely, good readers are good listeners and good listeners are better communicators. Good communication skills help us to go forward with specific set of goals with clarity. As a result, people need to initiate in pursuit of such goals, and need to devote the available relevant resources. In addition, when people have realized the target, they may share the aims with other people or use them in their work places.

According to, Hamzah, M. & Yusof, A. (2011), stated that comparatively both verbal and non-verbal communications are vital in ways of persuading or shifting person’s view towards something what is needed. Hence, they take part in our everyday context. As non-verbal communication process wordless messages, they are known through gestures, body language, posture, facial expression, and eye contact. According to Saran, S. (Dec 22, 2009), explicated that once we communicate verbally, subsist it in a presentation or discussion. Thus, our aim of the target will be achieving and the message will be clarifying to understand. Since, the receiver is an individual or a group of people, instead of written document the message is just a speech in front of them. So, our choice of communicational words should be critical. According to Warren & Windle, (2010), clarified that Verbal messages convey through variation, modulation and tempo of our voices. They also eplained that the weightage of these are carried 38% of what we communicate. As a resulut some of us use to raise the tone of voice in astonishment.

Convincingly, it is realized that non-verbal communication takes place in many ways of day to day communication, through style, attire, codes or even in our daily manner. Similarly, Warren & Windle, (2010), illuminated gesturing on the othe hand is non-verbal bodily movement which may also include affectionate and familiarity or negative response, and express using parts of the body like, arms, hands and may also comprise nodding and gazing of one’s eyes. For example, teachers often raise hands to action others to silence when they wanted to speak.

According to Cherry, K. (n.d), confirmed that non-verbal communication has a significant portion in our everyday context, either verbal communication or non-verbal communication. He also mentioned that non-verbal cues and behaviors such as postures, facial expression, eye gaze, gestures, and voice variations are used in our everyday life.

Additionally, Jadwick01 (2009), elucidated that any type of communication should have a clear aim. He also stated that in the repid developing organizations, we need to have different types of communications that influence connections no matter how big or small the organization may be. Robbins, S. (2006) assumed that an organization is a constant, while it has a formal and social structure that receives capitals from the environment and practices them to create production. Stoner, J. (1989), stated that the suitably mangement must be flourishing in achieving its goals. Since then effective method of coordination is to be maintained, so that the plans are accomplished efficiently and effectively with and through other people. He aslo affirmed that there are two main reasons why communication is important in the management. Firstly it is the main process of leading, controling , organizing and planning are boomed. Secondly, the management is actively dedicated to overwelming time of their time. Relatively, communication can be completed in various ways. According to Mehrabian, A. (2006), found that both verbal and non-verbal communication are included the main three elements, which are established that words we express are 7% valuable, variation of the vioce are 38% effective, and non-verbal signs are 55% successful. In such situations he proved by conducting a wide range of research and said that both communication skills play a vital role in our everyday life.

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Furthermore, according to Lee, B. (2011), stated that verbal communication serves as a vehicle for expressing desires, ideas and concepts and is vital to the process of learning and teaching in combination with nonverbal forms of communication. In general, verbal communication is the orally expressed word and comprises real words, designed and inferred meanings, pitch and voice variation. For example, by asking permission from the teacher to go to the library. The communication that happen here is a very clear verbal communication. According to Hughes, C. (2010), convinced that the basis of communication is the interaction between people. Coupled with, some of the key components of verbal communication are sound, words, speaking, and language. Hence, verbal communication operates as the primary tool for expression between two or more people.

7. Factors found to the Effectiveness of Verbal and Non-verbal Communication .

Manifestly, a person communicating by verbal and non-verbal ways should also be aware of several factors such as style religious, cultural practices, beliefs and values. Often, personal and professional success varies depending on the ability to communicate. It is very important to be articulate and fluent in the way or mode of speech in front of audience and with parents and even in the classroom, because language we express is like a sharp weapon and it influences amazingly to the communication process. According to Hamzah, M. & Yusof, A. (2011), stated that the open and hidden meaning of the message is crucial with relating to the real life situations. Further, they explained that the message we intend is to be easily understand and then the students and parents can critically interpret. Evidently, the schorlarly evidences and other real life situations are more applicable to convince and firm on our communication.

Communication Factor

Apparently, there are lot of communication barriers in the society or in our school environment. Effective communication is defined as the process of conveying information and common understanding from one person to another. Besides, the elements in the communication process determine the quality of communication. A problem in any of these elements can reduce effectiveness of the communication. For example, information must be encoded into a message that can be understood as the sender inteded. Also, the selection of the communication media plays a vital role.

Markedly, most people at child birth have voiced, which create sounds.  Gradually, as a child grows, he/she learns how to form these sounds into words.  Some words may be imitative of natural sounds, but others may come from expressions of emotion, such as laughter or crying. However, words alone have no sense, just people can bring meaning into terminologies. Including both words and meaning mixed together, which direct to the maturity of communication. Particularly, language plays a creative role in verbal communication, which helps to direct a person to the right path using its causes and effects.

Furthermore, using language and settled in a verbal communication, both in speech and written, means deciding the language for the most appropriated particular uses, needs and situations. Besides, selection of language and verbal communication styles has close connection with the reciever’s awareness of the person. Hence, the verbal communicator must be sensitive to the selection and use of language, which generate an effective communication. According to Lunenburg, (2010), that the greatest barrier in the communication process is the illusion that it has been accomplished. Moreover, Cal, W. & Allyson, A. (nd), stated that in any organization, humanity is also a very important quality to apply in any situations. Since, effective communication is earnestly depended regardless of the organizational hierarchy. For this purpose, according to Goldhaber (1986), cited with Hamzah, M. & Yusof, A. (2011), acknowlodged that communication in school takes place in a whole system and influences by internally and externally. Also, communication involves messages and its flow, purpose, direction and media. As well as, it involves people, attitude, feeling, and the skill they possess.

According to Grover, S. (2012), Nonverbal communication is presently very important. He added that the way we sit or stand, the tendency of our voice, and our common bodily manners are all behaviors of communication. However, there are some barriers to nonverbal communication. Besides, they are known as not responding, encroaching, space and time, different status, communication distance, Psychology, Gender, culture and etc. These all set up barriers which ultimately reduce communication.

Physical Factors

Additionally, any number of physical distractions can interfere with the effectiveness of communication, including a telephone call, seating arrangements for visitors, distances between people, walls, and etc. People often take physical barriers for approved, but sometimes they can be removed. For example, a badly placed room can be removed. Disruptions such as telephone calls can be removed by issuing directions to a secretary. An appropriate choice of media can overcome distance barriers between people.

Lack of Clarity

Subsequently, lacking clarity is also a most common barrier to effective verbal communication. Since, a teacher or an administrator who do not communicate accurately and clearly about their topic, surely, it can run the threat of confusing the receiver of the message. The language we use may differ from someone we are communicating too. According to Lewis, J. (2012), referred to this lack of clarity as “muddled messages.” Since, messages that are unclear and inaccurate may be interpreted wrongly. Obviously, this is a very major issue which occurs in our school communities. Though, the best way to be sure of our clearness is to get effective feedback from the parents or teachers of the message . So, it can surely guarantee that they have received our message properly or not.

Additionally, Verbal tone in communication is more than just the words we use. It also play a vital role to understand the pitch of the speaker. If someone screams to control, then he develops hostility, while a person’s suggestion brought in a normal speaking voice is much less harsh and usually more effective way to communicate the same thing. For example, if someone says, “give me a book,” he might not earn too well. But he might get better outcome if he asks, “Could you hand me a book.”

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Electronic Communication Factor

Obviously, in the fast developing world, electronic communication influences in a wide range is a big factor in the society. It is a speedy type of verbal communication. However, electronic communication involves its own set of rules. Likewise, using capital letters can be interpreted as blaring or not happy at the receiver. For a moment, it can arises misunderstandings and problems in the workplace. Spelling rules are not much concerned, they are often set aside. For example, allocating figures like “u” instead of “you” and “2” instead of “too”, etc are very common. consequently, the effectiveness of the words and flow through of the sentence structures are in threat. Definitely, it effects to the current situation and up coming generations. Therefore, as teachers, we should be more aware of the immense influence and show the right path to the students.

Cultural Factors

Similarly, non-verbal communication is convened the messages to the receiver. It can also supplement verbal communication. However there are higher chances of non-verbal communication being misinterpreted by the receivers than verbal communication. Misunderstandings are more likely to occur across people belonging to different cultural backgrounds. Individuals communicating by nonverbal means should be aware of the different meaning that different individuals may perceive from his/her communication, especially when individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds are the receivers of the information. In the school, every child is belongs to a different family, and the family background, behavior or the way they communicate can be different. Therefore, teachers must be aware of these natural facts and show the humanity to the children. Since then, we can achieve our educational goals.

Physical Barrier

Correspondingly, body language plays a major role to provide non-verbal communication. Prominently, being responsive of our own body language as well as another person’s can make communication more effective. For example, crossed arms indicate that someone is distant and possibly unfriendly, and slouching in a chair can be interpreted as not listening as well.

Studies have shown that people closer to each other tend to communicate more through nonverbal means compared to people not so close to each other . Nonverbal communication often develops in relationships . Often in a relationship , more weight is given to nonverbal portion of the communication compared to the verbal portion , and in case of a conflict the nonverbal portion tends to prevail over verbal communication . It took time during the relationship to understand one another better and develop a more effective means of communication


In conclusion, effective communication take place to achieve good communication skills through verbal and nonverbal methods, one should be capable and ready to identify the combination of communication functions which may bring out success in the communication strategy or plane to be implemented. Coupled with in consideration of both verbal and non-verbal communications, they interrelate to convey meaning. Occasionally, nonverbal communication appear before verbal, but it has not been productively discussed out which of the two ways is more efficient. Therefore, both ways of communications relate in replicating, harmonizing, replacing, articulating and regulating and ensuring of the message communicated. To improve the effectiveness of communications, schools must develop an awareness of the importance of sender’s and receiver’s responsibilities and adhere to active listening skills.


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