Factors for adolescent depression


Adolescent depression is not just a bad mood and sometimes depression. Depression is a serious problem affecting every aspect of life at the age of adolescence. Can be if left untreated, depression in adolescence lead to problems at home, school, drugs, self-loathing, the tragedy of irreversible even violence such as murder or suicide.

Fortunately, depression can be treated at the age of adolescence, and concerned parent, teacher, or friend, and there are many things you can do to help. You can learn and symptoms of depression, and expressed concern at the spot the warning signs. Can talk about support and provide the problem go a long way to get back in the teen on the right track.

Depression is more than the blues or the blahs, and it’s more of normal operations and downs of everyday life. When this mood “down”, along with other symptoms, lasts for more than a few weeks, you may be a case of depression.

Depression is a serious health problem affecting the total number of persons. In addition to feelings, you can change the behavior, and physical health and appearance, academic performance, social activity, and the ability to handle everyday decisions and pressures.

Fortunately, there is a treatment for adolescent depression, as there is for the treatment of depression in adults. Most teenagers can be helped with psychotherapy, antidepressants, or a combination of both

Understanding Depression in adolescence

There are a lot of misconceptions about depression in adolescence and that there are teenagers in the year. Yes, the teen years are difficult, but most of the friendships of adolescents with anxiety for a good balance, and success in school or outside activities, and develop a strong sense of self. Occasional bad moods or acting outside the expected, but depression is something different. Depression can destroy the essence of personality in adolescence, causing an overwhelming feeling of despair, sadness or anger.

If the occurrence of depression in adolescence actually increase, or are we just become more aware of, and the truth is that the Depression strikes teen in many cases, more than most people think. In spite of the depression and treatment too, and experts say that only 20% of depressed adolescents never receive help.

Unlike adults, who have the ability to request assistance on their own, teenagers usually must rely on parents, teachers or other caregivers to recognize their suffering and get them the treatment they need. Even if you have a teenager in your life, it is important to know what depression in adolescence, such as what to do if you place the warning signs.

Signs and symptoms of depression

Adolescents are confronted with a range of pressures and changes in puberty to questions about who they are and where to fit the natural transition from child to adult can also be that the conflict of the parents, children begin to assert their independence. With all this drama is not always easy to distinguish between moodiness in adolescence and depression is normal. Make things more complicated and adolescents with depression do not necessarily appear sad, do not always withdraw from others. For some depressed teens, symptoms of aggression, irritability and anger more pronounced.

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The difference between depression in adolescence and adult

Could be that depression in adolescents look very different from depression in adults. The following symptoms of depression is more common among adolescents than adults to their colleagues:

  • irritable mood or angry – and as noted above, irritability instead of sadness and often the mood of adolescent depression. May be depressed teenager angry, hostile, easily frustrated, or are subject to bouts of anger.
  • Aches and pains unexplained – adolescent depression often complain about physical ailments such as headaches or stomach pains. If a comprehensive examination on the body does not reveal a medical reason, and this may indicate that the pain of depression.
  • extreme sensitivity to criticism – depressed teens suffer feelings of usefulness, making them extremely vulnerable to criticism and rejection and failure. This is a particular problem for “the performance of more than one.”
  • withdraw from some, but not everyone – although adults tend to isolate themselves when depressed, usually adolescents to maintain at least a few friends. However, adolescents with depression may socialize less than before, and I’m pulling from their parents, or start with a different audience.

Could be that depression in adolescents can be difficult to detect because of moodiness, irritability, and antisocial behavior, negative and often go withdrawal along with the growth.

In younger children, depression can present himself as a morbid preoccupation with death and dying. The child may present with intense fear of separation from a parent or parents and lose interest in participating in the games with other children.

You progress through the learning process, one comes to the understanding of depression in a way that allows you to learn how to get depressed children and adolescents, like adults, and how depression can be treated in a similar way.

And children and adolescents learn specific skills, and ways of thinking that can a) help lift depression and (b) help to prevent relapse. These skills are taught in some schools already with impressive results. Learn more about this topic as you proceed.


Not the causes of depression are well known. Probably a combination of factors of genetic, biological and environmental work.

Genetic factors

Because depression runs in families, and has a strong genetic component, compelling evidence suggests that depression is a biological phenomenon. The information from family, twin, adoption, and these genetic studies. Studies have found that relatives of patients who suffer from depression and 2-6 times more likely to develop the problem of individuals without a family history.

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Biological agents

Evidence to support the theory that depression has a biological basis. Are closely linked and build on the biological causes of depression to anomalies in the delivery of certain key neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain). These neurotransmitters regulate mood and behavior associated with them. Scientists hope that the identification of mutations of genes that code for the organization of these neurotransmitters, and may eventually be able to predict which patients are more likely to respond to specific antidepressants.

The effects of depression in adolescence

The negative effects of depression than adolescent melancholy mood. Many of the rebels and the unhealthy behaviors and attitudes of adolescents are in fact signs of depression. See table below for some of the ways in which adolescents “work” or “law” in an attempt to deal with emotional pain:

Problems at school

Can cause depression, low energy and difficulty concentrating. At school, and this can lead to poor attendance, a decrease of the vote, or disappointment in the school the student is really good.


Many depressed teens escape from home or talk to flee. These attempts are usually a cry for help.

Drug Abuse

Adolescents may use alcohol or drugs in an attempt to “self-medication” depression. Unfortunately, drug abuse does not make things worse.

Low self-esteem

Depression can lead and intensify feelings of ugliness, shame and failure and the lack of merit.

Eating Disorders

Anorexia and bulimia, binge eating and U U are the signs of depression often unrecognized.

Internet Addiction

Teens can go online to escape their problems. But excessive computer use only increases their isolation and make them more depressed.

Reckless behavior

Depressed adolescents may engage in high risk or dangerous, such as reckless driving, outside the control of drinking and unsafe sex.


Some teens with depression (usually the children who are victims of bullying), and become violent. As is the case with the Columbine school massacre, Self hatred and desire for death can lead to violence and homicidal rage.


Adolescents who suffer a severe recession in many cases, think, speak, or do not “attract attention” suicide attempts. Should always suicidal thoughts or behaviors to be taken seriously.

Support at the age of adolescence through the treatment of depression

As adolescent depression in your life during the treatment, the most important thing you can do is let him or her know that I was there to listen and offer support. Now more than ever, and adolescents need to learn to express appreciation, or they accepted, and cared for.

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Can understand. Can live with depression in adolescence is a difficult and draining. Sometimes, you may experience fatigue, rejection, despair and aggravation, or any other number of negative emotions. During this time in the search, it is important to remember that the child is not difficult on purpose. Teenager suffers, so your best to be patient and understanding.

Encourage physical activity. Encourage the teenager to stay active. Exercise can go a long way towards alleviating the symptoms of depression, and therefore the search for ways to integrate them in the days of your teenager. Can be something as simple as walking the dog or riding a bike useful

Encourage social activities. Isolation and depression is getting worse, and even encourage your boyfriend to see friends and praise the efforts socially. Special Offer to bring teenager with friends or social activities to indicate that may be of interest, such as sports, after-school club, or category of art.

Stay involved in the transaction. Make sure your teenager is following all the instructions to go for treatment and therapy. It is very important that your child take any medication as directed. Track changes in your child’s condition and call your doctor if symptoms of depression seems to be getting worse.

Learn more about depression. Just as you do if your child suffers from a disease, and said he knew very little about, read about depression so you can have an “expert”. More you know, and you will be better equipped to help your depression in adolescence. Encourage your teenager to learn more about depression as well. Can be read for their help depressed teens aware that you are not alone and give them a better understanding of what they’re going through.


Could be that depression in adolescents can be difficult to detect because of moodiness, irritability, and antisocial behavior, negative and often go withdrawal along with the growth.

In younger children, depression can present himself as a morbid preoccupation with death and dying. The child may present with intense fear of separation from a parent or parents and lose interest in participating in the games with other children.

You progress through the learning process, one comes to the understanding of depression in a way that allows you to learn how to get depressed children and adolescents, like adults, and how depression can be treated in a similar way.

And children and adolescents learn specific skills, and ways of thinking that can a) help lift depression and (b) help to prevent relapse. These skills are taught in some schools already with impressive results.

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