Factors in Business Communication

Communication is neither the transmission of a message nor the message itself. It is the mutual exchange of understanding, originating with the receiver. Communication needs to be effective in business. Communication is the essence of management. The basic functions of management (planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling) cannot be performed well without effective communication.

Business communication involves constant flow of information. Feedback is integral part of business communication. Organizations these days are verly large and involve large number of people. There are various levels of hierarchy in an organization. Greater the number of levels, the more difficult is the job of managing the organization. Communication here plays a very important role in process of directing and controlling the people in the oragnization. Immediate feedback can be obtained and misunderstandings if any can be avoided. There should be effective communication between superiors and subordinated in an organization, between organization and society at large (for example between management and trade unions). It is essential for success and growth of an organization. Communication gaps should not occur in any organization.

A two way information sharing process which involves one party sending a message that is easily understood by the receiving party.Effective communication by business managers facilitates information sharing between company employees and can substantially contribute to its commercial success.

For business communication to be effective these qualities are essential:

  1. Establish clear hierarchy
  2. Use visual communication
  3. Conflict Management
  4. Consider Cultural Issues
  5. Good Written communication


Communication: Generally, communication requires proper concentration and energy to understand the message. Communication message should be simple, short, direct and accurate so everyone can understand message properly.

Communications should be very effective if we follow certain principles of effective communication.

Simplicity: The message prepared for communication should be simple so it’s easy for everyone to understand properly. To make message more simple always use simple and common words and try to avoid complicated words.

Briefness: Make the message short by providing only necessary information’s. Some reader may feel disturbed in receiving a long message. Very long messages mostly cause miss understanding so it should be short and brief.

Clarity: Communication should be very effective if prepared message is clear and easy to understand. If the message will not be clear and understandable it will cause misunderstanding.

Planning: Communicator should plan in advance for the message, selection of media and process of sending the message to the target people. Messages can be sending in different form like written e.g. Email, notice board so these things should be planned in advance.

Accuracy: Any information provided in the message should be very accurate and correct because wrong information in the message may create confusions and there may be chances of communication failure. For example in some industries the task depends on message like working in steel mill cutting the long steel cause a major accident if the worker got the wrong message.

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Relevancy: The information provided in message should be relevant. Try to avoid irrelevant and unnecessary things from the subject matter of communication. Message should be related to specific subject.

Feedback: Communication cannot be over by sending a message. It’s more effective by asking feedback questions to the receiver. Through feedback question, it’s very easy to clear the doubts and confusion regarding message.

Time Consideration: The communication should be very effective if it’s made on proper time. Its effectiveness is lost if the communication is not made in proper time. Hence, time consideration is very effective.

The communication should more effective by following above principles in preparing the message of any communication  (bconsi, 2012).

Stakeholder means anybody who can affect or is affected (negative or positive) by an organisation, strategy or project. They can be either external or internal based on their roles with the organisation.

  • Internal stakeholders are a person or group of people outside the business or project.

Example: Owners, manager and employees.

  • External stakeholders are a person or group of people who work within an organisation or any project but who can affect or be affected by the business or project.

Example: Customers, suppliers, creditors, society and shareholders (stakeholdermap, 2016).

Relationship between stakeholders any company (dr4ward, 2013). (dr4ward, 2013)

Good communication plan is necessary to maintain and build strong relationship with different stakeholders.

Strategy can be done by taking these key points in mind:

  • Make list of receivers who are important to have communication.
  • Then clear the contents how effective communicator can give the answers to queries of stakeholders. And communication should be easy so stakeholders can easily understand the things.
  • Choose good medium for communication. Like communicator can give presentation to make the things easy and interesting.

To maintain a strong relationship, it is necessary to communicate effectively with all the stakeholders. Stakeholders should have a clear idea of strategy. It is also necessary to maintain detailed written report of stakeholder discussion after every meeting or discussion. The report comprise of all the information regarding project, goal and any new plan (boundless, 2011).

The owner communicates with their staff by face to face, meeting, email, message and some social activities. The customer communicates with the organisation through their feedback, product or service.

Example: 1. Team of our Organisation organised a camp in India to increase people awareness about Asthma because Asthma is most prevalent disease especially in winter. That time, our main goal is to attract more people to participate in the study and our main stakeholder is the people who participate in the study. We gave advertisement in the form of very simple and short message through newspaper. At the time of session, we counsel people about all the details about Asthma and how to take precaution to prevent Asthmatic attack in future in a very clear and simple 1anguage without using any medical terminology words. We also gave details in the form of leaflets so they can read it whenever they want. It was easy for the entire participant to understand our message because counselling is in simple and clear language and we used interactive model so we easily clear participants doubt through feedback mechanism.

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Example: 2. when I was working in Sistema Plastics, my co-worker is bi cultural.  All the co-worker likes to speak their own local language at work place. They don’t like to use English as a first language. It increased the chances of miscommunication, creates communication barriers between co-workers, decrease productivity and workers becomes frustrated. If senior management develop proper communication strategy in that company then it will definitely help to improves productivity as well as relationship between workers. Senior management need to

  • Declare English as only speaking language in the work place.
  • Conduct regular meeting with employee to identify the nature of problem facing by their employee.
  • Training or classes should have given if anyone facing difficulties to speak English.
  • Organise outdoor activities so everyone understand the culture of each other and develop trust and respect between the workers.

The pretentious declaration of BP, Trans Ocean, and Halliburton puts forth this expression appear to be bizarre. What’s more, the article gives another extraordinary case of exactly why self-direction is a terrible thought. Since it appears that the MMS dispatched a cover the unwavering quality of victory preventers and after that disregarded the proposals, presumably on the grounds that protests from organizations about the related expenses. What’s more, this is just a single of various administrative disappointments that could have added to this calamitous mischance.

As frameworks turn out to be more mind boggling, the probability of frameworks disappointments turns out to be ever more noteworthy. Truant a principal reexamining of how we characterize and implement responsibility, we ought to have positively no certainty that pioneers in the private and open divisions will assume liability when things hit the fan.

1. Organizational Identity

Identification is a major sympathy toward associations as a result of the challenges of being heard in a boisterous world and vanishing hierarchical limits. In this manner, associations look to make a character that recognizes them from others and binds representatives all the more nearly to them. Authoritative character has its underlying foundations in social personality hypothesis , which alludes to an individual’s self-idea that becomes out of participation in social gatherings. Amass personality alludes to an individual’s feeling of what characterizes “us” versus others. Representatives or individuals additionally can build up a character with their associations .

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2. Employee Engagement

Engaging in representatives all the more completely in their work is the most imperative issue confronting associations. Engagement alludes to “unleashing the full vitality and abilities of individuals in the work put”. Long an issue, it is more critical today because of a dynamic commercial center, a data immersed work place and trust and spirit issues exacerbated by rushes of scaling back, rebuilding and corporate administration issues. Representatives are immersed with so much data today that they are overpowered, mistaken and work for the “volume off” .

Proficient communicators can help by adjusting words to activities, building connections and speaking with workers as opposed to imparting at them, and directing valid official activities which reflect hierarchical reason.

3. Measurement

Proficient communicators concur that estimation of their work is critical, however they share couple of guidelines for what or how to quantify. Therefore, numerous estimation practices are strategic in nature instead of key and progressing. Also, associations are attempting to set targets for new online networking and to quantify their belongings in inward and outside correspondence activities.

These include: cost funds measures (e.g., thought improvement programs); representative reviews, beat studies and center gatherings for particular correspondence ventures; and business result measures (e.g., maintenance, efficiency, consumer loyalty and quality components). A noteworthy yet from time to time measured ROI on representative correspondence is the diminished process duration for change related with mergers, acquisitions and other culture-changing activities.

  • The CEO or senior leader(s) must be a noticeable and open champion for interior correspondence. Perceivability is the first and most fundamental type of non-verbal correspondence for pioneers.
  • The correspondence style of pioneers ought to welcome open, continuous and straightforward examination so individuals will voice their feelings and proposals.
  • The activities of pioneers at all levels must match their words. This has an inseparable tie to believability and the degree to which workers will trust, focus on and take after pioneers. As creator Carolyn Wells stated, “Activities lie louder than words.”


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boundless. (2011). Retrieved from boundless: https://www.boundless.com/marketing/textbooks/boundless-marketing-textbook/introduction-to-marketing-1/introduction-to-marketing-18/relationship-building-with-various-stakeholders-111-3496/2011

businesstopia.net. (2011). Retrieved from businesstopia.net: https://www.businesstopia.net/communication/interactive-model-communication

bconsi. (2012, 12). Retrieved from bconsi: http://bconsi.blogspot.co.nz/2012/12/principles-of-effective-communication-in-business.html

dr4ward. (2013, 09). Retrieved from http://www.dr4ward.com/: http://www.dr4ward.com/dr4ward/2013/09/what-are-the-relationships-between-stakeholders-and-their-company-chart.html

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