Familiar Foundation For Many People Management Essay

The CIPD human resources professional map elaborate to define and clarify the benefit and advantaged, that have been familiar foundation for many people embarking on their career, is a self-assessment tool which will “assess the capability against the activates”1.

The map is a group of behaviours and knowledge of professional areas to improve program knowledge. Which include four different bands, plus eight behaviours in ten related HR professional areas.

The eight behaviours:

Curious: “Is future-focused, inquisitive and open-minded; seeks out evolving and innovative ways to add value to the organization”1. The willingness to learn, explore and comes out with unstoppable development and ideas.

Decisive thinker: “Demonstrates the ability to analyse and understand data and information quickly. Uses information, insights and knowledge in a structured way to identify options, make recommendations and make robust, defendable decisions”1. Focusing on details to explore problems and solving them.

Skilled influencer: “Demonstrates the ability to influence to gain the necessary commitment and support from diverse stakeholders in pursuit organisation value”1, as favouring others before seeking self-interest.

Driven to deliver: “Demonstrates determination, resourcefulness and purpose to deliver the best results for the organisation”1, as delivering performance before dead line.

Collaborative: “Works effectively and inclusively with a range of people, both within and outside of the organisation”1. As working in a team to achieve target.

Personally credible: “Builds and delivers professionalism through combining commercial and HR expertise to bring value to the organisation, stakeholders and peers”1. As building relations with other departments to achieve goal.

Courage to challenge: “Shows courage and confidence to speak up skillfully, challenging others even when confronted with resistance or unfamiliar circumstances”1. Contributing with other and sharing knowledge.

Role model: “Consistently leads by example. Acts with integrity, impartiality and independence, balancing personal, organisation and legal parameters”1. Integrity needed to be a role model.



Professional human resources leader, must have all these behaviour to be capable to manage people, ability of solving problems and take action that are based on facts and studies, so it will not harm others and organisation productivity, which require a trust circle to keep all employees in it, since all employees believe in a leader trust and integrity. With no doubt everyone will show respect to this leader.

The second diagram in the HR map that is surrounded by behaviours, it explains eight professional areas of HR, although it is a tool to measure a certain professionalism of a CIPD member, which will provide all activities, to be a professional in certain area.

The eight professional area of HR enhance a professional to develop in, though the following areas;

The ten professional areas

Service delivery and information: “Insure that all human resources information and services are delivered to leaders and manager within the organisation accuracy”1. Insuring the communication between managers and line managers, are acknowledge and played by company procedure and policy. Therefore guideline and regulations which will ensure work effectiveness and efficiency.

Employee relations: “Insure that relationship between organisation and staff is managed appropriately, that are relevant to the country labour law”1. Employee relations are concern of solving conflict between employees, by providing counselling and observation. For example absenteeism, tardiness, and disciplinary action is part of employee relations aspects.

Employee engagement: the relationship between employee and work, which affect employee performance and productivity. Although management action and policies sometime might affect employee engagement, that might disengage employees or engage them to high productivity.

Performance and reward: “this area builds a high-performance culture by delivering programmes that recognise and reward critical skills, capabilities, experience and performance, and ensures that reward systems are market-based, equitable and cost-effective”1. ‘Practice that might be involved in this area is a performance evaluation system is a tool for employees to review work objectives and behaviours for a certain period of time. Many rewards system that might be implemented to encourage employee performance level as a reward system, for example; best employee reward, and employee of the moth’2.

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Learning and talent development: this area is involved in employee skill and knowledge development in short term and long term period, Practices demonstrated in this area assist in training and development. As example training need analysis that study the current skill and knowledge level of employee, either employee is capable to develop and in what area would it be implemented in, as well as talent management.



The essential HR hand book, career press, 2008.Resourcing and talent planning: “Ensures that the organisation is able to identify and attract key people with the capability to create competitive advantage and that it actively manages an appropriate balance of resource to meet changing needs”1. Workforce planning is one of the practices that are demonstrated in this area which plan the required resources for operation run efficiently and effectively, involving budget and input to achieve business objectives.

Organisation development: “Organisation Development is about ensuring the organisation has a committed, ‘fit for the future’ workforce needed to deliver its strategic ambition. It plays a vital part in ensuring that the organisation culture, values and environment support and enhance organisation performance and adaptability”1. Through ensuring the organisation will continue developing through demonstrating management development project by planning and implementing it, which will involve business culture and planning strategy.

Organisation design: “The organisation design professional ensures that the organisation is appropriately designed to deliver organisation objectives in the short and long-term and that structural change is effectively managed”1. Most of organization designs their company by demonstrating an organisation chart, which set a formal relation of reporting system in an organisation. An organisation chart may include employees and manager that will explain a proper reporting line, which might contain employee name, position tile, and employee code it depends on the creator of the chart.


The ten professional areas are divided in four different bands, initially different levels of responsibilities and duties, to develop in certain professional area and behaviours.

The transition and movement in HR professional map is through bands, by applying the guideline activities of each area to move forward to the next band. What requires is a certain time spent in each band till realising that all activities are understood to enhance the skills development that requires for this area of professionalism.

Core Professional area

Strategy insight solution

The third part in HR map is the core professional area in the heart of the map that explain insight strategy and solution; defining the business requirements and strategy plan of the organisation by setting the vision and mission follows with values, of a long term achievement to clarify the main business objectives.

Leading and managing HR

The other part of the core is personal leading and managing HR, which need to create a professional relationship with peers and subordinate, by setting company strategy that influences the mission and vision of an organisation. Besides that, is responsible of all HR administration practices.



Courage to challenge:

It requires a good listening skill and observation to be capable of answering all questions, and be able to take part of an issue by negotiation and solving it, through involving others point of view that will achieve a win win situation.



Working together requires knowing each individual skill so they can share knowledge. As well as setting a group of a project need a certain skill and behaviours to get merged, which will create an effective teamwork.

Leadership and managing skills

HR leader must be capable of managing him-self, managing group or team, and manage across the organisation.

Self-management is one of the most important aspect of a leader, in fact if a leader is not able to manage him-self, how can possibly be able to manage others. For instance time management that requires being organised and punctual, to identify the amount of time that is required to accomplish a task, especially when efficiency and effectiveness is a tool measure.

Managing group is by setting and observing their day to day duty and behaviour, hence to coordinate and support peers and subordinates to meet company objectives. creating a strong relationship with peer and subordinate, by delegating some manger responsibilities that will increase employee integrity and trust.

‘Managing upward and across the organisation is through understanding the management objectives and goals and whatever are related. Dealing with management through identifying the necessary of information amount and what type of deliverable that needs to be represented. Generally managing across the organisation is though understating the independency of departments that will influence the power of politics, which might create conflict between departments, especially in family business and partnership organisations’3.

3. (Organisational behaviour, fourth edition/ Steven L. Mcshane & Mary Ann Von Glinow)


My plan of professionalism is to focus in certain area of HR, to develop more in these selected HR professional areas, where I see a need of knowledge and skills that is required to achieve my HR professionalism goal.

Employee engagement

Is a relationship between employee and their work that will influence their productivity level. I think that this area of professionalism is so important to focus on, because all organisations need to development in this field, to identify the risk taken of employee disengagement before taking action. Therefore I choose this area to develop my behaviour and skilled influence, to be able to support my future ideas and proposal, and getting prepared before getting into an argument when negotiating with managements.

Performance and rewards

“this area builds a high-performance culture by delivering programmes that recognise and reward critical skills, capabilities, experience and performance, and ensures that reward systems are market-based”1, to be professional in all type of performance appraisals and how to implement a reward system, to encourage employees productivity. What I need to learn is how to link reward to performance, and what practice do I need to apply, for implementing it to my organisation. As a result, I need to develop my driven to deliver skills to be capable of identifying the steps to achieve my goal and how to get it done effectively and efficiently.

Organisation Design

“Ensures that the organisation is appropriately designed to deliver organisation objectives in the short and long-term and that structural change is effectively managed”1. To learn how to create an effective organisation structure that delivers organisation objectives. To become capable of setting the resources required of human capital, beside to the standards of setting the vision and mission of an organisation. So I need to focus in becoming a role model, by practicing how to take action base on personal judgment, without harming others.

Setting Option of learning

In our competitive market there are many methods and option to develop and learn from, therefore I had chosen the following options:

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Coaching: referring to gain knowledge from a professional, which will provide support in certain aspects.


Increase competencies

Develop new skills

Ensure a self-commitment

cost effective


Time consuming if it is during work

Might be ignored or not focused

Conflict of opinion


Reflector: capture an idea to analyse it through digging for more information.



Thorough and methodical


Assimilating information


Slow to make up your mind and reach a decision

not taking enough risk

not usually assertive

Activist: Jumping in to the deep looking for new experience to have attention.



Open minded

Enjoy new situations



Tendency to do too much themselves

Often take unnecessary risk

Get bored with implementation

Development Plan

Name: Ali Hussain Alkhuzaie

Covering the period from: March 2013 To: November 2013

Key dates

What to do?

Means of Learning

Where to learn this?



Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the companies’ organizational structure, departmental functions and employee job descriptions.

Attend the orientation presentation.

Seek the opportunity of meeting with different department’s managers.

Meeting with the HR Manager to acknowledge the organisation structure.


Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo

Organisation development

Organisation design


Assess any issues raised by employees, investigate issues and propose solutions to mitigate the issues.

Read Bahrain’s Labour Law.

Look into old cases.

Ask questions and engage in group discussions.

Participate in employee counselling sessions.


Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo

Bahrain Labour law

Assist employee relations

Employee relations skills and knowledge

Solving problem

Decision making


Enhance communication skills in a business context/environment by utilizing various methods (such as oral, systematic, written etc).

On the job training.

Prepare business related emails.

Observing reporting structure and means of communication.

Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo

Bahrain Labour

Attend meeting

Develop communication skills



Improving interaction and the ability of working with a team of individuals in achieving a common goal.

On the job training.

Contribution and participating within the team.


Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo

Bahrain Labour

Courage to challenge

Improving teamwork


Improve time management skills and the ability to segregate work in terms of importance.

On job training.

Prioritising work.

Completing work within deadlines.


Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo

Bahrain Labour


Time management


Develop techniques that assist in reducing stress arising from strict deadlines.

On job training.

Stress Management.

Time management.

Task coordination.


Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo

Bahrain Labour

Stress management

Dealing with conflict


Assess management skills experienced in the work environment and the various styles of managing the workforce.

On job training.

Observe the methods in which seniors manage the workforce.

Utilise the managerial methods learnt into current practice.


Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo

Bahrain Labour



Leading and Managing HR

Strategy insight solution

Role model


Apply the management theories studied in the work-place in order to resolve issues as they occur.

On job training.

Analyse past academic training and courses, and relate to current activities.

Utilise the methods learnt into current practice.


Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo

Bahrain Labour


Leading and Managing HR

Decision making

Solving conflict


Employ the cultural studies in communicating and coordinating with peers to develop a rapport.

Observe cultural differences and manners in which to deal with the various individuals.

Analyse past academic training and courses, and relate to cultural matters.


Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo

Bahrain Labour




Employee engagment


1. CIPD web site


Dated: 19/02/2013 – 24/02/2013

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