Feminism and Media

Dickinson, Sonia, and Donna Gill. “Are Women Offended by the Way they are Portrayed in Advertising?”. International Journal of Advertising 28.1(2009): 175-178. Women’s Studies International. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.

“Are Women offended by the Way they are portrayed in Advertising?”

Sonia Dickinson and Donna Gill attempt to answer this question. Their article, which is aimed at women around 35 years and older, displays their finding about how women respond differently to advertisements in that the responses are not always, for all women, negative. The argument is broken down into a three-point explanation that builds upon itself as it develops. The third part adheres to the opposition’s point of view on how women overreact to advertisements that are in no way objective or harmful. T Throughout the article there are various representative sections that contain the personal opinions of . e. In comparison to my topic, the source will allow me to, when I reference the opposing side, generate scholarly support. However, when I do have to discredit the opposing side, this discretization will be seen as all the more intelligent because of the use of a scholarly article.

Back, Debora Baker. “The ‘F’ Word: How the Media Frame Feminism.” NWSA Journal 10.1 (1998): 139. Women’s Studies International. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.

“The ‘F’ Word: How the Media Frame Feminism”

intends to discuss the relationship between the media and feminism that resulted from the media’s negative presentation of the all feminists and the entire feminist movement, it’s effect of framing on society’s acceptance or rejection of the cause and those instilled in support of the movement, and finally feminism and its pursuits and response to the media. Based on the length, diction, and complexity of the article, the article is meant to be read by those who are currently completing or have completed a mastery of an upper high school reading level. Debora presents examples of feminism with either an underlying negative tone or an obvious negative view (of the media) and accompanies it with the popular or public’s view of feminism and feminists. Finally, she supports this with the media’s creation, influence or support of the negative view of the public towards feminists’ and feminism’s advancements in their portrayal of women and the advance of women until they are equal to men. While well poised, the article does suffer on credibility in the way that it uses some of its sources, in that this shoddy procedure causes the suspicion of the audience towards the credibility of the argument being presented. In relation to my article, this source will be used to support the argument of how the media has a negative effect on women as it dismantles the actions of and advancements for women that have been or are in the process of being secured by feminists.

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Cantor, Muriel G. “Feminism and the Media.” Society 25.5 (1998): 76-81. SPORTDicuss with Full Text. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.

“Feminism and the Media”

The article by Muriel G. Cantor focuses on how “second wave” feminists responded to and tried to enforce change in how women were portrayed in the media. She expands this to include the explanation of origin and the growth of “second wave” feminism, the tactics it used to try to persuade owners of media outlets to produce an accurate and supportive portrayal of women, the origins of the relationship between the media and feminism, and finally, the areas in which women were seen as more subordinates to men than currently. Her intended audience is those who want to learn more: about the origins of modern day feminism, the large focus of modern day feminism’s roots in interacting with the media, and/or “second wave” feminism. In her presentation, Muriel uses specific company names, making grounds for the presentation’s credibility and thus convincing the reader more than could be achieved through generalizations. She also mentions a variety of setbacks that the movement took while fighting for the fair portrayal of women in media become just that, a fight, instead of continuous, easy advancements. This causes readers to become engaged and points to possible overall success of “second wave” feminism. However, she poses the question of whether the movement was a success or a failure in regards to its present existence, change in existence, and changes in media [relationship] that resulted. From this, readers are to discern their own answer to the posed question, for Muriel does not give her opinion. This cause readers to remain intellectually active after reading. It could also point them to discovering more about both the media and feminism and looking at them and their relationship through a different lends than before. Credibility of her presentation and reliability in what she says is established through the sources, the title that Muriel holds at a university, and the number of works that she has published. In relation to my article, I would use this to support the theses of the previous two articles, thus the relationship between the media and women and feminism but also would use to explain how this relationship came to be.

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Anderson, Annie,
“When The Mainstream Met The Second Wave: Media Representations of Women
& Feminism in 1970s America” (2012). American Studies Honors Papers.
Paper 4.

When The Mainstream Met The Second Wave: Media Representation of Women and Feminism

Annie Anderson attempts to portray the relationship between the media of the 1970s and Second Wave Feminism. She begins by looking that the two separately but immediately moves into the feuding interaction between the two. Her presentation focuses on the Time and Life magazines’ coverage on Second Wave Feminism and how the response of Second Wave Feminism created a framework for the relationship between Second Wave Feminism and 1970s media as well as for the way in which feminism is viewed today. Annie also tries to help her audience understand how the media shaped and continues to shape the agenda of (Second Wave) feminism. In order to do all of this, Annie gives an abrupt history of both Second Wave Feminism and the media, both subjects’ literature, and the history of Time and Life magazines. This allows for her audience to understand that impact that each might have on the public and what characteristics might be the source of tension between the three when presented in certain light. Annie, at the end of her presentation comes to a conclusion on whether or not (Second Wave) feminism has been successful and names solutions on how to improve its success. This argument will help me to structure the main point of my paper: that the media helped to create and reinforce the public’s negative view of women and feminism. The credibility of this source comes from the amount of peer review that had to be done before it was published as well as from the use of historical sources which cannot be falsified without serious consequences.

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Jones, Allison. “Saints and Sirens: How Pop Culture Creates Female Icons.” The HKU Honors Club. University of Hong Kong, 1 Aug. 1998. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. <>.

Allison Jones attempts to show the categorization of women in the media as either saints or sirens by looking at four females in particular. She obtains the idea that within the life or after the death of an individual, particularly women, provoke different reactions from the public as a result of the media changing the images of the women to that of the public’s liking or distaste. She uses specific examples of what made the public show distaste or admiration for the women during their life or after their death. Using not only specific women but including what upset or pleased the public allows for the argument that Allison is making to be understood more clearly than it would if she gave general examples. The comparison between the women and what qualities they presented also serves to help enforce her argument. She reflects on the power of the media to capture an image that pertains to what they choose to portray about women and the lengths to which they go to portray such an image to the public. This article will help me to convey to my audience of the effort that the media goes through to uphold the inaccurate and over exaggerated descriptions of women’s’ behaviors and the intention of such behaviors that lead to the simplified naming of these women as either good or bad. It will serve to help me transition into how feminism has been easily disguised as a men-hating movement. The credibility of this article is the same as the credibility of the article from above.

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