Goals Of Internship Training Objectives Management Essay

Bridge ICD is relatively a small organization that practices and believes in working in a team. Hence, each staff has a designation and a job scope which they are in charge of as the company is not running under departments. As a result, I get to venture into different area to learn how things are being done in the company and at the same time assist each staff as I do not have a fix job specification.

I started off helping my supervisor, Ms Wendy, the Company Office Manager that handles all office admin. The first few tasks that were given by my supervisor were to test my creativeness. I was asked to create a kids camp brochure that will be distributed to Digi Telecommunication staffs (parents). It was really a big challenge for me as I have to come out with a brochure that is suitable for parents and at the same time the brochure must also be able to attract the kid’s attention to have the interest to attend the camp. Instantly, I started relating it to what I had I learned from cognitive psychology class. Attention is the main thing that I must consider when designing a brochure because when we are looking at something, we will saccades and we will come to a fixation. Hence, I analyse the target audience and brain stormed to come up with design whereby it would be able to grab hold of both parents and children’s attention to the brochure. I came up with a design where the brochure has a sophisticated and cheerful look. At the same time I played around with colours as well to help catch hold of their attention because colours play a very big role in our life, for instance it can be associated to our emotions, mood, and many others. Subsequently, I also created communication piece for Prudential and Maxis teambuilding event to provide their staff a sneak peek that also serve as a reminder for upcoming event and also to attract their staff to attend and participate for the event. This time round, I applied the same method that I had used for the brochure which is to create an artwork that is attractive and creative, at the same time ensures that the intended message is also conveyed. Learning through experience had made my work being completed even much easier.

Apart from that, my responsibility in the company also grew bigger when I was given the opportunity to manage the company profile. I was asked to manage the company profile for both soft copies where it will be sent out to the company clients and hard copy for it to be sent for printing. On top of that, my task also includes creating a standardised company proposal template, company PowerPoint Presentation slides, and also company’s staff e-mail signature. Consequently, I would also put together proposal and PowerPoint presentation for many companies (Indah Water, Zurich, Multi-Purpose Insurans, Beta Tegap, Pantai Premier Pathology, U-Mobile, Tokio Marine and many more) that matches their training and teambuilding requirement as provided by them. I am also required to do some research on trainer’s background and look for suitable trainers which meet the requirement for the client when needed.

Having said that, I realized that a company’s image is an important aspect in the business world. A company’s image is what that sets the company to be different from the others which makes it the uniqueness of that company. Hence, something as small as a staff’s email signature, could play a very big role to the company’s image as well. The reason is being simple, because anything that is representing your company it will portray the characteristic of the company as a whole and most importantly, it will be creating the first impression to others. At the same time, the company’s image is the main facet that builds the confidence in others. Thus, as mention above, something so minor like a staff email signature can play an important role in building the company’s image seeing that communication through email is the main communication tools being used by Bridge and also in the business world. To the same extent, company proposal, presentation slide, company profile and many more will all come together to help build a company’s image. This makes it important to come up with a standardized appearance for Bridge to represent its professionalism and to build confidence in their client, in view of the fact that being a training company is highly competitive in the business world.

Besides admin work, I was also given the chance to assist in the logistics field. I began helping my colleague Mr. Andrew, Logistic Executive, in the logistic line of work and it is where I was first taught on the importance of managing logistic. Handling logistic is not an easy job because it is where one will be required to liaise with a few party; the trainer, client and the venue of the event. Communication plays a very big role here. Apart from liaising, logistic also include searching, purchasing and preparing the materials for the event. It is required for one to be a systematic person and being able to communicate well to be able to complete the task.

I was given the chance to help my colleague prepare the materials that are needed for the event and to pack them up. While handling the logistic, it made me understand and learned that I could not always do things within my comfort zone. My task required me to look for hotels, venues, materials, instruments and so on but back then I was not comfortable making phone calls to unfamiliar person. Hence, I took up the challenge and learn to grow out of it. The first time when I was required to make a phone call, I need to list out the things that I need to enquire and so on. But after making several phone calls, I was able to perform the task without difficulties. I had built more confidence when speaking on phone and also learned how to communicate better over the phone. I make many phone calls to search for materials, called up providers to look for instruments to be loan for the events and consequently, I was also asked to look for suitable venues and hotels for the events and to call them up to get more information and quotation as well. Making phone calls seems to be a simple job, but is it the communication part where sometimes it may be slightly challenging as there miscommunication may happen.

Apart from that, I was also a facilitator for a few teambuilding events and soft skill trainings. During the event, my task comprises of setting up the venue according to the trainers request, prepares materials for activities, liaise with hotel for mealtime and hall settings, facilitate the participants and engage with the participants to allow them to feel comfortable. This events had also build my confidence and allows me to portray my leadership skills.

In addition, after learning the process and facilitating in a few events, I was then given the opportunity to run logistic along with a senior mentoring me for a teambuilding event for two day one night at A’farmosa Resort, Melaka for a manufacturing company. In this event, my responsibility was bigger because my task was not to just make sure the program runs smoothly. I was responsible for the stay at the resort, allocating the participants to their respective rooms and the meals for the participants as well. I had learned a lot from this event by which I have build my confidence level and I also enhanced my communication skills.

Apart from that, I am also given the chance to assist in two soft skill training for MSIG Company. To assist the trainer, I would need to understand the trainers training course ahead as I would need to help the trainer to prepare workshop materials, have the venue setup in their preferred ways, to prepare for the activities, and to liaise with the client and the hotel. Through both the training, it allows me to learn how to be an event organizer and learn what the skills are that requires me to perform at my best.


2. 1. Organisation Details

2. 1. 1. Mission & vision of Organisation

Mission (Bridge ICD, 2012)

To understand our customers’ needs and develop their human capital.

To constantly create programmes that are different, exciting and effective.

To provide quality service that exceeds our customer’s expectation.

Vision (Bridge ICD, 2012)

To be a trusted & preferred training consultant dedicated to organisational behavioural change.

2. 1. 2. History of organization

Bridge Intellectual Capital Development (Bridge ICD) has been established for approximately 10 years and runs under seven dedicated staff. With the experience gained throughout the 10 years in human capital development, it had made Bridge as one of the premium corporate training providers in Malaysia. Bridge has been focusing on one objective in mind which is where Bridge programmes and thematic activities are being created for their clients to continually achieve their strategic organisational goals and objectives.

Bridge ICD consist of a pool of experiences trainers that are all experts in their respective fields, specialising in the areas of Sales, Leadership, Customer Service, Behaviour / Mindset Change, Team and Personal Motivation and many more. In addition, Bridge uses some of the latest training technologies and methodologies in Accelerated and Super-Learning to engage the whole brain and the multiple intelligences. Bridge promises that the training provided are holistic, engaging, exciting and fun. Most importantly is that Bridge are very passionate in what they do and they belief that every individual rises to great heights when passion and creativity are unleashed in them.

2. 1. 3. Main roles of the organization

Bridge focuses in providing their client with the whole of human resource management model ranging from recruitment and selection to development of human capital. The core strength of bridge is focused on middle and upper management human resources. One reason for the success of Bridge would be how they are attributed to the diversity of their network and the uniqueness of their business model. In addition, Bridge core consultants embraced from a variety of career and industries that allows them to offer a variety of services to a wide range of clients. Bridge believes “Bridge is the road between discovery of human talent and applications of this knowledge with the right client. Our business model is the road map of this journey” (Bridge, 2012).

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The services that Bridge offers comprised of teambuilding, soft skills training, technical skills training, Camp Discovery and also Youth camp. All activities are being personalized to fit the needs and the requirement of the client to achieve their desired objectives.

The Bridge teambuilding programs are designed to transform their client’s staff into motivated, championship teams, quickly. Their team-building and bonding programs promise innovative, exciting and challenging activities conducted by vibrant facilitators. Highly energized, they are designed to connect participants to the lessons from the many games played. To entrench the learning, they conduct very comprehensive debriefs and post training follow-ups.

As for soft-skills training offered by Bridge, it is based mostly on the highly effective and acclaimed accelerated learning methodology. Bridge designs their soft-skills programs to include music, colours, interactive games and exercises. Every lesson or process is an experience to help engage participants. Bridge believes that notes and facts can be forgotten but an experience remains forever. Their areas of expertise are the 5 levels to Customer Service excellence Personal Mastery/ Mindset Change and Leadership and Management Skills.

Bridge also offers technical skills program where one can choose from the wide variety of bridge’s extensive selection of competency based training that will help your business bring up the bottom line. Each program is highly customizable and includes dynamic workshops using accelerated learning techniques. Some of their sample programs include English at Work, Facilitation Skills, and Up Your Collection Techniques

Another program that Bridge provides is Camp Discovery. Camp Discovery is an effective youth development programme that is being conducted in three countries; Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. The programme would use the delivery and learning method to conduct the programme to help maximize the learning of the youth. Many graduates from Camp Discovery demonstrate and portray a higher confidence level, self esteem level and at the same time it also enhanced their relationship with their love ones; family and friends and not forgetting the love for themselves as well.

Youth Camp: This character building programme is about transforming young adults to become confident, successful and responsible individuals.

is a premier character development and youth transformation program aimed at training young adults today to be the leaders of tomorrow. We believe in equipping them with the necessary tools to accelerate their development and productivity through a life-long learning process that challenges them into a higher and more positive mindset.

With over 14 years of research and experience facilitating children’s programme in schools and various organisations in Singapore and Malaysia, we have discovered ONE BIG DIFFERENCE between children who do well and those who don’t – those who are successful have a sense of purpose.

Bridge’s Youth Camps uses Accelerated Learning technologies to engage all the five physical senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and audio AND the non-physical senses like emotional intelligence, interpersonal, naturalistic intelligence, etc.

Almost every lesson is preceded by a game or activity to allow your child to first experience and then reflect on the lessons. The valuable lessons which your child learns from the discussion and sharing will prepare him or her for a successful life ahead.

Learning Take-a-ways:

Communicate at Higher Level – participant learns and demonstrates how being clear and exact with their communication, will get them what they seek in life

Networking and Teamwork – participant discovers that Networking and Cooperation in teams is the way to success in the 21st century

Having Goals and Purpose – participant experiences and shares personal breakthroughs and internalises ‘WHY” being successful is important. He/she will then begin to discover ‘WHAT?’ to do in life and ‘HOW?’ to achieve PURPOSE by channelling all their talents and skills in a creative, responsible and positive way.

Making Corrections – participant learns to accept responsibility and make corrections from mistakes to attain personal breakthroughs. True learning and progress occurs when your child makes corrections and implements the new learning from these mistakes.

Trust – participant learns how to Trust him/herself and how and when to trust others.

Planning and Studying Skills – participant learns how to plan, set study goals and how to study for success, using studying and note taking tools. Your child learns how to ‘study smart’, effectively and efficiently.

2. 1. 4. Organisation Hierarchy and Structure

Bridge as mentioned above is a small organization. The organization runs under seven dedicated staff and they are David Tan (Programme Director & Senior Facilitator), Len Meng Fui (Operations Director), Sharon Chiew (Marketing & Business Director), Vasu Dave (Training & Programme Development Specialist), Neal Patrick (Client Engagement Consultant & Trainer), Wendy Chan (Office Manager), and Andrew Chiu (Logistic Executive).

While most organizations have strict rules and norms about hierarchy and structure, the atmosphere at Bridge is quite different in the sense that at Bridge, the staff are a family. The reason for that could be because it is a small organization with minimal staff and that allows the staff to interact with one another frequently on a daily basis which results in a close knit family. With that being said, the relaxed setting in the office does not in any way negatively affect the quality of service of the company. In fact, it increases the efficiency and maximizes the potential that Bridge has to offer. Every staff has their own role in the office and area that they specialize in and together they keep the gears moving and the company in motion.

David, our program director and senior facilitator has behind him years of research, knowledge and experience in the area of experiential learning. With that experience, he brought everything that he had learned and knew to the schools and organizations in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region and is one of the first people to do this. The main points in his programs are to teach through the methods enhancing thoughts and experiential based learning which is the centre of David’s expertise. Besides that, every program that has been carried out thus far is a product of years of research and trial and error and takes into account not only the group dynamics, but also on an individual level.

Meng Fui, our operations director expertise lie in the field of portfolio strategy and field management. His role in the company is one of the most important because he puts his skills in operational management to use in developing the company from the inside. He supervises the programs that are carried out and comes up with ways and means to ensure that the training program is top notch and effectively carried out throughout the course of the program.

Sharon, our director in marketing and business deals with clients. What makes Sharon perfect for the job is her charming personality that captures people. Because of her extrovert nature eagerness to go out and meet people, she found the field of intellectual capital development to be stimulating and went on to pursue a career in that. The factor that makes Sharon most effective is the way she is able to communicate with clients by listening, understanding and coming up with strategies that ensure that the clients’ needs are met and are fulfilled.

Vasu, is a man of many talents. His expertise lie developing and carrying out effective team building programs that our company carries out. The scope of his proficiency includes Team Building, Team Motivation, Creating Team Culture, Leadership and Sales. Vasu’s experience in the field is widespread throughout the multi-national companies and school in Malaysia and also in Singapore. The foremost talent of Vasu is his quick thinking and ability to come up with programs and activities that are easy to carry out and easily accessible that are fun and engaging but yet still achieve the goals and objectives overall.

Neal is our foreign counterpart from the Philippines who specializes in generating training programs that puts together his motivational seminars with activities to maximize the efficiency of the program. Neal graduated from the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines with a degree in Psychology. His experience includes dealing multinational companies locally as well as back in the Philippines where he has worked with the top 100 corporations there. What Neal is able to bring to the company is that foreign influence that broadens the view and scope of the company.

Wendy, our office manager is in charge of ensuring top efficiency in the office. Her role is much like the mother of the office whereby she keeps things going and attends to any area or anyone that is having difficulty. Her attention to detail is what makes her perfect for the job. She is quick to pick up on areas that are need restructuring to ensure a smooth running office. Her critical but yet practical persona gives clients the confidence in the company and trusts that we will not let them down.

Andrew, much like Wendy is also critical when it comes to his work. Whatever the job, he takes it on in full stead and puts in effort and brings it to his full potential. As much as he is critical about his work, he is also has another side to him with an easy going personality that is easy to match up. Because of that, it increases the effectiveness of the projects that the people under him.

As you can see, the company is made up of individuals of different backgrounds, qualities, personalities and qualifications. This is a big helping factor in developing the company as it introduces diversity and encourages thinking outside of the box. It may be a just a small organization for now, but in time I believe Bridge will prove itself and soon be able to match up with the other bigger companies.

Details of the department that placement is being carried out in

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I was assigned to the logistical and administrative department in Bridge for my internship from 27 of August 2012 to 7 of December 2012. The role of the administrative department is where all matters that are related to the company administrative will be handled by both the administrative and logistical department. The duties include general administration, researching, liaising with hotels and providers, handling with correspondence such as e-mail, answers client request, and many more. As for the Logistical Department, the role of that department includes planning, organizing, handling and controlling the events programs, managing the storage of the all materials for the company, meets up with trainer, client and hotel person in charge and many more. My supervisor is Ms. Wendy Chan, our office manager. She is in charge of ensuring top efficiency in the office. Her role is much like the mother of the office whereby she keeps things going and attends to any area or anyone that is having difficulty. Her attention to detail is what makes her perfect for the job. She is quick to pick up on areas that are need restructuring to ensure a smooth running office. Her critical but yet practical persona gives clients the confidence in the company and trusts that we will not let them down.


3.1 Learning Outcome

During my internship, I had learned that trainings and teambuilding programs are very important facet to many organizations. I never realized how important training and teambuilding were to organizations until I was exposed to corporate teambuilding events and also soft skills trainings. Throughout my internship with Bridge, one of the training that I was involved in is a goal setting training for an insurance company. I learned powerful goal setting is the key component to motivate their employees to be able to accomplish their objective since insurance agents usually have a target that they have to achieve.

Goal setting is known to be a very powerful method to help motivate people and also to motivate one self. Thus, it is vital to apply goal setting theory in organizations to help boost the motivation of their employees. Furthermore, it also serves as the pathway for the success of the organization since goals will help to create a task and it will help to measure the success of it as well.

The question here is that, are they setting their goals using the best and effective method. It is important to have the five principles of goal setting; clarity, challenge, commitment, feedback, and task complexity in order to be motivated to set an effective goal that will improve one’s performance. Every principle plays a very vital role and they are the key components in goal setting. The first principle will be clarity in which a goal that one set must be clear whereby they are measurable and significant. It is only when a goal is set to be clear and specific that consist of a time-frame for completion will be effective. For example, for insurance agents, it is important for them to set clear goals like “I will have to reach RM 50, 000 worth of sales by the 30th of December 2012” in order to have the motivational value in it. Additionally, one can also learn to use the SMART goal setting (Specific, Measurable, and Time bound) to help make certain the clarity of the goals that they had set (“Locke’s Goal Setting Theory”, 2010).

As for the second principle, Challenge, it may be as said a challenging principle for an individual because setting the level of challenge is the core characteristic of goals. It is habitually for people to be motivated by their achievement, therefore they will be judging on the significance of the accomplishment that they await. It is a natural motivation for one to do a good job when you know what you do will be well received at the end of the day. Apart from that, if you know that one will be rewarded, it will usually help boost the enthusiasm of an individual and will also build the urge to complete it. Using the help of SMART goals, setting a relevant goal will associate the employee towards the rewards that will be awarded when the challenging goal been achieved. Thus, relating it back to the insurance agents, they would have known the reward that awaits them when they achieve certain target and they are the one who will set their challenge to achieve their desirable goal (“Locke’s Goal Setting Theory”, 2010).

The third principle will be commitment whereby it is better if the employees themselves set their own goals and they agreed upon to it in order for it to be effective. However, this does not mean that goals had to be always be negotiate with and agreed by the employees but instead the goal that is being set has to be consistent with the company goal and the goal must be coming from a creditable person by which the employee believe in. Doing so will also then build the employee commitment towards the goal. Nonetheless, always try make an effort to get the employees involves in their own goal setting (Ghebre, 2009). In addition, goal commitment and the level of goal difficulty most of the time works together. When the goal is set at a more difficult level, this means more commitment is requisite. This shows that if one sets the goal at a very easy level to achieve, hence there is no need to involve lots of motivation to get it done. This will cause the employee not work towards the goals or even not put in effort to get it done since they know it is easily achievable. So in an insurance company, if the goals are being set at an very easy level, this will not motivated the agents to perform. Additionally, the insurance agents themselves must be able to see the relevance of the goal that is being set and be involved in it in order for them to be committed to their goals (“Locke’s Goal Setting Theory”, 2010).

Consequently, the fourth principle, Feedback will need to play its role as well to ensure the effectiveness of the goal. The importance of feedback in goal setting is to provide the opportunity to allow one clarify their expectations, make changes to the goals level of difficulty as well as to get recognition. Doing so will allow individuals to have the opportunity to determine how well they are coming along with the goals being set. Most importantly, it allows an individual to have the chance to break down their goals if they realized that it may take them a long term to achieve it. This principle would be very useful for insurance mentor as they will be the one monitoring their mentee’s performance and guiding them towards their goal. Additionally, using the SMART goal second step, Measurable, in which the goal being set must be measurable as it will provide us with a clear feedback. For example, include an amount and date in the goals we set because it will provide us with a measurement of how near or far we are from our goal (“Locke’s Goal Setting Theory”, 2010).

The last principle of goal setting theory will be task complexity. This principle will apply when the goals being set are extremely intricate because it is a must to make sure that your employees are not being overwhelmed by the work load. Employees may come to a point where they are over working themselves which will then by chance cause them to be demoralized and discouraged. To avoid this from happening, employees should be ensured to have sufficient amount of time to achieve the goals. Furthermore, if the employee has yet to master certain skills that is required to achieve the goals, make sure that training or guidance are given to them for them have the required knowledge to perform their task. For example, the insurance company is providing training for their employees to ensure that their employees have the required skills to perform and achieve their goals. The main purpose of goal setting is to succeed. Thus, it is important to make sure that every condition is being look into to achieve the desired goals (“Locke’s Goal Setting Theory”, 2010).

Goal setting is the path to success for every individual. No doubt, SMART goal also plays an important role in business world as goals helps to portray success. Having goals, it actually pushes one to take the time and think about being successful ahead. If we do not set goals, we may not even know if we could succeed or fail. It is how goal provide us with challenges and allow us to have expectation. Setting goals is also important because it guides and directs us to what is needed to be done. Apart from that, by setting goals, it will also help to enhance level of confidence as well as self- esteem and most importantly to sustain the motivation of an individual by giving a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved. Therefore, goal setting is important to organizations and employees as well, so the SMART goal model as shown in figure 1 is yet to remain its effectiveness until today (Cothran & Wysocki, 2005).

Figure 1. SMART Goal Model. From Cothran and Wysocki (2005)

Apart from that, I was also being involved in teambuilding event. In this event, working in teams and groups is the main focus area which also places the same role when in an organization. An organization runs under many groups of people but they are all working as whole to keep the organization going. However, many do not really see the picture of it and needs some guide from such training in order to view things in a different perspective.

Working in groups is beneficial in an organization. Many organizations focuses in this area because working in a group increase productivity, better response time and it will also help improve when it comes to decision making. Moreover, group work will help one another to gain knowledge and learn more as one could teach and pass on the knowledge to another member and the other member could also exchange their knowledge about something else (Hartenian, 2002). This will help hinder confusion as there are always others to help. Working in groups also will create the sense of belonging and also provide support to other (Scottish Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, 2012).

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Coming together as group is not simple. It is believed that forming a group usually goes through the theory of group process by which employees in an organization will have to go through four stages first; forming, storming, norming and performing. In the first stage, it is usually how groups are form. Using the teambuilding event as an example, the organization sends their employee for teambuilding event is to help their employee to allow each other to be familiar with one another. During most of the event, many staff does not know one another that well although they have been working under the same organization. Therefore, at the beginning of the event, there will be an ice breaking session to allow people to get together. There would be many different type of individual that can be found in an organization there maybe the shy ones’, the talkative, the excited ones’, the leader, and many more (Scottish Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, 2012).

The next stage would be storming. This is when the group role will emerge. For example, in training participants will be divided into group and will usually be given a task that they need to work on. In the mean time, group roles will be emerging. There will be a member who would take the lead to start the task and followed by the others taking up their role. It is a common situation to be seen anywhere when it comes to working in a group. Subsequently, norming is the third process whereby after exploring each of their roles, they will now need to come together and work towards common goals. During this process, each and everyone would have their own opinion and also their different thoughts but in this process, it is very common that they will all compromise with each other on working towards the shared goals (Scottish Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, 2012).

After the third process, performing will be the next group process that a group will face. After having an agreement on their discussed ground rules and goals, they would naturally be more comfortable around one another and they will be much familiar with each as well, since they all have the same goal that they are looking forward too. If relating it back to the training event example, at this process, the group will be paying more attention towards the learning activities as compared to the group (Scottish Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, 2012).

Additionally, group dynamic will also evolve when there is a group. Group dynamics is known as patterns of relationships and the interaction that forms between the group members in the group setting where there must at least be three people interacting. It is observable in any group that a behavioural pattern will emerge. It is a very common behaviour that group will develop. Some common behaviours that can be observe from a group is where there will be at least one member in the group that will have a tendency to lead the group’s conversation by sharing his ideas liberally and also there will be at least one that is extremely quiet. The leader will be the one that has the tendency to speak on behalf of the group and would be the one who takes up the responsibility to organize the members and makes sure the job assigned is being completed. Some other common roles that will be found are like the skeptics, which they are one’s who have the negative point of view, and peacemaker, by which that member do not like seeing conflicts that goes off in the group and they will always be the one trying to get other members to agree or compromise. Apart from that, it can also be observe that there will be a timekeeper which is concern about completing the task with the due date given. Other common group roles that exist in groups are dominator, distracter, the silent member, philosopher and many more. Group roles that exist in a group are establish by the individual’s personality and experiences of their own (Scottish Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, 2012).

Group dynamic is crucial in an organization and it is a must to improve group dynamics. The techniques used to improve and manage group dynamics depends to the situation. However, some useful techniques like equalizing the participations maybe good to be use let’s say in a meeting where the facilitator would want contribution for from all member. Hence, it really depends on the situation one is in and how the group should be managed depends on the task given as well ( Nazzaro & Strazzabosco, 2009).

Another point that one must be aware of is the size of group because it is a factor that would affect the advantages of group dynamic. When a group size grows there are more members in a group and there may be more member that may have similar characteristic and behaviour which might cause conflict. Additionally, when in a large group communication process will be reduce and some member such as the quiet ones’ have a higher chance of being left out from the group. Therefore, it is one aspect that one will have to consider looking at when working in groups (Ramayah, Jantan, Nasurdin, & Koay, 2003).

In a nut shell, training and teambuilding events do play important roles to organizations. Such training like goal setting is very beneficial to an individual and that will help one to realized the importance of it and to allow them enhance and brush up the skills and potential they already have in them which they never realize. With goal setting, one would be able to achieve their target that they have set successfully. I also had learn that never underestimate such training as it actually is very beneficial to help one realize how important it is to be productive, committed and motivated in completing a task. With goal setting, one will not be going about the task blindly and will be very productive person. Apart from that, I can also see that group work is a core component when completing a task. The quality of work done would improve and the performance every member would increase as well. Being involve in the trainings have also taught me to understand more of how trainings would be useful in helping one to fully utilized the potential we have in us.


4. 1 Recommendation and Conclusion

Analyzing that the target audience are adults when attending such training, therefore it is a must to definitely consider the various type of method to convey the learning to them. Since they are working adults, most of them are very knowledgeable so it is a must that the training that will be provided to them has to able to capture their attention. Therefore, I would recommend that before the trainings, trainers should be aware of the participant’s background ahead. After doing so, the trainer would be able to come up with more examples, situations or case study that is related to their field to grab their attention and make them to start thinking and relating it back to themselves. It is part of the Adult Learning principle where the adults would prefer having examples or situation which they could relate it back their work – life situations. Furthermore, the principle also stated that adults are more of a competency-based learner which makes them individual who would prefer to gain knowledge and skills which they could apply it their logically to their environment. Doing so would also allow them to remember the information better as they could relate it back to their experiences or themselves (Edmunds, Lowe, Murray & Seymour, 2002).

Another recommendation would be that to help adult’s learn better and be more productive would be getting them to learn with activities. Getting participants to go through some case study, work – related activities, group discussion, on-the-job training are very good methods to get participants to fully learn a new thing (Edmunds, Lowe, Murray & Seymour, 2002). According to Pike (1989) research, it shows that the best to learn something would be performing it out while you are learning it as the result show that the learning retention would reach 90% when we doing what we say. It is important to keep the adults to actively participate when learning because we learn best with hands on method. It is rather similar to how we learn through trial-and-error. In addition, it is also essential include continuity and interaction when learning is to happen. This will allow the participants to be able to learn something new and able to connect it with what they have learn in the past to assist in modifying the specific knowledge to what was learn newly. Secondly, it is interaction that would play the other crucial role where the newly learned lesson has to be continually being used. This is because through interaction with the individual environment, it allows and gives them the opportunity to be able to test and practice the lesson that was taught (Reich, 2006).

5. Appendix

„h Sample of work done

„h Picture, Diagram, Brochures or any other relevant documents.

„h Weekly report (Diary of events with dates, skills learnt, activities)

o Week 1 ¡V Diary of events (i.e., dates, skills learnt, activities)

o Week 2 ¡V Diary of events (i.e., dates, skills learnt, activities)

o Week 3 ¡V Diary of events (i.e., dates, skills learnt, activities)

Page v: List of Tables / Figures / Case Studies

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