Goldenstate Manufacturers Pvt Ltd Business Essay

Goldenstate Manufacturers has a purpose that is too boost in textiles operating and basically to make Profit in operation with textile garments. They are also in top five business and they still want to be in market for Competition and maintain there Image, reputation and status within the Garment processing industry.

Main focus for Goldenstate is to raise the productivity level with high quality output. As seen in the case-study, they were in top five company but they gone down due to customer complain due to poor finished good quality that when the goal was put on to strive for it. ”Optimize the production and improve the quality of the finished garment”.

It differs from a Non Profitable Organisation because Goldenstate operates for profit, Brand Name, Image and reputation.

Non Profit Organization operates for social service such as Red Cross, Welfare Services, Church, and Mosque. These companies operate to serve the community, provide service to the people, they at times use volunteers to work for them, and normally operate through Aids from bigger organizations or government organisations but Goldenstate has a structure, a management and guide lines for their employees who do paid jobs. (Notes from Lecturer)

Answer 1.2 Organisation Chart

Goldenstate Manufacturers ( Pvt) Ltd.

Board of Directors


Mark Fraser

HR and

RD Depart






1500 +





































Team Leaders



Team Leaders



Team Leaders



Team Leaders



Team Leaders




Answer 1.3

Explain how effective you feel the organization is and list the main skills and competencies needed for it to be competitive?

Goldenstate is not an effective company:

they are lacking in speed production, lacking in communication,

they are disorganized and are getting customer complaints due to low grade finished well. High performance was not shown.

Co-coordinating the flow of work was less. Examples are like, Carl is firm, strict and finds it hard to communicate, high work pressure in production, lack of liberty for staffs, Dyeing and Cutting overstaffed, production held up in stitching.

Goldenstate can use the following skills to reach the end product with high quality to be competitive:

Working guidelines can be issued to each staff. Performance Appraisal. E.g. Clear working guidelines, procedures followed.

Responsibility and Accountability to be notified. E.g., Quality Control must be thorough checked at each stage of production, and production to rectify the faults before shipment such this can help in increasing company image and make customers happy.

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Ease in the flow of work. E.g.: Each department must complete their share of task on time considering other sections as well. Clear priorities and work schedules.

Staff credits (praises) and encouragement can be a key to success in retaining staffs as well as increasing quality production. (notes from Lecturer )

Team work, respect between Management and Staffs

Crystal clear communications between CEO, Managers and Staffs with show effectiveness in GoldenState.

Planning of Time and Staff Management should be done weeks earlier so that staffs are not over pressured.

They should have a good flow of communication between Managers and Staff members E.g. Meetings, memos(notes from Lecturer )

Question 2

Answer 2.1

Explain the leadership styles of Adam, the Knitting Manager, and James the Dying Manager, and comment on how appropriate you these are in the current situation?

James, the Dyeing Manager is liked by his team as his personality here shows that he is like a ‘Laissez Faire’. E.g.: the staffs taking care of themselves and James does not say anything and as well as Participative. “laissez faire”- where the leader sits back and allows things to happen. For example, James, the Dyeing Manager.

The leadership style of Adam, the Knitting Manager is straight forward as he quotes “My way or NO way” is ‘Autocratic’. Adam has the control and power over his command. his way is what he wants from his staffs is that things are to be done and accomplished as per his rules. In current situation, his way the staffs under Adam may feel pressured which can result in staff leaving job, lack of communication, not taking staff feedbacks. (notes from Lecturer )

Though as a manager he is responsible for his teams output, he still analyses the situation his way and staffs do it their way to meet output which can be noted as individual participation or good team work, a healthy relationship with staffs.

In current situation, James feel accepted and may understand their responsibilities. James is flexible as well as it’s mentioned that he takes no action if mistake is made. He can attentioned as a Team Player i.e. if one doesn’t do he must be doing it himself as a team worker.

Overall the company needs to optimize the production and improve the quality of products, so these Managers are doing their best what they can to meet the goals for GoldenState. (notes from Lecturer )

Answer 2.2

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Use any motivational theory, or theories, to advise Adam, the Knitting Manager, how he might motivate his staff so they will remain with the company. Make sure you explain what he must do and how he might do it?

Currently Adam has a “my way or no way” theory which does not motivate the staff. To motivate the staff, Adam has to show some Empathy which can show a likeness in staff and feel welcomed at all time. He must encourage and motivate his staffs by offering the liberty to certain extent only, being friendly with them, offer the work diversity or in-house training(considering company budget). To do all this Adam should have regular staff meeting and call for feedbacks from staffs, ask for new ideas and what and how else staff thinks they can be more effective

(basic needs and expectancies).

Adam can also call for incentives, he should be supportive. In this way staffs will feel welcomed and later Adam should represent his team with his superiors outlaying his department (notes from Lecturer )

concerns. This is the easy and right way of communicating within an organization. Adam should (Ethics) build his trust and confidence amongst his staffs and be a role model and feel accepted and should feel himself in the team. Staff credits (praises) and encouragement can be a key to success in retaining staffs as well as increasing quality production. Job rotation, enrichment and enlargement.

Adam can also use the two factor theory like Hygiene factor and Motivator factor. ( recognition, achievement credits, Job security, Organizational policies).

The Maslow Hierarchy of needs and Expectancy motivations can also be used by Adam as follows. (notes from Lecturer )

The Maslow Hierarchy of needs and Expectancy motivations can also be used by Adam as follows.

Level of performance required by Adam

Final expected outcome from Adam and the business.

Jobs required by Adam for staff



Self esteem and confidence

Belongingness. Friendliness of staff

The Safety and security of the staff

Basic needs of staff such as Food, Water, Shelter.


Answer 2.3

Mark the CEO Has told Ron, the Finishing Manager, that he should delegate more. Explain to Ron the steps he must take to delegate effectivevely making sure you clearly explain what he has to do at each step and how he might be able to do kit?

According to Mark the CEO, Ron (Finishing Manager) should be more delegative. Ron should take the following steps to effectively operate his team of staffs, as we can notice in case-study that the workers’ turnover in Finishing & Knitting is high. Ron should share the goal of the company with each staff saying that the goal for Goldenstate is ”optimizing the production and improve the quality of the finished garment, regain Reputation and Image and say lets work towards these goals as a united team. He must also say that improvement suggestions as feedback in knitting process will be highly appreciated.

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Delegation is a vital management skill. The advise that I can give Ron is:

Call up a Team meeting and praise all his staffs for the good work they doing. And say to all that once a person gains experience in this Textile (Garment ) industry, there are higher chances for responsibilities and promotions.

Task to be given to the people who Ron thinks is capable of to all. Such as his team has more workers turnover he can assign certain task and also carry on training for those less experience.

The Finishing team should be advised by Ron about meeting the deadlines and quality as well, and each member must help each other to accomplish the deadline.

Ron must clearly advise his team on Checking and controlling the checking dying, stitching,etc before working on finishing that this is where QC’s can be advised.

Ron should give his full support and communicate to the bottom level and must also credit for success..e.g. say thanks to each individual on the effort they put in to meet quality.

Work review must be done by Ron on daily basis e.g.: checking the assigned task on finishing garments.

Ron should plan his weekly target, arrange his weekly working roster and ask the staff for any flexibility and comfort if they have any..e.g. not getting extra workers per shift.

Friendliness with authoritative accountabilities to responsible staffs will make them feel accepted and them willing to show 

extra effort at work. Smart Delegations can get work done Smartly.

Ron should also advise his team that when a product reaches Finishing Team and if they find a fault upon QC inspection, it should be NOTIFIED immediately to the supervisor or Ron where Ron can then advise accordingly. 

These were few the view points for Ron to take and follow to have an efficient team to accomplish the GoldenState’s goal and if all the departments work hand in hand they will meet there expected goal and gain customer trust in the market again. There are in the market to be top in competitive garment market and be a leading role model.

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