Google And Yahoo Search Engine

Web search engines are keys to the immense treasure of information. Dependency on the search engines is increasing drastically for both personal and professional use. It has become essential for the users to understand the differences between the search engines in order to attain a higher satisfaction. There is a great assortment of search engines which offer various options to the web user. Thus, it is significant to evaluate and compare search engines in the quest of a single search engine that would satisfy all the needs of the user.

The main problem is facing by people, which search engine is very useful for finding reliable, relevant and fresh results. There are plenty of search engine are available for searching but, this dissertation will cover which technology are running behind Google and Yahoo!! search engine.

Google and Yahoo! have their own algorithm for indexing the website.

Introduction of Search Engine:

In simple words a Search engine is software that searches through a database of web pages or web resources for a piece of information, keywords, concepts etc…

There are many types of Different Search Engine available in Market. for example msn, Google, Yahoo!, ask etc…

C:UsersJIMIT DOSHIDesktopnew dwnlddifferent-types-of-search-engines_4823.gif.jpg

Figure: 1 Different Search Engine

To define the concepts more descriptively we can say that “Search engine is a computer program that searches for documents containing words or phrases of interest to users .The search engine itself is a virtually powerful workstation-class machine that searches a database of information collected from the Internet. Primarily software program called robots or spiders that crawl through all the files on the Internet and download them into a searchable database .These works as indexes to the literature available on the network. In the context of the Internet, Search engines usually refer to the World Wide Web and not other protocols or areas.

Search engine is helpful for identifying sources, establishing notability, checking facts, and discussing what names to use for different things.

There are a number of search engines available on the web. Most of the Search engines provide website reviews and homepage services in addition to keyword searches.

But, in this present study two most popular search engines have been studied in terms of its available web resources with reference to Physics-India in Google and Yahoo!.

Introduction of Google

Google is one type of web search engine. When user wants to find something around the world using internet at that time Google comes into the picture. Google Search is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web. So Google provide the entire information base on keyword which is put by the user in to search box of Google search engine. When user entry any keyword for search Google display all the related result of the keyword.

Introduction of Yahoo!

Yahoo! is one of the best known and most popular Internet portals. Originally a subject directory of sites, it now is a search engine, directory, and portal. To go to the Yahoo!! portal and main starting point, use www.Yahoo!.com.

For direct access to the search engine, and for the directory use This review primarily coves the search engine features. Use the table of contents on the left to navigate this review.

Literature review and proposed overview:

Search engine technology has had to scale dramatically to keep up with the growth of the web. In 1994, one of the first web search engines, the World Wide Web Worm (WWWW) [McBryan 94] had an index of 110,000 web pages and web accessible documents. As of November, 1997, the top search engines claim to index from 2 million (WebCrawler) to 100 million web documents (from Search Engine Watch). It is foreseeable that by the year 2000, a comprehensive index of the Web will contain over a billion documents. At the same time, the number of queries search engines handle has grown incredibly too. [1]

In March and April 1994, the World Wide Web Worm received an average of about 1500 queries per day. In November 1997, AltaVista claimed it handled roughly 20 million queries per day. With the increasing number of users on the web, and automated systems which query search engines, it is likely that top search engines will handle hundreds of millions of queries per day by the year 2000. The goal of our system is to address many of the problems, both in quality and scalability, introduced by scaling search engine technology to such extraordinary numbers.[2]

With the explosive growth of World-Wide-Web (WWW), publishing document on Internet has become more popular.But how to locate what we need in the ocean of information is an increasingly important and urgent problem. To simplify the problem of getting relevant results based on the search query, the Internet search

engines were created that allowed searching a lot of information from the World-Wide-Web in the form of Web pages [3].

Search engines are among the most successful application on the Web today. They act as a system for searching the information available on the Web by automatically searching the contents of other systems and creating a database of the results [4].

The most famous search engines include AltaVista, Infoseek, Google, and MSN. They provide good searching ability by indexing more pages on the Web and maintaining the updated indices in their databases. Despite so many search engines are available to help user in finding the information of their interest, searching on the Web is not an easy task. The problem is due to the vast amount of data on

the Web and its rapid updating and growth[5].

History of Search Engine

The first Web search engine was “Wandex”, developed by the World Wide Web Wanderer in 1993. Another very early search engine, Aliweb, also appeared in 1993 and still runs today. One of the first engines to later become a major commercial endeavor was Lycos, which started at Carnegie Mellon University as a research project in 1994.

Soon after, many search engines appeared and vied for popularity. These included

WebCrawler, Hotbot, Excite, Info seek, Inktomi, and AltaVista. In some ways they competed with popular directories such as Yahoo!!. Later, the directories integrated or added on search engine technology for greater functionality.

In 2002, Yahoo!! Acquired Inktomi and in 2003, Yahoo!! Acquired Overture, which owned AlltheWeb and AltaVista. In 2004, Yahoo!! Launched its own search engine based on the combined technologies of its acquisitions and providing a service that gave pre-eminence to the Web search engine over the directory.

Before the advent of the Web, there were search engines for other protocols or uses, such as the Archie search engine for anonymous FTP sites and the Veronica search engine for the Gopher protocol.

Recent additions to the list of search engines include, AlltheWeb, Ask Jeeves, Clusty, Gigablast, Ez2Find, Teoma, WiseNut, GoHook, Walhello, Kartoo, Snap and Mamma .

Market Cover of different Search Engine :C:UsersJIMIT DOSHIDesktopnew dwnlduse of search engine chart.gif

Figure: 2 search engine market

As per above figure: 2 Google and Yahoo! cover most of the market of the world. Both have more popularity then other search engine. Google beat the Yahoo! at some level

History of Google Search Engine:

Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were doing their Ph. D. at Stanford University in 1998 and was officially launched in the fall of 1999. This is a straightforward engine that does not support advanced search syntax making it very easy to use and retrieves pages ranked on the basis of number of sites linking to them and how often they are visited, indicating their popularity (ibid). It claims that 97% of the users find what they are looking for.

C:UsersJIMIT DOSHIDesktopnew dwnldgoogle snapshot.png

Figure:3 Google home page overview

Its success was based in part on the concept of link popularity and PageRank. How many other web sites and web pages link to a given page is taken into consideration with PageRank, on the premise that good or desirable pages are linked to more than others. The PageRank of linking pages and the number of links on these pages contribute to the PageRank of the linked page. This makes it possible for Google to order its results by how many web sites link to each found page. Google’s minimalist user interface was very popular with users, and has since spawned a number of imitators.

Google has been estimated to run over one million servers in data centers around the world, and process over one billion search requests and about twenty-four petabytes of user-generated data every day

Instead of ranking pages, this technology uses an algorithm that follows links on a webpage to find other pages that link back to the first one and so on from page to page.


Google includes the following most important features:

Cached page archives.

Result clustered by indention.

Result displayed option, from 10-100.

“Google Search” Supports:

Implied Boolean (+)sign, (-) sign.

Double quotes (“”) for phrases.

Stop words.

Other Search Options Available with Google:

“I’ m Feeling Lucky” (goes directly to top ranked site in query)

“Google scout” (bring up list of related sites)

“Uncle Sam” (Searches govt. and Milsites)

“Search within results” option

Field searching with ‘link’ only.

History of Yahoo! Search Engine:

Yahoo! was co-founded by Stanford University Graduate students Jerry Yang and David Filo in January of 1994.Yahoo! is a subject Directory and also a commercial portal compiled by human. It is oldest as well as largest directory on the web.

C:UsersJIMIT DOSHIDesktopnew dwnldsnapshot of yahoo.gif

Figure: 4 Yahoo! search engine

Yahoo! allows the user to put a search query, its strength lies in the categories and each that can lead a user step-by-step to the desired subject category.


Yahoo! is hierarchically organized with subject catalogue or directory of the web which is browseable and searchable.

Links to various services are accomplished in two ways such as by user’s submissions and through robots that retrieve new links from known pages.

Yahoo! indexes web pages, UseNet and e-mail address.


Topic and region specific “Yahoo!”

Automatic truncation.

No case sensitivity.

The syntax that Yahoo! follows for searching is fairly standard among all search engines.

Search Option:

Users can browse Yahoo!! Simply by clicking on the various categories listed on each page, or can search Yahoo!! By entering a word into the search box that appears on every page in the directory. Again one can combine the two strategies and can “browse and then search” or “search and then browse.”

Other Search Options:

Yahoo!! News

User may combine any of the query syntax as long as the syntax is combined in the proper order, which is +, -, t: “”, and *.

If Yahoo! does not find any matching entries, pertaining to a query, in its main database, the query will automatically be transferred to the Inktomi database, a search engine that automatically ‘crawls’ the text of the entire web. Inktomi database contains results for literally millions of individual web pages.

Yahoo! thus looks for information in:

Yahoo!! Categories.

Websites listed in Yahoo!.

WebPages indexed by Inktomi.

Working of Google Search Engine:


Figure: 5 how work Google search engine

Google Search (or Google Web Search) is a web search engine owned by Google Inc. Google Search is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web, receiving several hundred million queries each day through its various services.

The order of search results on Google’s search-results pages is based, in part, on a priority rank called a “PageRank”. Google Search provides many options for customized search, using Boolean operators such as: exclusion (“-xx”), alternatives (“xx OR yy”), and wildcards (“x * x”).

The main purpose of Google Search is to hunt for text in Web pages, as opposed to other data, such as with Google Image Search. Google Search provides at least 22 special features beyond the original word-search capability. These include synonyms, weather forecasts, time zones, stock quotes, maps, earthquake data, movie showtimes, airports, home listings, and sports scores. There are special features for dates, including range, prices, temperatures, money/unit conversions, calculation, package tracking, patents, area codes and language translation of displayed pages.

Data about the frequency of use of search terms on Google (available through Google Adwords, Google Trends, and Google Insights for Search) have been shown to correlate with flu outbreaks and unemployment levels and provide the information faster than traditional reporting methods and government surveys.


Google’s rise to success was in large part due to a patented algorithm called PageRank that helps rank web pages that match a given search string. When Google was a Stanford research project, it was nicknamed BackRub because the technology checks backlinks to determine a site’s importance. Previous keyword-based methods of ranking search results, used by many search engines that were once more popular than Google, would rank pages by how often the search terms occurred in the page, or how strongly associated the search terms were within each resulting page.

The PageRank algorithm instead analyzes human-generated links assuming that web pages linked from many important pages are themselves likely to be important.

The algorithm computes a recursive score for pages, based on the weighted sum of the PageRanks of the pages linking to them. PageRank is thought to correlate well with human concepts of importance. In addition to PageRank,

Search Results:

The exact percentage of the total of web pages that Google indexes is not known, as it is very difficult to accurately calculate. Google presents a two-line summary and also a preview of each search result, which includes a link to a cached (stored), usually older version of the page.

Google’s cache link in its search results provides a way of retrieving information from websites that have recently gone down and a way of retrieving data more quickly than by clicking the direct link. This feature is still available, but many users are not aware of this because it has been moved to the previews of the search results presented next to these.

Read also  Gesture-based Interface

Non-index able data:

Despite its immense index, there is also a considerable amount of data available in online databases which are accessible by means of queries but not by links. This so-called invisible or deep Web is minimally covered by Google and other search engines.

The deep Web contains library catalogs, official legislative documents of governments, phone books, and other content which is dynamically prepared to respond to a query.

Google Optimization:

Since Google is the most popular search engine, many webmasters have become eager to influence their website’s Google rankings. An industry of consultants has arisen to help websites increase their rankings on Google and on other search engines.

This field, called search engine optimization, attempts to discern patterns in search engine listings, and then develop a methodology for improving rankings to draw more searchers to their client’s sites. Search engine optimization encompasses both “on page” factors and Off Page Optimization factors (like anchor text and PageRank).

The general idea is to affect Google’s relevance algorithm by incorporating the keywords being targeted in various places “on page”, in particular the title element and the body copy (note: the higher up in the page, presumably the better its keyword prominence and thus the ranking). Too many occurrences of the keyword, however, cause the page to look suspect to Google’s spam checking algorithms. Google has published guidelines for website owners who would like to raise their rankings when using legitimate optimization consultants.


Google search consists of a series of localized websites. The largest of those, the site, is the top most-visited website in the world. Some of its features include a definition link for most searches including dictionary words, the number of results you got on your search, links to other searches (e.g. for words that Google believes to be misspelled, it provides a link to the search results using its proposed spelling), and many more.

Search Syntax:

Google’s search engine normally accepts queries as a simple text, and breaks up the user’s text into a sequence of search terms, which will usually be words that are to occur in the results, but one can also use Boolean operators, such as: quotations marks (“) for a phrase, a prefix such as “+” , “-” for qualified term or one of several advanced operators, such as “site:”. The WebPages of “Google Search Basics” describe each of these additional queries and options .

Query expansion:

Google applies query expansion to the submitted search query, transforming it into the query that will actually be used to retrieve results. As with page ranking, the exact details of the algorithm Google uses are deliberately obscure, but certainly the following transformations are among those that occur:

Term reordering: in information retrieval this is a standard technique to reduce the work involved in retrieving results. Stemming is used to increase search quality by keeping small syntactic variants of search terms.

There is a limited facility to fix possible misspellings in queries.

Working of Yahoo! Search Engine:

Yahoo!! Search is a web search engine, owned by Yahoo!! Inc. and was as of 2009, the 2nd largest search directory on the web.

Yahoo!! Search, originally referred to as Yahoo!! provided Search interface, would send queries to a searchable index of pages supplemented with its directory of sites.

Yahoo! does not use Web Crawling for retrieving the results. It uses Inktomi for getting results of keywords which are not found by the Yahoo!

In 2009, Microsoft and Yahoo! announced a deal in which Bing would power Yahoo!! Search.

Search Technology Acquisition:

Seeking to provide its own search engine results, Yahoo!! acquired their own search technology.

In 2002, they bought Inktomi, a “behind the scenes” or search engine provider, whose results are shown on other companies’ websites and powered Yahoo!! in its earlier days. They purchased Overture Services Inc., which owned the AlltheWeb and AltaVista search engines. Initially, even though Yahoo!! owned multiple search engines, they didn’t use them on the main Yahoo!.com website, but kept using Google’s search engine for its results.

In 2003, Yahoo!! Search became its own web crawler-based search engine, with a reinvented crawler called Yahoo!! Slurp. Yahoo!! Search combined the capabilities of all the search engine companies they had acquired, with its existing research, and put them into a single search engine. The new search engine results were included in all of Yahoo!!’s sites that had a web search function. Yahoo!! also started to sell the search engine results to other companies, to show on their own web sites.

In 2007, Yahoo!! Search was updated with a more modern appearance in line with the redesigned Yahoo!! home page. In addition, Search Assisst was added; which provides real-time query suggestions and related concepts as they are typed.

In 2008, Yahoo!! Search announced the introduction of a new service called “Build Your Own Search Service,” or BOSS. This service opens the doors for developers to use Yahoo!!’s system for indexing information and images and create their own custom search engine.

Study of Web Resources of Google Search Engine:

Below Table gives a description of Web resources on “Physics India” retrieved through the Google Search out of 100 links.

The following figure shows the Graphical representation of Web resources.


The analysis of the data available with the below table shows that most of the Web resources under the search term “Physics India” retrieves the pointer pages (links to websites on the same subject) and achieves 67% among all the other kinds of resources.

Secondly, relates to the journal articles by 26% of retrieved output. And the lowest percentage of search results deals with research news, news clips, databases and conference papers .Above table shows the graphical representation of the retrieved output through Google.

Table of Web resources v/s. frequency of their occurrence per search

Figure: 6 number of Google search result

Figure: 7 Google web resources versus frequency distribution for Google

Study of Web Resources of Yahoo! Search Engine:

Below Table shows the ratio of Web resources on “Physics India” retrieved through the Yahoo! Search.

The Figure provides the graphical representation of the frequency of occurrence of various kinds of Web resources.


The analysis and interpretation of the data available in the table reflects that most of the retrieved results provides pointer pages with a percentage of 27% and second comes the web directories as 18% and it provides lowest percentage of retrieval rates of Journal articles.

Table of Web resources v/s. frequency of their occurrence per search

Figure: 8 number of search of Yahoo!

Figure: 9 Yahoo! web resources vs frequency distribution.

Study of Domains of Google Search Engine:

Similar to the above classification of domains and the frequency of occurrence of the sources, the Table shows the major domains and the frequency of occurrence of the resources on those things.

Figure: 10 Serial number of search of Google


The data from the above table reflects that most of the resources on the physics are available in commercial domains and secondly on organizational domains of India. And very lowest percentage indicates to the government sites.

Figure provides the graphical representation of the frequency of occurrences

Study of Domains of Yahoo! Search Engine:

Similar to the above classification of domains and the frequency of occurrence of the sources, the Table 6.4 shows the major domains and the frequency of occurrence of the resources on those things.

Figure: 11 serial number of search of Yahoo!


The data from the above table reflects that most of the resources on the physics are available in commercial domains and secondly on organizational domains of India. And very lowest percentage indicates to the government sites. Figure provides the graphical representation of the frequency of occurrences.

Figure: 12 domain frequency of Yahoo!

Study of File Formats of Google Search Engine:

While carrying out the study we found that there are two main file formats on which almost all of the resources on Physics are available on the web retrieved through Google and Yahoo!. Thus Table indicates the file formats and the frequency of the resources on that and Figure shows the graphical representation of the frequency distribution.

Figure: 13 file format and frequency distribution of Google


Above data indicates that maximum resources on physics retrieved through the Google are available in PDF (Portable Document Format).

Study of File Formats of Yahoo! Search Engine:

Table indicates the file formats and the frequency of the resources on that and Figure shows the graphical representation of the frequency distribution.

Figure: 14 Yahoo! search serial number

Figure: 15 Yahoo! search engine frequency


Here from the above data it is clear that most of the web resources on Physics India retrieved through Yahoo! search is on HTML format.

Comparison of Google and Yahoo! Search Engine:





Rating: 3.9/5 (232 votes)

Rating: 3.6/5 (200 votes)


Yes (unlimited storage)

Yes (unlimited storage)

Stock price

$677.14 (17th Aug ’12)

$16.03.4 (17th Aug’12)





“Don`t be evil”

“Do you Yahoo!?”






Google is an American public corporation, which is specialize in search engine, and today it is world’s no. 1 search engine.

Yahoo! is an American public corporation and the internet service provider for news, emails, Yahoo! directory, search engine etc


Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were doing their Ph D at Stanford University

Yahoo!! was founded by Stanford University graduate students Jerry Yang and David Filo in January of 1994


Larry Page

Marissa Mayer


Internet, Computer Software

Internet, Computer Software

Search Engine Ranking

No. 1 in US (with market share of 58.5% in Oct’07 as per comScore research)

No. 2 in US (with market share of 23% in Oct’07 as per comScore research)

User generated video

Yes (Google Video and YouTube)



Google AdWords, Google Search engine, Youtube video service, Google forum, Gmail, Orkut, Google earth, Google labs etc. Google maps, Picasa, Google books, Google Scholar, Google Docs

Yahoo!! mail, Yahoo!! directory, Yahoo!! answers, Yahoo!! search, Yahoo!! messenger, Yahoo!! 360°, Yahoo!! sports, Yahoo!! finance, Flickr, Yahoo!! Cricket, Yahoo!! News



Yes ( Hot Jobs)


Mountain view, California, USA

701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, California, USA

Table: 1 Google & Yahoo! Comparison

(A.) Similarities of Google and Yahoo! Search Engine

Several similarities of Google and Yahoo! Search engines are found after visiting both websites and testing with a query.

First of all, both search engines give great advantages for users; they provide optional tips or techniques to help users search efficiently. Some similar tips are found.

The first technique is using specific and unique words to describe what we are looking for. If the keywords are more general or ambiguous words, the large number of irrelevant feedback documents will be retrieved.

Another technique is using quotation marks around keywords so that the searchers can find the exact words and narrow the number of search results.

There are several techniques to narrow the search results, including

(1) limiting sites/domain as .com, .edu, or .gov,

(2) specifying types of files to .htm/.html, .pdf, .doc, and .txt,

(3) using operator (-) before the word that we do not need it appears in the search results,

(4) using operator (+) before the word that we do need it in the search results, and (5) using Boolean operators like AND, OR, and NOT to specify searching terms.

The other techniques are using additional options to get more relevant search results. For instance, users can specify updated files, countries, languages, and number of results per page.

These techniques from both search engines are very helpful for users to retrieve more precise results. For example, giving the query like “swine flu” + unt , both search engines returned many web pages about swine flu with the word “unt”, which is the University of North Texas. This can reduce not only the time process the search engines, but also the time to fine the best precise search results.

The second similarity of these search engines is that they provide many categories for the search results, such as web, images, videos, shopping, news, and sports. With selecting a specific category like images, a user can retrieve only images on the webs. Users can also define specific type of file like .pdf, .doc, and .jpg, which helps users to get more precise and reduce time process.

Third, when typing the keywords, Yahoo! suggests the full key words as well as Google. This helps users to select the full query as fast as possible. Suggesting the full keyword is a smart task for both search engines because it is an Artificial Intelligent part, which tries to guess users what the next word of the query is. For example, when typing “swine”, both search engines suggested the word “flu” as the next word.

Next, the search results of both engines are quite similar patterns, which show the title in the first line, the brief description of webpage in the next several lines, and the URL or webpage ‘s address. This snippet for each web result is enough information that a user can quickly scan and move to find information from other web pages in the ranked results.

Last but not least, after submitted a query, both search engines immediately returned the relevant results, along with the large total number of websites retrieved. This shows the ability and efficiency of both search engines.

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Obviously, with these advance tips for both search engines provided on their web interface, they become the most top-two popular use over the others in the world. These are the great search engines that people use to find enormous information on the Internet since they provide the ways to retrieve more relevant search results.

(B.)Contrast between Google and Yahoo! Search Engine

Interface, Design, and Layout :

The most obvious difference between these two Web sites is about the Interface, Layout, and Design of the pages.

Google offers a very Clean and simplistic interface, whereas Yahoo!!’s is busy and cluttered.

Simple design should always be used to avoid complexity and confusion to the user. When a user is not required excessive text and images, they will feel more at ease and comfortable while using your Web site.

Ultimately, a simplified interface means that the Web site will be accessible to all types of people with different skill levels, thus increasing the potential for a significant user return.

Another key aspect of Design and usability is defining or understanding the purpose of the Website. Due to the simplistic nature of the Google Web site, it is quickly apparent to the user that the purpose of the site is for searching.

The user is immediately drawn to the center of the screen where information about the Web site is readily available. In stark contrast, Yahoo!!’s home page is a jumbled mess. It can be unclear to the user what the main purpose of the Yahoo!! Main site is.

Advertisements :

Advertising is a necessary feature of many Web sites. However, most users see advertisements as a nuisance. As such, it is important to avoid advertisements as much as possible.

This is especially true of any large visual advertisements and especially pop-up advertisements. Both Google and Yahoo!! utilize text-based and low-intrusion advertisements when a search is initiated.

However, Yahoo!! makes use of several other types of visual advertisements through its Web site, which ultimately do not reflect the needs of the user. Advertising should not be an issue for the student’s professional ePortfolio.

Consistency :

Consistency is a significant element of Web site design. Although both Yahoo!! and Google offer many of the same features (email, news, and search), the internal pages of each respective.

Web site are drastically different. Google continues with its theme of clean interface throughout every one of its Web pages.

This has the effect of uniformity and consistency. Yahoo!!, on the other hand, has drastically different pages in its Web site.

For example, Yahoo!! Autos looks completely different than Yahoo!! Music or Yahoo!! News. Each channel maintains a link to the main Web site, but ultimately, there is little consistency within the Yahoo!! Web site.

Navigation and Usability

A final element of successful Web site design is the navigation and usability of the Web site. When designing a site, it is essential to create pages that can be viewed by multiple users with access to multiple technologies.

Not everyone has the same size monitor, not everyone uses the same Internet browser, and not everyone utilizes the same font type or size. Thus, it is imperative that one keeps the user in mind in developing a functional Web site that can be accessed and used by all.

Finding your way through a Web site should be relatively easy to do. Utilize devices such as breadcrumb trails (strings of text), headers or footers, and tabbed browsing to further alleviate the confusion of navigating a Web site. Some of these devices may not be available utilizing Drupal for the student’s ePortfolio.

Study :

Visiting both Google and Yahoo! web pages and testing them with a keyword, some differences between them are found.

First, Yahoo! search engine homepage seem to be more colorful and attractive than Google. Yahoo! provides not only the interface but also updated news, new trend, other links like game, hot jobs, messenger, movies, sport, finance, autos, travel, eBay, and weather.

These colorful links with small pictures are on the navigator menu that users can quickly fine and click these links. Google homepage, on the other hand, does not provide unrelated links. In fact, it shows only the search interface, the Google ‘s brand (picture), and other categories of search types, such as images, videos, map, news, books, finance, scholar, and translate.

Second, Google seems to retrieve relevant results faster and more precise than Yahoo!. When testing both search engines with the queries “swine flu” + unt, which means that we want to search the exact “swine flu” and return the results containing the word “unt”, Google returned the results faster and more relevant results than Yahoo!;

Google returned many websites about swine flu containing the word “unt” in every website within 0.12 seconds. Moreover, the first top five of the results from Google are more relevant than those from the Yahoo!. These represented that Google took greater advantages over Yahoo!.

Third, although both search engines provide many additional categories to help users, Google gives more useful categories including books, translation, scholar, documents, reader, sites, and groups.

These categories provide great advantages for academic people like students, researchers, professors, or even physicians. Thus, users can search whatever they want with these categories provided in Google.

Achievements of Google Search Engine

Google AdSense


And on the other hand, this service also be a money machine for Google. As many as 30% of Google’s total revenue in the quarter 4 2010 comes from AdSense.

2. YouTube


Google decided to buy YouTube in 2006 with a huge amount, USD 1.65 billion. For several years, it was rumored this site does not generate profit. But now no longer seem so, YouTube was reported to be a big source of revenue to 3 billion ad views per week.

3. Google Maps


Google Maps is not a big revenue producer, but are the backbone for other Google services such as Latitude, Places and Maps Navigation. Service mapping is crucial for Google to deal with competition.

4. Gmail


Gmail email service is quite popular, though perhaps not as famous as Yahoo!. Gmail also become a base for other Google services such as Gchat, voice calls and contacts. When you sign into Gmail, users can access almost all Google services.

5. Android


Google bought Android Inc. in 2005. Having developed some time, this time operating system bearing the green robot is big success, preferred by consumers and other mobile OS to get rid of it first existed.

6. iPhone Search


By partnering with Apple to provide the default search engine on the iPhone, Google is now gripping the dominant mobile search market segment. Because besides the iPhone, Google’s search engine is also mounted on the Android.

7. Chrome


Google Chrome browser, launched in 2008 is still lagging when compared to Internet Explorer or Firefox. But Chrome is stable continues to increase its market share. This browser is also a base operating system OS that Chrome would soon be released on a netbook.

Achievements of Yahoo!! Search Engine

1. Yahoo!! News is widely used in Yahoo!! Search Engine for getting the new day by day updates.


2. Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! Sports are also widely used in their respective areas.

I:amitdownload.jpg I:amityahoosports.jpg

3. Yahoo!! Directory is widely used.

I:amitdownload (1).jpg

4. Yahoo!! Mail is still bigger than Gmail in number of users.

I:amitdownload (2).jpg

5. Yahoo! is still the largest display ad network on the Internet, by a wide margin.

Drawbacks of Google Search Engine

Generally, according to the analysis, we can say that Google Search engine has not big disadvantage, but we can say that it has few problems, which are not so big, which are as follows. :

Google has not any Job Site for the candidates.

Drawbacks of Yahoo!! Search Engine

1.Yahoo!! Search engine is not Faster Search engine compared to the Google.

2.Yahoo!! Search engine does not provide the accurate results compared to Google.

3. Google gives more useful categories including books, translation, scholar, documents, reader, sites, and groups. These categories provide great advantages for academic people like students, researchers, professors, or even physicians or to specific group of people, while Yahoo!! does not provide these kinds of facilities.

Compare within all criteria:

Key Point





Largest – 1 trillion?

Second largest

File Types

web, pdf, msoffice, mac, corel, swf, rss, xml, kml, kmz

web, ppt, xls, doc, pdf, xml, rss, rdf, swf


Simple and Advanced (form)

Simple and Advanced (form)

Basic Syntax

+ to require common word or number, and to stop auto stemming

– to exclude, “phrase”

– to exclude, “phrase”


OR upper case, single words – e.g. labour OR labor

OR in uppercase.


Can use * at end or beginning of a sequence of words to require those words to be near each other. Also use * as a wildcard in a phrase — “three * ducks” or somewhere in query.

Can use * as a wildcard in a phrase — “three * ducks” (Not as good as at Google)

Truncation / Stemming

Automatically stems some words and looks for word variants. Turn off with +

Can use ~ to pick up some variants and synonyms. ~invest for investment, investing, investor.

Automatic singular, plural and some variants. Turn off with +

Restrict by date

Advanced Search: Date first indexed – 24 hours, week, last month, 2 months, 3, 6, last year

Show Options: Latest, past 24 hrs, past week, past year, date range.

Advanced Search: Pages updated – 3 months, 6 months, year

Field Search

Advanced: Filters for Title, Format, URL, Domain and Site

Advanced Form:

words in title or url.

site/domain, file format, country, language

Domain forestry- pages in the domain that mention forestry

site:au- find pages with Australian country code

Site Explorer — – find pages at Can also use

Title or Text

allintitle:solar heat – all words in title

intitle:solar heat – solar in title, heat anywhere

intitle:”solar heat” – phrase in the title.

intext:milton poetry words in text.

intitle:”solar energy”


allinurl:milton poetry pages with both words in url

inurl:milton poetry milton in url, poetry anywhere



filetype:pdf search only pdf files. Also doc, ps. ppt, xls, rtf, swf, xml, rss.


Also xls, ppt, doc, tixt, xml, rft, rss.

Links to Page – pages that point to a URL brings up information about the site.

inanchor:magic pages that have magic in the link text.



Pages that link to a particular url. Can combine with other terms. Must have http://

linkdomain: websearch tutorial pages that link to domain and mention tutorial

* Uses Yahoo! SiteExplorer.

Grouped By Web Site

More results from

More from this site. Set Preferences to get this display.

Major sites listed in left panel.

Cached Page

Yes – with date

Yes – no date

Search w/in

Yes – bottom of page


Topical Grouping

Sometimes shows “searches related to” at top or bottom of page. Also Show Options – Wonder Wheel

Search Assist related searches and concepts.

Real Time

Twitter feed embedded in web search results in scrolling box. (Appears rarely) Also News block.

Show Options: Latest

Latest News in search results: tabs for news, photos, video, and sometimes Twitter.

Search Aids

Spelling correction automatic.

Search suggestions as you type.

Show Options: Timeline – view of topic over time.

Show Options: Various views of pages.

Define – definitions from web.

Number range – 2000..2004

Recognizes addresses – map search.

More listed under Web Search Features

Spelling correction automatic.

Shortcuts – dictionary, encyclopedia, travel, weather.

Create an open shortcut.

Search Assist gives suggestions as you type . Also shows concepts prevalent in the results.

SearchScan – McAfee alerts for malicious sites.


Yes. Also Google Translate

Show Options: Translated Search

Yes. Also Babelfish

Personal Search Tools

Google Search Wiki for search history, bookmarks, notes

Google Custom Search – make your own search engine

Customize – add enhancements for display of search results

Search Pad – save and share links, pages, notes. Requires online account.

Verticals & Tools

Search Alerts

Image Search select images that contain any content, news, or faces.

Video Search TV, educational, personal plus YouTube.

News Search (25,000 sources) and News Alerts


Google Groups – search public discussion

Local search – products and services near an address or by zip/postal code. US and Canada. Also Google Maps for locating places.

Scholar – journals and scholarly sites

Book Search – snippets, table of contents, and some full text. Large collection.

News Archive – 200 years

Google Trends – view interest in a topic through search volumes, occurence in news, and geographic location.

More through Google Labs and Other Google Services

Preferences – lists settings for search features and display


Video – Yahoo! Video and others including YouTube.

New Music

Local and Maps (Canada weak)

News – 7,000 sources

Yahoo! Answers – QnA – mixed quality.

Subscriptions – access for for-fee databases.

All Yahoo! Services

Yahoo! Tools for Searchers


Google Toolbar and Desktop Search

Yahoo! Companion

Subject Directory

Open Directory Project Ranked

Yahoo! Directory

Sponsored Links

Google AdWords

Yahoo! Marketing

Table: 2 comparison of all criteria

Revenue comparison Google and Yahoo! of year 2011:

Its latest financial results, for the second quarter of 2011, showed falling revenues and earnings that were largely down to its stalling display advertising business.

Plotted historically, this all starts to look terminal. Overall revenues haven’t been this low since the second quarter of 2012, and overlaid with Yahoo!’s strategic moves away from tech to media, back to tech and then back to media again more recently – as Ross Levinsohn indicated. This graph shows the familiar decline.

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Yahoo vs Google revenues Figure: 16 Google revenue (red) vs Yahoo! revenue (blue) – Q1 1996 to Q2 2011

Display advertising was once Yahoo!’s core business, and one it could rely on exploiting. Repeated executive shuffles, low morale and a revenue-sharing agreement in search with Microsoft have all sucked the success out of the company. Yahoo! is now faced with sitting back and watching its rivals benefit from the growth in advertising display – not just some serious effort from Google which now outsells Yahoo! in display, but also Facebook, which has increased its display ad cost-per-click 74% in the past 12 months. (We can’t plot Facebook’s revenues here, because it’s a private company, but you can bet that it is another of the places that Yahoo!’s lost revenue has gone to.

Yahoo!’s stock dropped at the end of the US day but rose again after hours.

Second quarter of 2011:

• Revenues excluding traffic acquisition costs [the amount Yahoo! has to pay out to sites for sending it traffic] were $1.076bn, down 5% year on year.

• Net earnings were $237m, up from $213m in Q2 2010.

• Display advertising revenue rose 2% from Q2 2010, though it had seen 6% growth in Q1.

• Search revenue fell to $371m, down 15% year-on-year.

From the analysts:

• “Despite some optimism about, growth in search advertising revenue, Zacks acknowledges that Carol Bartz’ turnaround plan is moving very slowly. “There are a couple of factors that will likely work against it. The first is the growing importance of Google’s display network, which has steadily expanded the market in the small-medium business segment and enabled it to displace Yahoo!! as the biggest player in the overall display ad market. We think there is limited satisfaction in the fact that Yahoo! remains well positioned at the big players. The writing appears to be on the wall.”

• Clayton Moran of Benchmark in Florida: “It’s almost hard to believe they can continue to disappoint the Street, which we thought had fairly weak expectations, but they’ve done that.”

• Ben Schachter of Macquire Research: “They are trying to fix lot problems that do need to be fixed, but unfortunately as they are fixing those problems, new ones are popping up.”

What’s the solution?

Carol Bartz (who has been in the top job since January 2009) is running out of time to prove that Yahoo! isn’t in terminal decline. Every passing quarter – and amid increasingly negative reports – her staff cuts, executive changes, selloffs (goodbye Delicious, now owned by the guys who created YouTube) and ambitious statements on the firm’s strategic direction don’t seem to be making any difference at all. That search/advertising deal with Microsoft is also failing to help; Yahoo! blames that outright for pulling down its revenue figures because of the share it has to give Microsoft.

You can bet that behind the scenes, plans are fairly advanced for amputating Yahoo!’s most profitable parts – namely its 43% stake in Chinese e-commerce group Alibaba, the high-profile photo sharing site Flickr and its advertising sales infrastructure. The question is, once those are gone, what’s left, and to whom does it have any value? Yahoo! now only seems good for attracting eyeballs, but they’re low-value ones. It’s become the Woolworths of the internet.

Now hovering at $14.59 per share, those giddy days of February 2008 when Jerry Yang proudly headed off that $31 per share, or $44.6bn offer, to buy Yahoo!. That now seems something of a Pyrrhic victory.

Difference between Google and Yahoo! SEO:

How are you all doing today? It’s been a busy week me. I have been using various analytic tools to study and analyze my website traffic sources and few of them are: Stat counter, Google Analytics, Complete, Alexa and most importantly my web hosts own Awstats applications.

Recently I have been doing a lot of keyword research using Market Samurai and it has helped me top spots on the Google search engine results on the keywords of my most popular blog posts. In addition, to study my visitor demography and the traffic pattern I was doing a bit of research. One particular fact that struck me while doing all the research is that 96% of my website traffic is from Google search engine and 4 percent from other search engines like Yahoo! and Bing.

Google Domination

In the search engine sphere, Google simply dominates that traffic that I receive form the website. This does not mean that people do not use Yahoo!, Bing or other Search engines. It simply means that I am only optimized for Google and do not rank anywhere on Yahoo!. Even though almost 80% of the Internet users use Google search, There is a bracket of 20% of users using Yahoo! search – This means you have a huge potential to bring some untapped source of traffic to your websites.

Factors affecting the Difference between Google and Yahoo! SEO On Page SEO factors are given more importance by Yahoo!

Keyword density is critical for Yahoo!

Internal links count for page rank in Yahoo! System. Yahoo! does not check Java and iFrame usage as much as Google bots does.

The above are few major differences between the Google and Yahoo! Algorithm or the factors that they consider before ranking a page in search engines. The factors in detail are explained below:

On-Page SEO factors:

On page SEO factors affecting your ranking is something that you have total control on. If you are using a Word Press blog, then I take total control of the On page SEO using 2 plugging – wpSEO and SEOPressor. In case you are not using a blogging platform, still you could improve your onpage optimization, check out my detailed article on Onpage SEO optimization here

Keyword Density:

The factor is already part of the OnPage SEO. KD is the ratio between total number of keywords as calculated against non-keywords used in the body text, title, link-anchor text, and meta tags. Even though Google also gives it importance but its comparatively less important unlike in Yahoo!.

Internal links count for page rank in Yahoo! system: Google considers only external backlinks as a factor affecting the Google PageRank while Yahoo! also has an internal PageRank system that is on the other hand influenced by internal linking also. Hence Internal cross linking is beneficial if you want to optimize for Yahoo! search. The Yahoo! page rank is called as “web rank” and is on a scale from 0 – 10.

Java and iFrame usage:

Google has an extensive search and indexing algorithm. Yahoo! on the other hand does not index or check Java and iframes as much as Google does.


If you are looking forward to achieving higher ranking in Yahoo! search results, then you must impress the Yahoo! Slurp (bot) with excellent onpage SEO. Make sure you have the right keyword density, Title, Headings, Meta tags, Internal links etc.

Bonus: If you want to see how your page would look for a search engine bot through its eyes, check out the Search Engine Spider view simulator. Hope this article on Difference between Google and Yahoo! SEO was helpful.

This logic is why Yahoo! lost to Google in the first place.

At some stage Yahoo! began to put the advertiser first. It stopped seeing customers as people it needed to help find what they wanted quickly. It fell into the trap of sticky marketing-keep them on the site as long as possible; show them as many ads as possible.

The Yahoo! homepage started off as a straightforward directory of the Web and for many years it stayed like that. However, sometime after 2000 it began to get more and more complicated and advertiser-focused. By 2004, there were 255 links on the Yahoo! homepage. It had reached a stage of massive, overbearing clutter and pushiness.

“It had nothing to do with the user, but what Yahoo! wanted the user to do,” Yahoo!’s Tapan Bhat, senior vice president of Integrated Consumer Experiences told the Wall Street Journal in July 2008.

However, Yahoo! did try to refocus. By 2006, there were about 170 links on the homepage. By 2007 it was down to about 140, by 2008 about 120 and by 2009 about 100.

This is the age of customer power, customer control, customer dominance. Today, the customer is not king; the customer is dictator. Google, so far, has put the needs of the customer, not the advertiser, first.

Yahoo! and Google have the same advertising revenue model. However, Google isn’t focused on increasing page views and ad placements but rather on increasing relevance. It is focused on making ads useful.

In reality, Google is not a search engine; it’s a time saving device.

Difference between Yahoo! Finance and Google Finance:

Yahoo! Finance and Google Finance serve an increasingly important function in this day and age. Let’s see what both sites have to offer.

Yahoo Finance

Google Finance

Figure : 17 Yahoo and Google finance analysis


Yahoo! Finance is a financial information service provided by Yahoo!!. The site is one of the foremost sources of financial news and research in the United States, and reported that it logged on over 23 million visitors in February of 2010.

Google Finance is a financial website launched by Google in March of 2006. The site provides a variety of business and enterprise related headlines, and is relied on by numerous corporations for information regarding some of their financial decisions.

What They Offer

Yahoo! Finance provides a host of financial information such as stock quotes, exchange rates, press releases and financial reports from companies, and even a message board feature in which prospectors and consumers routinely discuss the prospects and stock valuation of a particular company. The site also provides users with a variety of tools that are ideally suited for personal finance management tasks.

Google Finance for its part offers stock information in addition to stock price charts in Adobe Flash format. In addition, the site also compiles Google News and Google Blog Search articles related to each corporation, although the veracity of these links have been questioned die to the fact that they are not subject to a screening process. In 2008, Google added ads to the finance page, and these ads continue to appear to this day.

Site Features

Yahoo! Finance has the advantage of a well-organized layout. It also offers notably more features than other sites that offer stock market information, and all the relevant information is neatly laid out in a well-organized scroll down menu. The site also features summaries for major global market indices, and it highlights all the top financial stories of the day.

Google Finance for its part offers a neat sectors summary that gives you at-a-glance information on your portfolio. And while it doesn’t show any ads-unlike Yahoo! Finance-the way that the site displays top stories could be better. Google Finance is also limited only to United States market indices.


Yahoo!’s customer is the advertiser. Google’s customer is you and me. That’s why Google has been more successful.

Google and Yahoo! are great useful and efficient search engines that most people use to search the information on the Internet. Both search engines provide many tips for users to specify queries for specific search. The precision and relative recall value varies among the search engines depending on the database size. The present study estimated the precision and relative recall of Google and Yahoo!

The results of the study also showed that the precision of Google was high for simple multi-word queries and Yahoo! had comparatively high precision for complex multi-word queries. Relative recall of Google was high for simple one-word queries while Yahoo! had higher relative recall for complex multi-word queries.

It was observed that Google and Yahoo! showed diversity in their search capabilities, user interface and also in the quality of information. However these two search engines retrieved comparatively more irrelevant sites. Google utilized the Web graph or link structure of the Web to become one of the most comprehensive and reliable search engines.

This study provided evidence that the Google was able to give better search results and return the results faster and more precise than Yahoo!. Therefore, Google is the most popular and widely used search engine in the world .

According to this study, we can say that Google is a better Search engine compared to the Yahoo!!

Google and Yahoo! are great useful and efficient search engines that most people use to

search the information on the Internet. Both search engines provide many tips for users to specify

narrower queries and have many optional categories for specific search. However, Google seems to return the results faster and more precise than Yahoo!. Therefore, Google is the most popular search engine in the world.

Future of Google and Yahoo!:

In future Google and Yahoo! both will get more achievement. And need to improve more technology for searching the query.

Future scope would be search the query as per user user thinking in their mind. But it requires times.

Recently came to know that Google Executive chairperson Mr. Eric Schmidt is in talks of collaborating with Yahoo! US as a search partner. I know it’s one interesting piece of news. for you all but this may take a while to happen as it’s just an initiative suggested by the man. Well guys, Google and Yahoo! together can work wonders for the latter’s company image as I believe.

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