Grundfos Singapore Pumps

Firstly, there is a need to study how the Grundfos Singapore pumps contributed to the society. Followed by, finding out what are the contributions given by Grundfos in Singapore that will benefit us. Next, I will be looking at as well as finding out the different ways of the pump functions. This is to show that their pumps play vital role in our everyday life and society as well as to improve the standard of living. By knowing more about the structure and purpose for different pumps produced by Grundfos, it helps us in understanding how the pump benefits us in our daily life and society. Lastly, with the support of local case stories, it proves that Grundfos pumps are reliable and highly efficient.

Table of contents



Overview of Grundfos

– Grundfos group

– Grundfos Singapore (GSI)



– Centrifugal pump

– Submersible pump

– Circulator pump



How are the pumps needed?

-GSI – Local projects

-Local case stories

-Singapore Supreme Court



SWOT analysis








1. Overview of Grundfos

1.1 The Grundfos Group

The Grundfos Group is well-known throughout the world for its high quality pumps and pumping systems.

The Grundfos group of companies is owned by the Poul Due Jensen Foundation which is established in 1945. The foundation’s purpose is to expand and develop the Group mostly by investing again and also use the funds they have to maintain as an independent company in accordance to the founder’s will.

The Group research on new materials and processors in order to produce new outstanding pumps and pumping systems to satisfy the markets’ needs for effective, reliable and energy-efficient solutions.

In order to maintain its leading position, customers are consulted when new products are developed or when established products are improved. Grundfos research and development make use of the latest technology within the pump industry, collaborating with universities and higher education institutions in search of new and better solutions for the design and function of the products.

Grundfos focus on construction and design, and also carefully selecting materials and production methods so as to meet the high standard of quality in Grundfos products. To ensure high productivity and healthy working environment both inside and outside of Grundfos, so they will usually produce most of the components themselves.

To ensure first-hand knowledge of market trends and conditions as well as provide the best possible service for their customers, Grundfos products are sold and service mainly through a network of Grundfos-owned national subsidiary companies. Regional production ensures fast and reliable delivery and also the possibility to address solutions for local customers.

1.2 Grundfos Singapore

Grundfos Singapore (GSI) was established in 1984, marking a very important stage in Grundfos presence and focus in the Asia Pacific region. It serves the domestic Singapore market as well as the emerging markets in neighbouring countries. GSI is responsible for Grundfos subsidiary sales companies in China, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and India. Also, GSI is responsible for developing some of Asia’s newer markets such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. In Singapore, they are a leading supplier of pumps and pumping systems to the commercial and residential building services, industrial and OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) markets as well as municipal developments. GSI also has modern and highly efficient assembly operations, advanced testing facilities and extensive warehousing facilities. Therefore GSI plays a competent role as the Asia Pacific Regional Distribution Centre. As the regional distribution center, GSI holds an extensive stock of pumps, components, accessories and service spares, with a total worth of S$20mil in value. Currently, GSI operates in 2 factories in Singapore.

2. Pumps

With an annual production of more than 10 million pump units, Grundfos is one of the world’s leading pump manufacturers. Circulator pumps (UP), submersible pumps (SP) and centrifugal pumps (CR) are the three major product groups.

Pump is suitable for a particular liquid when depends on a number of factors such as the chloride content, pH value, temperature and concentration of the pumped liquids and pressure.

2.1 Centrifugal pump (CR)

2.1.1 CR, CRI, CRN

CR, CRI and CRN pumps are vertical multistage centrifugal pumps. The CR pumps consist of two main components which are the motor and the pump unit.

Grundfos CR pumps are available in various sizes and various numbers of stages to provide the flow and pressure required.CR pumps are designed for a variety of applications from the pumping of potable water to the pumping of chemicals. The pumps are therefore suitable for a wide diversity of pumping systems where the performance and material of the pump meet specific demands. CRI is made of lower grade of stainless steel and CRN is made of higher grade of stainless steel.

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CRE, CRIE and CRNE pumps are belong to E-pumps family and are built on the basis of CR, CRI, and CRN pumps. CRE is fitted with E-motor, which has a built-in frequency control with an integrated pressure sensor is connected, to adjust the performance to a given requirement.

2.2 Submersible Pump (SP)

Various SP pumps

The SP pump is a centrifugal pump. The pump consists of an inlet, a number of pump stages and a pump outlet. Each pump stage creates a pressure difference, and the more pressure needed, the more stages need to be included. A pump stage includes an impeller where the impeller blades transfer energy to the water in terms of a velocity and pressure increase between the pump inlet and outlet. Different types of submersible pumps such as SP A, SP, SP-G with different sizes range from 4″, 6″, 8″, 10″, 12″.

2.3 Circulator Pump (UP)

The structure of circulator pump consists of pump housing, impeller, rotor, stainless steel rotor can, stator and stator housing. Circulator pump provides circulation of cold water and other liquids in cooling and air-conditioning systems.

3. Needs

3.1 Examples of E-pump applications

Industry uses a large number of pumps in many different applications for constant pressure, temperature and flow such as water supply systems, pressure boosting and industrial uses.

In industrial freezing systems, the demand for cooling is depends on the quantity of liquid circulated in the system. In a steam boiler, the level sensor in the pump is able to monitor and control pump operation to maintain a constant level of water in the boiler. E-pump with pressure sensor is being used as dosing like in the chemical industry to control of pH-values till the correct mixture ratio is achieved when more liquids are combined. Also, E-pumps with pressure sensor are used for water supply in high-rise buildings to ensure a constant pressure even at the highest draw-off point. It can keep the temperature constant in air-conditioned high-rise buildings such as schools and hotels, irrespective of the seasonal fluctuations of the outdoor temperature and various heat impacts inside the building.

E-pumps with temperature sensor increase comfort and lower operating costs compared with pumps without a temperature sensor. A constant water level ensures optimum and cost-efficient operation as a result of a stable steam production.

3.2 Applications of submersible pump

The pumps are suitable for raw water supply, irrigation systems, groundwater lowering, pressure boosting, fountain applications, mining applications and off-shore applications.

In other countries, submersible pumps provide irrigation and water supply systems from the groundwater by submerging in the well.

3.2.1 For sea water application

Cathodic protection by means of zinc can be used for corrosion protection of SP pumps in chloride-containing liquids such as brackish water and seawater.

Songs of the sea

Songs of the Sea is a stellar combination of technology, imaging and live characters. Lights, lasers, fire effects and water jets create a stunning visual feast together with striking computer images projected on giant water screens.

Submersible pumps are also used in the place of attraction such as songs of the sea in Sentosa. High pressure and speed are generated by the impeller blades in the submersible pumps before the water can shoot high up to the sky, thus it helps to create the effect in the performance.

3.3 Applications of Circulator pump

All the UP pumps shown have the common benefits which include low energy used, low noise is produced, and maintenance is free. Low energy is better as compared to higher energy consumption, and high energy will tend to give higher costs. Noise pollution is cut down when low noise is produced and provides comfort.

Circulator pumps, which have been developed especially for solar thermal heating systems, boast power consumption figures which have almost been halved.

It is more being used in circulating hot water around the houses in cold countries where there are four seasons, for instance, European houses. Normally, many places in Singapore such as schools, hotels and shopping centres preferred to use centrifugal pumps for air-conditioning systems. Hence, circulator pump is very seldom seen or used in Singapore.

4. GSI – Local Projects

After understanding all the functions of the 3 major pumps, Grundfos in Singapore (GSI) has taken up several projects in the local, and let’s take a closer look of what GSI has contributed in Singapore development.

Singapore Sports School

Products: Hydro 2000 booster systems, multistage pumps, wastewater pumps and horizontal split casing pumps

Application: Domestic water transfer, water boosting, wastewater system and swimming pool circulation

Underwater World

Products: Titanium multistage pumps

Application: Water circulation in ozone water purification system

Sentosa Cove Pumping Station

Products: GEF sewage pumps c/w remote alarm system by mobile phone

Application: Sewage pumping station


Products: Booster systems, multistage pumps, end-suctions pumps

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Application: Domestic water transfer, water boosting and water features

Singapore Parliament House

Products: Booster systems, multistage pumps, end-suction pumps

Application: Domestic water boosting, flush valve system, hosereel system and water feature

Caribbean at Keppel Bay

Products: Hydro 2000 Booster systems, multistage pumps, wastewater pumps, end-suction pumps

Application: Domestic water transfer, water boosting, wastewater system and water features

5. Local Case Stories

5.1 Efficiency in the Hands of the Law

Grundfos has proven itself to be the worthy partner in being energy-efficient and providing spontaneous after sales service for such a prestigious project from the Singapore Supreme Court. Grundfos is asked to supply the pumping solution for Air-Conditioning and plumbing which both of these 2 services are very important to the smooth operation in Supreme Court. Furthermore, high quality product is demanded for the pumps to run for long hours in a day operation. The plumbing and Air-conditioning contracts are from Daiden and Mark Point, who are the HVAC contractor and plumber respectively. The plumbing contract consisted of 4 sets of Grundfos CRN booster systems.

The system that is used in the water supply and transfer pumps is to ensure the comfort of a continuous supply of a good quality drinking water from taps at a comfortable pressure. The systems not only quench thirst but also provide continuous water supply for the flushing systems in toilets and also serve the other needs. 5 sets of Grundfos AP100 sewage pumping systems are used in sewage ejector systems and drainage system across the buildings to keep courts clean and dry. Reliability and low noise generated by the pumping systems are of paramount concerns, and systems are also expected to handle all kinds of solids which are expected to be drained into the systems.

Grundfos supplied 27 sets of Grundfos horizontal splitcase pumps to the air-conditioning systems. As these pumps have been selected under strictest criteria of efficiency and noise emission level to operate every hour the court is in operation. Also the compact design of the Grundfos horizontal splitcase pumps will give a more reliable, sturdy operation and prolonged pump life while producing a lower noise level.

5.2 Singapore’s battle with SARS — Grundfos has a part to play

Most Singaporeans have heard of temporary built-in wards in Singapore General Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital. These wards were used to isolate SARS patients from the rest of hospital community. In the SGH wards, there would be 20 fully fitted-out containers with toilet and shower facilities for patients, providing 40 isolation rooms and another six containers for the staffs. The construction projects at the hospitals were awarded to 2 companies, namely Magnificent Seven Construction Pte Ltd. among other essential, they had chosen Grundfos as their sole pump supplier for pumping systems required for this project.

The pump systems used per location include 2 booster pump systems using CRN 16-40 pumps, together with one 300litre capacity tank. Booster systems are required in this instance as the water supply is remote from the mains. The pumps were selected for use based on the requirements of the hospitals and the conditions imposed. Separate flush valve systems were also used in both hospitals for the sewage and sanitation facilities in the wards. These made use of 3 CRN 16-40 pumps, supplied with a 300litre tank. The 2 hose-reel systems comprised of CHI 4-60 pumps. Pressure vessels were included whenever necessary.

6. SWOT analysis





– Energy saving



-There are many purposes of the pumps

-Wide varieties of pumps to choose

-materials made of high quality stainless steel

– Able to select the types of stainless steel

-materials used can be recycled helps to save the earth’s limited sources and energy.


– High price of pumps; might be too expensive to afford, that is because of the material made of (e.g. grade of stainless steel used).



– Can promote circulator pump to cold countries for hot water circulation

– Price balance in other country (passing down of the ‘blueprint’ for the other country to manufacture; in other words the manufacture and labour cost stay within the country’s market price)

-So low labour cost low production cost (e.g. China)


-High price

– Other companies in the same industry (Ebara, Wilo) which they are selling almost the same pumps as Grundfos and makes them as the competitors.

*Ebara is a pump manufacturing company from Japan and Wilo is from Germany.

7. Conclusion

With more than 73 companies right across all the continents of the globe, Grundfos is one of the world’s leading pump manufacturers, helps to supply drinking water with their pumps. Although our Earth has 97% of seawater and 3% of fresh water, two-third of the fresh water is bound as glaciers and polar ice. The remaining, less than 1% of all water in the world, is somehow available in different sources for mankind to use. With this very small amount of fresh water, it is insufficient to supply to the global use. Grundfos would like to take up this opportunity, to use their pumps to provide water supply system.

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Grundfos is constantly striving to make its products more user-friendly, reliable, energy-saving and efficient, so that both users – Grundfos and its customers and the environment benefit from their improvements. Grundfos pumps are equipped with ultramodern electronics such as the integrated pressure sensor, allowing them to regulate their output according to current needs. This not only ensures convenience for the user, but also saves a great deal of energy.

As it is mentioned above, CRN is made of better grade of stainless steel than CRI so the cost of the pump is more expensive. The inner part of the pump where it contacts with the water more, tends to made of higher grade stainless steel so as to prevent any corrosion. Let’s say that if the pump is completely made of high grade stainless steel, then the price will be much higher and cost. This is the reason why Grundfos pump is very cost, as they aim for the higher quality of pump. Suggesting that the customer can choose to have outer part of the pump with lower grade stainless steel and except the inner part must have higher grade stainless steel. Hence, it helps to save the cost and long running of the pumps as well as low production cost. The price of the Grundfos pump is also depends on the sizes.

Higher energy saving of the pumps can help to stop lesser emission of carbon dioxide from the air-conditioning systems to the ozone layer. If there is wanted for higher energy of pump, the materials used will be more expensive to create a higher quality of the product.

People in the global choose Grundfos for good services, quality of pumps, reputation and trustworthiness of the company. Services like installation and repairing of the pumps as well as providing the warranty to gain more trust. Also, Grundfos has consultants to guide the customers to choose the suitable pumps for their applications. Since Grundfos is established in 1945, the reputation is high as they have made it to the surface of the society for the several decades. Along the road, Grundfos has gained more trusts from the people around the world as their pumps have shown the usefulness.

Back to Grundfos in Singapore (GSI), GSI is the regional distribution centre that distributes pumps to China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and India. Furthermore, GSI is responsible for developing some of Asia’s newest markets such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Mostly, centrifugal and submersible pumps are being used in local. For instances, centrifugal pumps are used in the HDB to ensure the water can reach every floor fast which also has to control the water pressure .While the submersible pump is considered has the similar function with centrifugal, but the only difference is submersible pump can submerge in the ground for groundwater supply such as irrigation. Not only that, submersible pumps also played a small role in tourism board in Singapore. By using it to become an attraction place in Sentosa, Songs of the sea, to attract more tourists, thus it improves our economies. When choosing the right pump, the affecting factors are the PH value, chloride content, temperature and concentration of the pumped liquid and pressure. If the suitable pump is not chosen, the pumps might rust easily or exploded as the pumped liquid is very aggressive. Lastly, Grundfos in Singapore has won the projects in local whereby showing their effective, reliable, energy-efficient solutions. Eventually, the usefulness of the Grundfos pump has given big contributions and benefits to our daily life and society.


HVAC – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning is based on the basic principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. The invention of the components of HVAC systems goes hand-in-hand with the industrial revolution, and new methods of modernization, higher efficiency, and system control are constantly introduced by companies and inventors all over the world.

OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer, it refers to companies that make products for others to repackage and sell.


CR Data booklet

SP Data booklet

Grundfos SP engineering manual

Grundfos- a wide range of quality pumps document

Grundfos UP pumps document

GSI Presentation 2006, 2007


Fanny, customer service manager from Grundfos Singapore

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