Guidelines For Effective Written Communication English Language Essay

Communication: The word communication is derived from the Latin word ‘communis’ which means common. Effective business communication is today an extremely desirable skill and a good communicator is often seen as efficient corporate person who is able to manage his responsibilities well. Communication is a two way process of exchanging ideas or information.


On the basis of method of expression used, communication can be classified into three categories:

Oral communication

Written communication

Gestural communication


Written communication is transmitted by written words in the form of letters, memos, circulars, bulletins, reports, instructions cards, manuals, magazines, handbooks etc. written communication generally moves downward. Upward communication in the written form is generally discouraged, or the workers are reluctant to use it.

Advantages of written communication. The benefits of written communication are as under:

Written communication can be used to issue orders and instructions to the subordinates.

It is very difficult to alter the contents of the written message. So it can’t be distorted.

Written communication is a cheaper means of communication.

Written messages are more carefully formulated than oral communication.

Response to written communication is generally well- thought out because the receiver gets sufficient time to understand and evaluated the message.

Sometimes, written communication is also used to elaborate oral communication and to keep a record of it.

Disadvantages of written communication. The disadvantages of written communication are as under:

Written communication is more expensive for transmitting the short messages. It also takes long time to convey the message.

Written communication is generally formal in nature. It does not involve personal touch between the parties.

Once a written message has been dispatched, there is little scope left for making amends for the inaccuracy that might have crept into it.

If the written communication is poorly drafted, it may create misunderstanding and confusion in the mind of the receiver.

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Written communication has been found to be effective in the following situations:

Executives give written instructions where the assignment is important and it is necessary to fix responsibility.

Written communication serves the purpose of a record for future reference.

Workers and trade unions make use of written communication to communicate with the management formally and to get an official response from the management.

Purpose of writing

Writing is always a deliberate action with a clear purpose. The purpose of writing is to communication ideas, facts, impression, analysis, synthesis, conclusions etc.

Thinking and writing go together. A writer who starts writing after a due reader – research and due evaluation of his her capability in the field he or she choses to write, collecting and compiling resources, arranging them and shaping them, is also thinking simultaneously.

Sub- processes of writing

The writing process has various sub- processes in itself. In writing one has to consistently go back in order to go forward. In writing one has to think and write and write and think. It is recursive process. In order to write the writer has to tap his or her memory, judgments, analytical skills, reasoning, logic and knowledge prior to writing as during writing. The sub processes of writing include the following:

Prewriting: Germination of ideas

Drafting: Shaping the skeleton

Sharing: Thinking about what could be shared and how

Revising: Redrafting what is said, anything not said, anything unclear, interpolation, elimination and expression

Editing: Checking the reasoning, logic, ethics and values, how it matches or serves the purpose

Guidelines for effective written communication

In the organisation its very important to know about writing skills. So for making written communication effective need to follow some guidelines:


Use simple sentence structure. Complex sentence structure can complicate what you are trying to say and be easily misunderstood. Keep your sentences concise and to the point. Instead of saying “I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss the pertinent facts of the case at your earliest convenience,” say “Please let me know when we can meet to discuss the case.”

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Avoid Jargon

Do not use jargon or language that only you and select group of individuals understand. Your written communication should be accessible to your audience, no matter who you are communicating with. Technical language and jargon should only be used when more simplistic language will not suffice.


Provide specific details whenever possible. Avoiding writing in ambiguous or unclear details. Instead of writing “I have a lot of experience working in this field,” say “I have worked as an engineer for three and a half years.”

Be Conversational

Written communication is different from academic or scholarly writing and should be more conversational in nature. As a rule of thumb, write in similar fashion as talk. Read your message aloud to ensure that your writing sounds conversational.

Avoid Gendered Language

Avoid attaching a masculine or feminine pronoun to your writing. While it is technically sound grammar to use “he” or “his” when the gender is unknown or when referring to a group of people, the language may offend some people. To be on the safe side, do not use a gendered pronoun unless you are sure of the person’s gender you are referencing.

Avoid Passive Language

Choose active verbs instead of passive verbs to add interest to your written communication. Write “I drove to the beach on Saturday,” instead of “When I was driving to the beach on Saturday…”. Using active voice will also allow you to sound more conversational, as we rarely use passive voice in verbal communication.

Be Personable

If you know the person you are writing to, acknowledge this relationship. Instead of using blanket pronouns such as “you,” use the person’s name. Make the information you include in your written communication pertinent to the reader. Depending on the relationship you have with person, begin and end your writing with an appropriate greeting.

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Medium Selection

Choose the right medium for your written communication. Whether you use email, text messaging, or a letter depends on who you are writing to and what you are writing about. If you have never used text messaging in the work environment, it may not be the best way to correspond with a coworker.

Appropriate Humor

Use humor in moderation, and only when appropriate for the situation. If you are unfamiliar with your reader, avoid making jokes so as not to offend the reader. If you have a good relationship with your reader, feel free to use humor in your written communication. Even if you know the reader well, avoid offensive or controversial humor.

Proof Read

No matter how good at writing you may be, it is critical to proof read your written communication. Check for spelling or grammatical errors in your writing. Make sure that what you have written effectively communicates the intended message.

Generating Interest

An efficient writer, also keeps in mind that his or her text must generate interest in the mind of the reader. This he or she does by tapping the expectations of the readers. He or she then arranges the ideas with necessary examples and anecdotes to make the text readable and interesting. It also encourages him or her to read further.

Abbreviations And One Word Substitution

Linguistically the accepted abbreviated forms pertaining to a topic and the substitution of a sentence by a word reduce the length of expressions.

The guidelines which are mentioned above I would like to advice my staff members in my organization for best communicate.

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