Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Work place

Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Work place


In to the part of acknowledgement section of this assignment author can say that this paper is a compact study about the activities of health and social care center as well as their operations. In this paper author gave a brief discussion about the matters which are directly engaged to the health and social care service center. Hare author discussed about the various operative methods of the operations of health care center. Every date of this paper was collected from the web based journal, various articles, as well a health care related blogs. Into the second steps legislation parties play their role in health and social care center. In this stage of organizational structure parties of legislation basically makes the rules of the organization. Legislation parties basically deals with the code of conduct of the health and social care center. An organizational requirement means the required constitutions of the health and social care organization. Some basic requirements always are present into the every organization. According to the requirements of the organization various needs and demands arise for the betterments of treatments facility of health and social care services. Care worker are the key parties which parties basically deals with the service providing related jobs. They are the parties in these steps who are responsible for providing the services to the patients. Support authority will be responsible to give better supportive requirements to operate the organizations in a proper manner. The basically responsible every kind of utility support as well as technological based support. The management committees of health and social care center firstly responsible for every kind of supervisor related task which are accomplished by the services worker who deliver the main service. Various legislative parties also play a direct vital role for delivering quality services as well. Effective mode of communication in this regard must be a important factor for the betterment of quality services. Effective way of communication makes it easier to operate the service center with a specific manner. Proper utilization of utilities duties and responsibilities put the service quality into a good situation. Good quality service always be in the first priority in regards of the health and social service center as well.






Case Study-1

Q1–In health and social care organizations: review systems, policies and procedures used in communicating and maintain health and safety at work in accordance to legislative requirements.


Q2–From this case study 1 above; analyze health and safety priorities that are important to Mr W’s health and wellbeing. In relation, analyzer the impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on MR.W and health and safety practice


Q3–Draw your organizational chart using this as a guide; assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for management of health and safety in relation to organizational structures


Q4–Using the case study 1 above, Produce a risk assessment based on your work and analyzer how information from these are used in identifying service-user’s needs and organizational decision-making.


Case Study-2

Q5–Using the above case study 2, Discuss how you would address this situation (i.e. the dilemma) in line with implementing systems and policies for health and safety issues and evaluate your own contribution to promote Health & Safety of service-user.


Q6—Give examples of non-compliances around Health and Safety Policies in the home and analyse the effect in health and safety workplace.


Q7–Give examples of two Health and Safety policies, analyzer their effectiveness in promoting positive and healthy practice. Explain how the organizational policies and practices are supervised and reviewed.





Health and social care services center always being a challenging sector. This sector must have to be dynamic as because service continuously getting more complex and dynamic as well in this sectors. In to the workplaces of health and social care services center better working environment plays a vital role in terms of delivering better quality services in to a specific manner. Working environment with poor or improper safety and security system always being a clumsy environment. People will always be de-motivated to work in such kind of working environment. As because of poor safety and security system employee and all staff will be more injured will be sicker. Because of this only reason small inconvenient will turn into a huge or big or dangerous consequences. As a result illness, low productivity, de-motivation these kinds of issues will arise into the work places. In this regard we can definitely say that safety legislations will very much indeed into the workplace as well as health and social care center. The management committees of health and social care center firstly responsible for every kind of supervisor related task which are accomplished by the services worker who deliver the main service. Various legislative parties also play a direct vital role for delivering quality services as well. Effective mode of communication in this regard must be a important factor for the betterment of quality services. Effective way of communication makes it easier to operate the service center with a specific manner. Proper utilization of utilities duties and responsibilities put the service quality into a good situation. Good quality service always be in the first priority in regards of the health and social service center as well.

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Case Study–1

-Q-1- The review systems of policies and procedures used in communicating and maintain health and safety at work in accordance to legislative requirements in terms of health and social care organization:

Health and social care service center always being a challenging organization. We said this challenging as because of it is the places where various patients continuously come for their treatment. Working environment with poor or improper safety and security system always being a clumsy environment. People will always be de-motivated to work in such kind of working environment. As because of poor safety and security system employee and all staff will be more injured will be sicker. Because of this only reason small inconvenient will turn into a huge or big or dangerous consequences. As a result illness, low productivity, de-motivation these kinds of issues will arise into the work places. In this regard we can definitely say that safety legislations will very much indeed into the workplace as well as health and social care center. Implementation of the legislation into the health and social care center knows no bounds. Requirements needed for example proper communication; various risk assessments, effective responsibilities, proper legislative requirements as well as perfect utilization of technologies.

-Q-2- Health and safety priorities that are important to Mr. W’s health and wellbeing. In relation, analyze the impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on MR.W and health and safety practice.

According to the case study one he we can say that from all preferences health and safety priorities would be the more important in this situation of Mr. W. After reading the case study one we know that Mr. W leaves a lonely life. Every object around his leaving places are scattered. According to the wellbeing of Mr. W firstly steps should be taken to clean up the environment around him. We already know that he got a dog which always remains with him.

A strategy that means a policy should be taken for the improvement of Mr. W healthier position. Health and social care authority can play important role in this regard. In case study one we can understand that Mr. W is in a poor condition with poor psychiatric illness. And also he leaves into the home with his dog only. In this regard his Psychiatric condition will be in a harmful condition. In this regard friendly and supportive attitude will be more effective. First of all Mr. W have to be understand that health and social care agents came here for the betterment of his health.

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-Q3- Draw your organizational- chart using this as a guide-assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for management- of health and safety in relation to organizational structures.

Organizational Structure is an important part for every organization. A good and appropriate structure will be more effective for the betterment of service. In regards of health and social care service. A good organizational structure always plays a vital role for every organization. According to my own view the organizational chart of a health and social care are as follows

Government first of all is always be an important part of health and social care service related center. Basically they are the key factors which always make the supportive conditions. Also Government played a direct role in terms of making the all kinds of key decision.

Into the second steps legislation parties play their role in health and social care center. In this stage of organizational structure parties of legislation basically makes the rules of the organization. Legislation parties basically deals with the code of conduct of the health and social care center.

An organizational requirement means the required constitutions of the health and social care organization. Some basic requirements always are present into the every organization. According to the requirements of the organization various needs and demands arise for the betterments of treatments facility of health and social care services.

Care worker are the key parties which parties basically deals with the service providing related jobs. They are the parties in these steps who are responsible for providing the services to the patients.

Support authority will be responsible to give better supportive requirements to operate the organizations in a proper manner. The basically responsible every kind of utility support as well as technological based support.

-Q4- Using the case study 1 above, Produce a risk evaluation based on your work and analyze how information from these are used in identifying service-user’s needs and secretarial administrative.

According to the case study one risk evaluation methods and analyze the information based on the health and social care structure are as follows:

Organization name: Home Care Center

What are the hazards?

might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing?

Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk?

Action by whom?

Action by when?

Complete Where +How

  • Psychiatric related
  • Environmental
  • Supportive
  • legislative

Improper evaluation of strategy and supervise

Taking action from previous fault. With proper strategy


Strategy of evaluation

Legislative and supportive authority


Supportive parties



From the above chart here we try to show the demo of a action might be taken by the health and social care center.

Case Study-2

-Q5- Using the above case study 2, Discuss how you would address this situation in line with implementing systems and policies for health and safety issues and evaluate your own contribution to promote Health & Safety of service-user.

According to the situation of case study-2 we can understand the Mr. H attacked by severe diseases. He also wants to leave a independent life with a peaceful manner into his home. We already know that he also got a nurse for the treatment of his daily life as well. According to the statement of case study 2 Mr. H love to visit newspaper store in every morning to read his favorite newspaper as well but the matter for fact is mr. H doesn’t have any road awareness.

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In this situation nurse can play a vital role. As because of he don’t have any road awareness In this regard he need a supportive nurse to supervise or the support during the time of visiting the outside of home.

-Q6- Give examples of non-compliances around Health and Safety Policies in the home and analyze the effect in health and safety workplace.

Non compliences issues some times arise in the heath and social care service center. A strategy that means a policy should be taken for the improvement of Mr. W healthier position. Health and social care authority can play important role in this regard. In case study one we can understand that Mr. W is in a poor condition with poor psychiatric illness. And also he leaves into the home with his dog only. In this regard his Psychiatric condition will be in a harmful condition. In this regard friendly and supportive attitude will be more effective. First of all Mr. W have to be understand that health and social care agents came here for the betterment of his health. A strategy that means a policy should be taken for the improvement of Mr. W healthier position. Health and social care authority can play important role in this regard. In case study one we can understand that Mr. W is in a poor condition with poor psychiatric illness. And also he leaves into the home with his dog only. In this regard his Psychiatric condition will be in a harmful condition. In this regard friendly and supportive attitude will be more effective. First of all Mr. W have to be understand that health and social care agents came here for the betterment of his health. Non-compliance factors engaged directly or indirectly with the health and safety policy of home and residential cares center as well

-Q7- Give examples of two Health and Safety policies, analyze their effectiveness in promoting positive and healthy practice. Explain how the organizational policies and practices are supervised and reviewed.

The policy and procedure must have to be more supervised and proper manner according to the health and social care center activities with a specific manner. Health and safety related factors would be more supervised as because of deliver proper treatment of patient’s healthier position Health and social care service center always being a challenging organization. We said this challenging as because of it is the places where various patients continuously come for their treatment. Working environment with poor or improper safety and security system always being a clumsy environment. People will always be de-motivated to work in such kind of working environment. As because of poor safety and security system employee and all staff will be more injured will be sicker. Because of this only reason small inconvenient will turn into a huge or big or dangerous consequences. As a result illness, low productivity, de-motivation these kinds of issues will arise into the work places. In this regard we can definitely say that safety legislations will very much indeed into the workplace as well as health and social care center. Implementation of the legislation into the health and social care center knows no bounds. Requirements needed for example proper communication; various risk assessments, effective responsibilities, proper legislative requirements as well as perfect utilization of technologies.




  • Watterson A (2003) Public Health in Practice; ISBN 0-333-94617-0 Paperback
  • Health Promotion in Multicultural Populations- A Handbook for Practitioners and Students Second Edition
  • Health and Safety Executive (2001) – health and Safety in Residential Care Homes (HSE Books) ISBN: 0717620824.
  • Morath JM and Turnbull JE (2004) – to do no harm ensuring patients safety in health care organisations (Jossey Bass Wile ) ISBN: 078796770X.
  • Sprenger (2003) – Health and Safety Management (Highfield) ISBN: 1871912040.


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