Health And Safety In Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is committed to a safe environment for staff and guests. Unfortunately, the possibility of violence is all too real in today’s world. As with other types of emergencies, professionals in hospitality should be ready to conduct themselves with integrity and professionalism if violence erupts or hotel security is threatened.

Our company is firmly committed to achieving and maintaining high standards of health and safety. The aim of our company is to reduce the health and safety risk to a minimum. We take health and safety very seriously and for this reason ensures all our sites are audited properly. Within this document we will find our Policy Statement detailed below:


It is the established policy of our company is to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all of our staff and members of the team and to try to safeguard all others who may be affected by our activities.

In pursuit of this objective of assured Health & Safety, the Company has made a manual to inform all the members of the company and other staff. The allocations of responsibilities are set out in the company’s Health and Safety Manual.

This Policy and the documented Health and Safety Management systems are subject to an ongoing review process and employees will be advised of amendments.

Our company is fully committed to the achievement and maintenance of the highest standards of Health & Safety and is aware that this is only possible with the wholehearted co-operation of all members of Staff.

We have recently increased our efforts and the profile of health and safety of our sites which will be applied on all of our members of the company soon to increase the efficiency of the company and to reduce the risk of any potential hazard. It will help how to identify, assess and control the activities that might cause harm in your activities. This booklet will help you stay safe, including the risk assessment that you must do under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.


Responsibility for the effective implementation of the health and safety policy is as detailed below:


The Chief Executive has overall responsibility for health and safety within the Agency, and in particular for ensuring that adequate resources are available to implement the policy.

The Chief Executive carries the principal functional responsibility for the implementation of the policy and in particular for:

The allocation of resources to implement the policy, delegating specific health and safety responsibilities to others within the company.

Monitoring their effectiveness in carrying out those responsibilities

Purpose of regulations of health and safety:

The purpose of applying the health and safety regulations is that it sets out the general duties which employers have towards employees and members of the public, and employees have to themselves and to each other.

Besides carrying out a risk assessment, our company will also need to:

make arrangements for implementing the health and safety measures identified as necessary by the risk assessment;

appoint competent people (often themselves or company colleagues) to help them to implement the arrangements;

set up emergency procedures;

provide clear information and training to employees;

work together with other employers sharing the same workplaces

Other regulations require action in response to particular hazards, or in other.

Where hazards are particularly high.


Over 200 people are killed every year in work related accidents and over one million people who are injured die to improper following of health and safety precautions. Over two million people suffer each year from illnesses caused by, or made worse by, their job or job related functionalities in particular hospitality. Preventing accidents and ill health at workplace caused by work is a major priority for everyone at work. As good heath and safety management we know that competent and trustable employees are valuable for the growth and survival of our organization. Therefore maintaining the health and safety is very important to avoid any hazards. Providing information about health and safety at work place and providing the training enables our company to:

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Ensure that out employees are not injured or ill because of the job function they perform

Build and develop a positive and constructive health and safety culture, where safe and healthy job fulfillment becomes a second nature to everyone

Find better ways to improve health and safety conditions at workplace

Easily be able to cater to all health and security risk factors and issues

Fulfill your moral and legal duty to take care of any health and safety issues for your employees.

Effective health and safety training.

Maintaining Health and safety will contribute towards making your employees competent, aware and informed in taking care of health issues at workplace

Training can help your organization avoid the demoralization and tension that accidents and ill health cause

Maintaining health and safety procedures can aid in avoiding the overall work related accident costs and ill health.

Another very important aspect of maintaining health & safety is to assess the risks posed to employees and others hazards that exist in their workplaces and by their various work activities. They must then put into place suitable and sufficient control measures. Once the risks have been assessed then they should be recorded and control measures to reduce them to as low as reasonably practicable needed to be employed.


4.1) All Members of Senior Management Team:

All members of management are expected to actively support the Board and Directors in the implementation of the policy. They are expected to demonstrate their commitment to health and safety by setting a good example themselves and through their effective management of health and safety issues within their own areas of control. Their responsibilities include:

Supporting the Facilities Management Team so that health and safety in the company is implemented.

By overseeing Team members to ensure compliance with company’s health and safety policy and procedures.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the above arrangements .

Identifying health and safety related training needs and liaising with Facilities Management and Human Resources, to ensure these needs are met .

Making Team members available for ongoing health and safety training

Taking appropriate action to deal with risks reported to them

4.2) All Employees

All employees carry a legal obligation to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and for that of others who may be affected by their acts and omissions. As well as including their colleagues, this duty also extends to the care of guests members of the public.

Their specific responsibilities include:

Behaving in a responsible manner

Following Agency procedures and safe working practices

Complying with standards set by the company in respect of personal protective equipment

Reporting accidents and incidents as required by the company’s procedures or


Suggesting improvements to procedures or practices

Attending training courses provided by or on behalf of the company.

4.3) Special Arrangements

The company has established a variety of arrangements for ensuring more effective implementation of its health and safety policy. These include:

A safe place of work

Good light

Moving around the premises.


Welfare and hygiene

Health and Safety signs

Braille and Talking Products

Emergency Lighting

Fire Door – Action Signs

Fire Exit Signs

Fire Signs

First Aid Signs and Products

Hazard and Warning Signs

Hygiene Signs and Products

IRR99 Regulation Radiation Signs

Mandatory Signs


Prohibition Signs

Safe Condition Signs

Security Signs and Products

Site Safety

By placing these safety signs we can improve the health and safety practices therefore these signs must be place on their proper places as required.

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Our company has made a policy to upgrade all below fields as according to the requirements:

5.1) Control measures:

We may need more than one control measure. Use the combination which will be most effective and reliable. We will also need to supervise and check that your controls are still working.

5.2) Systems of work to reduce exposure

Plan the storage of materials and use appropriate containers.

Only store the minimum required for your production needs.

Correctly label stores and containers.

Separate incompatible materials, e.g. acids and caustics.

Plan the storage and disposal of waste.

5.3) Cleaning

Have the right equipment to hand to clear up spillages quickly and safely.

Plan and organize the workplace so that it is easily and effectively cleaned.

Have smooth work surfaces to allow easy cleaning.

Clean regularly using a ‘dust free’ method – vacuum, don’t sweep.

5.4) Workplace exposure limits

As well as following the principles of good practice for the control of exposure to substances hazardous to health, we need to be aware that, for many substances, limits have been set on the amounts of substances that workers are permitted to breathe.

Information and training

We need to tell workers:

The hazards;

How they could be affected;

What to do to keep themselves and others safe, i.e. how the risks are to be controlled;

How to use control measures, including personal protective equipment and the correct systems of work

How to check and spot when things are going wrong and who to report them and to the results of any exposure monitoring or health surveillance;

About emergency procedures.


For the purpose of maintaining health and safety in specific to the hospitality our company has evaluated governments legislation under which our company will process its activities to reduce the level of risk and better health and safety as much as possible in any company. The legislation is not the overall but in specific to the hospitality industry and covering some of its laws which are as follows:

6.1) Risk assessment

Every employer shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of –

(a) The risks to the health and safety of his employees to which they are exposed whilst they are at work; and

(b) the risks to the health and safety of persons not in his employment arising out of or in connection with the conduct by him of his undertaking,

For the purpose of identifying the measures he needs to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon him by or under the relevant statutory provisions and by Part II of the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997.

An employer shall not employ a young person unless he has, in relation to risks to the health and safety of young persons, made or reviewed an assessment in accordance with procedure.

In making or reviewing the assessment, an employer who employs or is to employ a young person shall take particular account of –

(a) the inexperience, lack of awareness of risks and immaturity of young persons;

(b) the fitting-out and layout of the workplace and the workstation;

(c) the nature, degree and duration of exposure to physical, biological and chemical agents;

(d) the form, range, and use of work equipment and the way in which it is handled;

(e) the organization of processes and activities;

(f) the extent of the health and safety training provided or to be provided to young persons; .

Where the employer employs five or more employees, he shall record –

(a) The significant findings of the assessment;

(b) any group of his employees identified by it as being especially at risk.

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Principles of prevention to be applied where an employer implements any preventive and protective measures he shall do so on the basis of the principles specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations.

6.2) Health and safety arrangements

(1) Every employer shall make and give effect to such arrangements as are appropriate, having regard to the nature of his activities and the size of his undertaking, for the effective planning, organization, control, monitoring and review of the preventive and protective measures.

(2) Where the employer employs five or more employees, he shall record the arrangements referred to in paragraph (1).

6.3) Health surveillance:

Every employer shall ensure that his employees are provided with such health surveillance as is appropriate having regard to the risks to their health and safety which are identified by the assessment.

6.4) Information for employees:

(1) Every employer shall provide his employees with comprehensible and relevant information on –

The risks to their health and safety identified by the assessment;

the preventive and protective measures;

the risks notified to him in accordance with regulation.

(2) Every employer shall, before employing a child, provide a parent of the child with comprehensible and relevant information on –

(a) the risks to his health and safety identified by the assessment;

(b) the preventive and protective measures; and

(c) the risks notified to him in accordance with regulation.

6.5) Capabilities and training:

(1) Every employer shall, in entrusting tasks to his employees, take into account their capabilities as regards health and safety.

(2) Every employer shall ensure that his employees are provided with adequate health and safety training –

(a) on their being recruited into the employer’s undertaking; and

(b) on their being exposed to new or increased risks because of –

(i) their being transferred or given a change of responsibilities within the employer’s undertaking,

(ii) the introduction of new work equipment into or a change respecting work equipment already in use within the employer’s undertaking,

(iii) the introduction of new technology into the employer’s undertaking, or

(iv) the introduction of a new system of work into or a change respecting a system of work already in use within the employer’s undertaking.

(3) The training referred to in paragraph (2) shall –

(a) Be repeated periodically where appropriate;

(b) be adapted to take account of any new or changed risks to the health and safety of the employees concerned; and

(c) take place during working hours.

6.6) Employees’ duties

(1) Every employee shall use any machinery, equipment, dangerous substance, transport equipment, means of production or safety device provided to him by his employer in accordance both with any training in the use of the equipment concerned which has been received by him and the instructions respecting that use which have been provided to him by the said employer in compliance with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon that employer by or under the relevant statutory provisions.

(2) Every employee shall inform his employer or any other employee of that employer with specific responsibility for the health and safety of his fellow employees –

(a) of any work situation which a person with the first-mentioned employee’s training and instruction would reasonably consider represented a serious and immediate danger to health and safety; and

(b) of any matter which a person with the first-mentioned employee’s training and instruction would reasonably consider represented a shortcoming in the employer’s protection arrangements for health and safety, in so far as that situation or matter either affects the health and safety of that first mentioned employee or arises out of or in connection with his own activities at work, and has not previously been reported to his employer or to any other employee of that employer in accordance with this paragraph.

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