Health and Safety Policies in Schools

208.1.1 & 208.1.2 Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting.

Describe how health and safety is monitored and maintained in the setting

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow, The important thing is not to stop questioning “- Albert Einstein. This famous quote by Albert Einstein is very true and relevant especially when it comes to Health and Safety. The education establishment in the UK has a very strong emphasis and objective on the Health & Safety Work Act (HSWA) 1974. Our whole education system revolves around this act efficiently and effectively. This act governs the H&S policies and procedures for any working environment. The HWSA outlines basic and generic duties between employers/employees based on ‘common sense’ principles in the form of a written Health & Safety policy This act was amended in 1999 and further emphasised on what employers should do to manage H&S and minimise risk. How employees can facilitate the HSWA and incorporate in their own practical working environment.

  • The important points to consider for all employers and employees are as follows:-
  • Have a written Health and Safety Policy in the working environment.
  • Employers should carry a risk assessment as and when required.
  • Employers should set up emergency policies and procedures at all levels.
  • Employers should provide necessary training and procedures to all employees.
  • Employers should implement the recommendations from the risk assessment.
  • Employees should take reasonable care or the H&S of themselves and others.
  • Employees should carry assigned tasks and duties safely in accordance with the law
  • Employees should use correct reporting policies and procedures.
  • If in doubt, of their health or someone else reports it to their line manager/supervisor.

Like Albert Einstein, we need to think and never stop questioning our safety and consider others safety and promote the wellbeing of all concerned.

In my school, the health and safety policies are used effectively in various ways. The school has approximately 43 Health & Policy published on their website These policies have been adopted from the LA. The school promotes a culture of positive, effective working and learning environment for all staff students and visitors in the school. The school takes its Health and Safety policies and procedures very seriously; under the governing body and the local authority’s guidance, Mr Loncaster is responsible for implementing the school’s as well as the corporate directorate H&S policies and procedures.  All Health & Safety procedures are conducted termly.

In my school, rigorous training of Health & Safety Policy is provided to all members of staff who have different roles and responsibilities of; Fire, Child Protection and First Aid The school does an enhanced DBS for all staff and volunteers who come in contact with the school children. The school requires all potential employees/volunteers to have an induction, prior commencing to work. The induction covers all aspect of H&S policies. Appropriate Induction booklet, Keeping Children Safe in Education, ERSCB Safe School, Safe Children, Safe Staff code of conduct are handed to all as part of their induction training. After the induction, volunteers are expected to sign that they have understood the H&S School’s policy in the presence of the trainer. The induction is done by the head teacher or one of the Assistant Head Teacher. In addition, all visitors to the school must sign and obtain a badge which permits their valid entry in the school. Signing the register also means that they have read and understood the safeguarding statements. The school admin is responsible for checking the visitors and maintaining their records. The school also contains various other H&S policies such as building, ground, Adventure playground, E-policy. Often school sends letters to parents via email about E-safety for parents and children.

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The PE policy covers all equipment/apparatus used in the school, should be checked by their respective coordinators or teachers before used by children in the school. Children use this equipment under the supervision of their teachers. Appropriate footwear, clothing is rigorously checked to ensure the safety of children during their PE lessons. The school caretaker also checks specific play area and Adventure playground daily; daily record sheet is maintained in the school. All electricals used in the classroom/school are stored away. Second-hand objects are prohibited to use in the school. All electrical equipment is PAT tested by the caretaker annually or as and when needed. Records of these test are monitored in H&S Report.

Our school also covers First Aid policies by providing green posters (written procedures) of First Aid provision information and instruction on all main corridors in case of emergency; these consist of, list of first aider and their contact details according to year groups The school has first aid boxes in all the cloak room; these are checked by lunchtime supervisors who are responsible for first aid. The school has also fire alarms, 3 different types of extinguishers, (foam,co2 and water). There is a comprehensive site survey every term, this includes COSHH records, First aid provision, review of Risk Assessments, fire and safety drills. All staff are required to carry out assigned task and duties safely in accordance with instructions, methods and procedures safely coordinating with their supervisors. Another example of health and safety monitored in our school is by providing sanitised hand gels in all classrooms; children should not leave their classroom unnecessarily. Children use the hand gels after their science experiment or any other class activities to stop spreading germs and viruses which may spread infections. All responsible adults working with children monitor the check and use of this policy.

The school strongly believes that children must be able to take responsibility and therefore Safeguarding is also incorporated into their curriculum by 2different ways The school teaches Heath Education, Citizenship, Personal, Social. Themes such as Sex & Relationship, Drugs & Stranger Danger. Secondly, safety concerning; correct equipment and Risk Assessment plan for PE, specific policy for D&T,

Finally, the school has also water tight safeguarding policies. There are 22 safeguarding policies published in the public domain

The school main gates are secured between 9.30am and 3.00pm and entry is only available via main reception area. Once access inside the main school, the doors are automatically sealed internally. On all the doors there are signs indicating that access to the school is by the school reception even if it starts/end of the day. The school is surrounded by a mixture of fencing. Before the start/end of the day, the car park is secured and locked to avoid accidents or use it as a shortcut route to the main reception area. There is a lollipop man patrolling at the start and end of the day outside the school to prevent accidents.

208.1.3 Describe how people in the setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely

  • Parents need to share their children’s medical condition with the school. They need to sign a Health &Safety checklist form confirming the information is true. The school stores this information in the school’s central office which is maintained by the admin staff. In addition, a brown envelope, containing confidential medical information is available to the class teacher along with the class register and pupil photograph. Medicines are checked, stored away in the designated cabinets in the staff room. They are locked and out of reach of children. All staff are made aware of accessing the keys if needed. Medicines are only administered if prior agreed with the headteacher, Mr Loncaster. Responsible children can administer their own medication. The school holds accountability to any incidents/accidents or unforeseen circumstances to inform parents. The school also is responsible for carrying out extra copies of pupil’s medical needs for any external educational visit.
  • Collection of pupils: In my school collection of the pupil are ensured for KS1 and Foundation stage by teachers visually identifying parents/carers before letting them go. Occasionally, if a parent is unavailable to collect their child, then they have to ring the school office to notify. The school office passes on this information to the relevant class teacher and simultaneously the teacher writes this information on the board and also lets the child know if there is any change of collection of time/person. vulnerable children are collected by parents/carers on the right day would be subject to, on a  confidential basis between the LA, MR Britton, (CPC), and the head teacher Mr Loncaster coordinated by the children’s specific class teacher/TA.
  • The presence of dangerous substances: No one is allowed to bring any substance such as liquid, powder, gels or potions in the school premises without a COSHH Risk Assessment done in advance. A COSHH form must be obtained from the relevant manufacturer/supplier. A detailed COSHH sheet of information and records are maintained in every classroom, where the relevant materials are used and can be accessed easily by any member of staff, A log is kept in the recording sheet which is checked and dated by the caretaker along with the head teacher. All classrooms have Risk Assessment for COSHH checklist sheet posters. These are checked by the class teacher and the TA and ticked off on weekly basis. If a child is found with any kind of medication, then he/she will be taken immediately to the First Aid point and subsequently highlighted to the H&S Officer as well as the Head Teacher.
  • Trip/slip: Hazards are notified to all by WET floor signs. Senior members are notified by emails, and the class teacher shares this information with us if it is relevant to us when we are at school. All classrooms have Risk Assessment for trip/hazard checklist sheet posters. These are completed and ticked off on weekly basis. All hazard should be reported to the class teacher or senior management or should be made hazard free if possible in line with the H&S policy. If senior members of staff have discovered any hazard or accidental spillage, then it’s their responsibility to resolve it. This effectively means either informing a caretaker, cleaners. The hazard would be highlighted to the caretaker and assess the risk and if needed act on it. A near miss form would be then completed by the caretaker.
  • Safety or otherwise electrical equipment:  Log register is available in all the classroom of electrical safety checks done by the school caretaker every term. The authorities do a formal PAT test, once every 2 years on all electrical equipment; plugs have an up to date PAT test sticker with the date. All classrooms have Risk Assessment electrical safety checklist sheet posters. The checklist also indicates what needs to be done to minimise any accidents happening These checklists are completed by the teachers and the TA and ticked off on weekly basis by the class teacher. Any volunteer’s/TA’s responsibility to let the teacher know if stickers are not on the equipment unless they are a year old. The school follows strict guidelines by The Electricity Work Code of practice/Electricity at Work.
  • Dangers of internet/social networking (staff /pupils): Posters for working safely on the internet is available in all the classrooms. A Clear policy for working safely is also available in the induction pack for staff and volunteers. All classrooms have Risk Assessment checklist sheet posters. These are completed and ticked off on weekly basis by TA and class teacher. Children are supervised when they are learning involving technology. Volunteers are made aware on the Induction of using social networking cautiously especially through emails, social media, or the internet If found compromising confidentiality, disciplinary actions will be taken. The school has published a detailed  Acceptable Use Policy; use of Internet/computer specifically for staff and pupils in the school.
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Some general examples of school monitoring Health & Safety:

  • All staff /volunteers get an H&S induction/training specific to their job title/role
  • The staff and students hold the corridor and classroom doors to avoid physical injuries
  • All visitors are made aware of fire evacuation process by posters at all main points. There is a fire alarm button indicated at all main exit points, if anyone discovers a fire in any part of the building then they should set the alarm off.
  • A hand gel is available in all classrooms and corridors to avoid infection or virus.
  • All staff toilets have posters and materials to clean bodily fluid and easy quick access to yellow V sign to make aware of slips/hazards.
  • All relevant school’s H&S policies are easily accessible and are in the public domain.

General Safety in school:

  • Fire officer come in school once a year
  • Local Authorities come in school to PAT test once in 2 years. Caretaker PAT test all electrical equipment termly and logs are maintained in relevant areas of the equipment.
  • The site manager/caretaker checks the general safety of the school for eg. site checks, and security, indoor and outdoor of the school, school fencing, playground, Adventure Playground, weekly fire safety system  checks, fire log book, including fire drill report, snow and path clearing, yellow line marking, building documentation/records/site maintenance manual.
  • All employees have a responsibility to act immediately upon discovering or receiving a report of a workplace hazard; to rectify or otherwise make the situation safe
  • All employees report all accidents and any unsafe practices or conditions to their Supervisor /line manager as we are all responsible for the safety of ours and other as well as children.
  • Use appropriate tools/equipment in accordance to information/manual/training provided.
  • All staff/volunteers should play a vital role in ensuring the school’s cleanliness, tidiness, and maintain the highest hygiene.
  • All staff/volunteers are encouraged to use the Whistleblowing Policy if they believe may compromise School, Local or National Policy and Law. Induction book also contains a phone no 01482394123 of the LA.
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My role as a Work Experience TA in Molescroft Primary School:

As I have written in depth the Health and Safety monitoring policies and procedures in the school, I have a very similar responsibility as any other official staff of the school. Before I commenced to work, the school conducted an enhanced DBS check. Followed by the DBS, I was given an induction. Tour of the school was given by the Head Teacher Mr Loncaster, pointing out posters of emergency procedures such as First Aid, Fire, Fire assembly point. The induction was covered with detailed information on various policy, especially in depth of the Health & Safety and the Safeguarding policy because I would be working with children in the classroom. An example from the point of safeguarding policy is I must not work with a lone child in the classroom with doors closed. I must not carry/move awkward objects in the school. I must challenge anyone who is not wearing a badge simultaneously If I’m found inside the school premises without a badge, then I would also be challenged.   Training was provided by using equipment in the school. As mentioned earlier that I have to take responsibility for understanding and implementing the school’s H&S policies I was made to sign the induction checklist that I have understood the school’s policies and will strictly follow in the school.

My school’s Health and Safety is monitored by

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