High Performance Work Teams Positive And Negative Management Essay


Over the past 20 years, there has been a significant change in how organizations structure themselves to do business. Whether they are corporations, governmental entities, educational institutions, or nonprofit agencies, more and more organizations are moving away from traditional hierarchical work structures and toward team-based approaches to work. Teams offer many potential benefits including increased involvement, development, and empowerment of employees; more effective use of a diverse array of employee skills and capabilities; improved problem solving and decision making; increased creativity; and improved work processes and performances. However, many teams have failed to achieve these successes. This can occur for a variety of reasons, but the most significant reason is the failure to develop the conditions necessary for the creation of a high performance work team (HPWT).

An HPWT is a group (two or more) of interdependent individuals who work together in a specific manner to achieve a common objective



In 1992, I set out with several researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and from East Carolina University to accomplish a challenging goal: to rigorously evaluate a theory-based community intervention designed to improve breast cancer screening rates and change community norms surrounding breast cancer. Ultimately, we wanted to improve the health of African American women in eastern North Carolina. Ten years later, this goal is only one of the many accomplishments of the North Carolina Breast Cancer Screening Program, which has grown to be much more than a research project. Volunteer lay health advisors, who generously gave their time and energy to help others, provided the womanpower for this effort. Any volunteers, NC-BCSP advisors faced setbacks and were sometimes discouraged. But none of us ever gave up. Because of this perseverance, NC-BCSP has been transformed. Overall the program has demonstrated that teamwork makes it possible to create a sustainable community resource. Although I am nostalgic as the “on the ground” research aspect of NC-BCSP comes to a close, I’m excited to see what its second decade, as a service delivery program, will bring to the women “down east” whose program this now becomes. These program members are doing their job in high performance.

Metropolitan College

This case is appropriate for use in introductory computer science courses. Frequently, computer science students fail to learn the importance of teamwork in their undergraduate studies. However, effective team functioning is a skill that most employers value. Therefore, after analyzing this case, students will be able to:

1. Identify the impact of individual actions on the outcome of team projects.

2. Identify attributes of teams that function effectively.

3. Recognize the importance of effective coordination and communication among team members

4. Identify all the resources that are needed for effective presentation and make sure that they are all working

5. Recognize that presentation a project to audience is actually selling yourself and your credibility

6. Recognize the importance of having an alternative plan for your project presentation

7. Recognize the importance of having a practice of your project presentation in advance.


He was born in 1846 to 1964, the BADY boomer generation is predominately in their 40s and 50s.he was well-established in their careers and hold positions of power and authority. This generational segment constitutes a large majority of today’s law firm leaders.

In this case high levels of responsibility and challenges will motivate this generation for doing high performance in work team.

Generation X

This generation member are largely in their 30’s and early 40’s and hold junior partner, senior staff position in law firms as well as middle-management positions in corporate legal departments.

Generation X entered the workplace with different work ethic and culture than previous generations. This generation peoples are doing their work. Unlike the Boomers, Generation X places are most think to spend their time to family and has a different attitude about work. Their generations are mainly need social need. They are ambitious and hardworking but value work/life balance. Generation X dislikes rigid work requirements. They value the freedom to set their own hours. Generation X dislikes rigid work requirements. They value the freedom to set their own hours.

Generation Y

Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering the workforce. Generation is the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation. This young generation seeks out creative challenges, personal growth and meaningful careers. They seek supervisors and mentors who are highly engaged in their professional development.

Y, it’s wise to impose structure and stability and cultivate a team-oriented environment. Immediate feedback and praise will help motivate and reassure this young generation. Frequent communication and reassurance will help keep members of Generation Y eager and involved.

Both the Generations are doing the team works but the difference is the way of doing work as the generation of x people are not doing high performance works in a proper way, but generation of y people doing their work in very efficient manner.

So the team work is depend upon the group of persons who r performing their work in the organization.



High performance work teams don’t just complete projects. They complete them efficiently. Rather than work hard, they work smart, which means they improve the efficiency and overall value of the company for which they work.

An organization which has adopted a set of working practices to enhance individual and organizational performance. The concept of the HPWT is researching into the link between human resource management and organizational performance for doing making the team work performance better. The characteristics commonly associated with HPWT and identified in the OECD’s definition are: moves toward a flatter and less hierarchical organization structure; a willingness to adopt new working practices; an emphasis on empowerment and teamwork; and high levels of employee participation and learning. The characteristics like motivation, trust, communication, knowledge sharing, and innovation within the organization has motivated people on the organization. They are also thought to lead to an ability to adapt to the changing business environment and to improvements in performance and quality of working life.

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With a high performance team you should expect:

Faster action

Greater creativity

Cost savings

Efficiency & effectiveness

Collaboration across organisational boundaries

We have developed a process to help you achieve your results faster, with improvements in quality and with reduced cost. We will also help you to energies everyone around fast-paced change. Team Starts forms a complete solution to your Team Development needs. We have diagnostic questionnaires to help you define your priorities and solutions and development tools to help you fast track your team’s progress and improvement

The Team Stars model contains five main areas that each break down into three component parts, in other words, 15 different types of team development area each supported by a unique solution. You decide which are important; we pull a programmed together to support you. You may focus on one area, or work on them all.


1. Develop goals and plans. This is the main specific purpose of high performance team. In addition, the team sets goals on a regular basis and is effective at developing and implementing plans. The team members are clear about goals and planning of achieving the organization goals.

2. The communication among members. An HPWT has members that can communicate with each other easily and can give good feedback to their team. And give a positive feedback, good communication among groups.

3. Develop and maintain positive relationships among members. An HPWT has members that respect, support, cooperate with, and trust each other. Such teams can build positive relationships by getting social opportunities to interact with each other.

4. Solve problems and make decisions on a timely basis. An HPWT is effective at identifying and resolving problems, as well as making successful group decisions. The team involves all members in the problem-solving and decision-making process.

5. Successfully manage conflict. An HPWT is effective at identifying and resolving conflicts in a time and proper way. High-performing teams also minimize the occurrence of conflict by implementing communication and conflict resolution training, by incorporating ongoing team-building activities, and by encouraging the active participation of all team members.

6. Facilitate productive meetings. An HPWT has effective, productive, well-managed meetings that efficiently use team members’ time. Every meeting is focused, timely, and necessary, and is used to solve problems, make decisions, disseminate information, and enhance team member skills.

7. Clarify roles for team members. An HPWT has members who know their responsibility and authority, understand the roles that are played by others, and use everyone’s skills and abilities. Team members are also clear about the connection between team goals and their day-to-day activities.

8. Operate in a productive manner. An HPWT has the resources and skills needed for success, is able to complete its work in proper time, and utilizes quality and productivity measures to evaluate overall efficient and effectiveness. So their production can be increase.

9. Exhibit effective team leadership. An HPWT has leaders that define team goals and manage team performance, and generate opportunities for success. Successful team leaders make their team participated in work and motivated them to do their work in effective manner.

10. Provide development opportunities for team members. An HPWT provides ongoing development opportunities for team members in technical, interpersonal, and team-building areas.

This includes the application of a variety of developmental interventions such as classroom training, coaching and mentoring, development assignments, feedback-based activities, and self-directed learning.

•High performance teams get the big picture.

An effective team understands its mission and how it affects the business overall. Just as the 2008

Olympic team knew their purpose (to re-establish dominance and bring back the gold); the same can be said for UPS drivers after Hurricane Katrina.

In the aftermath of the hurricane, a New Orleans city official needed a generator part to light City Hall. The part was found in Oklahoma, but couldn’t be sent to New Orleans by air until the next day.

A UPS package division manager coordinated with fellow managers from Oklahoma to Hammond, Louisiana, with drivers forming a relay to deliver the package. Fifteen drivers later, the package arrived by noon the following day. Each driver understood that he was part of a bigger mission than just his individual stint.

•Teams have a common, measurable goal.

Determining a measurable goal is simple in basketball. It can be based on a win/loss record, amount of turnovers, steals, assists or free throws. Teams can look at their statistics both individually and as a group and see how they are stacking up against the goal. When pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly’s product development team set specific goals for introducing an ultrasonic probe to help physicians identify deep veins in patients, the team clearly understood its purpose, was able to measure the progress and gain immediate feedback on the results.

•Teams work collaboratively.

Successful teams obviously have talent, but they also have a great deal of trust for each other and strong commitment to the goal. This provides an atmosphere where members work comfortably together.

Developing Your High Performance Team

In order to put these concepts to work in individual organizations, here are several questions to answer first:

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•What specific mission does your team have? Is it long-term or short-term?

What is the end goal?

•What level of support (commitment, time, money, staffs) will the team have?

•What performance measures will be used for the team? How do you convey them, and how often do you measure them? How do you determine the team’s ROI?

•How is the team selected? How do you gauge level of commitment?

•How do you build a cohesive unit? Does the team have the skills to work together?

•What training is needed to help develop the team structure, i.e. charter, norms, level of autonomy?

Team’s works is a kind of spirit that exists in a team when it is in operation. It is the spirit of self-suppression for cooperation and pulling together the efforts for the success of team work is essentially a mindset which requires a complete mental revolution from individual contribution; from individual rewards to collective rewards. A feeling is generated among team member that no one is authorized to direct other.


The use of teams in the workplace has impacted a good way for work gets done. Tasks that at one time were handled individually are now being completed using work teams. For developing high performance work teams include effective communication, commitment, and collective accountability. There are many advantages to using teams in the work place the team workers should be willing to do their work in high performance.

First and foremost, members of high performance work teams must be able to communicate effectively. Whether in person, via e-mail, or over the phone, team members must have the ability to maintain an open and honest dialogue. High performance teams cannot be fearful of open and honest communication. High performance team members consistently listen to the opinions and points of view of others in an effort to arrive at shared understanding the teams are able to build productive and trusting relationships within their members.

These interpersonal relationships will help the teams accomplish higher productivity. Establishing positive interaction involves a commitment to each team member’s personal growth and success.

“A dynamic process reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its goals and objectives” is cohesion.

Cohesion is the bonds of trust between members of a high performance team. It has been referred to as the glue that holds the team together. In highly cohesive teams, role clarity, role acceptance, and role performance is higher.

Having the right mix of skills is very important to the high performance team. If a team is to be successful it must be able to recognize the talents of its members and be able to utilize them in a way that benefits team productivity. Although teams whose members are alike in areas of age, gender, race, experience, ethnicity, and culture are quicker to bond, diverse teams offer a healthy mix of information, talent, and differing perspectives that increase the performance levels long-term.

An individual who displays visual and or cultural differences may find their membership not fully accepted by this type of team. In the high performance team is one that embraces demographic differences and cultural diversity among the member of team, understanding that the team will benefit, grow, and increase both its creativity and long-term performance. When workplace diversity is properly managed, a workplace setting in which individuals of all backgrounds feel both valued and accepted is created.

Successes and failures are shared outcomes in high performance teams. The failures of any work in team are due to any week point in the team and successes of any teams are depended upon the member behaviors’ and their creativity. The creativity and ability of member are strong so that they can performance their work with good objective. This is a good part for high performance.

Effective communication, commitment, and collective accountability all impact the team’s performance. The difference between a group and a high performance team appears to be the commitment level of its members. High performance teams are committed to excellence, have a common purpose, and are collectively accountable.

Teams working together in the workplace are extremely productive and profitable. Teams working together increase problem-solving skills and innovation, quality, and decrease turnover and absenteeism. A team is a collection of individuals who have gathered to achieve the same goal.

Problem-solving skills and innovation increases when teams work together. Teams give them opportunity to share different problem about a particular subject. Individual’s skills and strengths are very important for making any innovation for organization. Team members give ideas and common interests to create an interesting and knowledgeable project.

Working as a team also promotes higher quality work. Teams in the workplace create a sense of ownership to the project. Possessing ownership on a specified project also increases efficiency and good customer service skills to an individual. Each team member must be extremely careful not to duplicate others work to get the most of their time and remain productive.

While teams still have upsides and downsides: teams in the workplace create a positive attitude and commitment resulting in innovation, quality and lower absenteeism. Teams can be very successful when handled in the proper manner and team members remain to communicate with each other. Teams are a productive and innovative way to implement new ideas and goals within a company or workplace.


The negative of high performance of working teams are:-

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The high performance team are generally not success due to egos, fighting and other self image issues to stand between them and being a high performance team with drive to reach the ultimate goal. When the goal the team is aiming to reach is not defined, so it will lead to confusion and time will be wasted. Undefined goals are many times because of communication issues between teams and managers.

There is no any proper discussion among the team member for their work. Team member are confuse and not able to give their high performance in work.

Lack of trust Gossip Frustration Time wasting Stress Negative attitudes Employees are not developing Lack of creativity and ideas Poor relationships between managers and team members Departmental rivalry Fatigue Unhealthy competition.

In the organization where team member are give their work in efficient and effective manner but just give the positive result to them, manager not respond according to their work. So that there should be a good respond to them and their work in a team not individual. Manager and team member respect each other and work in unity.

The role of the team manager in the well-being and efficiency of a team must never be underestimated. The appointment of team managers should be done according to skills, performance and ability and not for any other reason. The following skills should be present in a team manager.

The manager in a team work should set a good example and expected to team to do work in good and effective way. A team manager should have integrity. The team must be able to trust this person without reservations. The team manager should be goal driven and have a clear understanding of the task at hand. Communication should be open and clear. A team manager should be people orientated and seek to empower a team to perform to the best of their abilities.

A team manager should be disciplined. They should be a good disciple in the team that should be followed by everyone. There should not any participated among the member for following the disciple.  

Teams should be constantly under review and when there is any suspicion that the team might not be performing to the advantage of the company action must be taken immediately

Members on a team will spend a lot of time spinning their wheels if there are not clear directions set. Individuals on a team are more productive if they can works together. A successful team exhibits behaviors from the team members that build trust, have a freedom to openly express their opinions and know how to bend and listen to new ideas. There should always be established values and behaviors that are acceptable and rules about behaviors that are not acceptable.

In the forming stage of a team, this is where the individuals all come together and make sure that the team has a clear understanding of the purpose, what the scope of responsibility is for each team member, and the goals and boundaries of authority are clearly stated. The individuals on the team must firmly believe that they are needed and be able to work together to achieve the identified goal. The facilitator may see the necessity for the individuals on the team to become better acquainted with each other and build chemistry between them that will enhance meeting their goals.

Initially the team usually goes through a stage where there is some conflict and disagreement. This is a normal stage that happens when individuals are getting use to working together. This is not a sign that the team cannot work together. Individuals are learning what can be expected from each other and identify barriers that keep coming out to prevent them from becoming a collaborative group working effectively together.

Once the team works out the barriers, the team starts to work together better. They will show progress and have learned to make decisions together. The team will be positive about their success and become productive to achieve their established goals. If any of the team members exhibit behaviors that they are only interested in their success, this is when the facilitator of the team needs to step up to the plate.  This individual needs to be told clearly that they will not be successful on their own and the team is a collaborative effort. If the negative behavior continues, the individual should be asked to leave the team if they cannot work together.

When teams have a high level of commitment and eagerness to reach their objectives, there will be more creative ideas and information shared between all team members. There will be a consensus about decisions that are necessary to be made to reach the team objectives and goals. Creative teams will develop creative solutions to achieve their goals.

In the end it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the team success and accomplishment in meeting their goals. Reward the team performance and not just individuals on the team. Without everyone working together there would never have been success in meeting and achieving the goals they set out to accomplish.

I think that most people would agree that the people who have goals are more successful than those who do not have any.

I often talk about leadership and management. Leadership is about doing the right things while management is about doing things right. Often when we study time management, we study efficiency (doing things right) and make the assumption that we have the effectiveness (leadership) solved.

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