High Yield Explosives (CBRNE) Analysis

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High Yield Explosives (CBRNE) Analysis

The terrorist group that has been chosen for this analysis paper is ISIS which is also known as ISIL. ISIS means the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or Levante and was created in the year 2014. In the previous years, this terrorist group was an affiliate of the Al-Queda terrorist group that was responsible for the infamous 9/11 attacks and warcrimes in Iraq and its neighboring nations such as Iran and Syria.

The organization was responsible for driving the Iraqi government military out of key cities in Iraq and has also been responsible for many attacks in Syria making it the most dangerous terrorist group currently. The primary means of attack that is normally used by ISIS is the decimation attack. In this form of attack, the terrorists plant explosives in strategic places and detonate them in order to inflict havoc.

This form of attack has been the main form of attack being used by this terrorist organization as many suicide bombers and mass shooters have been able to use this form of attack in not only Syria and Iraq, but also in the recent Paris attacks which took place in the year 2015. The organization is primarily against inasion by western nations such as the U.S. and the EU and retaliates by targeting the citizens of these nations, making them the primary targets. On the other hand, the citizens who get attacked in their domestoc nations are the secondary targets.

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This organization likes to publicize its attacks in order to inflict terror. This method is very effective for the organization. Besides that, the organization is also very quick to claim responsibility over many terrorist attacks taking place all over the world, which is a clear indication that ISIS is very effective.

Attack Mode


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This is one of the major atatck mode that is normally used by ISIS as firearms are relatively easier and cheaper to acquire than explosives.

November 13, 2015, separate attacks were launched using assault weapons.

Shootings took place in Brussels, leading to the dealth of three individuals on May 24th, 2014 (Lister, Sanchez, Bixler, O’Key, Hogenmiller & Tawfeeq, 2017).

Shootings at Orlando, Florida led to the death of 49 people and the death of the attacker after the attcker shot a crown at a night club known as Pulse.


Three suicide bomber attacked Atatruk International Airport in Instanbul, Turkey, killing 44 people on June, 28, 2016 according to (Lister, Sanchez, Bixler, O’Key, Hogenmiller & Tawfeeq, 2017).

Explosions in Belgium at Brussels airport while a different explosion went off at a subway station leading to the death of 32 people.

Paris attacks on Novermber 13, 2015 leading to the death osf 130 people.


Given the fact that the organization uses IEDs and firearms as its primary form of attack, this could be a threat if the organization gets access to biological weapons in future.


Given the fact that the organization uses IEDs as its primary form of attack, this could be a threat if the organization gets access to radiological weapons in future.


Given the fact that the organization uses IEDs as its primary form of attack, this could be a threat if the organization gets access to chemical weapons.

Hostage Taking

ISIS has been known to use this tactic to intimidate its enemies. Common victims of these attacks are: soldiers, journalists and foreigners. The following is a list of such attacks.

Shootings at Orlando, Florida led to the death of 49 people and the death of the attacker after the attcker shot a crown at a night club known as Pulse. Although the attacker used a firearm, it was a hostage taking form of attack (Lister, Sanchez, Bixler, O’Key, Hogenmiller & Tawfeeq, 2017)..

On January 9 2015, a lone attacker was killed in Paris after a botched hostage attempt at a grocery shop.

Cyber Attacks

Coordination of the Paris attacks was coordinated and facilitated using encrypted communications.


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