History Of The Leader George Patterson History Essay

Influencing people to achieve positive results is known as Leadership. A leader helps us to effectively tackle the most difficult task of our world and inspires others. They develop themselves beyond self-actualization stage, lead differently and for different purpose and they don’t follow any rules. However all the good leaders have some extraordinary skill which suites there personality. By doing the leadership assignment its gives an opportunity to understand about leadership styles, its theories and also I will be able to analyze a true leader and also his qualities.

This assignment will give brief information about General George Smith Patton; he was a former US army officer. His policies are implemented in the modern world because of his leadership qualities which are well known. By using some important theories of leadership we will be able to understand his leadership qualities, leadership style and analyze his leadership skills. His leadership style used to change as the situation changed which is very unique. I would want to implement some of his leadership styles in my life.

Patton was one of the “Great Soldier” in the battle field. Analyzing and Understanding his leadership qualities are very motivational and interesting. He has been considered as one of the greatest leaders of modern times. 

I was inspired by the way Patton was commanding his team. He trained the team such a way that they will never give up. They maintained discipline and also were know as the best brigade of AFC. Patton’s military skills, ideas, dedication and motivation made me chose him as my leader for this report.

George S Patton Leadership

Patton had demonstrated the leadership power which has changed the world around him; he was one of the greatest and the rarest leaders of all time. His leadership qualities are very interesting and motivating.

Patton was a Great leader, his leadership qualities are still being used in the modern days. Analyzing his leadership qualities is very motivational and interesting. He has been considered as one of the greatest leaders of modern times. 

I chose Patton as my leader since I was inspired by the way he was commanding the US military team by his immense skills, ideas, dedication and motivation. His team members were trained in such a way that each member of his team had never give up attitude and all his team members were disciplined. Patton team members were named as the best brigade of AFC.


Modern Leadership

The modern world is very competitive and is driven by knowledge. Due to innovation the traditional style of leadership is giving new ideas in a better way. Leadership will always play a huge role in the competitive world, since a leader can achieve his targets by innovative ideas each and every day. Motivation, Innovation, Dedication and Discipline are the basic qualities in a leader in today’s corporate world.

This project involves an in-depth study of the life and times of Mr George S Patton, focused on his evolution and development as an innovative, ambitious, assertive, leadership quality. These qualities and the skills are best suited for an ideal leader in the modern corporate world. I would want to learn the leadership styles and qualities which are motivate and realistic. The project work draws from Mr Patton’s historical data and attempts to go beyond the notion of a one-man show and issues of fame, power, status and charisma. It will also address and incorporate criticisms of Patton as a leader.


Contents 3

1.Executive summary (200) 4

2.Introduction (200) 5

3.Key leadership capabilities (1200 Words) 9

3.1.Leadership strengths of George S Patton 9

3.2.Leadership weaknesses of George S Patton 9

3.3.Analysis of George s Patton’s leadership capabilities and styles 9

Death 11

4.Conclusion (900) 12

Executive summary (200)

Introduction (200)

Context and Background of George S Patton (900 words)

Patton history

General George S. Patton Jr is one of the most masterful and successful military commander of all time, he was the most gifted leader of his time. He was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel California to Ruth Wilson and George Smith Patton Sr from Scotland. Patton was big built, very tall with full self-confidence person and he was the best field commander of United States since he had the art of holding gun with ivory handles. He had set a high standard of commitment to train his troops by continues efforts.

Patton was inspired to become a hero in his childhood by listening to stories of his ancestors who fought in Civil War, Mexican War and other. After attending Virginia Military Institute for one year he went to United States. Patton graduated on 11 June 1909 from United States Military Academy. During his graduation days he fell in love with Beatrice Ayer, they used to date each other and later they got married in May 26 1910 at West Port.

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After his graduation he was assigned as a Second Lieutenant in the 15th cavalry Regiment. Patton was extremely good in sports. In 1912 he participated in the Stockholm Olympics representing the United States in the first Modern. At the age of twenty-six Patton performed well in different sports such as 25 meter pistol shooting, free style swimming, and horse riding 800 meters, cross country running and sword fencing. At the end of the sporting event Patton was placed fifth overall, however he was disappointed with his performance in shooting event. Initially this sporting event was opened for military officers to test the fitness level of the officers. During the competition Patton was docked for missing the target, though he contended the lost bullet had simply passed through a large opening created by previous rounds from the .38, which left considerably larger holes. In 1913 Patton started studying French sword drills at French cavalry school to keep himself busy after his performance at the Olympics. The commandant of mounted service school informed Patton to report as the sword master of the school at fort riley, Kansas. Patton used to study at the school and he used to design and teach swordsmanship.

During the expedition of Mexico Patton got his first real opportunity to battle as a member of legendary General John J. Pershing’s staff. Patton led the routine cavalry patrols at fort bliss along Mexican border in 1915. Patton gained a lot of recognition by the press after his expedition against Francisco “pancho” Villa into Mexico along with the company of Pershing, where he attacked on villa’s men. While returning from Mexico Pershing promoted Patton as the captain of his headquarters troop, since he was very determined and an aggressive person in nature.

The tanks were not used widely during the beginning of the World War 1 in 1914. United States Tank Corps was established during 1914 and Patton became the first member, he served until 1920 since the corps was abolished. Patton took full responsibility of the crops starting from designing their uniforms, innovative ideas, and planning. In 1917 during the first ever major tank battle in 1917 at Cambrai, France, Patton and his men won the battle.

Patton started the American tank school in Bourg, France, he used all his experience and knowledge of tanks and he trained the first 500 American tankers. Patton had intensive knowledge in tanks he termed tanks as the modern combat; he did a lot of research and experiment in radio communication between tanks which helped to create co-axial tank mount for machine guns. He wrote a lot of letters to congress about radio communication in tanks, but congresses were not happy since it was very expensive. Later Patton invented the co-axial tank mount for cannons and machine guns.

In September 1918 Patton and his men marched into Meuse-Argonne Operation, they entered the battle field with 345 tanks. Patton had complete control in the battle field since he was able to communicate with the rear commanders by group of runners. Patton was shot once while he was giving the direction for the tanks. Patton was rewarded with Distinguished Service Cross for Heroism for his actions during the battle, which is one of the many awards that he won in his carrier.

In Hawaii and Washington D.C. Patton held different types of staff jobs after World War I. In 1924 Patton graduated from the Command and General Staff School, and in 1932 completed his graduation in Army War College in military schooling. Patton was able to convince the congress that United States needed more armored striking forces. In 1940 Patton was transferred to second Armored Division at Fort Benning, Georgia and he was late he became the Commanding General on 11TH April 1941, due to the formation of the Armored Force in 1940. Later Patton started giving bold speeches in amphitheater such as “Blood and Guts”, he became very famous at this point of time as his photos were on the cover page of life magazine. After the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 December United States entered World War II.

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Patton was in charge of Western Task Force during November 8, 1942. Patton was commanding the Western Task Force, the only force for Operation Torch, the Allied invasion of North Africa. During Sicily in 1943 July, Patton commanded the Seventh Army after the success of Operation Torch. In 1944 Patton was given command of Third Army in France. Later German weakness was exploited with great success by Patton and his team after the battle of Normandy by covering most of the Europe countries such as France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia. Patton relaxed on his pace after the Third Army liberated the Buchenwald concentration camp. The local German civilians were the tour camps after Patton had a policy which was later adopted by other commanders; 81,522 square miles of territory had been conquered by the third army during the World War11.

In 1945 October, Patton was in command during the fifteenth army in American-occupied Germany. On 9th December Patton suffered a lot of injuries in a car accident, and after 12 days on 21st December he died. He was buried in the Battle of the Bulge in Hamm, Luxembourg.  Patton is one of the best military general in the history since he had the remarkable ability, extraordinary skill and determination to lead his team mates.

Key leadership capabilities (1200 Words)

Leadership strengths of George S Patton

Leadership weaknesses of George S Patton

Analysis of George s Patton’s leadership capabilities and styles

Leadership Strengths of George S Patton

Patton had an exceptional military career, he was a self motivated warrior and he believed in rebirth as a warrior of destiny. Patton’s military services started in 1909 and after his graduation he was named as the 2nd deputy in 15th cavalry. After his Olympics success he was sent to Mounted service school at Kansas. Patton set up his policies and ideas at each and every division he visited. Patton was driven by task and purpose attended the Virginia military institute. Patton used to always inspire his soldiers to overcome their fear of death by his Inspirational talks and his profanity. He used to always order soldiers to get the work done, because he always demanded respect by his actions. (D’Este, 1995)

During the expedition of Mexico Patton has achieved many rewards and recognitions during his career; he was a part of World War 1 and World War 11. Some of his awards are Distinguished Service Medal, Purple Heart for his service in the Meuse-Argonne Operations, Silver Star, Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, order of the Bath and Order of the British Empire.

Patton had a good knowledge in the symbols of society, nature of human race. He was a dictator; this dictatorial leadership style helped him to teach the soldiers to take actions against their will towards self defense. He was an expert at the combination of chronological and action research, on the battlefield, real time.

 Patton got the best performance of his soldiers by rewarding the solders for best task performers; similarly he suspended rewards as a penalty. Through his commanding presentation Patton had maintained a referent power. Patton had a skilled influence as a warrior; he viewed history as a linked process of routine custom and character of human race. He was a specialist at battlefield, action research, and real time. He was the only US General being buried on foreign soil with his men in Europe, the soldier who dead during the war on the same plains were always been remember unlike Carthaginians and the Romans. Patton has the power of dominating and he was able to understand the need of men who are preparation and who were not prepared going into the war as a situational leader. Patton’s action speaks louder than his words, and this makes a hero that creates legends’ of an idol leader. Patton’s men were more concern about him than their rival’s by this strategy adopted by Patton, and he gave his men the skill to overcome their enemies, because Patton had a plan which influenced his men by fear. Patton was in trouble few times in his career since his leadership style was very different from other leaders, he never changed his mind.


Leadership weaknesses of George S Patton

Slapping incident – In 1943 August 3, Patton had slapped a soldier. Drew Pearson a newspaper columnist informed in the radio program that Patton had been “severely reprimanded” which received a huge negative publicity, a week later another soldier was also slapped under parallel conditions. The Allied headquarters informed that Patton had not been reprimanded, but they confirmed that he had slapped a soldier; this “slapping incident” nearly ended his career.

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Patton had a lot of respect for the soldiers in command and he was very impatient with the soldiers who had low energy in the battle during his authority. By doing so Patton believed he would be able to inspire his troops. One of the general was fired during the entire war compared to his well-known partner Bradley who fired many generals during the war. Patton never used to acknowledge any jokes meant at him, since he felt that accepting jokes would reduce his self-esteem. Patton had made a remarks during the battle of the bulge which became very famous i.e the associates should permit the sons-of-bitches (Germans) depart to Paris, and then we’ll slice then off and surround them off. Later his recommended seriously that his Third Army we be able to force the British back into the sea. There was a lot of inter-related conflict due to Patton’s remarks between General Montgomery and the Soviet Red Army; these comments were rarely harmful due to union rivalry situation.

Patton was very well dressed general with riding pants, polished helmet, big black boots and his famous sidearm’s. He had huge ranked symbol and loud sirens in his vehicle. He used to add a lot of humour with profanities during his speech which is ideal for the battle conditions. A UPI writer who followed Patton’s speech in his article mentioned that Gen. George S. Patton thinks he was the best soldier who ever lived. Patton made the soldier’s believe that they cannot be defeated by injecting his strategic plans.

Patton’s decision used to change according to time and situation; he had no positive or negative comments towards minorities since military work was his first priority. He spent a lot of time with African-American officers while he was in Europe. Patton due to some reason never liked the British however he respected Montgomery’s for their ability. Black officers were assigned for military tribunals and defendants, since Patton had requested the higher officials.

In March 1945, Eisenhower heard about the secret task force Baum during World War11 conducted by Patton and he was very furious about the whole plot. Capt. Abraham Baum was the commander during this task force, the aim of this task was to liberate the POWs by penetrating behind the Germans lines. The mission was a complete failure and 32 soldiers were killed, about 57 tanks and other vehicles were missing. The main reason behind this task was to liberate Patton’s son-in-law who was captured in Tunisia during 1943.


Patton and Major General Hobart R. were on outing in the country side Mannheim, Germany; Patton’s vehicle hit the front of GMC truck at a low speed. It was a minor accident; there was no much damage on the vehicle. Patton had injured his spinal cord and had breathing problem. He was taken to the military hospital in Heidelberg. Later Patton died due to pulmonary embolism on 21 December 1945. The memorial service was held at the Christ Church (Christuskirche) in Heidelberg-Südstadt. As per Patton’s request he was buried at the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial in Hamm, Luxembourg. Indeed a very controversial death for Patton. In 1986 there was a movie made on Patton, The Last Days of Patton which relived the ending incident of his life. After his death there was a sculpture of Patton placed at the church and his vehicle was repaired and is kept at General George Patton Museum at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Conclusion (900)

Patton had an important impact on U.S. Army General. His actions as a leader have been judged positively by a various population, i.e diverse in terms of age, gender, social class, race over a long period of time. The most powerful argument for Patton leadership style, some think he is a transformational leadership style since he was people oriented since he always kept people’s interest in mind. Patton had been publicly recognized for his post conventional outlooks and actions for his transpersonal “ultimate concerns”. Patton was very successful general since he had a very good military tactics. His leadership styles are ideal for today’s business world. I will follow his leadership styles since most of his styles are effective during World War11 and his life. Leaders are born not made; this statement is very true in Patton life.

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