Home Environment and Educational Success

Education refers to the procedure of acquiring and mastering various and specific skills and other vocational trainings – anywhere like school, home, or any institution (Bahlkani et al 2009). Although, the step of educational process does not only begin from schools with teachers it also occur at home where home environment and parents have influenced children’s education (Bahlkani & Sindh, 2009). According to educational psychological field was that Education is the process of developing, evaluating and applying the theories and principles of study and teaching in order to enhance lifelong learning and life span (Burden, 1997, P.6). It is true that there has been nowhere like house. It has much influence on people’s lives; it has also reflected skilled lives, house education and mental view which relating to our first fundamental desires and cares (Smock, p.669). Homes provide us shelter to escape from any natural change or movement in weather.

It not only keep our possessions, such as items and valued things but it also shelters us while relaxing, entertaining, having meal and sleeping safely (Smock, 1997, p.670).

Homes are considered as necessary as human being demands; for instance, motivating need which might simplify the two factors are relatively associated.

Possession: House is like where is used to collect people f a community from various family backgrounds to share households, interests and housework; similarly, each member in family feel they have duties, obligations and closely relationship with each other (Smock, pp.670-671).

Private life: Home is the place where we can be isolated from other people in order to refresh ourselves and address the way of life (Smock, p.671). According to the experiment on Carla is one of the factors that has shown that behaviors, attitudes, values and personalities with interests by choosing items to be shown at home and It is a well-educated place where is used to provide basic education to children (Smock, p.672).

Social need: It is true that “Home can be very private, individualized places. People usually live together; however, housing has a social aspect as well. It plays a part in strengthening friendship ties within the community” (Smock, p.672).

To be good Neighborhood: In order to learn how to be a good neighbor, Children need to observe and learn from people in their community; as a result, that could be causing a neighborhood crime watch, a community guards who come together to look after each other belongings and properties (Smock, p.674).

Housing and type of house decision: There are many kinds of home preparations concerning what type of person or family is so the way to choose areas and space and kind of building including any decoration to be big and comfortable and safe enough for their lives (Smock, p.674).

A past research had revealed that home environment and background characteristics of parents had influenced the children’s level achievement ( Bahhani et al., 2009). For example, the twins experiment have indicated that home environment and family gene reflex the children’s behavior and development in different aspect. As a result, Monozygotic Twins as well as identical genes comparing with dizygotic twins who have had 50% of their genes in usual. Likely the twins had compared to the classmates who had no genetic similarly but sharing the classroom environment (Fischbein, 2009).

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According to the recent research said that ” it is very important to the child’s whole development that his family relationship should be well adjusted. Lost of any parents can develop any aggressive behavior, resistance to authority, bad temper in feeling of interiority, jealously or hate in less clearly defined way” (Bahlkani et al). Therefore, both parents’ influence and home environment have played a key role in children’s educational success (Biedinger, 2011).

How does home environment influence children’s education?

What are the roles of the parents in children’s education?

What are the roles of the children in their own education?

1. The home environment: the children’s educational background has been visibly impacted and reflected either better or worse via the cognitive growth in their living environment (Biedinger, 2011).

The family background and home environment have the strong effect on the finding and progresses of children. For example, the 3 or 5 year-old children in German pre-school class showing really homogeneous are compulsory to acquire the basic education from such as home community or community learning service before being sent to school (Biedinger, 2011). Likely; many studies have shown that the association between family socioeconomic feature and educational result of their children. They assume that there have been four kinds of definition of social inequality such as living standard, socialization and biological findings, which have been displayed at home (Biedinger, 2011).

To sum up, the family’s economic which has been improved or worsen depends on previous educational background. This has effected and resulted in the children’s education; therefore, parents’ education has played a vital role in improving and upgrading the outcomes of the children. Next, socialization is also essential through oral communication among family members and home environment, yet, it is conflicted that children’s success depending on children’s nature and nurture at home before starting school (Biedinger, 2011)

2. The Roles of the Parents: According to (Brooks, 1999), he said that, “There are three major influences on the process of parenting

The parent’s characteristics and individuality,

The parent’s personal history and psychological resources, and (3) The context of stresses and supports.”

The parental role is to take care of children since they were born till they grown up. Parents have given children both mental support and financial support (Brooks, 1999, p. 7).

The government empowers parents with basic authority to control, to feed and to limit the children’s personalities, disciplines and education, but both parents and society have had cooperated, responded and fulfilled to each other in some cases (Brooks, 1999, p.7).

Parents should have set a good example of behavior and a good cultural values including socialization for their children to learn and adopt. In late nineteenth century, parents have seemed much worried about children’s physical growth and mental growth because children were born blank states, parents roles are to provide good knowledge, values and norms to them (Brooks, 1999, p.8). Piaget noted that “The role of parents from gratifier to facilitator of development and children must act on the world in order to construct an intellectual complex view of life experience.” (Brooks, 1999, p.8). Family and home environment had determined the effect on the children’s progresses and personalities when parents have taken higher educations are believed that they will have organized and managed their children to have higher education, but when their parents with low education will have missed to manage low and high education for their children (Brooks, 1999, pp. 9-10).

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The home environment is closely related to the society’s role, which has provided beliefs about portents” roles, family’s member’s role, parental goals, discipline methods, and children’s roles in society (Brooks, 1999, p.10). What parents have done at home is the cultural model effect which their children will have adopted in the whole society, but we observe that the way of life of the children at home is possibly different from school culture and social culture (Brooks, 1999, pp. 70-71). U.S mothers who have long-term goals for their children have improved economic and emotional independence, well-being-sense-happiness, honesty, and respectful interpersonal real relationship and short term goal has offered enough stimulation for the children’s growth.

Whereas, Italian mother’s long term goods have concentrated on social socialization and physical and economic well-being; moreover, most Italian mothers are concerned about health economical security and well-organized family as compulsory for children to study better (Brooks, 1999, pp. 10-11).

Furthermore, both well and low-educated parents ought to be enthusiastic and cooperative with children in order to improve the quality of children’s education; for instance, many caretakers have spent free time outside with children…….some kinds of places: parks, libraries or playground to motivate them to be active in their study (Biedinger, 2011). Many researches have revealed that the parents` educational influence showing positive point on children’s academic success; meanwhile, another research have indicated that parental education seems less influential than the relationship, support, involvement, and hope between parents and children in under developing countries (Acharya & Joshi, 2009).

It is believed that, “The influence of education of father and mother are separated on different areas of achievement motivation i.e academics, general interest, dramatics and supports” (Acharya & Joshi, 2009)

The recent research results have indicated that the parental previous education and achievement are considered one of the most necessary elements pushing, improving and qualifying the children’s cognitive to have the great success in education (Acharya & Joshi, 2009). Likely, the previous research findings had shown that the family’s socioeconomic and living standard, and personalities had indirect effect on children’s educational success, but for European American example on parental education background and behavior had had both direct and indirect influence on children’s educational success (Davis-Kean, 2005). Hence, home environmental activities and academic success and help encourage them challenge (Davis-Kean, 2005).

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The Roles of Children

Erikson’s stage theory of personal development said that one-year-old children learn how to feel comfortable and believable in parents’ care; otherwise, they have developed a complete distrust of a word that is seemed to be unsafe. Second, 1-3 years old children might learn competence sense through learning to feed self, to use toilet, play alone or feel ashamed and wander something then, 3-5 years old children have abilities to plan and carry out plans and improve their cognitive.

Next, 5-11 years old children can learn to meet the demands requested by school, home responsibilities, and can compare with other children.

Finally, from 11 to 18 years old up can learn to identity the roles in lives, to socialize family, school and society. They will have different cognitive, attitudes, values and concepts concerning home environment and parental influence (Lahey, 2007, p. 327).

Researchers had noticed four keys stage developments which each child had been through such as in fan, toddle hood, Pro-school age, all of whom had developed physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and social growths within home environment (Smock, 1997, pp. 226-227). Children’s educational progress has had subordinate upon both hereditary and individual prerequisites in addition to home environment influence, school and society in which children have observed, learnt and adopted (Fischbein, 2009).

II. Conclusion

Home environment where children can observe and learn basic areas such house education; physical education, emotional education, intellectual education, social education and moral education.

For example, physical needs, each family supply’s necessity like clothing, food, shelter and heath care (Smock, 1997, pp. 148-149). Families have either built emotional love, positive self-image and high self-esteem or have made up strong relationship and have basically learnt social skills between families and children (Smock, 1997, p. 149). Families as well as family members might have maintained and reinforced children to be active and successful in education.

For instance, as Jesse explained that “I spend weekends with my dad. We used to always try to find something special we could do together, but we realized that the best times are when we are just making dinner or cleaning up afterward. When we are not trying to have a good time, that is when we relax and just enjoy being together (Smock, 1997, pp.158).

In conclusion, Parents and as well as home environment influence have played an important role in providing education from basic to higher. Therefore, parents with good education and fascinating home environment influence can help children learn faster and better then children who were born and fed under low education parents and dirty- poor home environment (Acharya & Joshi, 2009).

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