Homework and the introduction of homework policy

Have you ever seem a student who likes math homework? Or maybe English? If you have, you should ask them if they would rather be with their friends or family doing something fun. I almost guarantee that all of those students will choose fun, over that homework.

I believe that there should be a homework policy. First, I think this because the restrictions promote physical activity outside of school. Next, more homework would promote cheating and copying. Last, without the policy, students would be tired and absent minded in class, allowing no progress.

One important idea is that with the homework policy, physical activity outside of school would become more common. Many kids in anywhere from preschool to 12th grade enjoy playing outside. Whether it’s playing a game on a play structure or going and playing basketball with your friends, students enjoy physical activities. With these restrictions students will be encouraged and allowed to perform these physical activities. Not only with this make the majority of the Americas children healthy it will also calm stress and worries about school work.

Another significant thought is that more homework would promote more copying and cheating. Being a student, I know that when faced with a large assignment, others and myself will bond together and “divide and conquer” the assignment. Although this gets the assignment done, and usually a passing grade, overall knowledge of the subject is little, if nonexistent. One student will have a deep understanding for one section and not have any knowledge about another.

My third and final idea is that with more homework, students will come to class tired and absent minded, making class the next day ineffective. It can be seen in many students today who don’t get enough sleep. If they don’t get to bed early enough, they are tired, and potentially falling asleep during class. With more homework, students will be up late trying to finish their assignments. Staying up late causes fatigue the next day. This would allow only a small handful of students that will actually benefit from the lesson.

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The dissenting idea states that giving teachers can teach more topics more class time. This time would come from being wasted on in-class assignments that could be done for homework. Although this is a very valid argument, where do you draw the line? As more topics are being taught, doesn’t that leave the students with more homework, and all the other reasons of cheating, fatigue, and increased unhealthy students come into play?

In conclusion, I believe that there should be a homework policy because it promotes physical activity, more homework would promote cheating, and without the policy, students would be tired and fatigued going into class.

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