Hostel Satisfaction Factor Analysis Education Essay

The assignment which we are doing is research on hostel accommodation of various “APIIT SD INDIA which is located in Panipat”. This assignment study was administrated to all the students living in the various hostels of APIIT SD INDIA. The primary purpose of this assignment was to identify the most important factors that predict all the students and which one is the best hostel in APIIT. Level of satisfaction with the student hostels they are living in. This assignment also explored the difference in the satisfaction levels of students living in hostels within the campus.

Based on literature review, it was hypothesized that there would be a difference in the satisfaction level between these three groups of hostel of boys residents due to the different characteristics that these hostels have. Additionally, this study investigated the most preferred hostels among students and identified the reasons for the preference.

The three boy’s hostels are: – Kohand, Sawan and Yamuna

There is one hostel for girls and that is inside the campus.

In Kohand the total number of student is 108.

In Sawan the total number of student is 55.

In Yamuna the total number of student is 130.

In girls hostel the number of student is 70.

Total student in APIIT hostel is 363.

The percentage of the student in Kohand is 29.76%, the percentage of student in Sawan is 15.16% and the percentage of student in Yamuna is 35.81% and the percentage of student in girls hostel is 19.28%.

By the above calculation we came to know that the highest population of student lives in Yamuna hostel and the lowest number of student lives in Sawan hostel.



When a student completes his schooling and enters into a college far away from his place of living, he has to meet with an experience of his new life style. It provides an opportunity to see a new environment, live independently and to be adaptable to the changing circumstances. He has to face many unexpected changes in his day-today life whether good or bad. He learns to compromise with his roommates, he doesn’t get any food from his home but from canteen so he again gets habituated of that.

This is the very good area to have investigation on the facilities available for the students who are living in a hostel

This study was for the entire student living in the various hostel of APIIT SD INDIA of STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY, The case study of this research is based on the hostel accommodation of APIIT and to find out which hostel is better and how many student are satisfied with hostel facilities. What are the good facilities and the need of hostel? The environment of the hostel is good for study or not. The student of the hostels feel secured in hostel or not because the security is the most important factor, the student is far away from his family.

This study is also based on students dissatisfaction level, it means the students are dissatisfied with their hostel and what type of facilities they want and the facilities they are getting is sufficient or not.

It was also hypothesized that there should be different satisfaction level between different hostel. The important factor that influence the student satisfaction are room size, distance form institute to hostel, room safety, transport facility, medical facility, food facility and wifi. Making a group survey we came to know that student living in top floor acquire more space and also maintain their privacy. But student who live in ground floor acquire low space then compare to top floor. We also came to know that students have no privacy in their room. . The case study also found that most preferred among the entire hostel was Yamuna hostel because of their good transportation facility, good food facility and good wifi connection

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The most important hostel satisfaction factors which we came to know from students who live in hostel by doing survey are discussed below:-

ENVIRONMENT: – This is the first and the main important factor in hostel, because the environment is the one which encompasses all the living and non living things occur naturally on earth. The hostel environment plays a vital role in accommodation of hostel because if the environment is not good then

the student gets the bad effect and no one likes to live in hostel. Everyone have its own definition of hostel, but if the environment of hostel is good and natural the student easily adopt it and feel it likes he lives in home.

FOOD:- The food must be hygienic because the food is the one which is the requirement of everyone and if the food provided in hostel is non hygienic the student are not even want to stay in hostel because that leads to their health and as we all know the health is wealth.

ELECTRICITY FACILITY: – The hostel must have 24 hr electricity in a day because if electricity is not there then how the student will study and use the computer and internet, so hostel must have some battery backup device like generator or inverter.

FURNITURE: – These also the most important factor in hostel, the hostel must have good furniture good bed facility and sofa, table, lamp etc.

SPORTS FACILITES: – The hostel must have the sports facility both indoor and outdoor games facility, hostel must contain play ground and have some indoor games by which student can enjoy and not get bored in hostel.

SECURITY:- The students are far away from their homes and the parents send their student to study and they must ensure that his/her child is lives in hostel is safe or not, so the security must be there for students and each hostel have at least 2 security guards and one warden to take care of student.

GYM FACILITY:- The gym facility is also be there so the student in hostel will get refresh after their study and they will be physically fit because if student is fit in health’s they will be more concentrate in their study.

LOCATION: – The hostel location is also very important is it situated in a good place or not the environment outside the hostel must be good and which community of people lives there and the location where the hostel is safe or not.

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LAUNDRY SERVICE: – The hostel must have the laundry service so that the student will be free from washing clothes and doing iron in clothes and thus they will get more time for study and for other purpose.

WATER FACILITY: – The water facility is always be there and for drinking the water must be purified and at least for 10 students there will be one water purifier. There also be a geyser for winter season.

MEDICAL SERVICE: – The hostel must have the 24 hours medical service with one ambulance present in hostel. In this case girls hostel is in a better position because they have this facility available all the time

INTERNET FACILITY: – There should also be a wifi facility available for student inside the hostel as students require it for doing their assignments and other purposes.


Would you prefer to live…

On your own? [ ]

With another student in shared accommodation? [ ]

Which hostel would you prefer to live in?

Yamuna [ ] Kohand [ ] Sawan [ ]

What type of room do you live in?

Block of flats [ ] detached [ ] semi-detached [ ]

Sheltered housing [ ] others [ ]

You wanted to complain about noise?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

You required First Aid assistance?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

APIIT SD INDIA hostel services have to improve on quality

Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ]

Neither agree or disagree [ ] Disagree [ ]

Where do you mainly study

College campus [ ] Library [ ]

Hostels [ ] Tutorials [ ]

Would you make the same choice of accommodation again

Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure [ ]

Are you satisfied with the provided cleaning facilities

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Are you satisfied with the provided food quality

Yes [ ] No [ ]

What is the main reason that you chooses this hostel

Location [ ] Food [ ]

Cleanliness [ ] Rooms [ ]

Thank you very much for your time and answer


As APIIT SD INDIA is an international engineering college in India so it provides all important and useful facilities in latest manner to its students from college to hostel. Like as qualitative food, backup electricity, transportation facility, medical facility, internet facility (Wi-Fi connection), cleanliness, security, location of hostels, and water facilities are some facilities which are being provided to students by college. As every hostels have different warden and systems so facilities provided to each and every hostels are not same. In some hostel students are more satisfied with facilities and in some satisfactions are low. Even satisfaction is also different in a single hostel between students. Meance in the same hostel some students are more satisfied with a particular facility where as some are less satisfied. We have made these conclusions on the basis of a survey done in different hostels (sawan hostel, Yamuna hostel, kohand hostel and girls hostel) of APIIT. Results and short of our process of survey are as follows.

We all group members went from hostel to hostel and ask queries to students about their satisfaction related with facilities. Firstly we had gone to ‘Sawan hostel’ and randomly choose 30 students across each branch and year. We asked question to them and made following table according to observation.

Different facilities

% of completely satisfied students

% of little bit satisfied students

% of not satisfied students.

Food quality




Backup electricity




Transportation facility




Medical facility




Internet facility








Location of hostel




After it we repeat the sane process for Yamuna hostel, Kohand hostel and girl’s hostel. The result table of these hostels is as below.

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Results table for Yamuna hostel

Different facilities

% of completely satisfied students

% of little bit satisfied students

% of not satisfied students.

Food quality




Backup electricity




Transportation facility




Medical facility




Internet facility








Location of hostel




Results table for Kohand hostel

Different facilities

% of completely satisfied students

% of little bit satisfied students

% of not satisfied students.

Food quality




Backup electricity




Transportation facility




Medical facility




Internet facility








Location of hostel




Results table for girls hostel

Different facilities

% of completely satisfied students

% of little bit satisfied students

% of not satisfied students.

Food quality




Backup electricity




Transportation facility

Not available

Not available

Not available

Medical facility




Internet facility








Location of hostel




A graph of completely satisfied students from different facilities is shown below.


From our observation we have conclude that some facilities provided to every hostel are of same level where as some facilities are of different level. Satisfaction of students related with food in ‘Sawan’ and ‘Yamuna’ hostel is same and is not very good and it should be improved, where as it is almost same in ‘Kohand’ and ‘girl’s hostel’ which has also need to improve because food is most essential requirement of students. Condition of electricity provided in every hostel is very good. Satisfaction related with electricity is maximum in ‘Kohand hostel (95%)’ and is minimum in ‘Sawan hostel (70%)’. Transportation facility is equally provided to all the boys’ hostel so satisfaction related with it is same, where as ‘girl’s hostel’ is situated in the college campus so transportation is not provided to them.

We can clearly see that satisfaction level of students from each hostel regarding medical facility is very- very poor. As there should must be a very good quality of medical facility because students are living very far away from their parents so college should effort more and more to improve the level of medical facility. College should also pay a proper attention to some hostels for improvement of desired facility like as internet facility and cleanliness facility should be improved in Sawan hostel and Kohand hostel.

College should also try to fulfill the gap of facility levels to make a good balance between students of different hostel. According to current situation Kohand hostel is the best among all hostels. Here satisfaction is very much. But it is not a good thing that rest of the hostels remains such behind in these important facilities. College should troubleshoot the desire fields of hostels in which improvement is necessary and should take a genius step for their improvement.

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