How Communication Is Affecting Our First Impressions English Language Essay

Communication can affect our first impression on others. The basic ways of communicating is through non-verbal/verbal communication, listening, perception and self-concept. Everyday these types of communication are used, whether it’s through work or at home. All of the ways of communicating is interpersonal communication. Communication is a process and it starts with the sender and ends with the receiver.

Many people communicate in many different ways. In communicating, there are basic principles of communicating. The basic principle of communicating includes encoding, conveying the message, decoding and feedback. Encoding means deciding what the sender is going to say upon what they believe about the receiver’s knowledge, the sender may add more information that they feel is right to add in. The sender can visualize the receiver’s message and get a clearer picture of what they believe is trying to be said. Second, the sender conveys a message or also known as transmitting, which means, getting the message out, either through oral, written or visual communication. These can be done through letters, telephone, or orally, which if done orally, if there is a problem, than it can be cleared up a lot quicker. The sender has to decide which way is best to communicate to the receiver so that communication is not misunderstood. The third step is to decode. Decoding means that after the message is sent, the receiver has to decode the message and interprets what the sender is saying to them with the message. The last step in communicating is feedback. Feedback lets other person know that you are listening and the feeback can cause a response from the person sending or receiving the message. Feedback is what helps the other to correct a message that may have been misunderstood.

Many people now days, communicate through non-verbal and verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is when messages are sent without using words. The communication can be through facial expressions, body language, email, faxes, texts, and even sign language. Non verbal communication is a common way of communicating with others. Most can read non verbal through body gestures. Verbal Communication is a way of communication. It makes

Use for words and vocabulary. We use verbal communication the most in our lives. The people that use non verbal communication the most are deaf people who sign language a lot. But non verbal communication is shown a lot through job interviews, etc. We watch how other uses their hands or gestures or if they fiddle with their clothes or hair. Through non verbal communication, a person can read a lot about a person, especially in job interviews.

A big role in communication is listening. When our body is listening, our minds seem to be busy by receiving and trying to sort out all new ideas and trying relating them into what we know already and is making a connection with other information we had already received. “Real listeners will take in new information and use it with the old information that we already know.” (Stewart, John, p. 198-199). Some people are meant to be listeners and can give back great responses just from listening to the other person speaking. But some people are not much of listeners and are meant to be speakers. Some can talk another’s ear off and others can sit there and listen and listen, but if you are a speaker, you are going to try to respond as much as you can and there will not be much listening involved.

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Perception is the way we understand things. For example, we could be looking at a picture that has two different pictures in it. If you turn it one way it shows a picture, and if you turn it another way, it shows another picture. But some will not see the second picture; they just see the one picture. It all depends on how our brains perceive. How we perceive things is how we make decisions on what we see, hear, or even taste. So we can perceive in ways that could be wrong and this goes for communicating in being a sender and a receiver in the conversation. If you hold a red moon shaped card behind blue shaped card, one of the cards will look bigger than the other. But if you switch it around and hold the blue moon shaped card behind the red shaped card, it

Will look bigger, when in fact, they are both the same size. It’s all the way we perceive things. Objects can be very tricky to the human eye.

Communication all starts with self concept. Self concept is the knowledge about them self. These knowledge’s how the view their physical, emotional, their goals, etc. (Lewis, Michael, p. 93-116). We learn this from the time we are born till the time we grow old. Self concept is a never ending learning process. We learn different things at different times in our lives. Without the knowledge of self concept, we would not know how to communicate effectively.

Self perception is not the same as self concept. Self perception is one’s feelings and attitudes through observation. Self perception can be negative or be positive. It is all on how someone observes what they are seeing or hearing. If you lie to yourself about liking music that you are listening to, most likely you have negative self perception. The more honest you are, the more positive yourself conception is. If a child witnesses his mother being beat all the time throughout his childhood, just from that observation, he will either grow up or have a lot of anger or he will also be the same way as what he saw growing up. But he could always be positive and make a change and never do what he saw!

Interpersonal communication is an important process of communication. There are many ways to communicate. It goes from oral communication to written communication. There are many ways to communicate. The most important of all is sending and receiving. Without interpersonal communication and not knowing how to send or receive messages, the world would not have good communication and people would not understand what is being said or heard. Communicating effectively gives us a chance to be able to correct errors with messages

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And understand communicating very clearly. Being a good receiver and a good sender, gives anyone a chance to be able to communicate very effectively. Being a good listener, shows that we are interested in the conversation and can one feel really good for listening so well. Being a good sender can also one feel really good because they may be able to make one feel better if they are feeling sad and are at loss of words. Either way, communicating effectively can give yourself and others a positive or negative outcome on communicating and it’s a way that we can learn.

Communicating is most powerful way to receive or send messages. It can be through, faxes, emails, face to face, telephones, or voicemails. Face to face communication can be either verbal or non verbal. But no matter how he communicates, it is a way that is understood. Verbal communication is the most common way to communicate. In every way we communicate, it’s all a part of interpersonal communication. The most important part is sending and receiving. If you do not send properly, then the receiver will very easily misunderstand, but can also correct. If you do not receive properly, you can easily send back a wrong message, but either way, it’s important to have a good communication so that if it is misunderstood, it can be corrected.

Self concept is a way that we learn as we grow from the time we are born. Without self concept, we would not be able to communicate very well.

Self perception helps us to feel towards the messages that are being sent or received. If it was not for self perception, we would not care about others feeling and our own feelings or would say many hurtful things that could make a person have low self esteem. We are able to correct others in a good manner that can make them feel good about the messages and themselves.

Communicating is most powerful way to receive or send messages. It can be through, faxes, emails, face to face, telephones, or voicemails. Face to face communication can be either verbal or non verbal. But no matter how he communicates, it is a way that is understood. Verbal communication is the most common way to communicate. In every way we communicate, it’s all a part of interpersonal communication. The most important part is sending and receiving. If you do not send properly, then the receiver will very easily misunderstand, but can also correct. If you do not receive properly, you can easily send back a wrong message, but either way, it’s important to have a good communication so that if it is misunderstood, it can be corrected.

Self concept is a way that we learn as we grow from the time we are born. Without self concept, we would not be able to communicate very well.

Self perception helps us to feel towards the messages that are being sent or received. If it was not for self perception, we would not care about others feeling and our own feelings or would say many hurtful things that could make a person have low self esteem. We are able to correct others in a good manner that can make them feel good about the messages and themselves.

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Self concept and perception can play a big role in communication. Self concept is how you think and feel about yourself (Hybels, S & Weaver, R., p.34). If you do not have a good concept on yourself, then how are you going to have a good concept with communication? Self concept is developed from the way you were raised or the community you have came from. If you have come from a big city, then there will be a lot more influences in your life, but if you have come

From a small town, then there is not as much influence. Self concept is gained by the people around you who give good compliments, such as “you look like your mother” or “you are such a great person to talk to”. If one has a bad concept of their selves then will be able to be a good communicator with others. Self concept is something that can always be worked on and improved if a person has bad concepts.

Self concept has three distinct characters that it is made of. The first is reflected appraisals. A reflected appraisal is messages that are received about ourselves from others (Hybels S. &Weaver, R. p.36). Appraisals come from words that others say about us or yourself. When a friend tells you “you are a great friend” or a parent says “you are a great daughter/son”, they are examples of reflected appraisals. The second distinct character is social comparisons. A social comparison is when one compares themselves with someone else to see how things equal up. When we make comments or ask “what kind of house do you live in” or “does the girl look better than me”, these are examples of social comparison. The third distinct character is self perception. Self perception is a way that you see yourself. Self perception can come from experiences one has been through. If you meet your goals in life, then you will see yourself as positive. The older you get the more experience you have and the more you will have with positive attitudes when it comes to yourself perception.

Communication can be expressed in many ways and there are many different type of communication. Each way is very unique. But we all learn our communication from the time we were born till the time we grow up and go our own ways. Everyone has their own different type

of communicating with others, Some people are never wrong and others just go with whatever is being said. But our main part of communication is starting with self concept and self perception. If its one thing that everyone has different, I would say that our communication in every person is very different.

Communication is a process in which we all learn growing up and we maintain throughout our lives as we grow older.

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