How globalization affects a managers people skills

Nowadays, many managers are affected by globalization because; most mangers are under rigorous tension in terms of the challenges and complexity of demands entail by globalization. In fact, these developments in management have resulted in a larger role for the private sector most managerial development; thus changing the responsibility of the public management from been effective to the economy so as to navigate and making it easy. Therefore, these changes in management have enhanced the want for public management competence to manage inconsistency, advance private sector development, manage subcontracts, and implement legal and managerial frameworks.

What human skills will be called upon to be effective?

In the year 1999, there was a national conference of expatriates and researchers in the United States of America where they build up an agreement to concentrate on a successful variation of the public service in the situation of globalization:

i. The people resources of an organization: – Its human funds are needed; they have to be charged more greatly and developed more cautiously than present preparation permitted.

ii. Performance: – Greater performance are needed, they must become a way of life and a critical part of the culture of the national civil service.

iii. Strong management from both the supporting and professional managers must arrive at middle stage.

iv. Organizations with joining together with other levels of organizations and with other sectors must be front-loaded and have to focus on joint objectives and perform their purposes.


Explain ‘Workforce Diversity’

Workforce diversity is defined as differences and similarities among workers in aspect of their age, religion, cultural background, race and their beliefs.

In general speaking, the term ‘Workforce Diversity’ presents to strategy and carry outs that request to contain people inside a workforce that are regarded to be, in some approach which are dissimilar as of individuals in the existing community. Within this perspective, now is a fast general idea of seven main dynamics which stimulate organization, huge and minor, to branch out their workforces:

What key managerial skill you think is most important when dealing with workforce diversity?

Successful managers are conscious of certain skills are essential in support of creating a successful and diverse workforce. Initially, managers have to identify discrimination and its results. Second, managers must identify their own cultural prejudices (Koonce, 2001). Diversity is nothing to do with differences among groups, except slightly concerning diversities between individuals. Each individual is unique and does not represent or speak for a particular group. Lastly, managers have to be prepared to alter the organization if it’s essential. Organizations are required to discover how to manage diversity in the workplace to be accomplished in the future (Flagg, 2002).


What is personality?

Personality is the supreme realization of the innate habit of a living being. It is more or less daily; we express and appraise the personalities of the people in our region according how we feel, experience, and hear. We may realize it or not, these daily thought on how and why people act as they perform are quite related to what personality psychologist carry out their research.

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How do we typically measure personality?

As there are a lot of diverse theories of personality, the typical ways measuring personality is to recognize accurately the fact about personality. Since the term ‘personality’ is the supreme realization of the innate habit of a living being; therefore, personality can be typically measured by thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique.

What factors determine personality?

Personality occurs from inside the person and stays fairly constant all through life time. A few of the vital factor of personality includes:

? Consistency:- There is usually a familiar order and regularity to behaviours. Basically, most persons perform in the similar approaches or related approaches in a diversity of states.

? Psychological and physiological: – Personality is an emotional construct, but research suggests that it is also influenced by natural progress and requirements.

? Impact behaviours and actions: – Personality does not just manipulate how we progress and perform in response in our environment; it also reasons us to perform in actual approaches.

? Multiple expressions: – Personality is represented in more than mere behaviours. It can also be imply in our thoughts, feelings, close relationships, and other common communication.

Question 4


What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

Emotional intelligence is a diverse kind of intelligence. This type of intelligence is concerning being ‘heart smart,’ and not only ‘book smart.’ There are some facts which confirm that emotional intelligence theme is now as greatly as intellectual ability. However, emotional intelligence is recognized as soon as it comes to pleasures and achievements in life. Emotional intelligence aids one to create well-built relationships which will result to accomplishment at work, and realization of goals.

Hence, knowledge of emotional intelligence be able to be built throughout life time. One can be able to improve hisher emotional intelligence through studying how to speedily lessen tension, attach your mind to your emotions, communicate non-orally, apply joking and have fun so as to overcome challenges, and resolve misunderstandings through self-reliance and self-confidence.

Explain the uses of EI?

Emotional intelligence contains of four main uses:

‘ Self-awareness ‘ The ability to recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behaviour, know your strengths and weaknesses, and has self-confidence.

‘ Self-management ‘ The ability to control impulsive feelings and behaviours which manages your emotions in healthy approaches, attain programme, follow through on commitments, and adapt to changing circumstances.

‘ Social awareness ‘ The ability to understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people, pick up on emotional cues, feel comfortable socially, and recognize the power dynamics in a group or organization.

‘ Relationship management ‘ The ability to develop and maintain good relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence others, work well in a team, and manage conflict.

What are the reasons for using EI?

Emotional Intelligence is used because, it is easier for people to suggest that one’s achievements in life is associated with one’s IQ especial smarter people are expected to succeed more than those less knowledgeable. Therefore, there is possibility for a person with average IQ to be more successful than an IQ genius but just if the person in question can have the greater level of emotional intelligence (EQ). IQ will get you through education and colleges but emotional intelligence gets you through life.

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Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a level of one’s emotional intelligence which is expressed as the mandate to use both emotional and cognitive knowledge. Emotional intelligence skills deal with empathy, intuition, creativity, flexibility, resilience, stress management, leadership, integrity, authenticity and intrapersonal. Emotional intelligence (EQ) includes the lower and central parts of the brain which is known as the limbic system.


What is the major problem with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in organizational structure?

The problem with Maslow hierarchy is that most people disagree with Maslow hierarchy. And as such, it faces challenge concerning the hierarchy due to the fact that it cannot report for selfless manners, courage and aid. Worst still, it cannot report for the trend of starving artists, who seek self-actualization even while their basic physiological requirements were unable to be achieved.

Serious fact about lack of observed proof and the partial scope of observation before Maslow initiated his theories. This theory initiator was unable to report for the sacred side of people and omit lots of illustrations that do not correspond with his theory. The idea and initiation of the theory are good but it is does not meet up the acceptable standard. The Maslow theory feels right initially but the Maslow hierarchy has limitations.

The Maslow hierarchy is only accepts from a perceptive point of view, this is due to the fact that there is little evidence that maintain its hierarchical area. Moreover, there is a proof that disagree with the classification that proof the by the model that is required to be stated. A typical example is that, there are some cultures that show how to position social needs before the others. In addition, Maslow’s hierarchy also has complexity in terms of elaborating the cases for example, the ‘starving artist’ of which an individual can overlook inferior needs while going after superior individual. In conclusion, there is slight proof that proposes how people are forced to entertain just a single need level the same time, apart from in cases where there is a disagreement among their needs.


Firstly student involvement is defined as setting atmospheres in which student have contacts on decision and action that affect studies.

The student’s involvement in classroom decisions can be typically made by instructor alone to improve decision quality by applying the following methods such as analysis, wisdom, experience, and logical methods in order to make proper decisions and when solving tough problems with efficient solutions and suitably integrate numerous results when creating collective involvements and efficient achievements.


What types of informal groups exist in your college or hostel?

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Informal group is the union among some set of people of the same interest which enable them to communicate in a smooth and cumbersome process. The informal group that exists in my school is friendship group. Members of an informal group take pleasure in participating in the group.

Why students motivated to belong to these informal groups?

Student are motivated to belong in informal group are

1]good grades- most student join group so as to get good grade in class because if you belong in a group that are serious in their studies it will make the person very serious because he will not like his group members to see him as a lazy person.

2]Informal groups can also provide as protection mechanism for services that may be much tough for a single person to oppose and may also provide as a stage to create a harmony within students concerning subject which may also be similar to their subject and which may have been concerned as being contentious. The members in an informal group can feel more protected, less concerned and more competent of opposite intimidation such as the mean behavior of a group leader. The leadership of the informal group typically belongs to the member who is mainly competent of satisfying the requirements of the group. In addition, this leadership changes as according to change in requirements and the ability to handle other member’s requirements.


What is team cohesiveness?

Team cohesiveness is known as the degree of which members in a team are able to find the possibility of working together by having mutual interest.

How could team cohesiveness benefit you as a student?

To build cohesiveness in a team is an essential element of working effectively.

First, make a good control yourself, because in order to be an excellent team leader, it needs you to be the best in the team in all aspects, and it is necessary to set up an example yourself, which may influence your team members. Also, be open-minded, and your team members may be moved by your sincerity and honesty.

Emotional intelligence consists of five key skills, each building on the last:

‘ Emotional intelligence (EQ) skill 1: The ability to quickly reduce stress.

‘ Emotional intelligence (EQ) skill 2: The ability to recognize and manage your emotions.

‘ Emotional intelligence (EQ) skill 3: The ability to connect with others using nonverbal communication.

‘ Emotional intelligence (EQ) skill 4: The ability to use humour and play to deal with challenges.

‘ Emotional intelligence (EQ) skill 5: The ability to resolve conflicts positively and with confidence.

The five skills of emotional intelligence are easily studied by anyone at anytime. But there is a difference between studying on emotional intelligence and relating that knowledge to everyday life. This is because one knows his/her ought to do what that will mainly when his/her feeling tensed; in fact, this is mostly proper in areas of skills of emotional intelligence.

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