How Internet Impacts Modern Education English Language Essay

Nowadays, it is very trendy to use internet, and consequently, it impacts the modern education. There are certain differences between previous students and the students now. Previous students visited libraries frequently, reading many books and journals. Modern students have much more possibilities to find essential information and get the newest date from the internet. Online services, as well as the books and journals are very helpful for the studies and nowadays students have more possibilities to study better. It has also become easier to study and to get the information that is particularly interesting for a person.

Students have a considerable impact from using the internet. There are many possibilities that internet offers to them and also it helps to save time. The internet also influences the students’ studies and behavior, as it takes plenty of time and students spend hours of their spare time there.

As well, internet gives stress to students, as there is too many websites, social networks, videos, music and information, and often it is too hard to concentrate on the studies. Many students almost “live” in the internet, spending there hours and hours of their time, communicating and exploring the virtual world. They also try to resist society and this way they show that they are looking for the better opportunities and better ways to spend time.

It can be said that certain improvements can be made in order to help these situations and to improve things. Measures should be taken, as students have to get back their motivation to study, and they should limit their time to the usage of the internet.

In this part of the essay it is essential to review the books “The catcher in the Rye” and “The Shallows” , where the important issues for the modern society that make people think about the education stress and Internet impact for students are described. Modern students are facing a big change by the newest technologies and progress that provide creative knowledge. Today, students can easily get information online, but there are also many traps waiting for them in the virtual world. As well, many teachers ask students to search information online and to depict the newest and the most useful information. That is why the modern technologies impact students’ teaching method and caused new kinds of stress to influence students’ behavior. Although the modern students’ reasons of stress are different than previous students, modern students still might resist stress in order to behave in a proper way. Staying in the virtual world is not a way out, as well as closing the mind to the world and living in the world of Internet to get confidence, which students could not get in the real world. This type of behavior reminds the way Holden did in the Catcher in the Rye, as what was done- is to express their stress to this society.

“The Catcher in the Rye” (1951) – is a novel by American writer Jerome Salinger. In it, on behalf of 16-year old boy named Holden in a very blatant form the story is told about his sharpened perceptions of American reality and rejection of the general canons and ethics of the modern society. The product was very popular, especially among youth, and had a significant impact on world culture of the second half of the XX century.

The title of the book refers to a reflection that the character does in the book about the words of a poem, which deals with a Catcher (someone who grabs or holds) that prevent “children from falling into the precipice.” (…) In the book there are “imagined many young children playing in a big field of rye and all. Thousands of children and no one there to care for, no large, that is, except me. And I’m on the verge of a deep precipice. My mission is to get every child to be falling into the precipice. I mean, if a child runs away and not watch where you go, I have to get this and get it. That’s what I’d do all day. Be in charge of getting those children in the Rye. I know it’s crazy, but the only thing I’d really like to be. Recognize them as craziness.”

The protagonist of the book is Holden Caulfield in the story tells us, that he is a 17 years old, measuring six feet two inches, has the right side of his head full of gray hair and is very thin. He lives in New York. He is very bad student, and he has missed many schools: Whooton, Elkton Hills, Princeton, among others, in addition to Pencey. “He is a guy who has a very poor vocabulary, often say ho! Holden is the most fantastic liar imaginable, giving false names like Jim Steele, Rudolph Schmidt. He hates hypocrites, false, and believed to corny words and educated, but above all that people lie (when someone says he’s ready, but in reality it is not, for example).”, as described in a book.  This person is also very friendly and charismatic, yet can be very sarcastic, often ironic. The boy is also a horrible spendthrift and wastes a lot of money, admitting to being a coward, and when not in the mood starts to turn back to back matches. Although it is forbidden to smoke, the boy smokes heavily. The boy is also very good at golf. The character is also childish. Holden Caulfield loved his brother Allie, when he died, was so angry that rage tried to break the glass of the car, but broke his hand. He also wonders where the ducks go when the water of the lake in Central Park is very cold. The main reasons why this book was criticized were mainly the offensive language and references to drugs, alcohol and prostitution. Critics see Holden as an instigator of mass.

Thirty years after its publication in 1951, “The Catcher in the Rye” was both the most banned book, as the second most studied as required reading in American schools. In the 1990’s it was number 13 on the list of books read in the country, according to the American Library Association in 2005 and remained in the top ten. 

The reason why this work remains in force is achieved permeated the world of a lonely life and extreme adventure of Holden Caulfield. It shows a view of the reality of a person who has lost the trust and appreciation for the people around him and society in general. Hence there is a veiled criticism of the society. It can be compared with the modern world and current tendencies when people become lonelier, event with the most advanced means of communication. Modern people also lost appreciation for the society and many of them hide in the virtual world.

The work is not obscene, it’s just hard for the content of social criticism. Moreover, there are no references in the novel to the murder and social breakdown. What is more, it should not be forgotten that the protagonist is not a rootless: the love for the closest person remains and makes even change their behavior. In fact, Holden is the figure of someone disillusioned by life, which just met as an adult in the form of multiple deceptions, as they have corrupted the things he loved (his brothers, his teacher, disc, etc.).

“The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains”. The author Nicholas G. Carr has his main argument considering the Internet, which “might have detrimental effects on cognition that diminish the capacity for concentration and contemplation”. The book of Nicholas G. Carr “The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains” was released in June 2010. The book develops the author’s argument further. Opposing views about Carr’s argument are brought up through several other scholars who study internet technology and human perception of these sources. As a fact, the argument of the relevance of Carr’s idea is also debated. “Many Information Technology introduction courses cite Carr’s writings on the negative effects of technology dependence. Several reviews have been written on this book which can be viewed online through several sources”.

Informatization of education – this is not only the installation of computers in schools, or their connection to the Internet. Computerization of schools – is, above all, difficult process of changing the content, methods and organizational forms of general education students in transition to school life in the information society. For the difficulties which the school is experiencing today, it is not easy to observe that begins the transition from hands-on education in conditions of limited information access to education in conditions of unlimited access to information. 

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Closure of educational architecture was created to provide mass education on a limited access to information. Today, the situation is changing rapidly, and the closed architecture of traditional school curriculum comes into conflict with the students’ unlimited access to information, is slowly becoming obsolete, along with industrial society, which gave it birth. And this is happening in all developed and developing countries. 

In qualitative educational projects, students are in the position of the researchers, and they really need the Internet. To become part of school practice, work on educational telecommunications projects should be conducted by students in general education courses. Existing programs and teaching kits are unsuitable. They were created for other conditions. Looking for a fundamentally new large-scale development-oriented education, “a resident of the information society.” To actually use educational telecommunication projects, we must move to a new educational content, create new educational methods kits. And this is – a complex scientific and methodical task. Educational telecommunication projects as a form of academic work are in conflict with the established teaching methods of traditional school system. Being considered by themselves, they represent only one form of optional academic work. That is why today the holding of such projects – the case a few enthusiastic teachers. 

In the emerging information society to restrict access to information is almost impossible. Free access to the wealth of data accumulated by mankind – the inalienable right of every citizen. This right is not only declared, but virtually ensured the modern electronic media, the global Internet infrastructure. Learn to live and work in a rapidly changing environment – the most important tasks of the school. This means that the existing forms and methods of educational work should be changed to the extent that they bear part of the new learning content 

Updated content of education, together with support and maintain this process by means of computer technology – the foundation of all educational programs of the new generation that it is time to offer today’s students – the future residents of the Information Society. Traditional school, established at the stage of becoming an industrial society and play a role as the main source of positive information, is slowly disappearing. Image of school as the main source of positive and conclusive knowledge to young people is destroyed. Dissatisfaction with the traditional organization of the school experience everything. This ever-growing dissatisfaction on the one hand, and increasing influence in society Sellers communication and information services – on the other hand, will inevitably create an environment where the exclusive role of the modern secondary school as the main institution of socialization is in question. Revealing in this respect, the survey results, which we mentioned above. The question was asked about the attitude to learning through the Internet. Against teaching via the Internet supported 46% of students. “Nothing replaces dialogue with the teacher ….. it is very different – both positive and negative, often conflicting …. School – not only for the mind, but also for the formation of correct responses in the relationship between people … including in co-education, work, rest, etc. “100% of teachers and 54% of students find it possible to use the Internet to complement traditional forms of learning in high school. 100% of teachers were against children dating to the Internet in elementary and middle school. Among high school students believe it is possible to be 2% and 7% of all respondents. 40% of students find it possible to online learning in high school and college. 

Federation of Internet Education believes that the development of school policy in the field of information technology becomes every day more urgent. The absence of the formed complex of measures to support the school community gives it a special poignancy. As the most appropriate action name believes the development and implementation of a special course, which should address the following questions: 

– Problems of transition to an “open educational architecture”; 

– Designing information models of the educational process and the creation of school educational space; 

– Develop a strategy for implementation and use of ICT in schools and the Internet; 

– Development of the administrative team for the school to integrate ICT in the learning process. 

Process of interaction between the student and the Internet are complex and multifaceted. We considered briefly only some aspects of this problem. One thing is clear – not all at school ready to use the Internet and know what to do. Issues related to the computerization of schools, require careful attention and public discussion.

Many parents are experiencing due to the fact that the baby all the time sitting at the computer on the Internet, when the outside weather is fine and his friends play in the yard. However, we must remember that many of the children’s parents for days lost from work and come home in the evening. Child needs a source of information to learn something new for yourself. 

Many children end up in bad company. Some even lose interest in learning. Of course, it’s not about what the child should just sit on the Internet and not to go for walks. However, each child should develop as a person. Besides, nowadays just need to know how to use computers and the Internet. Otherwise, it will be impossible to study in college. After all, there all essays and term papers need to dial on your computer. So this is the positive impact of the Internet on children. 

The impact of Internet on Children – No basic computer knowledge is also impossible to get a job. Many parents believe that a child who enjoys only the computer will not take an interest in literature. This, however, parents must give him an example, and often take books in hand. Time is always available. For example, mom while cooking lunch or dinner can be a little reading. After all, it does not need every minute of just standing at the stove. 

In the past few years to the usual fears parents have gained one. Increasingly, teenagers scare us addicted to virtual communication. Here are some examples of complaints. 

“Children are looking in from the computer. Sit for days. Some ICQ, agents, chat rooms, forums … “ 

“I do not understand how can there be pleasure from it. But my son is sitting at the computer screen, laughing at something, and then beats his fist on the table. I think he is going crazy – talking to himself. “ 

“It used to play video games, it takes a long time, lessons abandoned, and now all of the unspeakably – though he was not there. For days on the web, says they have there tusovka … “ 

Something like this starts the conversation concerned parents with teachers and psychologists. Then he found out the details: with passion computer conversations started falling grades, a child all the time spent at home, sits and stares at the screen.Lessons from a teenager does not, the house does not help, the street does not go, sport is not engaged. 

Instead of talking on the phone and walks up late more often children communicate with each other via the Internet. Actually, before we heard similar complaints, but if evil comes not from your computer and from your phone or TV. The present-day “computer” children – the descendants of its “TV” parents. 

How to solve this problem, when today’s parents were teenagers? Most likely, they simply grew out of it … It may be objected that not all sat for endless hours at the TV screen, someone already in his youth clearly know what to do in life. Many of the early to become responsible, because someone had younger brothers and sisters, for someone acted example of a responsible adult, and someone – it is unknown how and why. And although parents are seriously worried for their future, they are quite separate people with different professions and the fates, many families … 

Why am I saying this? Besides, now that TV was not dangerous in itself. It is disappointing to someone aware of their own “backwardness”, have to live with the fact that the Internet has become part of our lives and have nowhere to stay. Ability to navigate in it and use it becomes possible for a successful life in many ways. From an infinite source of information, he also turned in a trading network, a way of communicating, a means of education … More is coming. 

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Pastime in the on-line is quite acceptable for teenagers. Most likely, this is harmless passion lies within the age norm. Although in some cases it is necessary to analyze the situation. 

If the virtual communication has become all-consuming passion, the teenager has closed or became aggressive, his vocabulary is poorer or has other symptoms that concern you, you can not put off a visit to a specialist. Only need to take into account: the fight must be conducted not with the computer, and with the reasons of dependence. 

The authors of the study, whose results were presented in the journal Pediatrics, say that the aggressive behavior of adolescents provoked violent demonstrations in the Internet and other media properties. 

“Attention! Football fans! “Are you’d expect signs” Attention! They have seen enough internet! “? 

According to Digital Trends, researchers surveyed 1,588 children aged 10 to 15 years and analyzed the relationship between violence in the information channels with serious manifestations of aggression in adolescents. About 38% of respondents attended at least one web site that demonstrates the cruelty. But only 5% of the respondents admitted that last year one way or another to show aggression towards others. However, the likelihood of violent behavior has increased to 50% in audience analysis of individual sites. 

The study also found that teens who visited the sites where the content is a brutal display of real-world situations, show aggression to five times more often than other peers. The probability of violent behavior and increases with increasing number of media channels. At the same time, scientists have noted that the effect of the Internet far exceeds the influence of TV, music, video games and movies. 

Study leader Dr. Michele Ybarra from the center of Internet Solutions for Kids said that the restriction demonstrations of violence in the information channels should be considered as an important measure to prevent child abuse. 

However, according to Reuters, the study does not prove one-way communication between the brutality of the Internet and adolescent behavior. It is possible that by its nature prone to aggression, children are simply interested in visiting their resources.Scientists discuss and choose that option.

The new generation – children and the future of cyber behind modern technology, why would such a globalized world of computer technology and the Internet is not yet known.But we must not forget to vaccinate their children in the development of physical culture, a culture rest on the air, in the real world. Only adults are able to influence our future. The flow of information that students receive and the education which inadvertently gets them a long time can not be controlled. Fully protect and restrict children from access to a computer and the internet is not correct and that the child simply does not understand. The task of parents is an explanation to your child the difference between information received from outside and that you give him. Show your children that the value of your knowledge on a lot more important to him than the Internet. Explain that the Internet is just one of the sources which can not be taken as truth, that games should never become a reality and then you will be nothing to worry about.

Internet has affected all aspects of human ordinariness. This is another item in the long run that would lead to revolution. Someone asks how the ability to talk to each other via the Internet will improve learning in the classroom? These and other questions will be given in the following paragraphs of the article. Internet is more widespread than that of other electronic media and the modern engine of progress, a new form of thinking, which will show a new approach to education. 

Personal computers and the Information Superhighway quickly transformed America.Already, the Internet makes a great volume of information disseminated at an unprecedented rate. When it does the revolution itself fully felt in the schools, teachers and students will have virtually instant access to vast amounts of information and a wide range of textbooks. If we are guided by the information revolution wisely, these resources will be available not only for the rich suburban schools, but also for rural schools and urban schools. Widespread access may reduce differences in the quality of education in online, and to give children in all parts of new opportunities for learning. Used as a conversion technology can play an important role in school reform. 

New technology will allow students to acquire skills needed for success in today’s society. The impact of computer technology in the classroom, allow students to get acquainted with the necessary tools at an early age. Using technology well, they will also acquire better thinking skills to help them become informed citizens and active members of the community. 

The desire to integrate the technology in our country schools goes far beyond the Internet. If the Internet does not exist, modern technology is still so much valuable educational uses distance learning applications, collaborative learning, and so on, that much more investment than is provided now would be justified. 

Web resources are excellent tools for research. Even if policymakers, practitioners, and parents really decide what their goals and, even if the results of research supported by one of several configurations of hardware and software, decision-making, when, how or when to use technology (or any other reforms) in the classroom is not can be determined only on these bases. Many other factors – ranging from parental pressure on managers who want to leave their fingerprints on the area to technology corporations to promote their products – a form of solutions, which buy and pass technology in schools. 

The Internet is an incredible information resource and a powerful communication tool.The ability to use new technology becomes an increasingly important factor in career choices, and the future success of today’s students will be more affected by their understanding and ability to access and use of electronic information. Greater use of online services to children in the house, adds an incentive for schools to take a more active role in family life education in their application. 

Schools can be access points and Internet education centers for the study of Internet resources. More active involvement of parents in school education programs can help in solving community problems and can improve their children’s overall academic performance. If teachers take responsibility for helping students master the use of technology and educate them about potential risks, the students will become more empowered to make intelligent decisions. 

Multicultural education refers to education and training is designed for multiple cultures of different races in the education system. This approach to teaching and learning on the basis of consensus, respect for and promotion of cultural pluralism within the framework of racial societies. Multicultural education acknowledges and includes the positive racial characteristics in the classroom atmospheres. 

The concept of learning styles is rooted in the classification of psychological types.Different ways to do this are usually classified as: concrete and abstract perceivers, active and reflective processors. 

There are many scientific and psychological problems faced by minority students do, such as: low single head of household, low socio-economic status, low status of minority, limited English skills, low parental education, mobility, and psychosocial factors. 

Not only the school curriculum and methods of direct impact on students, but school and community environment in which these programs and practices that take place also affect success rates. “Context” consists of many factors. Some contextual variables can have a positive impact on students, while others work against student success. 

Appeal to the general school reform strongly suggests that the existing concepts of education are insufficient to promote diversity justice. Unfortunately, these same concepts have formed the training of future teachers. Their formation is likely to be characterized by tracking (the process of distribution of students from different groups, classes or programs based on measures of intelligence, achievement, or ability), traditional instruction that appeals to a narrow range of learning styles, and curricula that exclude the contribution of women and people from different cultures.Competition drives this factory model of schooling, where students tend to be regarded as products coming off the assembly line. 

Education is a basic human process, is a question of values ​​and actions. Clustering technology, called “The Internet in addition to the ability to strengthen and enhance the educational process. It will be focus of education from an institution for the student. The Internet has become befriend, to live with them and live outside it, so teacher and student. The African proverb says: “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” 

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Greek philosopher and mathematician Archimedes said: “Give me a fulcrum and I will move the world.” Today we can say with confidence: “Internet – it is the fulcrum that will revolutionize the world of culture and education.” And it’s hard to argue. On the scale of its impact on world culture phenomenon of the Internet is comparable to the invention of writing and printing. While traditional book culture exist on the basis of the text, with the advent of the Internet form of organization of cultural space is hypertext.Replaced by a linear sequence of text, the book comes infinitely branching, repeatedly cross, interrupt and re-woven into a network of virtual sequence of text. 

Internet contributes to the development of culture in two directions. The first relates to the erosion of national boundaries of culture, overcoming language barriers, the destruction of barriers between such forms of culture, science, art, education, leisure, etc. The second relates to the fact that in this culture for every person there is an opportunity not only to passively accept the content of culture, but also to influence world culture. With the advent of the Internet undermines monologue early in the culture, which means the decline of cultures “closed” that carry the potential for all sorts of conflicts on ethnic, religious, national or party grounds. 

Thus, the Internet heralds the birth of a global culture of dialogue (as a cultural dialogue between cultures), “open” the culture in which each participant has a voice, leads his party can add its voice to others or to influence the overall sound. 

If the Internet becomes available to everyone, it will be an enormous advantage, not only for education but for the culture of the society as a whole. 

As a result, users of computer networks raises a number of interests, motives, goals, needs, attitudes and forms of psychological and social activities that are directly related to this new space. And it creates new problems that may become global in the new century. 

The most significant of them, in my opinion, is that with each passing day an increasing number of victims of the Internet. And they were people, completely absorbed in the virtual world, which became for them more interesting, brighter than the real one. There, they can easily satisfy their ambitions, to show strength, agility and luck. Immersed in the network, gambling, they did not notice the outside world go away from it. And this broken fate, unrealized potential. 

What exactly is so exaggerated lure people to the network? Where are the reasonable limits of human needs and passions? How to protect children, the most defenseless and most vulnerable to the harmful effects of network users, from all the frills? What are the features of communication in the Internet? If we do not ask themselves questions such as, all the scientific achievements, all new, advanced information technology will bring more harm than good. I’m trying to understand their role as an educator in addressing these important issues. After all, the Internet has become an absolute rival school in the transfer of children to new knowledge, to familiarize them with the world. 

The introduction of the computer with its hypertext space in the education system destroys the old totalitarian at its core architecture of the educational space where the teacher of subject is essentially the only character of pedagogical action, and whose function was mainly in articulating a textbook (complete text). The possibility of network formation undermine the monopoly on teacher knowledge and forced to yield part of teaching computer space, making it more personal. But the matter of subject teachers in the new model of education not only technical training hypertext teaching materials and organization of work with them. This ability to maintain a lively dialogue with the pupil, to become his partner and mentor in the learning process – in the processing and assimilation of information. 

There is another important issue. Modern information tools have limited cultural and educational information resources, and focused mainly on leisure and entertainment.This, along with the general instability in society, and other factors that ultimately leads to moral decay and spiritual poverty in our society. Concepts such as mercy, love for others, respect for other peoples lose today, its true essence. Commonplace becomes rudeness, cruelty, callousness, indifference to everything and everyone.Processes are taking the decline in morality, destruction, humans live in harmony not only with the outside world, but also with itself. 

Loss of faith in the ideals, which were of the older generation, leads to a deficiency of spirituality and a sense of national identity. It’s like a mirror, reflected in our younger generation and is manifested in their actions, respect for others, in work and daily life.Today, it is not surprising upward trend of youth crime and lowering their moral and ethical behavior. 

Internet, thanks to its huge audience and its effect on people’s minds, could play an enormous educational role. But the lack of censorship sometimes makes the world wide web in the opposite. 

Not realizing until the end of the term “freedom”, the information society can not yet solve the problem of the new information culture, the problem of legal, personal moral responsibility. The globalization of cultural and social life a thousandfold increase the share of this responsibility. Integrating the human integrity of world culture, the Internet leaves it alone. It gives the illusion of permissiveness, sometimes provoking him to a manifestation of the worst things in it. When there is anonymity, there are no limits of the possible. And most importantly, on this to make money. 

On the Internet there are Suicide Club, clubs addicts, clubs, teaching beginners terrorists. In the clubs you can order your own death, buy a pair of sticks of dynamite, to learn a right to pick and chop drugs. The Internet is full of pornography. Here are sold videos of child porn. It is not forbidden by the violence. And it’s all “consume” teenagers, accidentally or deliberately falling on these sites. 

The worst thing happens: an abnormal, unhealthy is becoming commonplace, everyday, no longer shocking, and therefore does not rise to protests. What kind of society to construct “consumers” of the global network? Whether it will have any humanistic principles? 

With that we should fight. Necessary to protect children and young people from access to negative information. After all, it leads to the destruction of personality. 

And the reason for this situation lies in the lack of attention from both the state and from the scientific, educational and cultural institutions in the development of information resources on the Internet. 

Limitations on the Internet of popular science, scientific, cultural and educational information leads to the fact that the younger generations of stereotypes about the Internet as a commercial and entertainment tool. However, the Internet is a very powerful communication tool that can be used to develop the younger generation of spiritual and cultural values, obtaining scientific and educational information for their multi-faceted development. To solve these problems, a science-based approach, targeted psycho-pedagogical work of scientists and teachers. Acquires the significance of the involvement of leading scientists and prominent figures of culture and art to the creation of regional information resources. 

The rapid development and increasing influence of modern media, especially such as television and the Internet, have broad opportunities to influence the processes of personality formation, become tangible in the processes of random and continuous education of the individual. You need to bring these processes under the control of pedagogical science and possibly do their coordination to create a cultural and educational information resources and their effective use in shaping processes of formation and development of modern information society. 

From time immemorial, each generation of adults sees new technology of their tendency to fracture. Plato warned (and rightly): “Writing and reading will destroy the oratory.” The car took away our ability to contemplation. Phone resulted in the decline of the epistolary genre. Oratory took place literature. In place of contemplation came drama. A epistolary genre was revived in the email. 

Internet now serves many functions: the informational and communicative, and entertaining and educational. But the true extent of its impact on society we only have to realize in the future, when announced by a new “information” generation. What will it be? Primitive, barbaric or civilized and humane? Answer to this question is extremely difficult. But one thing is for sure that the trace of the influence of the Internet affect our tomorrow. And we are all responsible for it.

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