How Nandos has been aided by Communication

Well the first nandos was open by two friends Robert Brozin and Fernando’s Duarte. To this day air continues to bring their heart and soul at nandos.

It is story of dates back where people gathered to share around the flame to share their life experience at Nandos.and it is one of the Portuguese style cooking and magic of nandos secret ingredient PERI PERI.

Nandos story start from Fearless Portuguese explorers their sailing seas to find a spice route to the east. the ship’s journey had been a long when it stop in the south African country now known as Mozambique.

Nandos chicken is in butterfly cuts ensure equal browning from leg to breast and down to the thighs. and Nandos basting sauces are completely vegetarian they are contain no preservatives or added MSG.the same true for chicken.Nandos chicken meals are also lower in saturated fat than many others.


(Communication between different locations Locally, Nationally or internationally)

Business demographic is annual structure and characteristics of any business. There are number of people who can develop their business with different idea and communications throughout all over the world. The leader can effectively run the business on global scale of environment.

Success at this stage does not coming easily. as it takes time and leader has to keep patience for the success in the any type of situation.

Nandos is world wide peril peri Famous grilled chicken restaurant all over the world. it has great specialty of their succulent and grilled chicken. How they communicate all the different location that depends on the networks of the people of nandos spreading all over the world through the advertisement and with the prior planning and systematically enabling to other succeed.

There are different point’s works on the organization success as communication needs to be manage locally nationally, internationally…

We can challenges into processes to continue our improvements in our product quality of Nando’s and Safety of our staff towards these challenges. We can inspire others by our vision clarity and goal of Nando’s and also we can do systematic planning to make others to succeed. And we can put any Role Model to do the Advertisement in the Field and Boost morale especially during the Stress time. We should do communication at up to extreme level in the organisaion.and we should balance work ethics without micromanagement. And we should do Project management in real strength by the extraordinary designs to make this individual more effective in contributing to success of the organization.


(How important is communication of the aims and objectives of the organisation to all the different levels in an organisation?)

Nando’s spread it wings all over the world. as Nandi’s is set to spread its wings in following the sale of its national franchise and its known for its delicious and healthy grilled chicken.Nando’s is fastest growing flame grilled chicken restaurant in the world and has achieved global success with more than 700 stores in all over the world. The new owner of Nando’s Franchise Mr.shailen Ramjee has plan to get the success of nando’s all over in New Zealand and the Nando’s is rapidly growing in new Zealand so planning to open 15-20 restaurant within a year.

Three new restaurants are set to open in this month with two or more franchise in Onehunga,Rotorua,And Ponsonby,The network has been finding new franchisee with new skills for the new job.Mr.Ramjee says Nando’s low fat grilled chicken meets the demands of healthy food and restaurant meals without any compromise on taste.

Nando’s restaurant group that was started in South Africa and prepares traditional Portuguese chicken with PERIL PERI basting on it gives unique outlooks.Nando’s was first arrived in Britain 12 yrs ago and soon its growing franchise all over the world and expanding 200 more restaurant around the country.Nandos serve PERI PERI flamed grilled chicken and traditional Portuguese hospitality in fun Atmosphere. it is not just UK that loves Nandos passion but Global with over 400 restaurant around the world which are famous and loves flamed grilled chicken .

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Nandos aim is to provide each and every store with searchable in presence. and to engage, inform customer through effective customer service ,to retain addictive peril peri sauce,marinades,salad dressing that we have come to recognize on our restaurant shelves. And to facilitated the effective recruitment for Nandos human resources. And to communicate with the business mind people and corporate people behind nandos.and its our objectives to expand all these qualities reach the aim of Nandos.

Nandos brand have grown rapidly in past 10 yrs absorbing the heart and stomach of the British public as well as we have put the website which provide communication tools which facilitating essential values. And these values personality are reflected when you visit restaurant in its it is our objectives to extend this to our community and pulling them towards restaurants who is appeal in value of Nandos.

Organizational Culture & Ethics of Nandos

How does communication need to be managed to meet the needs of people from different backgrounds and Culture?

The Culture of an organization has its norms and values however the culture is a very good impact in which an organization operates. There are different culture people works together at nandos all over the world. and also different people prefer different culture and its all depending on their personality and motivations in their culture.somtimes range of culture is necessary. where sometimes different culture can be clash in the organization. and they may have some communication problems, query to understand the langauages,moral quality of different culture, different traditions and ethics of their culture.

For example we are working in multicultural environment at Nandos there are different cultural people working together as they may have problem in language, different custom quality of their different culture how they communicate with staff and with their superior how they communicate with the customer and as it is very important that communication needs to be managed in the every organization because its important for the each and every individual to maintain their understanding towards their brand values of Nandos with different cultural people.

Culture is based on the people who are coming from different back ground it is extremely adaptable and it is enhances the motivation and creativity. There are lots of factors contribute towards the development of the organization. as often owner and leaders have fantastic role in establishing the culture in organization. and cultures often changes as an organization grows.

Different nationalities work in different functions or purposes organization feels that there are multi culture would be appropriate for their organization in this regards it is clear company analyses that culture changes over tims as organization grow and progress.

As organization can learn the different traditions, values belief, moral, custom, and languages of their different culture as communications is very important part for the culture to grow and cherish as good impact direct to the organization.


How does an organization ensure knowledge and experience is shared within the organizations?

Knowledge is often use as an information which is supply throughout the organization. as each and every individual staff share their knowledge and resources to complete the task and just a getting information is not important what is the exact procedure is important and a list of ingredients is more useful for the preparation of the recipes.althogh person knowledge, thoughts experience and skills are store in their heads that can easily written down.

There are many definition of knowledge. A common definition of knowledge is collection of data and process of our own creation. I feel this definition is more useful definition. Knowledge includes principles; processes, organization structures, and technology that help the people share their knowledge to meet their objectives. of nandos. We all put the full efforts to share our knowledge at nandos to give the best result and to meet our set objectives. Each and every individual shares their knowledge regarding products, materials, people, culture, relationsh, restaurants, etc.and give their ideas to improve the performance towards to reach restaurant requirement. We share culture means sharing norms of different cultural people to work together effectively.

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The main purpose of sharing knowledge is to sharing help to organization to meet their business objectives. Today the creation of new idea and knowledge is essential to the survival of all business as staff increasing in the nandos and people don’t like to take job for a life time when someone leaves an organization their knowledge also walk out with them.


How does effective communication support team development and the handling of conflict?

There are four stages group dynamics for the better communication of good development is easy to understand and remember to help what is behind each stages.Tuckman has develop four stages of theory to develop behavior of small group in variety of environments.

Forming: In this group individual behavior is driven and accepted by others. There are man issues and feelings avoid when you are starting to form a group they get together and each and every individual gather information about each others this stage is comfortable to communication with each others.

Storming: In this group important issues start to be addressed. But if someone can’t keep patience their patience will break only. Someone will observe that it’s good to be in the issues where some people can not feel to be in this group. some will observe that’s they are winning or losing battles in this group of storming some people will strieve to get the maximum from their efforts for the building group and handling conflict.

Norming: In this group of development rules and engagement of the group become established and there are group task and responsibilities are divided and agreed by the group of people. Each and every individual listen to each others, appreciate each others for their good work. Each and everybody will feels they are part of this cohesive group.

Performing: In this group of communication these group of people perform their task with the help of each and every individuals and able to work together and trust each others enough to allow independent activity. Every individual roles are different to perform different task and they work with each group of member with loyalty, and there moral are all high. They are only task oriented people who are called as a performer.

By this group management many work together and live in the forming and norming and who are fearful will move to storming and will be forward into perfoming.these can be govern their behavior towards each others


What communications processes need to be in place to ensure meetings are run effectively?

Meeting are taken so much time of many people however there are good meeting and bad meetings meeting can be excellent use of time when they are well run.

There are many stages which can be describe that meeting management can help to make meeting very productive and less frustrating

Run your meetings effectively as you would have others to attend your meetings. be prepared and ensure that others are also prepared for the meetings as well. distribute the meeting agenda before a day to ensure that everyone has access the background materials for the meeting and if meeting organizer has not provided the adequate information about the objective of the meeting then participants should take initiative to ask about the agenda of the meeting. and everybody should be prepared for the meeting that why the meeting is organized. And why they are here for meeting.

Start the meeting on time and end it on time. and let everybody should be aware of time schedule of the meeting. There is much greatest likelihood that everyone else will make the effort to be punctual. if everyone will think that meeting would be last an hour then meeting should not run any longer than that. Keeping the agenda realistic is important. All meeting participants should inform the meeting agenda as nobody should go off from the meeting

Don’t hold unnecessary meetings. for example if you have daily staff meetings how productive it is and it is important to perform the meeting very well. as after the meeting we must get the output of the meeting.

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When you are end up the meeting wrap it with the clear statement of next steps and organizer of the meeting should clearly summarize what needs to be done and who is going to do it. if participants leave the meeting and nobody is accountable for taking action then one should take decisions that were made otherwise meeting will be waste of time. This simple rule can go long way to making meetings more productive and this can make huge difference to the productivity of organization.


How does organization manage to communicate effectively with all those individuals and groups who have an interest in the organization?

Stakeholder is very important for every organization. as you become more successful in your career by the stakeholder There are very important discipline that successful people use to win support from others.

First of all you should know your stakeholders who are interested in your nandos.and it is very important to manage stakeholder as their input can also improve your quality of the work. Gain support from your powerful stakeholder who can help to win more resources. And by the communication they can fully understand what you are doing For Example We have put prowze facility at our Nandos. There is more effective. it shows that each and every time you come to nandos you will get rewards by the restaurants VIP Card which we have launched. Its work like eftos machine when you come whatever you purchase from will get 10% purchase amount in your VIP card so everytime when you come you can top up your card and get the reward at the end of the day.

Identify your stakeholder by analysis of your business and who is giving you more business. Think of all the people who are affected by your work.

There are many stakeholders like senior executives, shareholders, government, coworkers, suppliers, lenders, public, customers, Community

Remember stakeholder can be organizations and people you can only communicate with individual people. give the priority to your stakeholder to get the maximum benefits from them. And you need to know more about your stakeholders. You must know how they feel about your understanding and how they react with your organization. You must know what motivates those most of all. And what is their current opinion on your business. if they are positive about your business then manage their opposition plan to get the best of them.

For Example we are using eftos machine each and everytime to take money from the customers. so we are giving business to the bank and getting good benefits of easy access of money. Who wants to pay by credit cards, eftos, visa cards, etc, we are also giving good business to our supplier also and they are more interested to do the business with us.

The first stage is brainstorm who are your stakeholder then prioritize them win their support and then identify and gets an understanding of your stakeholders and do analysis how to win them.


What communications methods are in place to make contact with others who might have an impact on the development of the organization?

Network is pattern of social relations which is based on their personality, postion, group or organization. Network organization are defined as structure, process, purpose a network organization combines co-specialized under shared control. We use to have telephone; Fax email.internet, mobiles, etc are very useful to communicate at all level of organization as it increases the business of organization.

We use these types of facilities to communicate with the local or international franchise for how to get the business and improve the productivity in the organization. as for example we have build our website for our customers, stakeholder, shareholders, and others who have interest in our organization we communicate with them via email and fax or internet as it is very important to get in touch with them via this medium to get the maximum output for the business. We are also using internal communication make our network stronger and effective in the organization

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