Hr Planning Employee Development And Recruitment Management Essay

This Report is made for the HR planning and employee Recruitment. Employee resourcing and development are ongoing functions of an organization. The board should focused on various issues including retraining and development of employee recognition and rewarded, the psychological contract with employees should be restored. The Organization create a learning and development plan and introduce ‘on the job’ and off the job’ training that facilitates continuous improvements through competent well-trained employees. In addition, the action plan will support systematic ways to broaden employees skill and knowledge and organizational development through various learning and development methods.


This report is prepared to address the current situation of learning and development of organization in order to restore of psychological contract and a creation of human resource plan through a effective strategy toward recruitment of employee. The report is presented here on descriptive essay format.

Every organization has its own strategy to employee resourcing and development, whether it is recruitment and development of staff. According to Cambridge and Pilbara(1998), employee resourcing can be defined as “that part of personnel and development which focuses on the recruitment and release of individuals from organizations, as well as the management of their performance and potential whilst employed by the organization”.

The process of developing people within organization involves the integration of learning and development, operations and relationships.

2. Planning and development Issues:

Basically, learning and development is an ongoing strategy in the organization. The organization is wishing to be continuously innovative in an increasingly challenging business environment. s a changing organization, the board should be addressing and focusing on the following key points for the re-organization programmes to succeed in the long term.

1. Identify learning and development skill for organizations, job/occupational and individual employee in order to meet new corporate mission and business strategies. The learning and development need analysis is gap between the requirements and existing organizational, job occupational and individual employee attitude, skills and knowledge. The organizations level: Identifying organization training needs in order to establish in the whole organization. e.g the learning needs to introduce cultural change across the organization or to introduce a procedure or process that affects the whole organization, such as implementing a new performance management system.

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2. Managing change: Identify skill and training requirements to management level for ‘managing change’. These include partnership skills, management and financial skills and joint venture agendas amongst different stakeholders.

3. Call Centre Management Development: Retraining and development of call centre staff to make them more productive in term of job responsibility and customer care.

4. Identify new HR learning and development policies for previously employed staff of its building society.

5. Restore of psychological contract with employee by introduce training and development, fair reward and recognized, consistency, effective communication and flexible working.

6. Effects of technology on work, and its effect on businessman, employee learning and development programme.

3. Employee Learning and Development Method:

Employee development is an ongoing activity for every organization, continued training and development is necessary on changing business environment. The primary purpose of employee development is to enhance skills , knowledge, qualifications and expertise through the use and application of the great variety of means and method available. Basically, the organization is providing learning and supporting activities through an ‘on the job training’ and ‘off the job training’.

Open and Distance Learning: This is one of the popular method of learning, whereby employees are given the frame works or objectives of the programmes. This is limited by preferred learning styles and the quality of support available.

Mentoring/Coaching/Counseling: The development of one to one relationships with key employees for the purpose of developing them in to high performers in their professional or occupational fields. This is extremely time and resource consuming.

4. Recruitment Strategies:

Recruiting people is one of the most important functions in an organization. Recruitment is all about searching for potential job candidates, based on organizational needs to meet its human resource requirements. The effective recruitment process only takes place after pre-recruitment activities which include: job design; person specification; analysis and reason for previous employee/leaving the job; budget; planning; job analysis; consideration of the labour market (internal or external) and recruitment method. Time and cost are basic determinant factors which are important for the recruitment method. Time and cost are basic determinant factors which are important for the recruitment process and the organization itself.

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The purpose of an effective recruitment strategy is to encourage people to apply for the job in order to attract strong applicants who will perform successfully. It is an on-going process that requires attention to fill the position whenever the organization requires a particularly skilled new employee. Efficient recruitment advertising depends on budget (freedom or constraint), media choice and other resources. Job applicants are attracted by a strong employer band, organizational diversity policy, equal opportunities, flexible working including job share, home working, career break, training and development that leads to pride at being associated with the organization and will help motivate and retain good people. There are many methods of recruiting people in an organization. The organization could use the following steps or methods to bring HR talent which are described below on a priority basis.

E-recruitment (from own website): This is one of the best ways to recruit people in the organization through the company’s own website, so that any potential candidate may apply online at any time by simply accessing the website. It makes the process of finding candidates and new business opportunities quicker, cheaper and more efficient. The organization is able to effectively manage the candidate experience through more efficient processing and reporting. The recruitment system enables vacancies to be approved online and candidates to be screened for further process. The organization is enabling the creation of a pipeline of potential future candidates. It is one of the most cost effective nd popular method in today’s organization. The second way is to design separate recruitment website. However, this is more expensive than the first option but it can be actively promoted and is likely to reach more job seekers. The third method is by advertising jobs on specialist media sites including pop up messages on a commercial website such as, monster, step stone and so on.

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Head-Hunter: The next option employee recruitment for the organization is via a head-hunter. This method is expensive, however, it might be fruitful for the organization to bring the required skilled talented people.

Local Newspaper: The organization is quite popular locally and nationally, and the local newspaper might be useful for recruiting people. This is a relatively cost effective method as it reaches a large audience in a short space of Tim, often resulting in a significant amount of interest. According to CIPD survey of 2004, 87% of employers are using local newspapers for external recruitment.

Employer Referral Scheme: These schemes usually offer an incentive to existing employees to assist in the recruitment of family or friends. This organization could introduce a similar referral scheme to bring in more skilled people.


Employee resourcing and development are ongoing functions of an organization. The board should focused on various issues including re-training and development of employee recognition and rewarded, the psychological contract with employees should be restored. The Organization create a learning and development plan and introduce ‘on the job’ and off the job’ training that facilitates continuous improvements through competent well-trained employees. In addition, the action plan will support systematic ways to broaden employees skill and knowledge and organizational development through various learning and development methods. Lastly the recruitment nurturing strategy should encourage people to apply for the job by delivery of customized message to attract people. The changing nature of work and the workplace environment require a skilled, knowledgeable workforce that can not be simply acquired by advertisement. The organization could use different methods such as e-recruitment, head-hunter, local newspaper, employer engagement program and employer referral scheme, to bring in HR talent.

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