Human Evolution: Algae To Primate And Beyond

Human Evolution

We all live in a world where we do not know who we really are and where we came from. Many of us have an idea that we were formed from the monkey species but that is not quite true. As we examine where we come from we need to look at human evolution from the being of time where it all started. We are going to take a look at how humans were a long time ago when they were first sighted.

Evolution is said to begin when there seems to be an error when reproduction is being formed and a single cell may become different then its parents. mutant cells some times do not survive and the one’s that do are sometimes not an advantage for their parents when this happens and the mutant cell that survive may be able to compete with the population at hand and reproduce. The population that is most likely to mutate more would be a large population but to get to a large population mutation had to occur to make the large population and then they can start to reproduce to make other large populations. Mutation can only be able to work when a parent know how to defend their offspring and how to find resources such as food.

Algae which is a cell gets its energy from the sunlight while some other cells get their energy by eating other cells. Billions of years ago something happened to the algae cell which cause the cell to stick together with new cells that were forming and they became known as seaweeds. Every time a cell would divided it would change the mutation process and it would make the shape and size of the growing organism change as well, this process was said to contain DNA due to the fact that the cells would divide so much and change form. The first multi-celled animal started to appear about 600 million years ago they where small, flat, wormed like creatures that would absorbed algae through their outer body. Mutation later on gave way to the development of how food could be digest through the body and then passed out. The success of an animal would be needed by how well it could collect information about its surrounding.

Way before worms could become bigger some of them wanted to know how they could get oxygen and nutrients through their bodies some of them still feed on algae but the larger ones started feeding on the smaller worms for food which became the process of predators and prey. Animals who could crawl on sea floors where not as fast as animals who could swim to find their prey. These animals where easy at finding food and finding sexual partners which started to make the population grow larger and mutation started to occur more. Within a million years the predators became larger and smaller and would eat any animal that were smaller and could not defend their selves. The only animal who were lucky enough to get away would be the animals that could swim and the ones that had shells that they could hide inside of. Plants started to evolve 500 million years ago by anchoring their selves to the mud and once they did that they would branch out to get some sunlight. Plants and animals that lived near the water’s edge where always at danger because of drought. Eventually plants became weatherproof and started to grow strong and know how to hold their own weight. The first plant that could live on land only appeared 420 million years ago and once that happened they started to spread across the continents growing more plants. As the animals that use to live under water such as shells, crabs, sea scorpions started to evolve they started to come into land and became ants, beetles, spiders, and other insects. Some had even grown wrings and could fly within 50 million years.

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Animals that where use to being in the water had constant body temperature due to the fact that the water temperature never changes and always stay the same so it would be hard for them to live in place with change of temperature because they would become more slower. New mammals started to evolve that had legs that were beneath their bodies and they had better support with walking on land, they also could change their body temperature depending on what the temperature was they became the first mammal ancestors. They started to know how to go further out into long distance to get food and also they had fur on their bodies so that they could keep warm in cold temperatures. Dinosaurs came around 240 million years ago they could shift their body weight so that they could stand on two legs which made the faster then other four legged animals. Dinosaurs took out all the mammals from the land and claimed it as their own. Only a few mammal survived but they had to live in cold climate and could only come out at night to hunt for food. Animals are born with survival skills that they do not need their parents to teach them but instinctual patterns can take years to form. They are born with a extra layer of brain tissue that limits their behavioral skills with learned skills that they get from their environments. Larger animals meant larger brains but that meant that they needed more food so that they could get energy. As the mammals depend on their learning skills they got attached which made it hard for the young to leave their parents.

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There were many competition over food because food was the biggest thing that animals needed and the younger animals were to small to fight the strong and bigger animals and this led to a problem that if the younger animals could not eat then they would not be able to reproduce. They had also family groups that would fight other family groups for food. The extinction of dinosaurs happened 65 million years ago when a massive rock slammed into the earth destroying everything within a thousand mile radius. It made the volcano’s burst out in flame and dust that blocked the sun for months and since the sun was blocked there was no energy that could make the plants grow and bigger animals died because of lack of food. The only mammals that survived were the birds and really small animals. Some animals like living in the ground but most like living in trees because it kept them away from predators and gave them a rich diet. The ground animals needed to know how to walk as soon as they were born but not the tree dwellers they could cling to their mother as long as they wanted to on the trees because there mothers was able to hang on to the trees.

Some 7 million years ago many ape-like animals started leaving the trees and began living on grass covered plains. When they started spending more time traveling and walking they began to develop longer legs and the ability to walk upright. They created sharp objects that could be use to cut wood, meat, and bones and they also learned how to make a fire so that they could start cooking their food. The fact that there was a lot of competition going on between early humans make the development of the brain much larger. They were able to learn because of their curiosity so if one member of a group did something the others would want to do it to. The younger generation had a chance to do things in a new way as they got older. They started to turn the sound that they made into words and developed throat control to change their voice. The fact that they were improving in their speech made them want to learn more words and they were able to teach each other and learn from each other. Females changed to facilitating reproductions while males were more aggressive and physically strong. Both man and woman had sexual desires toward each other that made them emotionally attached and they were able to stay together and teach their young for the future. Since they improved in their speech they begin to tell each other stories and people who did wrong would be put to shame, they also developed different tribes that contained leadership, ownership, and sexual relationships. Many people felt forces around them which they later perceived them to be sprits and gods.

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They had languages, laws, and customs which evolved human culture instead of human brains. There were cultures that would go against other cultures and they would teach their young about their language and customs. There was a lot of ice age going on so many people decide to plant seed and let plants produce food. The first plant that grow was grass with large seeds such as barley, wheat, and rice. They were high in protein and did not need to be eaten quickly but would be kept for months and sometimes even years. They started to gather herds of wild animals which mostly contained sheep’s and goat’s. People no longer need to go hunting for food because they had their plants and animals as food resources. Bronze was discovered around 3000 BC and was used to make tools, weapons, and ornaments. Town grow into cities with marketplaces, courts, and temple which were lead by royal families who ruled the land and were protected by armies and soldiers carrying bronze weapons. People did not need to travel on feet anymore or carry their goods on their backs but used animals such as horses, donkeys, and camels to get where they wanted to go. When they developed the wheel towns started to build stone roads and bridges. Many people started doing trades to make money and they would keep record of it by using clay. They used clay to make a lot of things and it could be found all over the world. Wars were formed to gain wealth and power. People became skilled at writing and used it to develop new ideas and invasions.

Now that we have seen how human evolution works it makes you appreciate life and being a human being even more. The fact that we came from being insects to who we are today is a great accomplishment. So as you go on into the world you no longer have to say that you to not know how we humans evolved all you have to do and read this essay and you will get all the information about human evolution you may need.

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