Human Resource Management And Function

This report has been requested by Margaret McNaught. Report will describe the historical development of Human Resource Management and function of Human Resource Management.

2.0 Human resource management

Human resources management this is department of a business or organisation that deal with administration, management, benefits, safety and training of personnel.

“Human Resources Management can be defined as a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organisation’s most valued assets: the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives.”

Source: Book: Human resources management. Seventh edition. Author: Derek Torrington, Laura Hall, Stephen Taylor

3.0 Differences between Human Resources Management and Personnel Management

See Appendix 1

As we can see from the table Human Resources Management focuses on commitment of employees rather than compliance.

Human Resources management tends to be vital part of overall company function and Personnel Management is independent from organisation.

Personnel Management is mechanistic and bureaucratic it is different than Human Resources Management because they are flexible and more organic.

Another difference between Human resources management and personnel management is that HRM considered being active and PM stated to be proactive.

4.0 Four major stages

4.1 Social justice

Social justice was the start of personnel and it has grown to what we know as HRM and began in nineteenth century. There was two reformers one of them Lord Shaftesbury and second one Robert Owen. In early twentieth there were the progressive schemes of sick pay, unemployment benefits and subsidised housing.

4.2 Human bureaucracy

The second phase marked the beginnings of a move way from a sole focus on welfare towards the meeting of various other organisational objectives. Personnel managers started to expand odd jobs in the areas of staffing, organisation design and training. The main people which look at the administrative process and management were Frederic Taylor and Henri Fayol. A lot of people did not have satisfaction going to the work because they were controlled. They wanted to get as much money as possible. Time where focus on most efficient use of labour.

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4.3 Consent by negotiation

In 1950 and 1960 personnel functions grow. There was beginning for universities and they offer personnel courses. Industrial relations became key personnel role and people started strikes. Universities began offering personnel courses. Government set up the first specialist courses for employers in universities.

4.4 Organisation and integration

Personnel involved more in management of organisations rather than dealing with employee issues. In 1970s there was increasing in use of technology. It was beginning for computers, Video games, satellites, automobiles and Cassette types. Nowadays technology improved and people can easy buy new technology such as ipad, notebooks, laptops etc.

Employment of woman- they wanted more independence. It was a difference between women who has children and women without children. There was a huge amount of women which used to work if they had children. On the other hand, in western European countries the nature of women’s employment was different than men’s employment. A lot of women are in permanent full-time employment after the birth of a first baby.


5.0 Key functions of Human Resource Management

5.1 Human Resource planning

Human resources planning this are strategy that organizations require for different types of workers and their utilization, employee cost control, development, retention and supply to have these requirements.

5.2 Recruitment, selection, induction

Recruitment is a selection of appropriate and experienced people to apply for the job vacancy in the organisation and then company can obtain a group of experienced people and pay the lowest cost. Recruitment is primary responsibility of the human resources team.

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5.3 Employee relations

One of the important key is employee relationship. Human resources should make sure that all employees know each other well.

If there is conflict between employees and managers the employees can tell about that to human resources management to resolve this problem.

5.4 Pay and Reward

Pay and reward this is responsibility for human resource office.

Reward is the recompense which an employee receives from organisation for service.

5.5 Job design and evaluation

Job design they are arranging tasks duties and responsibilities into an organisational unit of work for the purpose of realization some objective. There are some job techniques such as job rotation, job enrichment, scientific technique, job enlargement and group technique.

5.6 Training and development

Training this is improvement for employees to perform the current job. They can get more qualification and have better skills and knowledge to carry out their responsibilities.

Development is distributed by giving knowledge, attitude and experience to undertake better and more difficult roles and tasks in the future.

5.7 Additional functions

There are more functions of human resources management such as motivation which means that human resource department conducts some activities for employees to get them together. Another one is implementing organizational policies it means that human resource management needs to make sure that the policies are implemented in a correct way.

6.0 Conclusion

It was evaluation of Human Resources Management.

7.0 Bibliography

Book: Human resources management.

Seventh edition

Author: Derek Torrington, Laura Hall, Stephen Taylor

Functions of Human Resource Management

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