Human Resource Management At Nokia Siemens Networks Management Essay

‘Human resource management is the effective use of human resources in order to enhance organizational performance’. ‘Human resource management’ was first used in United States of America in 1980.

Nokia Siemens Networks is the ‘leading communication service provider’ in the whole world. It completely presents a ‘portfolio’ of cell phone, ‘fixed and converged network technology’ also with network development, maintenance and networking facilities. Nokia Siemens Networks uses updated technology including ‘GSM, WCDMA/HSPA+ and LTE integrated with the NetAct network management system’. According to Hou Wenjun, manager of SUOPD (shanghai Unicom Optimization Department): ‘Network quality is very important in maintaining and acquiring subscribes. Nokia Siemens Networks NetAct Optimizer improves the performance of the whole network regardless of the vendor and the work efficiency has been improved a lot’. Nokia Siemens Networks maintains highly qualified management boards that always follow a very tactful and reliable planning for their very competitive business and are committed to meet the perfect requirements of each client.

1. Contribution of Human Resource Management to achieve the goal of business organization

To fulfill the target of any business organization Human resource management acts the main important thing by selecting good and fit employee, training them properly for their company and make good relationship between stuffs of them.

HRM activities

Human resource management is known as the driving factor of any business organization. Its function includes a large number of activities some of which are to recruit and prepare the best employee providing suitable training, to build strong relationship between employees of various sectors. Very important activities of HRM are given below:

Recruiting the best employee

The first step to recruit any employee for any business organization is to find out the type of employee it requires in terms of position and rank. Nokia Siemens Networks always follows the following principles to select any stuff

Nokia Siemens networks always uses easy, effective and clearly understood procedures for competitors.

Strictly maintains the equal opportunity to select employee.

Emphases on intelligence and ability of work.

Three main components of selecting any stuff of Nokia Siemens are deciding on

terms of appointment, choice of competitors and probation.

Training and Developing the performance

Training has two defining features and first of them is, any short coming, gap or problem that prevents an individual or organization achieving their objectives and it can be overcome or reduced through training and/or development. Training needs can arise at the organization, the activity, or the individual level. For our Purposes an organization means not only the whole company, but any department, section or team with its own objectives. Secondly, training evaluation is an analytical process of assessing the value of something. In the case of training, it focuses on whether the time and money spent on training have achieved acquired results.

Training and development is the way to increase practical experience and knowledge. It helps any candidate to achieve the best thing the company wants from him. Nokia Siemens Networking is the pioneer of any technical and updated training. Some of their aim approach are given here:

Trying to make any employee active and hard working

They supplied high training to fulfill the company’s aim

Tactful skill development

Maintain the records regularly of work performances

Easy and active style of learning

Distribute the duties among stuffs

Variation of training and development

1.1.3 Employee relationship

Nokia Siemens Networks is committed to build free frank and professional relationship between one employee with others and also improve relations between stuffs and human resource management actively. Some of the functions of Nokia Siemens Networks of employee and management are given here:

The relation of management-stuff is considered very regularly

Candidates are heartiest welcome for consulting

Imperfection matters can be resolved by taking better steps of consultancy

Business successes depend not only the works done by them but also depends on the relationship of employees of any business organization. Nokia Siemens Networks always takes this theme for their business strategy.

Effective management of human resource

Being an effective manager means knowing when to use the right management style. Some styles, for instance, are more people-oriented, while others tend to focus on a project or product. The management style you select will depend on your people’s skills and knowledge, available resources (like time and money), desired results, and, of course, the task before you.

Your job is to select the management style that works best for any given situation. Managing without a specific style geared to a specific set of circumstances can slow you down and even lead to costly mistakes.

Get your people to do their best work by using one or more of the following effective management styles:

Participatory Style 

Here, it is critical to give each employee an entire task to complete. If that’s not possible, make sure the individual knows and understands his or her part as it relates to the project or task. When people on your team know where they fit in the big picture, they’re more likely to be motivated to complete the task.

Take the time to explain the details and why their role is important. Get their input on the task and its significance. This will give them a sense of value, and hopefully, encourage them to take ownership of their piece of the project. Do your best to make sure your employees understand the tasks. Ask questions that might seem obvious; the asking alone will reinforce an employee’s understanding of the work.

Directing Style 

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Sometimes a situation will call for a direct style of management. Perhaps a tight deadline looms, or the project involves numerous employees and requires a top-down management approach. Here, a manager answers five questions for the employees: What? Where? How? Why? and When? Let them know what they need to do, how they’re going to do it, and when they must be finished.

This style may seem cold and impersonal, but you still have an opportunity to be a motivating and accessible manager. For example, when you assign roles and responsibilities, provide helpful tips or share experiences you encountered with a similar project. With this style, don’t be afraid to set specific standards and expectations. Your communication, therefore, must be detail-oriented, unambiguous, and free of buzzwords and jargon. You also need to set clear, short-term goals like, “Your goal is to complete three reports a day.”

Teamwork Style 

If you want to expedite a project and optimize a process for completing that project, managing by teamwork is the way to go. When you motivate people to pool their knowledge, the results may exceed your expectations. Often, teams can tackle problems more quickly than what you can accomplish on your own. The give-and-take can create a process that you can replicate in other projects.

Remember that successful teamwork depends on coordinated efforts among the staff, as well as solid communication skills. Reports must be clear and concise. Presentations must convey information that leaves nothing unanswered. Understanding logistics is critical, too. Probably most important, however, is your willingness to credit the team for its success and independence, rather than your savvy management skills.

HR models

Administrative and incremental models:

Simon’s (1960) administrative model of decision making aims to describe how managers actually make decisions in difficult situations, such as those characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity. Many management problems are unstructured and not suitable for the precise quantitative Analysis implied by the rational model. People rely heavily on their judgment to resolve such issues. Simon based the model on two central concepts bounded rationality and satisfying. Bounded rationality expresses the fact that people have mental limits, or boundaries, on how rational they can be. While organizations and their environments become increasingly complex and uncertain, people are only able to process a limited amount of the available information. This places boundaries on their ability to operate in the way envisaged by the rational model, which they deal with by satisfying. Satisfying means that decision makers choose the first solution that is ‘good enough’. While continuing to search for other options may eventually produce a better return, identifying and evaluating those costs more than the likely benefits. Suppose we are in a strange city and need coffee before a meeting. We will look for the first acceptable coffee shop that looks as if it will provide what we need. We have neither the time nor the knowledge to explore several alternatives for variety and price we satisfied by choosing one that looks good enough for the immediate problem. Ina similar fashion, managers generate alternatives for complex problems only until they find one they believe will work.

The administrative model focuses on the human and organizational factors that influence decisions. It is more realistic than the rational model for non-programmed, ambiguous decisions.


Guest’s HRM Model

According to David Guest’s (1989, 1997) model of HRM there are six dimensions of analysis which are: ‘HRM strategy’, ‘HRM practices’, ‘HRM outcomes’, ‘Behavior outcomes’, ‘Performance outcomes’, and ‘Financial outcomes’. This model describes the difference between the ‘HRM’ and ‘traditional personnel management’. It is considered as the ideal HRM model because of its ‘direct relationship with valued business consequences’. Guest has taken promise as ‘messy’ and it is very tough to setup relation between ‘commitment and high performance’.


Nokia Siemens Network has established the HRM model which is able to perform high performance and is providing the better facilities and services according to their commitment. Its business model has established such a relation between performance and facilities that it can be used for many multinational business organizations.

2. HR planning and Developments methods

Basis on demand and supply forecasting techniques to identify the further workforce necessity of any business organization HRM planning is much used. HR planning consists of six related activities which are: ‘demand forecasting’, ‘ supply forecasting’, ‘ determining human resource requirements’, ‘ productivity and cost analysis’, ‘action planning’, ‘human resource budgeting and control’.

(A hand book of Management Techniques, 3rd edition by Michael Armstrong.)

2.1 HR planning and Development of Nokia Siemens Networks

2.1.1 Alternative methods for delivering strategy:

Any strategy can be delivered in one of three ways – internal development, acquisition,

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Or through some form of alliance.

Internal development:

The organization delivers the strategy by expanding or redeploying relevant resources that

It has or can employ. This enables the organization to retain control of all aspects of the

development of new products or services. This is often considered important where the product

is highly technical in the design and manufacturing processes. Microsoft develops all its operating

systems (e.g. windows) in-house, rather than buying in the technology from outside. Pharma-

ceutical companies typically develop products in-house.

Internal development was also favoured by public service organizations in the 1990s. Many

local authorities in the united kingdom created in-house direct service organizations (DSOs) to

repair and maintain council buildings. Nowadays, DSOs are usually required to compete with

outside contractors. Similarly, many parts of local government and the civil service – for example

legal services and the stationery office – have been privatised. The present climate for public

services is not conducive to internal development. It is much more likely that attempts to meet

new or growing demands will involve some form of joint venture or alliance (see below).

Acquisition (and merger):

Acquisition is where one firm takes over another. This allows rapid entry into new product

or market areas and is a quick way of building market share. It is also used where the acqu-

iring company lacks the necessary in-house skills, technology or other resources. For example,

a company might be taken over for its expertise in research and development, its competences

in relation to a specific production system or business process or its knowledge of a local

market. Financial motives are often strong, particularly where there are opportunities to

increase cost efficiency. Mergers are often undertaken for similar reasons but are more

likely to come about by voluntary agreements than through contested takeover bids.

starting in the 1990s, there have been many mergers and acquisitions in the financial

services sector in the united kingdom. Some have taken place between smaller high

street institutions (e.g. the merger of the royal bank of Scoatland and Nat West) in order

to strengthen their position in a particular market, such as lending. They also achieve

economics by closing branches and merging administrative processes. Others have been

undertaken to extend the range of activities. Most merger and acquisition activity in the

banking sector has so far been on the domestic scale. However, in other industries such as

telecommunications the forces of globalization have been a wave of international acquisit-

ions and mergers. For example, Vodafone of the United Kingdom has made several acquisitions,

including the takeover of Germany’s Mannesmann in 2000 for pound 145bn, in its quest to

become the world’s largest mobile phone company.

One of the main problems with acquisition and merger is the difficulty in merging two different

Organizations with different cultures and ways of doing things. Combined organizations often

Face a long period of disruption as a common set of procedures and operations are put in place.

As long ago as 1996, Tom peters noted that ‘… the idea of

2.1.2 Easy and Effective training Method:

Training expert Stephen covey says small businesses can do many things to provide job related personal improvement without actually establishing expensive formal training programs. His suggestions include and Nokia also follows some of its suggestions which can be mentioned below as:

Provide a library of tapes and DVD for systematic, disciplined learning during Commute times

Encourage the sharing of best practices among associates

When possible, send people to special seminars and association meetings for Learning and networking

Create a learning ethic by having everyone teach each other what they are Learning


Training expert Stephen covey says small businesses can do many things to provide job related personal improvement without actually establishing expensive formal training programs. His suggestions include:

Offer to cover the tuition for special classes

Identify online training opportunities

Provide a library of tapes and DVD for systematic, disciplined learning during Commute times

Encourage the sharing of best practices among associates

When possible, send people to special seminars and association meetings for Learning and networking

Create a learning ethic by having everyone teach each other what they are Learning

2.2 The effectiveness of HRM to meet the Nokia Siemens Networks

There are much effectiveness of the organization and objectives

The availability of certain organizational resources

The participation and involvement of suppliers when required

Higher levels of internal and external decision-making authority

Effective team leadership

Greater effort put forth on team assignments.

Some objectives of organization

Make the organization responsible for a challenging assignment

Challenge team leaders to promote individual and organization effort

Allow teams to develop specific performance goals and objectives

Demonstrate executive commitment and support, particularly when providing critical organizational resources

Select team members with the right skills and professional preparation

Promote external supplier team participation

Use the performance evaluation and reward system to encourage member effort and commitment

Provide the sourcing team with internal and external decision making authority

3. Analyze of HR Performance

To increase the performance of any business organization ‘Human resource management’ acts as the main factor. HR should emphasize on four sectors:

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‘Employee influence’: Every employee should get chance to attain in decision making meeting ,

‘Human resource flow’: For the better performance of any organization transparent recruitment and appointment and sufficient training should be ensured,

‘Work systems’: For every sector of any business organizations should have proper work design and supervisory style,

‘Reward systems’: Better performance should always be encouraged providing suitable rewards.

3.1 HR performance

Human resource management always tries to meet the four main problems which are described briefly as:

Specify the numbers of stuff to be employed in new zone:

If any business organization increases the size of its working area it will need extra or underutilized employee. If it is not done employee may be in very mental and physical pressure and most of the cases it will be impossible to maintain the quality and supply the product in time. So some points arise here:

How the ‘interrelation between productivity, work organization and technological development’ improved?

What is the required number of stuff in any new area?

What process can be applied for establishing the better relation between stuff and manager?

Do you consider flexible work arrangements?

What type of stuff you really need?

Finding the best answer of these questions and taking the right decision according to these, performance of HRM can be justified.

Nokia Siemens Networks has a very active and powerful HRM team who are always ready to face any kinds of competitive and technological problem. This team strictly monitors the number of stuffs, working schedule and new stuff selection in any position.

Employee should be retained:

As technology is changing very rapidly and business software and business related matters are updating day by day so for the higher performance every highly skilled employee should be trained. Thus organization should:

Observe the way of resignation

Identify the causes for it

Determine what it is pricing the company

‘Compare loss rates’ with other same type company

Except the clear idea of any task, stuffs are unable to do better things which may be the causes of lose of the company. So considering the rank and position, ‘age’ and ‘gender’ and also considering the training cost every employee should be retained to run the business smoothly and it is an important responsibility of HRM.

Nokia Siemens Networks always tries to provide best services with least cost. This team observes and identifies the updated technology and provides it to its valuable clients.

‘Managing an effective downsizing program’:

It is a very familiar ‘issue’ for HRM. HRM always do anything for long time performance of any company considering the best interest. HRM does some essential duties ‘because of business necessities and employee anxieties’. So the followings should be considered:

‘the sort of workforce envisaged at the end of the exercise’

To select the best ways to solve any problem

Find out the reason of ‘wastage’ which may affect the company

Usefulness of ‘retraining’, and ‘redevelopment’

Select the best ‘recruitment’ process

This kind of ‘analysis’ can be submitted to learned and ‘senior managers’ because of the decision making and also to help to fulfill the target on time.

HRM of Nokia Siemens Networks find out the best ways to solve any problem, train any employee in time if required and also select the best process of recruitment.

Must select the next manager:

The accurate process of stuff selection, ‘deployment’ and ‘severance policies’ should be ensured to fulfill the company requirements. Otherwise expenditures will increase and many ‘haphazard and inconsistent’ matters can be arisen. So to select the next manager, HRM should consider the following reasons:

The continued ‘career system’

Identify the categories and criteria of the upper positions employee

Any vacancy position should be appointed quickly

Accurate number of employee should be selected

So to run any competitive and faster business, next manager should be selected with very care because of the future of the company.

Selection of next manager and management are appointed according to brilliancy, work performance and also considering the experience in the Nokia Siemens Networks.

3.2 Suggestion

Newer technology, updated communication system, competitive marketing strategy is the main key factor of successive business. This company knows how to empower their stuff, invent creative formula, supply with care and provide their clients. They are ready to receive, consider and perform any facilities. Its main focus is to provide services simpler for each client.

It provides the best networking services no doubt but their services are mainly Telecommunication Company based which is a barrier for general client to feel the real services. They maintain large company which should be divided in sub companies to deliver the best facilities. The mainly provide facilities in the developed and high tech countries which is a discrimination for the underdeveloped countries. So its services should be increase in the underdeveloped countries with cheaper cost to help them to join in the way of high technology.


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