Human Resource Management Is A Shared Function

In the whole Task, is talking about the Human Resource Management running in Marks Spencers company. The Human Resource Management function developed as a result of the industrial revolution which began in the United Kingdom and quickly spread to Europe and the United States of America. Human Resource Management is defining as a development and implementation of system in an organization designed to attract, develop and retain a high performing workforce.

Human Resource Management is importance in a company because in an organization need a well-managed workforce to achieve their goals. The importance of Human Resource Management that adapt into M&S that are in the case of M&S, it can be seen that the company deliberately set out to change the basis on which it competed by reinventing itself as a service-based organization.

Human resource management is a shared function. Some of the related tasks are implemented by human resources specialist while others are undertaken by managers, especially heads of departments. To avoid conflict between line managers and human resource specialist clear guidelines should be drawn up so that each party knows its responsibilities and authority.

However, Human resource management position may be general or specific. General position requires the job holder to multi task and carries out a variety of human resource related functions. Specialized job may allow the job holder to focus on one human resource function at a time, perhaps recruitment or training or even safety and health.

In many organizations, human resource department are responsible for a number of functions. These functions are properly categorized under corporate administration as they are not directly related to the management of the employees in the organization.

2.0 Introduction to Task 1(Question 1)

The definition of Human Resource Management is to retain people to implementing the system and develop the system to attract people. Human Resource Management is also a function within an organization that focuses on recruitment and management. The objective of the Human Resource Management is the goals to which individual or in group activity in an organization. The importance of Human resource management is an organization need a well manage workforce to achieve the goal. In every company need a human resource department to hire employees to the company. Human resource management is very importance because it can help a company to hire people and easy to know the entire employee in a very details way.

2.1 Task 1 (Question 1)

Managing People are dealing with the change that tend to be an inborn, with some people that are having greater of capacity of others people. However, there have few ways of skills of managing change can learn. The first ways that the skills of managing change is to spend the time of reflecting your own core values and own mission in life. This means that it is a purpose of essential to successes and with effectiveness to do the rights things. However, those who are without any idea for what they are doing and what they should do and it will not have the foundation to face in the change.

Being persistent is also the where of the skills of Managing People. To be success it is the way to be more tenacity that what you are thinking. It is only show that you are clarified values and to be able to build out the bedrock of purpose and finding a new and creative ways to achieve more positive outcomes in the organization. Think outside the box is also the way of managing change. Think outside the box are mean that you’re thinking should be more positive and more creative that think how to face in change.

The definition of Human Resource Management is to retain people to implementing the system and develop the system to attract people. Human Resource Management is also a function within an organization that focuses on recruitment and management. The objective of the Human Resource Management is the goals to which individual or in group activity in an organization.

The objective of Human Resource Management is the following, to create and to exploit an able motivated workforce and to complete the basic organization goal. To set up and to preserve the sound organizational structure and desirable working relationship within all the member of the organization.

To be more security and to conform of individual or groups within the organization by co-ordination of the individual and group goals with those of the organization. To verify and content individual and group needs by providing suitable and impartial wages, and to encourage employee benefits and social security and measures for challenging work.

Therefore, to create facilities and opportunities for individual or group development so as to match it with the growth of the organization.To provide fair, acceptable and efficient leadership.To maintain high employees morale and sound human relations by sustaining and improving the various conditions and facilities.

2.1.1 Question 2

The importance of Human Resource Management that adapt into M&S that are in the case of M&S, it can be seen that the company deliberately set out to change the basis on which it competed by reinventing itself as a service-based organization. People are being required to reconsider their attitudes towards how work is performed and their attitudes to their counterparts externally.

Whatever form it takes, it is to be successful. Therefore, M&S have to make people fully aware of the pressure for such change during the trading period, giving them an on-going feedback on the performance and areas of activity within the organization, and understanding staff’s fears and concerns. To become more flexible M&S decided to apply a more horizontal management organization style. Through a clear leadership role of appointed heads of business units.

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However, effective of Human Resource Management is seen necessarily to involve a focus upon fostering employee motivation, commitment and development. It is an approach that acknowledges the importance of Human Resource Management to the aims of the business, whilst reflecting attempts by management to create a work environment that emphasizes employee development.

2.1.2 Conclusion to Task 1

In my conclusion, I think human resource is a good department and it is very importance in a company. Every company needs human resource management to manage the organization to achieve the goal. Human resource management teaches us how to manage people in a company and in an organization. In this task, I have learn the importance of human resource and how the human resource department running in a company.

3.0 Introduction to Task 2

In task 2, there are talking about the flatter organization structure, the flexibility of workplace in M&S and the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the flexibility of workplace. An organizational structure in which most middle-management levels and their functions have been remove, thus bringing the top management in direct contact with the frontline promoter, shop floor employees, and customers. However, no matter there are tolerant, flat organizations can benefit from most of the advantages enjoyed by small companies, such as faster response time to change the conditions and customer preferences.

3.1 Task 2 (Question 1)

The definition of the flatter organization structure is an organizational structure in which most middle-management levels and their functions have been remove, thus bringing the top management in direct contact with the frontline promoter, shop floor employees, and customers. However, no matter there are tolerant, flat organizations can benefit from most of the advantages enjoyed by small companies, such as faster response time to change the conditions and customer preferences.

In M&S the flexibility of the workplace there is provide a range of options for the employee to choose in flexible working, be it part-time work, job sharing or term-time working. Therefore, M&S also always give support for staff wishing to study or to take a complete break with the career break plan of up to nine months’ unpaid leave. The benefit of the model of flexibility is the flexibility exercises, whether motionless or dynamic condition, are important for maintaining the best range of motion in joints.

The dynamic flexibility of the workplace offer the exercise benefit of letting jointly move through all range of movement which will make the employees have a perfect warming up before the physical activity. For the flexible exercise are use to increase to the maximum range of motion of joints. This activity is good for all the employees to make sure that the company is arranging a good activity. This activity is providing to all member in the company and hope the employees would not get bored in their job.

Therefore, the flexibility for the employee that can offer the employee that a better work life balances is to being able to meet both work and personal commitments. Reduced travelling time and cost, increased sense of control leading to increased sense of well-being, have a greater job satisfaction and a happier person all round. Being able to remain in the workforce longer, and greater loyalty, trust and respect towards employers.

3.1.1 Question 2

Workplace flexibility are implemented effectively business to creates benefits to all employees and employers. This all benefits will implement for all of the employees and employers in the company. Therefore, the flexibility for the employee and employer can give the employee a better work life. So that the employee can be able to meet the work and commitment. However, reduce all the travelling time and cost so that can increase the sense of control leading. To make sure that the entire employee have a greater job satisfaction, make sure they are working happy with others people to remain their workforce longer, loyalty, trust and respect each other towards employers.

In the workplace flexibility policy, there are provide a framework for an organization is to deliver its commitment and set the right and responsibility. However, the flexibility policy is a document describing the rights and responsibility of the employees and employers. In relation with the flexible work arrangement.

The advantages of the flexibility on the workplace are include, there must have a schedule is easy to arrange your time table workday around the personal obligations. For an example, instead with the working hours that company had given are 8a.m to 5p.m shift, you can choose to work 7a.m to 4p.m and you can use the extra hours for appointment or others personal matter. Addison Simmons quote that, “According by the Human Resource Department at Northern Arizona University, others benefits of a flexible schedule are include that increase the productivity and satisfaction of the employee.”

The disadvantages of the flexibility of work place are the downside to a flexible schedule is the responsibility for time management is more pressing. The supervisor will consider all the implication. Although there are many employees in the company, if the employee didn’t give up their team work, there will not be success. Some of the employees that work with the inconsistent schedule and cannot spend much time in collaboration with others co-workers. For a very huge company, every employee for the collaboration may only work for few hours a day. However, when working at the office with the flexible hours, but difficulties also can arise.

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3.1.2 Conclusion to Task 2

In this conclusion, I have learned that the flexibility of workplace. The flexibility of workplace are good for employees because they can be more concentrate in their work even they din have the workforce to work longer for the company. I think this is work for every company, because every staff can enjoy with their work and work satisfaction in the company.

4.0 Introduction to Task 3

In Task 3, there is talking about the mainly women and culture in M&S. The culture in M&S is mean that the company should have to care about the culture and must to take more attention for this. Culture is a very important things in the world, every nation have their own culture. Like Chinese, Malay and Indian, also have their own culture. System designed to manage employee performance rely on effective recruitment and selection. No performance management system can assist workers to do a good job if the employee is not suitable for the positions to which they are assigned. To protect M&S of business against workplace discrimination claim are using the employee act to protect. For an example, the company can use The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; in this article The Pennsylvania Human Relations to protect M&S.

4.1 Task 3 (Question 1)

For Task 3, the definition of managing employee performance and performance appraisal is mean the employee performance management system. Employee performance management system is mean that a system design by Human Resource Management in order to ensure that the work done carry down by the employee to achieve organization goal and also to help them to improve their performance.

There are many cultures in M&S Company. In M&S there are sell different types of culture’s things. M&S is a very great Company, it sells many things, and it has it product itself. Therefore, the opportunities of M&S, you might be very surprised of the scope and scale of the opportunities offer on M&S. Marks & Spencer have a range of roles at the Head Office in London and they also have positions in our Shared Services team (based in Manchester), who provide human resources and finance services support to the entire Marks & Spencer group.

The culture and value of Marks and Spencer has sat of company values that the employee should bear in mind during the application process during any future employment with the company. The quality to guarantee that Mark & Spencer sell good quality product and have provide good customer service.However, the management of Mark & Spencer uses SWOT analysis to provide equal opportunities within the workplace. SWOT is mean that it measure the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats.

The strength of M&S is the succession of their employee attention in details in terms of supplier control, store layout and others. The success of M&S are often understand their customers need and want and provide high quality products and they are also having the best supplier in hand. The weakness for the company is the stock of clothing with wide appeal to public. Opportunities for the company have a wide range of opportunities to expand the brand globally and also have the opportunities to consider more overseas supplier. While, the threats of M&S is they have the strong competition with gap, who offering similarly products.

4.1.1 Question 2

The threat of discrimination claims has become a basic part of the landscape for businesses both small and large. Particularly since Anita Hill became a household name, many if not most personnel decisions pose at least some risk of being construed, or misconstrued, as evidencing an employer’s intent to illegally discriminate against one or more employees. M&S is a big company that have created a discrimination-free workplace, but one complaint from a disgruntled employee could end with the company facing stiff legal and financial penalties, bad publicity, low employee morale and much more. The government prohibits many types of workplace discrimination-not just discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Therefore, there are some employment act that can protect the discrimination claims. The few various laws:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; in this article The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, generally prohibit an employer from discriminating against an employee in hiring, firing, tenure and the terms, conditions and privileges of employment on the basis of race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age (defined to include persons between the ages of 40 and 70), sex or national origin.

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) protects men and women who perform substantially equal work in the same establishment from sex-based wage discrimination; The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older.

Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA), prohibits employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in the private sector, and in state and local governments; However, ADA claims involve considerations very different from race and gender-based discrimination, and are beyond the scope of this article.

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4.1.2 Conclusion to Task 3

In this conclusion, I have know that, Employee performance management system is mean that a system design by Human Resource Management in order to ensure that the work done carry down by the employee to achieve organization goal and also to help them to improve their performance. The employee act for the company is very important. Every company needs it.

5.0 Introduction to Task 4

In Task 4, there are talking about the practice of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management has implemented the flexibility of the workplace in M&S. human resource management development and implementation of system in an organization designed to attract more customers to retain high performing workforce.

5.1 Task 4(Question 1)

The above scenario that Human Resources Management that can be best implemented that are flexibility on the workplace of M&S. In M&S the flexibility of the workplace there is offer a range of options for flexible working, be it part-time work, job sharing or term-time working. We also offer support for staff wishing to study or to take a complete break with our career break scheme of up to nine months’ unpaid leave. The benefit of the model of flexibility is the flexibility exercises, whether static or dynamic, are important for maintaining optimal range of motion in joints.

Empowerment is a management practice of sharing information, rewards and power with employees so that they can take their initiative and make decision to solve problems and improve service and the performance. Empowerment also are base on the idea that giving by the employees skill, resources, authority, opportunity, motivation as well as holding the responsible for outcomes of their action.

The flatter organizational structure also is based on the scenario of Human Resource Management practice. There are the few advantages of the flatter organizational structure. Flatter organizational structure is less costly because it has only few managers in the company. There have quick decision and actions can be taken because it has only few level of management. However, there are also fast and clear communication is possible among those few levels management. It subordinates are free from close and strict supervision and control.

The disadvantages of flatter organizational structure are, there are chances of loose control because there are many subordinates under one manager. The discipline in the organization may be bad due to lose control, and the relations between the superiors and subordinates may be bad. If there are close and informal relations may not be possible. There will be many problems of a team work because there have many subordinates under one manager. Sometimes flatter organizational structure has to create problems of coordination between various subordinates. Therefore, efficient and experienced superiors are required to manage a large number of subordinates. At last, the quality of the performance may be bad.

5.1.1 Question 2

After the implementation of the Human Resource Management, there must have the job description in the performance. The organization must provide good performance. So that the performance itself should have to know about the performance standard. A sample performance standard for an executive assistant is: Record and transcribe minutes and disseminate copies to the board of directors within two weeks after each meeting. According to Ruth Mayhew 2012 ” Performance management is a workplace program that helps employees understand their job duties and their employer’s expectations”. The executive assistant is exceeding expectations by distributing copies within a week; however, if directors receive copies of minutes a month later, the employee is not meeting the job expectations. For rating purposes during an annual evaluation, managers compare the employee’s actual performance to the performance standards.

However, there will be a training to train a leader, manager or supervisor to lead a group of people in the organization. Therefore, Training supervisors and managers how to control performance appraisals is another functional responsibility of the human resources department is a training specialist develops the learning objectives to make the company more successful.

5.1.2 Conclusion to Task 4

In this conclusion, I have learned the flexibility of workplace. The flexibility of workplace are good for employees because they can be more concentrate in their work even they din have the workforce to work longer for the company. I think this is work for every company, because every staff can enjoy with their work and work satisfaction in the company.

6.0 Conclusion

In my conclusion, I think human resource is a good department and it is very importance in a company. Human resource management teaches us how to manage people in a company and in an organization. I have learn the importance of human resource and how the human resource department running in a company. In task 2, I have learned the flexibility of workplace. The flexibility of workplace are good for employees because they can be more concentrate in their work even they din have the workforce to work longer for the company. I think this is work for every company, because every staff can enjoy with their work and work satisfaction in the company.

I have know that, Employee performance management system is mean that a system design by Human Resource Management in order to ensure that the work done carry down by the employee to achieve organization goal and also to help them to improve their performance. The employee act for the company is very important. Every company needs it.

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