Human Resource Management: Recruitment And Selection

Recruitment and Selection


Human resource management plays a critical role for recruitment and selection. Recruitment and selection is a compound function which includes the attainment of work force, enhancing their skills, and rewarding their efforts. In order to perform the job of recruitment and selection effectively specialized department of human resource management is established in every well known organization. As Line manager remained involve in the process of recruitment and selection by non specialist decision in the organization who assigns this job to the line managers. Certain specialized job does justify discrimination as special jobs of gender nature where it suits to employee according to the gender matching.

Consultation between line managers and the HR manager

Consultation of the line manager with the HR managers is mandatory for the effective functioning of the recruitment and selection in the best interest of the organizations; resulting in the competitive and right work force for the right task to be performed; in order to achieve the organizational objectives. Consultant hire to provide the legal requirements will serve as outsource entity to assist the HR manager in the legal matters to avoid any discrepancy that may organization face in future. Consultant manages the required legal knowledge and skills which are vital orientation of their concerned area of specialty.

According to Bratton and Gold (2007, p.239) Recruitment is the procedure of developing a team of proficient group to relate for the task they are supposed to perform for the organization to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Selection is the decision taken by HR manager as a formal specific action to decide for available resource of candidates that gain a job position available in the organization.

Specific skills and abilities are required to perform the two resembling functions although appear apparently same but have differences in nature termed as Recruitment and selection.

Accurate Recruitment and selection is necessary for the organization to be effective in its output as the responsibilities assigned to enable person and resulting in transforming the input into the output through the procedure defined for the position by the organization. And on other hand if the right Recruitment and selection is not achieved that may result for the management to take corrective actions and re-train the non competent resource that will utilize precious time and fiscal assets of the organization to shape this pool into useful pool. Feed back of the clients and customer satisfaction is enhanced with the right Recruitment and selection of the competent employees for the organization.

Organization is always interested in achieving competitive advantage over the competitors in one or the other way. As technology investment and infrastructure environment development areas of the organization are saturated to enriched; yet still development of the competitive skilled highly performance oriented work force always serves as an opportunity to grasp. Work psychology has a significant influence on the way people are recruited into jobs, through rigorous development and evaluation of personnel selection procedures (Arnold, 2005).

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Synchronized environment and Recruitment and selection

Organization is concerned with the high turn over ratio and is focusing to retain the skilled employee rather new recruitment and selection. Achieving this purpose management provide conducive environment and opportunity for performing at the best ability level they possessed.

Avoiding the age discrimination in the Recruitment and selection

Appointment of the employee is linked with the advertisement of the post in solicited case and application forms short listing and testing the skills and interviewing the potential candidates to judge the abilities of the applicant is the step wise procedure; adopted for this purpose. To minimize the age discrimination the management should not put constraints for the applicant regarding the age factor as a barrier with exception in certain cases such as forces. Question regarding the age should not be asked to avoid age discrimination if the responsibilities of the appointment allows as certain types of experiences; lead for better emotional controlled with certain age limits. The government in legal issues in 2002 updated the code of practice employment which is based on the skills and abilities and not on the preference of the age.

Department of work and pension (2003) age diversity at work, a practical guide for business. A policy audit can be a useful practice in order to cope up with factor of the aging discrimination in the organization (McNair, 2004)

Perception leading to bias approach for Recruitment and selection rhetoric

Being the human every one enjoys receiving, organizing and interpreting certain opinion based on a single characteristics belonging to a certain group of community can lead to a decision stimulating factor for the HR manger about selection of candidates on personal liking and disliking for that fraction of community (Rollinson, 2008).

The excellence of the perception plays a pivotal important role on our reaction to a particular situation where decision is being reached. Often HR manger feel long lasting impression for the very early responses of the candidate exhibited; one should apply balance approach in whole procedure of recruitment and selection rather taking one particular answer on a particular question.

Opportunities for all

This is very common statement describing the policy for providing an equal chance regardless of the gender, age, ethnic minorities and disability discrimination. Various segments of t he society are provided with an equal chances on the basis of the abilities, skills and competency. Ethnic minorities play an important role in development of the society at all levels. The role of the one over other will discriminate so it must be avoided. Religious festivals and ceremonies are celebrated and must be entertained in the organization and one candidate never should be rejected or accepted based on role ethnic minority. Whole world accepted the achievements of the women in all professional appointments and the understanding and reposing according to the situations ,decision making all the roles at all level are well understood and played by the women’s as efficiently as by the men. So there must not be any discrimination for women.

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HR management is shaky and deeply fretful for the immigrants in employment for the organization of classified nature especially in scientific research organization. Beside the immigrant status condition for the long term employment contracts is also a discrimination causing factor applied by the management. It is noticed that screening of the candidates showing the unemployment history signals is made and such candidates have very slim chances of the success.

Civil society role

A large number of the small firms practice contracts with the candidates before employment offer informal contracts. Certain constraints are put in the legal cover for the employer in future to avoid for any claim by the employees without the will of the management.

An objective explanation exists for treating certain group in another way this has to be a balanced way of achieving a legitimate intends. A legitimate aim must be in contact with genuine necessities on the part of the company. In the case of economic factors companies need health and safety consideration the particular preparation requirements of the profession.

Staged approach Recruitment and selection

Need recognition for the vacant post to be filled in the organization is the first step of interconnected procedure of the resource cycle. Last stage is the candidates hand on working process and performance for achieving the target set for employee by the management at a minimum satisfactory level; that is delivered according to the expectation. Exchange of the required needs for the win-win situation of employees and employer is ensured at this level. Attracting the potential employees is vital in recruitment and selection because many candidates apply for a post and selection team has many choices to select among many candidates. If the management only receives limited candidates contesting choices will be very small and the selector has to select one from the available pool. There is no limit it should be reasonable number of the candidates according to situation job requirements and other factors. Last stage of the process is the selection of the most suitable candidate on the basis of the meritorious parameters based upon the evaluation criteria (Third Report, 2008).

HR professionals evolved in the recruitment and selection are responsible for increasing the ethical standards of the organization. The more and more ethically strong pool of the employment selected for the performing the role of the assigned job the ethical values of the organization will increase accordingly ( All the recruitment and selection must be ensured ethically and legally justified and according to the described policies of the organization and in the wider interest of the organization. Individual manner and elevated standard of the professional should be achieved. Selection and recruitment of the employees should bring such people who maintain the secrecy of the organization in all scenarios.

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Legal requirements

Birkbeck’s employment guiding opinion is planned to cover up our common move toward staffing and selection. This policy also considers the guidelines recommended by applicable Codes of put into practice from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS). It is not the mandatory legislative requirement that does not refer to bounded rules or regulation of proceedings. The legislative issues associated with Recruitment and selection are mainly as given under: constitutional nature, rather this surveillance could be considered in employment tribunal unjust discrimination: The Sex Discrimination Act 1975; The Race Relations Act 1976, The Disability Discrimination Act 1995; The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, and The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003.

Worst discrimination happens when a specific applicant accepted or rejected on the basis of the ethnic association. Certain indirect mode of discrimination is also observed to set a barrier such as high proficiency in languages

Data Protection Act 1998

Data Protection Act 1998 is important and it permits getting information about the selection history individual details if these are objectively concerning to the vacancy position (Data Protection Act, 1998).

The Asylum and Immigration Act 1996

This Act obliges organization’s to make certain that only legal allowed personals can be appointed against a post who have legal rights to stay and work (Prakash, 2000).

Monitoring Recruitment and selection

The whole process of Recruitment and selection is kept in record and this is ongoing procedure till the completion of the job. One of the key monitoring is the recruitment in the organization and other is composition of the work force (Gareth, 2004).

Quantitative targeting means setting a lower limit of recruitment and selection. Numbers seek for possibly go over. This obviously results into a procedure of action-planning for getting preferred model of the University of Bradford. Quotas are not allowed in the law. Quotas require that a fixed number out of the total available positions are reserved for specific segment to be posted against those seats.

Conclusion: In this paper the important aspects of the recruitment and selections are discussed with theories and approaches. It is too evaluated that ethical and legal principles can improve the recruitment and selection process. The UK laws acts are also included in this paper to elaborate the importance of fair recruitment and selection processes. Ethical and legal aspects of recruitment and selection are focused to be kept during the selection and recruitment process.

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