Human resources management in the company Mobilink


HRM plays an important role in the success of any organization. This assignment concerns the practices of HR Manager inside the organization. In this assignment we have discussed personnel management and human resource management and their historical development and changing context in which they operate. Then we had generally discuss the roles and tasks of HR Manager that how he/she would perform his/her functions. After then we have discussed the line manager roles in HR practices in collaboration with human resource manager. Then we have practically discuss how the concept of HRM and PM concepts applied in the organization and also discuss the human resource manager and line manager work with each other to perform HR functions and taken MOBILINK as our studied organization. Finally we have evaluated how HR manager is performing in MOBILINK against ideal situation. Then we have given our conclusion and recommendations to the MOBILINK so that they can perform better human resource practices

P1: Distinguish between ‘personnel management’ and ‘human resource management’ and discuss the historical development and changing context in which they operate? 

 Personnel Management: –  

Personnel management is basically an administrative record performance at operational level. Personnel management attempt to keep fair terms and conditions of employment while at the same time competently managing personnel activities for individual department and the activities which result ultimately in achieving organizational success.

Human Resource Management:-

Human Resource Management is concerned with carrying out the similar functional activities predictably performed by the personnel function such as Human Resource Planning Job analysis recruitment and selection employee relations performance management employee appraisal compensation management training and development but it executes these functions in a qualitatively distinct way as compared with personnel management.

History of Human Resource Management:- 

The concept and name of human resource management has been distorted many times throughout the history. The changes were regularly because to the change in social and economic activities throughout the history. Human resource management came to birth when industrial revolution obtain place in the year 1833 then the industrialist incepted to increase their production and they raised the burden of work on the employees by having 60 hours a week. The employees became fed up of this incident and they took decision among themselves to find out the solution for this trouble. After this workers were trailing interest in their work and they separated in different groups and all this caused less production. The industrialists came to know this they spread untidily to satisfy the workers but however the workers were not glad with that and formed their “Trade Union”. Now the industrialists gave complete authority to one manager. In spite of this the problems stay constant because the manager was not able to handle their problems then the workers went to strike for their rights.  This led to the pattern of personnel management. PM was working only when clashes arise. PM was dealing on bargaining so this system also failed to stimulate the employees in addition PM was not clever to take full control of it.

The mixture of wartime production demands government wage price controls and require to negotiate cooperative agreements forced many corporations to expand their personnel staffs and control their HR practices. Such basic HR practices as job categorization systems hiring standards uniform pay grades and written disciplinary procedures were developed for the first time by many companies.  

An additional early supporter to HRM was called the human relations movement. Two researchers Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger integrated human factors into work. This association began as a result of a series of studies conducted at the Hawthorne facility of Western Electric in Chicago stuck between 1924 and 1933. The reason of the study was to terminate the effects of clarification on workers and their output. The studies keen out the consequence of the social interaction and work group on output and satisfaction. The human relations movement ultimately around the mind 1960s became a branch and a contributor to the field of organizational behavior because of this improvement all the industrialists and peoples came to know that human beings are the most important assets of an organization.  

HRM gets more into practice as people are admitted from HRD and HR practices and these departments are fulfilling all the necessities of the employees are managing all human resource and are giving full rights to every one. Now in all successful associations there are HRM departments

Changing from Personnel Management to HRM

The more and more major role of HRM is replicated in the transformation of the personnel management reason from one of focused on employee welfare to one of managing people in a way which contests organizational and individual goals and providing employees with intrinsic and extrinsic reward. For that reason today Human Resource Management is in the past known as personal management which deals with official system for the executive of the people within an organization. Many well known businesses report that they are trying to alter their workforce into a source of completive advantage. 

Different Stages of shifting from Personnel Management to HRM:

Primary stage: Human Resource Management earlier responds in an even way to problems as they occur. Effectual HRM seeks to link HRM issues to the largely strategy of the firm with the most effective HRM policies and practices included into such corporate policies and strategies to strengthen or transform an organization’s culture. Integration is vital in two senses

Integrate HRM issues in an organization’s strategic planning (a) securing the acceptance and addition of a HRM view in the decisions of line managers. The HRM policy in worth of the various functions for example training and recruitment etc should be internally reliable. They have also been steady with the business strategies and should reflect the organization’s core values. 

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next stage: Structure powerful cultures is a mode of promoting demanding organizational goals in that a strong culture is planned at uniting employees through a shared set of administratively authorized standards such as excellence  service and innovation etc. suppose the acknowledgment of employee and employer interests.

Though there can be concerned between a strong organizational culture and the need to transform situations and to be elastic particularly in the extremely competitive and fast changing environment in which employers have to work on daily basis. Quick change demanded by the market is occasionally tough in an organization with a strong culture. 

Third stage: the state of mind that people are an inconsistent cost is in effectual HRM which is replaced by the sight that people are a resource and that as community capital it can be urbanized and can add to competitive advantage. Generally it is accepted that competitive advantage is expanded through well educated and trained motivated and committed employees at all levels. This recognition is now approximately considered worldwide and imperative of management training and growth are the middle pillars of HRM.  

Fourth stage: the outlook that the interests of employees and management or shareholders are diverse and confliction though very much true in the past as organization which practices effective HRM seeks to order and promote a commonality of interests. important examples are training which improves employment security and high earning aptitude for employees while at the same time mounting the employee’s value to the enterprise’s goals of healthier productivity and performance pay systems which boost earnings without important labor cost increases and which at the same time approve higher performance levels goal setting through two way communication which creates joined goals and objectives and which provides basic rewards to the employee through a participatory procedures. 

Fifth stage: downward communication fixed with restricted information flow to keep power within the control of management give a way for sharing of information and knowledge. This modified facilitates the creation of faith and dedication and makes knowledge more fruitful. Control from the top is in victorious HRM being replaced by increasing employee contribution and policies the ways in which the larger Japanese ventures have installed participatory schemes and launch information distribution and two way communication systems are informative in this view. In enterprises that tend to have company missions and where there are fundamental values that form their corporate culture HRM becomes a part of the strategy to attain their objectives. In some types of endeavors such as one in which permanent technological change takes place the goal of profitably managing change at short intervals often requires employee collaboration through emphasis on communication and involvement.

In short technical and capital investment is matched by human resource investments at times reaching near the standards of human resource management.

Changing of personnel management to HRM took place in three stages: 


a) Records and Administration

b) Accountability Regulations

c) Competitive Advantage

a) Records and Administration

In first stage the key activities which were taken out by personnel department were plan Company picnics setting up vacations enroll workers for health are exposure planning retirement parties increase assorted workforce and contain health care cost.

b) Accountability Regulations

During this segment most key framework of rules and regulations started growing in the company. In 1970s the duty of the HR manger was to maintain their organizations out of court. In the 1980s HR mangers had to address staffing costs linked to mergers and acquisition and downsize.  The economic matters connected to an increasingly worldwide and completive workplace characterize the 1990s.

c) Competitive Advantage

The aim of this period is from just protecting fulfillment to the more determined one of winning promise. The employee resources therefore turn into worth investing in and training and development thus assume a top profile. These initiatives are linked with or even predicated upon a propensity to shift from a collective orientation to the management of the workforce to a distinctive one.  

P 2: – Assess the role tasks and activities of the human resource practitioner

Human resource management plays a vital role in the success of every organization. Human resource management is concerned with the development and implementation of human resource strategies which are integrated with corporate strategies to ensure that the culture values structure of the organization quality motivation and commitment of its members contribute fully for the achievement of organizational goals. In big organizations it plays a very important and positive role in its success however it is difficult to deal with all the activities. HRM makes the quality of work life desirable in the organization. 


HR manager plays an important role in developing and maintaining polices.

HR manager should motivate employees to make them fruitful for the organization.

HR manager should conduct recruitment process effectively and efficiently, so that the skillful people could hire for the organization.

HR manger is responsible for increasing the skills of the employees to make their performance better.

HR manager should make the standards of performance so that the employee’s performance can be judged.

HR is responsible to make a good environment in which the employees can work effectively and efficiently.

HR manager should keep aware the employees about new policies of the organization and guide them.

HR manager should develop a leading edge for the effective management of the people to maintain competitive advantage.

Read also  Human resource policies

HR manager should recommend the strategic direction for employees and ensure its implementation.

HR manager should co-ordinate the design, implementation and administration of human resource policies and activities to ensure the availability and effective utilization of human resources for meeting the company’s objectives.

An Ideal HR Manager

HR managers are very important for any organization because they makes polices develop strategies directing and coordinating human resource management. The most important responsibility of HR manager is interviewing and recruiting candidates.

HR manager of MOBILINK should develop its people to work hard for higher standards.

HR manager of MOBILINK have to make recruitments of best talent because humans are the basic tool for having competitive edge in the market for most of the organizations.

They should analyze the performance level of the employees and if they find it below standards so they have to motivate them and give them training of developing their skills to be productive for the MOBILINK organization.

HR manager have to make good relationship with different departments like marketing, operation and finance and make himself aware of new updates to to prevent miscommunication.

P3:- Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource practices?

The Different roles & Responsibility of line manager

Line manager plays an important role in the success of HR manager. Line manager should deliver the task and responsibilities on time to the senior management. Keep informing the management about the progress in the organization. Line manager should defend the company strategy or management strategy when talking to the work group. Clear appropriate picture to the work group to keep them informed of the rules and polices and have to look out the ways to become more efficient. Line manager should set tasks and standards for the employees. Line manager should also have to provide training and development to the employees when needed. Line manager should involve group people in decision making and to understand their needs and to motivate them. Should also provide reasons for decisions and represent the view and ideas of work force to higher authorities. Line manager should maintain the good environment. Line manager have to take the following points in mind in order to make their activities better. 

Line manager should be a positive role model

Line manager should be honest to others and help the employees and give guidance about their job.

Line manager should have to speak against injustice.

Line manager should be self confident.

M1:- Discuss how the concepts of PM and HRM are practiced in an organization?

We have selected MOBILINK as an organization. The HR mission statement of MOBILINK is given as

“To lead the organization in enhancing its human capital and creating a winning environment where everyone enjoys contributing to the best of one’s ability.”

HR Practices and personnel management at Mobilink:

These are few of the HR and personnel management practices that we have learned from our resource person.




Training & Development


Performance Appraisal System 

Occupational Health and Safety measures 

Career Planning and Development 

Research and Development

Reward Management

Employee Relations


Now after the emergence of new telecom companies in the market the market becomes more competitive and employees are less loyal to the company. Whenever they get any better opportunity than the existing one they go for that which is their right. Due to this fact MOBILINK do not have any formal strategy for succession planning. They do consider the people from inside but proper success plan is not practiced in MOBILINK these days.

But now due to market trends they transformed new strategies according to the management that it is not useful to invest in the employee at a larger extent. They do develop their employees for their career planning but no formal success planning is practiced.

Recruitment and Selection:

In MOBILINK the requirement for the new job is communicated by the respective managers to the HR department. After that the HR department looks for the possibilities of internal and external recruitment.

Internal Recruitment:

In MOBILINK internal recruitment is done the higher grades like managers and directors. When there is a vacancy the HR department views the past performance of the employees working at lower levels and chooses the right one to promote him/her to that position. But if there is a vacancy for managerial position and none of the suitable employee is available with in the organization then external recruitment is carried out.


In external recruitment the duty of line manager is to prepare a form for the job about their need in the organization. Then the role profile of that job is dent to functional director by line manager after his approval it is forward to the HR department. HR manager confirms the availability of the budget required and the cost of the advertisement for that job. After than by forecasting budget along with job profile sent to HR director for his final approval.

Line and HR manager again sit together for short listing the people and the following criteria is adopt by them.

Quality of earlier schooling

Extra curricular activities

Marks obtained

Overseas travel


Relevant experience

The HR department then issue letters to the short listed candidates along with blank application forms by time date and venue for the preliminary interview and candidates is asked to bring along completed application forms. A two member panel of HR and line management carries out the interviews managerial functional and supervisory skills. After clearing the preliminary interviews people apply for different jobs are tested in different ways by a panel of cross functional assessors in the case of management selection.

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Resource management

Rational decision making

Communication skills

Creative thinking

Business development


The HR department is responsible for assessments training details o rumination packages and conditions of services. Prepare letter and finalize other documents.

M2: Make an effective judgment about PM and line manager responsibilities in studied organization.

HR helps LINE manager in offering them coaching creating managers role plays for meetings and providing them toolkits to refer them. In MOBILINK Peshawar they do not have formal HR department and final recruitments are done at ISLAMABD head office. They do have informal set up for hiring internees and also perform the responsibilities of HR manager in coordination with other major departments.

In MOBILINK Islamabad head office they have formal HR setups for making decisions for other regions as well.

Strategies are there in MOBILINK for HR manager to provide help to LINE manager in performing their job.

HR manager clarify the standards expectations, performance goals and ask line boss for his feed back regularly.

HR manager of MOBILINK look ways for line manager to get him out of jams and prevent him for making serious errors.

There may be some conflicts between the priorities of HR and of line management, in this situation a manager has to work hard for identifying issues and makes alternative for addressing it.

HR manager when presenting bad news, try to bundle it with good news also but be careful to avoid letting problems drag for extended periods of time waiting on good news to happen.

Line managers and supervisors are responsible for enforcing and promoting the work environment of dignity. They must take every action to prevent the unsuitable behavior. Line managers and HR managers are expected to communicate clearly to their staff members about their policies of harassment, discipline etc.

MOBILINK is considering having the best HR in PAKISTAN and they have retained this edge. According to the judgment the HR department of MOBILINK is achieving their desired results. They have a good relationship with the different departments like finance marketing etc.

D1: Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of HR manager and line manager in the organization as compared to their ideal role.

The HR manager of MOBILINK is performing well against the ideal situation. HR manager is good in communication and makes people understand that what he is saying. Manager also has the knowledge of principles and procedure of recruitment and also effective and efficient in providing the services to customers and personnel. HR manager is a good speaker and also have the ability to recognize what the other person is saying and also have strong working relationship internally and externally. HR manager is pleasant with other employees on the job and displaying a cooperative attitude.

The standard for the ideal manager are


The person that the manager is hiring for the job has to be capable of doing work without the close supervision of the boss.

Communication skills

Confidence and personality plays important role in the abilities of manager to communicate. Manager should be capable of clear communication with their fellow managers, customers and employees.


Manager should be excellent in dealing with clients and customers. Manager should have the skills to make the difficult customer happy. So in that way the organization can hold their customer and business can grow.


Manager should be capable of handling conflict in the organization. Managers need to be calm and able to identify and listening issues discuss it resolve it and followed up. It’s important for a follow up check to ensure there are no further problems.


Manager need to focus on a specific goal and able to assign the tasks to the employees.


Managers responsible for ensuring the tasks assignments and dead line needed to be met and hire appropriate people and handle the situation which tends to be profitable in the end.


A manager should have all the knowledge about the organization so that he/she would be capable of giving answers to their client’s customers and staff members.


Managers should have strong leadership skills. Managers are the leaders in work place. Manager need to be a good speaker and assigning tasks. Manager should also be able of handling group of people and should lead the group or team in the right direction.

D2: Suggest recommendations for realistic improvement against the defined

Human resource is one of the most exciting and challenging departments of the organizations. People are very important in any organization. MOBILINK has a strong HR system and therefore we did not found many drawbacks in their HR practices. There are some but it can be better by little effort.


Following are some recommendations based upon our analysis.

We observed that employees are not aware of their depth policies o the employee are lacking in the knowledge about policies which is the responsibility of HR manager to aware them.

MOBILINK HR should have to monitoring and measuring employee’s performance.

HR lacks in terms of career planning and development, so MOBILINK has to recognize this function in their policy statement.

MOBILINK should have to increase in its recruitment sources so that they will not loose the potential candidates.

HR manager should have to make clear communication with their lower staff which in terms makes the organization beneficial.

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