Human Resources Planning And Development At Ea Commerce Essay

There was no department before 19th century which take care the problem of welfare and emotion and culture and employee care. Evolution of Personnel management started in 19th century which is real very very important at that time because there was a boom in industrialization which leads to increase in franchising and influence of trade unions and harshness of industrial condition called for the better of industrial condition.

Also regarding women because they feel it as worthy if women employee are sick and because of the evolution they become a part of the industries the quality required by these women employee increased so these welfare officer who were women their responsibility also increased that is to recruitment training development.

Personal Management:

What is HRM?

In the any organisation Human Resource Management is a important part which focussed on employment of, administration of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. It is the organizational function that deals with many issues related to people such as reward, hiring, performance management, organization development, protection, wellness, settlement, employee motivation, communication, administration, and guidance. In other and simple words, Human Resource Management) HRM means employing people, enhancing their capacities, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services according to their job and according to their organizational requirement. Further function are explain by this diagram:

The concept of HRM

Concept of HRM is a process of bringing people and organization together so that the goals of each are met. It is part of the management process it concerned with the management of human resources in any organization. We enplane HRM as the art of procuring, developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner.

I found HRM has lot of definitions but there is general agreement that it has a closer fit with business strategy than previous models, specifically personnel management. HRM base on two models one is ‘soft’ or another is ‘hard’ approach, but economic circumstances are more likely to drive the choice than any question of humanitarianism.

” Resource cantered directed mainly at management needs for human resources to be provide and developed. Demand Rather than supply is the focus of the activity. There is grater emphasis on Planning, Monitoring, and control rather than mediation. Problem Solving is under taking with other member of the management on HR issues rather than directly with employees or their representatives .”

Torrington ( 2005 ) IAM ( Human Resource Management & Practice)

If any organisation want to achieve a good position in the market the employer and employee relations plays an important part .The employers should give proper boost to those employees who work hard for the organisation, always appreciate the new ideas of the employee, should take their view into consideration and should always treat each and every employee as a important part of the organisation.

The Main Characteristics of HRM

The HR team is considered to be the think tank of the organisation and the employees as the working body.

The work of the HR team is to employ qualified candidates for the company or any organisation.

HRM is the advanced form of the HR. It is considered as the backbone of any organisation or firm.

To be able to channel the right personnel to the right cause and bring the best out of them

Policies of HRM should be sufficiently comprehensive and set limits and measure for future action

Regular review of personnel policies is important to keep in tune with changing times, and to stay away from organizational complacency or managerial stagnation.

Personnel policies must be realistic and capable of being accomplished

Organization’s HRM strategy should minimize financial risk and maximize return on investment in the organization’s human capital.

HRM is responsible for recruitment, selection, and on boarding of resources.

One of the main characteristic of HRM is organizational design and development, Business transformation and change management, Performance, conduct and behavior management, Industrial and employee relations

Human resources analysis and workforce personnel data management

It is also responsible of compensation, rewards, and benefits management training and development

“For the progress of the company the employees should have good relationships with each other” (Blyton P and Turnbull P, 2004, p. 83).

Organisation work as team & there should be no place for jealousy & complacency.

” Organisational high performance may be assessed by comparing the achievement of several organisations in specific measurable areas, or by assessing the performance of the whole organisation against

pre-determined set of expectations”

(Redman T and Wilkinson A, 2002, p. 81)

Characteristics of HRM

Group level

Group structure

Power & politics


Conflict & conflict resolution

Individual level



Decision making


Organisation system level


Organization design & structure

Behaviour at strategic level

There has been significant debate within the HRM literatures as to particular terms of hard and soft approaches.

Authority In HRM :

” Authority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders”


Authority is a power which refers to the rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect the orders to be obeyed. Authority is a major rule of the early management writers, it is the glue which makes organisation together. It was to be delegated downward to lower-level managers.

Every position of the management has specific inherent rights that incumbents acquire from the position’s rank or title. Authority is a position of authority is vacated, the authority remains with the position. It further divide into three

a. Line Authority

b. Staff Authority

c. Functional Authority

HRM With Line Authority:

Line authority are the manager to direct the work of an employee. The line manager directs order to employees for work and makes assuring the decisions without consulting anyone. Sometimes they used differentiate line managers from staff managers. There is big contribution of Line managers is in the organisation goals and objectives.

The personnel department is the part of the staff itself and perhaps groups of apprentices/trainees that come under the personnel budget but who are assigned to operating departments, a personnel manager has no direct control over staff. The line manager is could be a departmental manager.

A specialist manager or section provides proficiency to the business as a whole and departmental managers. If the personnel person provides the prevailing framework of priorities to the senior managers and line managers regard as important then the relationship many be valued. If personnel practitioners are avoided by line managers become marginalised only being called on when the line manager needs to be rescued because of problems arising with a member of staff.

Responsibilities of A Line Manager In HRM :

Authorized directly to the work of subordinates, The line manager directs order to employees for work and makes assuring the decisions without consulting anyone. Sometimes they used differentiate line managers from staff managers.

Line Managers’ of Human Resource Management some Responsibilities are

1. Placement

2. Orientation

3. Training

4. Improving job performance

5. Gaining creative cooperation

6. Interpreting policies and procedures

7. Controlling labour costs

8. Developing employee abilities

9. Creating and maintaining departmental morale

10. Protecting employees’ health and physical condition

HRM With Staff Authority :

Every Staff managers have their staff authority. Every function of a manager is classified as line or staff which is based on the organization’s objectives. If organizations is larger and complex, line managers find that they do not have the time, expertise, or resources to get their jobs done effectively. Creation of staff function which support them, also give them advice and reduce their burdens.

HRM With Function Authority :

The personnel manager as a coordinator of personnel activities and the manager acts as “the right arm of the top executive.”

Models Of HRM : ( date : 12-6-2010 time: 14-00)

Legge (1995) explains that there is not one language of HRM, but two, “soft” HRM

and “hard” HRM. Consequently downsizing is described as a strategy that

sacrifices a few to save the preponderance and employability disguises a loss of employment safety. Argyris and Kaplan (1994) suggest mixed messages such as this are a dysfunctional defensive routine used to care for from embarrassment and inhibit the discussion of the underlying causes of embarrassment. They also protect individuals from feeling responsible for the consequences. This behaviour reins others, avoids confrontation and maximises safety. However, they also lead to ineffective decision and policy making.

b)Explain the development of HRM, referring to at least two models.

Development Of HRM :

The development of HRM from PERSONAL MANAGEMENT has produced a number of models and theories. Two of the most widely debated models of HRM are the “Hard” and “Soft” forms which are based on contrasting views and ideas of management control strategies and human nature.

Soft HRM

Hard HRM

Employees as a resources

People issues


Integration/ co-operation


Employees as a cost

Market issue





Hard Model:

The HRM is related to the Michigan Business School (Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna, 1984). The Michigan model has a harder and it holding that employees are resources in the same way as any other business resource. People have to be managed in a similar manner to equipment and raw materials. They must be obtained as reasonably as feasible, used cautiously, and developed and oppressed as much as possible.

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The Michigan model like a ‘matching model’ or ‘best-fit’ approach for human resource management. As such, it limits the role of HR to a reactive, organizational function and under-emphasizes the importance of societal and other external factors.

Selection: matching people to jobs

Appraisal of performance

Rewards: the real importance of pay and other forms of compensation in achieving results

Development of skilled individuals

Hard HRM is a useful and helpful, requiring the close combination of an organisation’s HRM policies with its business strategy. Hard approaches have been associated mainly with unitary understandings of organisations, in which managerial prerogative, HRM’ s role in achieving in bottom line success and its awareness to take tough decisions are highlighted. Hard HRM is as calculative and strong minded as any other division of management, communicating through the tough language of business and economics.

Soft Model:

On the other hand soft HRM stresses the active participation of employees, whereby their assurance, flexibility and skills contribute to the attainment of common organisational goals. Employees are seen as competent of development and valuable of trust and collaboration through participation in the management process. Employees are proactive rather than inactive inputs into creative processes, able of improvement, worthy of belief and teamwork which is achieved through participation.

Hard HRM is a practical and influential requiring the close combination of an organisation’s HRM policies with its business strategy, HRM’ s role in achieving in bottom line success and its preparedness to take tough decisions are emphasised.

In Soft HRM stresses is the active participation of employees, whereby their devotion, adaptability and skills contribute to the attainment of common organisational goals. Employees are seen as capable of development and worthy of trust and collaboration through participation in the management process. Organisation management goals, objective, strategies and organisational culture.

Generating a Motivated skilled and harmonious workforce.

Winning individual heart and minds.

the group working skills of the change agent and use of behavioural science, “organisational development” methods

Managing two way communication between management and the workforce to promote commitment and harmony.

the concept and efforts to realise the practice of a ‘learning organisation’.


The Harvard Model :

The Harvard model is strongly subjective by behavioural research and theory and stands in the custom and tradition of human relations’. This is a humanistic and anti authoritarian opinion which holds that employees will only adopt an organisation’s objectives if they wish to. They will not make obvious eager and commitment if they are forced to fulfil. The strategic decisions is a challenged to the top manager there is an emphasis on participation throughout the organisation. This approach based on the evaluation of the log-term profit and costs of the individual, organisation and society.


They dispute that the well-being of employees must be considered individually and specifically from that of the organisation. Employers can be preciously economically, physically or psychologically by HR policies. But the manager have different values and they will be weight those cost is differently according to those values. Some will focus on the organisation at the expenditure of workers whereas others will regard employees as having lawful claims to fair treatment.”


HRM have to be evaluated in terms of their contribution to business goals and organisational survival.”


Consequences on society “‘What are the societal costs of a strike or a lay-off? ‘They point out, that ‘alienated and laid-off workers may develop both psychological and physical health problems that make them burden to community agencies funds by the local, state or federal government.  

Michigan Model:

HRM is related with the Michigan Business School (Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna, 1984). The Michigan model is harder, holding that employees are resources in the same way as any other business resource. People have to be manage in a related way to equipment and raw materials.

The Michigan model like a ‘matching model’ or ‘best-fit’ approach for human resource management. As such, it limits the role of HR to a reactive, organizational function and under-emphasizes the importance of societal and other external factors.

Selection: matching people to jobs

Appraisal of performance

Rewards: the real importance of pay and other forms of compensation in achieving results

Development of skilled individuals

These processes are linked in a human resource cycle.

The matching model has attracted criticism. At a conceptual level, mechanical form of organizational decision-making. In reality, strategies are often determined and operationalzed on a more intuitive, political and subjective level. Certainly, It is also both prescriptive and normative, implying that the fit to business strategy should determine HR strategy.

c) Identify three key HRM activities in your selected organization, and explain how effective HRM contributes to the achievement of the objective.

Three Key HRM Activities In ELECTRONIC ARTS :

Electronic Arts :

Company’s Profile

As in today’s world Electronic Arts, Inc. (EA) is considered among one of the major developer, marketer, publisher and distributor of video games in the international market. It is currently headquartered in Redwood City, California, United States. Back in 1982, Trip Hawkins founded and incorporated the company called Electronic Arts, Inc. (EA).In its initial phase, company laid the basis of early home computer games, EA was the pioneer of home computer games. The company had always been reputed and notable for promoting its game designers and programmers. Originally, EA was a home computing game publisher. By 1980s late era, the company was developing games in-house, and later by early 1990s it started making games/supporting consoles. Later on, by the early 2000s, EA had become one of the world’s largest third-party video game publishers. Currently, EA’s is well known for its most successful products, which are sports games published under its EA Sports label, games based on popular movie licenses such as Harry Potter and games from long-running franchises like Need for HYPERLINK “”Speed, Medal of Honour, The Sims, Battlefield and the later games in the Burnout and Command HYPERLINK “”&HYPERLINK “” Conquer series Command HYPERLINK “”&HYPERLINK “” Conquer series. They are also the distributors of the Rock Band series. It is currently operating under NASDAQ.

Mission Statement

We are an association of electronic artists who share a common goal. We want to fulfil the potential of personal computing

Three Major Activities are :

Three key activities of Human Resources Management in Electronic Art are

1.Human Resource Planning:

Another example of their poor management Planning Of Electronic Art practice is the Magic Carpet 2 which was rushed to completion over the objections of designer Peter Molyneux and it was shipped during the holiday season unfinished with several major bugs. Many fans also became annoyed that their favourite developers were closed down, but some developers, for example the EALA studio, have stated that they try to carry on the legacy of the old studio (Westwood Studios).

Now Electronic Art Specially consider to this HRM Planning and cover it with their own developed three key activities in planning .



Reconciling Demand and Supply.

They also consider on employee

Learning and development plan

Retention plan

Redundancy plan

Redeployment plan


A SRTATEGIC Approach 3rd Addition



2. Recruitment and Selection:

EA also identify that In May 2008, ‘EA Spouse’ blog author Erin Hoffman, speaking to videogame industry, stated that EA had made significant progress, but may now be falling into old patterns again.

Hoffman said that “I think EA is tremendously reformed, having made some real strong efforts to get the right people into their human resources department,”

and I ‘ve been hearing from people who have gotten overtime pay there and I think that makes a great deal of difference. I consider

Attracting and selecting appropriate individuals.

Analysing labour market trends.

Determining the Vacancy

Job Description

Person Specification


A SRTATEGIC Approach 3rd Addition




3. Job Analysis:

EA also analysis the Job Demand and nature of work. Job Analysis According to Price ( 2004 )

” A job analysis gathers and analysis job-related information such as key task to be performed and the key task needed to do them “

For Example EA was also criticized by the labour groups for the dismissal of large groups of its employees during the closure of the studios. Later it was confirmed that it was not confined to one team or another but the teams were targeted. The reason behind this was the under/poor performance of certain games, which acted as a catalyst.

Another thing which is not liked about EA is acquisition of 19.9% shares of its competitor Ubisoft, which is commonly referred as hostile takeover. However, in a statement by Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot later indicated that a merger with EA was a possibility. He stated that

“The first option for us is to manage our own company and grow it. The second option is to work with the movie industry, and the third is to merge,”


Task 2:

A: Describe the functions and role of HR Planning ?

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Human resource planning Role in Electronic Arts:

Introduction Of Human Resource Planning :

It is both a process and a set of plans. It is how organisation assess the future supply of and demand for human resources. The effective HR Planning is exist between supply and demand. It also explain the number of employee which required into the organisation and also required periodic readjustment as labour market condition change.

Human Resources Planning in Electronic Arts:

The planning of HRM in Electronic Arts is Re-Organization and Re-Engineering of the organisation so, In June 2007, the newly appointed CEO announced that EA would reorganize itself into four labels, each with responsibility for its own product development and publishing (the city-state model). The goal of the reorganization was to empower the labels to operate more autonomously, streamline decision-making, increase creativity and quality, and get games into the market faster.

It was said that this new re-structuring will bring teams close to customers and speeds up new products and services to the market. The four labels under which EA will work were: EA Sports, EA Games, EA Casual Entertainment and The Sims.

The new structure was designed to streamline decision making, improve global focus, and speed new ideas to the market.

The four Labels were supported by two newly formed groups: Central Development Services and Global Publishing. Central Development Services, led by Executive Vice President John Schappert, included leadership on technology, operations, EA’s online platform, and the office of the Chief Creative Officer. EA Global Publishing was responsible for strategic planning, field marketing, sales and distribution in Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America.

( Ref. Data Collect from Electronic Art )Organisation information sides.

An assessment of future business needs and deciding on the numbers and types of people required.

Resourcing plans: Are for finding people from within the organisation and/or for training programmes to help people learn new skills. If needs cannot be satisfied from within the organisation, preparing longer-term plans for ensuring that recruitment and selection processes will satisfy them.

Retention strategy Planning : Preparing plans for retaining the people the organisation needs.

Flexibility strategy Planning : Planning for increased flexibility in the use of human resources to enable the organisation to make the best use of people and adapt swiftly to changing circumstances.

Human resource planning also involves a look at the broader issues of resourcing, such as the ways in which people are employed and developed to improve organisational effectiveness.

There are two recognised approaches to human resource planning: the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ approach. The ‘hard’ or ‘rational’ approach is based primarily on numbers; a quantitative analysis designed to ensure that the right number of the right sort of people is available when needed.

The process involves:

1. An evaluation in the organisation or appreciation of existing manpower resources.

2. An estimation of the proportion of currently employed manpower resources which

are likely to be within the organisation by the forecast date.

3. An assessment or forecast of labour requirements for the organisation if the

organisation’s overall objectives are to be achieved by the forecast date.

4. The measures to ensure that the necessary resources are available as and when

required, that is, the manpower plan.

Four Major Activities :

1. Analysing the existing human resources situation

2. Forecasting future demand for people.

3. Assessing the external Labour and forecasting the supply situation

4. Establishing and implementing human re4source plan.

Plans for training, Re development, Promotions and Productivity all indicate the important of getting the right staff in the right job or place as well as in the right Number.

( Ref: Management theory and practice )

By. G. A. Cole , 5th Addition

b. Outlines the key responsibilities of a human resources development specialist.?


In the Electronic Art organisation decide it will not train its own specialist, but by them in form the market place the it has to be reasonably assured of the availability of trained people in the organisation And Current competency models in the field of Human Resources (HR) share common themes. The HR professional to serve as a credible activist. This becomes even more significant to the HR professional who is in an organization that still sees HR as the party planner or the corporate police.

They should be careful with emotions, positive emotions can fuel our success, negative emotions can destroy our credibility. Emotions and logic do not always work together well.

For example, it is human nature is to become self-protective when one feels attacked; however, letting emotion take over for logic in this case increases your risk of saying things that you will later regret. Find a approach that works for you in maintain your emotions in check.  One tactic is to count silently for a few seconds before responding. Regardless, the objective judgment is another essential competency in the HR profession.

They considering Knowledge, Skills, Attitude and also employee self assessment . The Human Resources Development Specialist take action on the basis of their Pleasant experience, Assessments and on the basis of realistic practice .

This process have four major basic activities.

1.Acquiring Human Resources.

2.Rewarding Human Resources.

3.Development Human Resources.

4.Maintaining and protecting Human Resources.

( Human Resources Management )

By. John m. ivancevich

9th Edition

c. Identify and describe three HR planning and Development methods used in



HR planning and development:

Human resource planning: functions and roles are recruitment and selection processes and methods evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment and selection processes, legislation relating to recruitment and selection

HRD definition of human resource development (HRD),it developing effective training methods for people to achieve organisational objectives through training needs analysis, e.g. on-the-job training, off-the-job training, in-house training, management training; internal training courses, secondments, job rotation, open/distance learning, day release, seminars, workshops, evaluating effectiveness of training delivered.

The Human Resources Management (HRM) have lot of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations.

There are a great many new patterns of work evolving; some based on computer

technologies but many simply based on building greater flexibility into traditional types of job.

Performance Based :

Performance based procedure motivate the employee and for e.g. job evaluation, factors determining pay; motivation and job satisfaction, strategies for addressing under-performance e.g. discipline and grievance procedures, ACAS Codes of Practice; measures of staff satisfaction e.g. absenteeism, turnover rates, poor quality work, mechanisms for staff involvement and empowerment, methods of improvement and the other method is.

Selection Strategies :

A) Matching people and jobs

It is rarely feasible to match completely the needs of an individual job with the skills and abilities of the people accessible. wrongly placed of workers are also often miserable and bored, or uneasy about being out of their depth.

There are three strategies for dealing with this problem:

* right person for the right job

* change job rotation makes job characteristics to fit the abilities of the people

employed (‘culture-fit’ model)

* Training and development enhance the employee performance more effectively

B)The right person?

The right person means ‘best practice’ of the HRM managers in the organisation . People are sought with suitable skills and experience to perform the job with training.

This section in Human Resource Management in the any organisation ‘right person’ approach with the other two strategies and develops an argument for using the ‘flexible person’ strategy.

C) Selectors and strategies

The organisation selectors believe that they are using ‘best practice’ to find the person who meets specified criteria. And the person chosen is the one whose face fits. All the selection who fit current culture and practice at the expense of future needs.

d) Evaluates how well these methods contribute to meeting the selected organisation objective?


When ever the organisation Electronic Art Facing Problems their Management is always stand with them and they contribution not only in to achieving their objectives it also help in

Organisation Re-Structuring

Management Practice

Employment Policy

Maintain Quality and Quantity of the product and Develop Trust of employee with the management and with their customers.

This is a business field in which companies have to develop what customers demand, but it was not the case with EA management. The example of this weakness is that when Larry Probst was on the post of CEO, he decided not to release any M-rated game. There was no valid reason behind this it was just his personal opinion because he was the man of principles. They did not check the market, if the public or market demands it or not. So the Electronic Art change their point of view and they decided to take action on the basis of Group decision and Considering on

Resourcing plans.

Retention strategy

Flexibility strategy

Because of this they achieve their targets and goals easily and are more consider on

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Analysing the existing human resources situation.

Forecasting future demand for people.

Assessing the external Labour and forecasting the supply situation.

Establishing and implementing human resource plan.

Electronic Art now on the Top of the list to providing activities and indoor games they contribution of Management help to achieve Electronic Art Clear goals and maintaining management commitment , Structured award system with Regular Publicity with their product and always provide to top management immediate .

Task 3

Describe different methods an organisation can use for monitoring and

managing both goods and unsatisfactory performance ?


Performance Appraisals tools are useful tools not only for evaluating the work of employees but also for developing and motivating employees of Electronic Arts. It also can be a tremendous source of anxiety and frustration for both the Electronic Arts manager and their employee. Electronic Art is a biggest organisation and they use Performance Appraisal procedure because it gives them lots of way to the management specially HR Managers and their performance. The term Performance Appraisal AND Performance Evaluation are used interchangeably throughout the organisation. Electronic Arts always try to examine the role of performance appraisals in human resources management are the relationship between performance appraisal and the strategy of the Electronic Arts.

Performance Appraisal:

Organisation use Performance Appraisal procedure, Performance is monitoring methods for organisation for its divided into three appraisal, appraisal procedures and techniques, enhancement processes, reward management e.g. strategies for addressing under-performance e.g. discipline and grievance procedure, measures of staff satisfaction e.g. absenteeism, turnover rates, poor quality work, mechanisms for staff involvement and empowerment.

Good performance based on :

• Document counselling sessions

• for the Special work observation or notations (both good and bad)

• Maintain personal information on your employee

• Training needs/career development

• Employee always has a legal right to know the current file and have access to the file.

Unsatisfactory performance based on:


-Lack of ability Lack of effort

-Lack of attention Lack of basic knowledge

-Lack of skill Lack of judgment

-Problems not work-related Substance abuse


• Lack of communication on performance expectations

• Lack of performance feedback

• Failure to provide necessary training or instruction

• Failure to provide necessary information

• Failure to provide necessary tools or other resources

• Health condition or physical or mental problem

• Unrealistic performance expectations

• Harassment or otherwise hostile work environment .

Performance Evaluations

As a Human Resource professional, a manager or an employee; chances are you aren’t thrilled with your current performance evaluation process, With Success Factors, the performance evaluation process is streamlined and impactful. It becomes simple for managers to agree upon goals and skills with the employee and then deliver constructive feedback on their progress. With clearly outlined goals, the process benefits BOTH the individual and the organization.

Stumped on where to start on writing a review? Success Factors contains a writing assistant which will helps managers overcome writers block. Plus, with our SMART goal wizard you can be assured goals are achievable and aligned up and down the company. A true means to pay for performance.

Eliminate the headaches from your performance evaluation process today. Discover how to make your company’s employee review process both easier – and more effective – with our complimentary Guide, “The Secret to Effective, No-Hassle Performance Evaluations”.

b) Identify and comment on the effectiveness of human resources performance monitoring measures in place in your selected organisation?


In Electronic Arts Performance monitoring Measuring Procedure is start from Performance Appraisal. This is the way overall measure of organisation effectiveness. Rewards, development and feedback are the objectives of performance appraisal. Human Resources Performance monitoring measures on different system for e.g. Ranking, Grading, Graphic Scales, Critical Incidents, Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales, Behaviour Observation Scales, Essay Description, Management by Objective ( MBO ), Assessment Centres, Workplace Surveillance.

Electronic Arts also review the annually Performance record which defining employee performance levels, Facilitating job performance review discussion, Identifying training and development needs, Identifying low-and high-potential employees and rewarding performance. these point help HR Management to measuring performance and measuring individually employee performance.

Electronic Arts upper management always review their performance discussion.

Electronic Arts managers know knowledge of the employee’s job and performance, the manager’s of Electronic Arts support of the employee and the organisation manager’s always involvement of the employee in the discussion.

There are some other scale to judge the performance of the employee and organisation.

Personal-Based Performance- Based

Initiative Work Quantity

Employee Dependability Sales Volume

Leadership ability Earnings or Profit Generated

Attitude towards safety Costs Incurred

Willingness to do Number Of Clients

Verbal communication skills Numbers Of Rejects.

Enthusiasm for Job Amount of scrap Produced

Ability to work under stress Attendance record. date: 12-06-2010 time 8:00

It is very effectively played in Electronic Arts employee self development and it increase high expectations for each of the associates with respect to quality service, constant self development in essential. In the Electronic Arts HR-Managers decide on the objective for the better performance in the favour of organisation. For the purpose of this Mangers requires frequently Performance Appraisals. Every part of the job in the organisation which is directly related to the feed back in other hand jobs provides no specific feedback regarding performance, Appraisal make it easy .

Development opportunities that can be used as reward for effective performance.

Electronic Arts divided into two on-the job and off-the job.

On-The Job Off- The Job

One-on-one Supervisor Training College Course

Job Rotation Professional Seminars

Computer Assisted Instruction Net Working

Programme Instruction Professional Certificate


Organisation Sponsored Tanning Field Trips

In-Basket Exercises Correspondence Course

Special Project/ Assignments Research / Witting


Reference Materials Review Benchmarking

Mentoring Executive Development

Programmes. date: 12-06-2010 time 8:00

The measurement system in my organization HR’s have positive impact on business performance in The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance.

Electronic Arts HR managers divide their key efficiency metrics into two categories: core and strategic. Core measures is no direct part to the firm’s strategic implementation; strategic measures assess HR deliverables.

c) Make recommendations for improvements to performance monitoring in the selected organisation?


There are some points or recommendation which I consider for my selected organisation Electronic Arts.

First I Consider Performance Evaluation of the Electronic Arts based due to a variety of perceptual errors made by rates. Regardless of the performance creation or the scientific nature of the appraisal method, Perceptual error can occurs, some error included halo effect, stereotype, attributions, regency effect, leniency, strictness, and central tendency.


I try to explain my first recommendation with this example: If an employee is always on time to work, a supervisor might allow this Positive characteristic to influence his or her evaluation of this employee’s performance on other dimensions. Thus, this employee might be judge as a good performer – not because of actual performance, but because of the Halo Effect. So try to avoid this error.

Second is Stereotyping for example: An older worker may be stereotyped as being slower more difficult to train, and unwilling to learn new approaches. Obviously this

Perceptual error could negatively affect the overall performance evaluation. Of course, the older worker being evaluated may not fit this stereotype at all and may be quick to pick up new concept and anxious to participate in view training programs.

Third is Attributions which makes about employee behaviour. In the Electronic Arts making an attributions means to assign causation for another behaviour. For example, If a supervisor attributes an employee’s good performance to external causes, such as luck, holding an easy job, or receiving help from co-workers, than

The performance evaluation will not be positive as if the supervisor had attributed good performance to internal causes, such as effort or ability. Similarly supervisor attributes poor performance to external causes rather than internal causes. The performance evaluate will not be negative. Frequently attribution errors can be avoided by using BARS because this method requires the evaluator to rate the behaviour but not judge it.

Fourth is Regency Effect is also effect on performance appraisal, so I consider this we should be careful about it.

Fifth is Strictness error avoid extra strictness with employee.

Sixth is Central Tendency Errors my suggestion is using Human Resources Comparison performance appraisal method is help to alleviate this error.

Human Resources Management ,

By. William P. Anthony, Pamela Perrewe, K.

Michele Kacmar. 3rd Edition

For improvements to performance monitoring in the Electronic Arts Management also consider these points.

Proper Explain the purpose of the job, job duties, and responsibilities.

Explain the performance goals with measurable outcomes.

Always the priority of each job responsibility and goal.

Explain them performance standards for key components of the job.

Providing the detail summarized and discussed, at least, quarterly. (Provide positive and constructive feedback.)

Keeping the record of performance through critical incident reports.

Provide the opportunity for broader feedback. Performance feedback should be 360 that incorporates feedback from the employee’s peers, customers, and people who may report to him.

Try to provide them administer a coaching and improvement plan if the employee is not meeting expectations.

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